⚔~Knight GODS~⚔

Casual* Xzoduz606


DavidLechuga says... #1

Remove blue color.

Remove enchantments. Knights buff themselves.

Try Hero of Bladehold , Ajani, Caller of the Pride , Elspeth, Knight-Errant , Emeria, The Sky Ruin and maybe Brave the Elements

September 17, 2013 10:30 a.m.

USADarksol says... #2

Remove the blue. Keep most of the spells/enchantments but remove Arrest in favor of Hero of Bladehold then remove Avacyn, Angel of Hope for Elspeth, Knight-Errant , as Avacyn, Angel of Hope has the same effect on your deck as Knight Exemplar does but for 8 mana instead of 3. Plus Elspeth, Knight-Errant and Hero of Bladehold gives you a ton of soldiers to use.

September 17, 2013 10:51 a.m.

Panda213 says... #3

I would remove the Azorius Arrester s and Lyev Skyknight s, if you really want to use the detain ability with this deck I'd suggest martial law but even that isn't too good. Removal like Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile would be more useful. I'd also max out on Knight Exemplar s and Knight of Meadowgrain s. Also, most good Knight decks usually run 3-4 x Student of Warfare , I never thought it was that good of a card until I took my knight vision deck to a tourney and swept every match because of him... Hero of Bladehold is another solid choice. I do like some of the eenchantments you are using but i wouldn't use so many and even still if you cut some out maybe Serra's Sanctum wouldn't be a bad land to add... hope this was helpful in some way :)

September 17, 2013 11:55 a.m.

Trollhoffer says... #4

Student of Warfare is the most reliable knight creature and any knight tribal deck needs a really good reason not to run it. It's a fantastic turn 1 play that can become a 3/3 first-striker on turn 2. Later in the game, excess mana can be used to turn it into a 4/4 double-striker, taking it out of the usual burn range.

Any mono-white or heavily white knight tribal deck wants all four Knight Exemplar in there. Buffs your guys and makes them indestructible. Opponents tend to fret when it comes down and often misplay in a desperate attempt to get it off the board. Even if it doesn't stick around for long, Knight Exemplar will often cost your opponents more resources than you used to put it down initially, except in cases such as Lightning Bolt , Lightning Helix and other power removal. Once you have a second one on the field, they cover one-another and you've got nothing to worry about.

You might want to consider Knight of the White Orchid . It's a solid 2/2 first-striker that can punish opponents for mana ramping or push you up a land when you most need it. It also synergises with Path to Exile ; you can play a Knight of the White Orchid afterwards to get a land onto your board to counteract you providing them with a land.

Speaking of Path to Exile , it hoses anything that doesn't have hexproof, shroud or protection from white -- without exception. In very specific circumstances, you can also use it on your own creatures to find yourself a land.

Brave the Elements protects your guys. It's especially useful when you have only one Knight Exemplar out, as you can thwart a removal attempt. If your opponent decides to hit the Exemplar before blockers are declared, the resolution of Brave the Elements is likely to prevent your attackers from being blocked, too.

Divine Reckoning is a fun choice in knight tribal decks because Knight Exemplar provides it with a loophole. You can also use Brave the Elements in tandem with it to protect your creatures from the wipe if the Exemplar isn't on the field.

It's interesting to see a knight tribal deck based less on aggro and more on control, but I don't personally think this is the way to do it. Blue doesn't have very many powerful knights, but splashing or even moving somewhat heavily into green or red won't go amiss. You can get some great results out of the likes of Knight of the Reliquary , Truefire Paladin and Knotvine Paladin (hint: many knights have vigilance!).

Remember that knight decks inherently come with some board control via their general tendency to have first strike and anthem creatures such as Knight Exemplar and Kinsbaile Cavalier . There aren't many decks out there, even in the top tier, that would be particularly happy to attack into a battleline of untapped knights. By beating down early with the likes of Student of Warfare , you provide threats that aren't easily answered, or if they are, can only be answered in very limited ways.

In short, most effective knight tribal decks, like many aggressive mono-white or nearly-mono-white decks, are essentially beatdown decks with a splash of control. You control your opponent through the combat phase, and if they have you on the run, only then do you deploy your non-combat control methods -- so you can get right back into beating face.

Hope this was helpful. :)

September 17, 2013 1:24 p.m.

Panda213 says... #5

BTW, are the foil Kinsbaile Cavalier s for trade? I can include non foil ones in the deal so you're not losing out on them...

September 17, 2013 3:13 p.m.

Spootyone says... #6

You should change the format of this deck to at least be casual, since so many of the cards in here are not standard legal. Otherwise, people are going to keep mentioning it to you.

September 25, 2013 1:27 a.m.

Nobilior says... #7

September 25, 2013 2:49 a.m.

puxing says... #8

is there a reason you play Transguild Promenade ?

September 25, 2013 3:41 a.m.

Xzoduz606 says... #9

No. i cant find any better lands to add in for Transguild Promenade

September 25, 2013 4:28 a.m.

puxing says... #10

well... you could just use Plains :D

or you could use things like Forbidding Watchtower

September 25, 2013 4:35 a.m.

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