15 June 2013 first test run in a tournament. Ended up 2nd place for a box of Modern Masters, my son was 1st place with his Bant Hex.
Match 1 - Naya Blitz (2-1) won the first game by dropping two Voice of Resurgence's, second game was just a slug fest and I misplayed which lead to the third game. The third game I sideboarded in Druid's Deliverance which pretty much sealed the game when he swung out. Also had a turn 3 Sigarda, Host of Herons which he had no answer too.
Match 2 - Aristocrat (2-0) honestly I have no clue what the guy was trying to do I don't think he knew how to play the deck.
Match 3 - Naya Aggro (2-1) won the first game we both muliganed down to 6. Second game was just I can't cast anything with only 2 land since he was killing everything off. Now the third game was a blast! He was at 16 and I was 14, he played a Hellrider and swung for 4, I didn't block since it didn't kill me and brought me down to 10. I swing out for 8 and he is at 8, I have had two cards in hand both lands, I topped decked Selesnya Charm. I swung out the turn before for 8 and gained 8 back to 10. He had played another Hellrider attacks and says game, I stopped him and said I have a response, there is now a 2/2 knight on board from the Selesnya Charm and block. He scopes!
Match 4 was an ID with my son, so we are both 3-1-0. But we ended up playing each other in the final.
Top 8 was aggro fights the final two, Bant Hex vs Knight's in White Satin... I lost 2 - 1 but was fun fights. Game 1 was all me, T1 Temple Garden
+ Avacyn's Pilgrim, T2 Forest + Voice of Resurgence, T3 Forest + Voice of Resurgence, and T4 Predator Ooze. Was a fun game for me. Game 2 was all him and is Geist of Saint Traft on so was Game 3... LOL