Knights Of The Round Indestructable

Modern GoTeamJosh


cartwheelnurd says... #1

+1 for name and monty python reference

Also Wrath of God ? in a deck with 29 creatures? really?

March 29, 2013 9:04 a.m.

NensouHiebara says... #2

Hero of Bladehold is the superior 4-drop Knight. Run four.

Add two Silverblade Paladin .

Student of Warfare is one of the best 1-drop White creature ever printed. Turn 2 3/3 with first strike and is still relevant late game. Run four.

Oblivion Ring helps out against most decks. Run two.

Add a fourth Path to Exile . It's White's best creature spot removal in Modern. If you ever need more spot removal, try Dismember .

Drop Kinsbaile Cavalier . It's been outclassed.

Drop Kemba's Skyguard . There are better 3-drop Knights to use.

Drop Knight-Captain of Eos . Keep the top of your curve at 4.

Drop Journey to Nowhere . Better removal exists.

Drop Wrath of God . Just because your creature lord makes your army indestructible doesn't mean you can run sweepers in an aggro deck.

Drop Emeria, The Sky Ruin . Way too slow. You'll almost never have it active. If you ever do have it active, the game should already be done.

Don't bother with Skyhunter Patrol . It's heavily outclassed.

March 29, 2013 10:13 a.m.

GoTeamJosh says... #3

I do not have Hero of Bladehold in the deck because I do not currently own any. The removal of Wrath of God and Kinsbaile Cavalier would take away from the thought behind the deck.

March 29, 2013 11:24 a.m.

Slycne says... #4

I'm going to third the suggestion, Wrath of God is only good for you under a extremely specific set of circumstances. Either

A) You have a Knight Exemplar out and are also playing against another creature deck.

B) You playing against another creature deck and somehow have little to no board presence despite nearly 30 creatures mainboard.

In all other cases it's the last cards you ever want to see played against you and you're going to be drawing into it as a 4-of. I would say be happy and bash face with your team of indestructible knights and don't try to get greedy on some extra value. Imagine if say those 4 Wrath of God were 4 Honor of the Pure , that helps you out much more evenly across the matches and in a greater number of circumstances.

I would also suggestion swapping out Emeria, The Sky Ruin for Windbrisk Heights . From my experience, by the time that Emeria, The Sky Ruin even gets online the game has long since been lost for a quick aggro deck and even a constant stream of creatures won't change that outcome. Where as Windbrisk Heights lets you do things like hide a Knight Exemplar and then play it for cheap in response to blocks, or often you can start to bluff out or make your opponent afraid of what's under there.

March 29, 2013 5:42 p.m.

GoTeamJosh says... #5

I wasn't even familiar with Windbrisk Heights until just now. That's a pretty fantastic card.

April 1, 2013 1:49 p.m.

GoTeamJosh says... #6

I was able to pick up 1x Hero of Bladehold last night and I'll probably get another one soon. If I can get my hands on some Windbrisk Heights soon, I'll use those to replace Emeria, The Sky Ruin .

April 5, 2013 2:40 p.m.

MollyMab says... #7

Not sold on plate and spike. They don't really add much and are quite slow.

April 22, 2013 12:21 p.m.

Vileo says... #8

If you want a good utility equipment, play Basilisk Collar . It's cheap, the lifelink is relevant, and the deathtouch in a deck where first strike is commonplace is godly.

April 22, 2013 9:43 p.m.

Pyre2000 says... #9

Gorgon Flail is another good one to throw some deathtouch into the mix

June 6, 2013 11:50 a.m.

MADDGOAT says... #10

I have an Indestructible Knights deck for Modern that might give you some ideas: Knights of the Sky Ruin.

June 8, 2013 3:06 p.m.

Formortiis says... #11

-2 Kinsbaile Cavalier - If you really want more 4 drops, add Elspeth, Knight-Errant or, as NensouHiebara said, 2 more Hero of Bladehold . I will disagree with him and say the Cavalier is not all that bad since, unlike Hero, he CAN provide immediate board impact. Despite that, he's still inferior.

-4 Leonin Skyhunter - Far too bland. You could be running better 2 drops like Knight of Glory or White Knight .

+2 Student of Warfare You need all the 1 drops you can afford to run. As this is the only one the deck can afford to run, you need to run as many as possible which means running 4.

-2 Brave the Elements - One shot save spells are far too narrow to run in aggro unless you happen to be Infect and need something that can save your attacker who will win you the game on turn 3.

+1 Path to Exile - This is the single best spot removal spell in Modern. Being mono white, there is no excuse to avoid running 4 of them.

-4 Wrath of God - Your Knight Exemplar s will not live long enough a vast majority of the time for this to net you any substantial gain. As an aggro deck, it'll only hinder you.

June 19, 2013 9:21 p.m.

GoTeamJosh says... #12

With all of my playtests, Kinsbaile Cavalier has won way too many games to completely remove him from the deck. I have dropped it down to 2 though. I'm currently sitting at 3x Student of Warfare because that's what I currently own. I also added Elspeth, Knight-Errant because I honestly forgot that I owned one until yesterday. For now, I'm keeping 2x Leonin Skyhunter because a 2 drop 2/2 flyer that fits the Knight theme isn't bad at all. Plus, it's the only flying protection that's in the deck.

With all that being said, I've moved Wrath of God and a few others to the sideboard. Any sideboard suggestions?

June 20, 2013 8:59 a.m.

DaShPrime says... #13

You might want to consider Knight of the White Orchid , helps you to recover even if you're behind on tempo. Windbrisk Heights is almost definitely a must-have if you can get them, it's awesome.

You have to decide if you want to go deep or go wide. Knight of Glory and Silverblade Paladin will be good if you intend to go deep, Hero of Bladehold and Honor of the Pure if you intend to go wide. Unfortunately there aren't many Knight token generators, so you might want to consider going deep and using things like Rogue's Passage to ensure your 12/12 Double Strike Indestructible Knight goes through and not get blocked by a 1/1 Spirit.

As a fancy play, consider War Falcon as a one-drop if you want to lower your mana curve, though I don't think it's necessary

June 20, 2013 9:15 a.m.

GoTeamJosh says... #14

DaShPrime - Very true. The deck is mono white, but there are still times when I could have mana issues. I'll find a way to make room for Knight of the White Orchid . Also, thanks for the Rogue's Passage reminder! I actually ordered 4 of them a few months ago and MEANT to toss them into the deck for that purpose, but I completely forgot about it.

June 20, 2013 10:36 a.m.

Panda213 says... #15

Why all of the hate for Kinsbaile Cavalier ? I have a Knight deck, knight vision, and he is a win con... IMO, I say drop the silverblades and fill those spots up with the kinsbaile. Why pay 3 to target one Knight when for just 1 more anything you drop has double strike? And keep the skygaurds for just the reason you used to defend keeping him earlier, he fits the theme too good not to have him and the other two drops that were suggested are good cards but fit better in your sideboard :)

June 20, 2013 11:48 a.m.

GoTeamJosh says... #16

Panda213 - It's nice to see some Kinsbaile Cavalier love. Haha.

June 20, 2013 12:49 p.m.

Formortiis says... #17

It's pretty much as Josh said: He's a win con and does have an immediate board impact that Hero lacks which makes running at least a couple justifiable, but overall he's still inferior to the Hero.

June 20, 2013 12:50 p.m.

GoTeamJosh says... #18

From a male perspective, Hero of Bladehold has nicer tits than Kinsbaile Cavalier . So, you know...that counts for something.

June 20, 2013 12:52 p.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #19

Figure of Destiny is definitely worth considering, not a knight, but presents a viable theat on the table. while something like AEther Vial would wreck the face of any opponent running countermagic and sorcery-speed removal

I'd probably swap numbers between Sigiled Paladin and Leonin Skyhunter . I like the paladin a lot but i think evasion is more important for this deck to be able to punch through while i was wondering if Knight of Glory was a consideration for the deck...

June 20, 2013 1:20 p.m.

ScionLocke says... #20

why not take out Silverblade Paladin entirely and put in two more Kinsbaile Cavalier ? It cost 1 more mana, but i think it accomplishes the job much better.

June 20, 2013 1:47 p.m.

ScionLocke says... #21

also, Emeria, The Sky Ruin is a late game life saver. key creatures like your Kinsbaile Cavalier and Knight Exemplar have already been targeted for removal and this can come in real handy.

June 20, 2013 1:51 p.m.

GoTeamJosh says... #22

Emeria, The Sky Ruin was originally in the build but a lot of people said it would be entirely too late game, especially for use in a Modern tournament, so I took it out. I will agree though that Silverblade Paladin could potentially be dropped from the deck. Knight Exemplar or Mirran Crusader would be preferred drops for turn 3.

gheridarigaaz - I like the AEther Vial idea, so I may run a test with that. I actually just pulled one in a Modern Masters booster the other day!

June 20, 2013 2:21 p.m.

Panda213 says... #23

Just from playing a Knight deck simular to this I can tell you that Sun Titan is more effective than Emeria, The Sky Ruin . Its just that more times than not those 7 plains take too long while the Titan comes out a turn before and can return more than just creatures :)

June 20, 2013 3:28 p.m.

GoTeamJosh says... #24

Panda213 - That's very true. I'd like to test it with and without the Titan. I'm just not sure what to remove to make room for Sun Titan .

June 20, 2013 3:39 p.m.

GoTeamJosh says... #25

Also, any thoughts on also making room for Ajani, Caller of the Pride ?

June 20, 2013 3:46 p.m.

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