Kolaghan Dash Warriors

Standard* rpmrn100


zyphermage says... #1

Instead of Lightning Shrieker you should just use Stormbreath Dragon.

February 18, 2015 10:52 a.m.

rpmrn100 says... #2

I would love to have a set of Stormbreath Dragon but they are costing $50,00 in my city's stores. I don't have this kind of budget.

February 18, 2015 11 a.m.

zyphermage says... #3

I got mine when it cost about $30, now they are half that so it is pretty good time to get them. Cheaper than they were and still in rotation. Maybe you can trade for them.

February 18, 2015 11:02 a.m.

rpmrn100 says... #4

I'll see if I can find something to trade around here. Just so you know US$30 would be around $90 in my country... So a Stormbreath Dragon set is really expensive. Now it would cost close to $200.

Other than that. Is there anything that could improve?I have some cards on the maybe board that could form a sideboard.

This deck seems solid, but I'm new in building red aggro decks, so I don't really know.

February 18, 2015 11:13 a.m.

zyphermage says... #5

Well 30 is what I said it was when I got mine, it is about half that now. I play jeskai and I use just a couple, and I also have Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker.

February 18, 2015 11:56 a.m.

Olsen says... #6

Can you swap out the Lightning Shrieker with Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker? Sarkhan has the added benefit of creature removal. Also noticed your mana count is a little low, for my tastes at least. The magic number is/are 24 to 25 lands. Also you may want to drop the Bloodfell Caves and add Bloodstained Mire. While gaining a life is cool, getting land out sooner is better. It gives you more speed. I would swap out Lightning Strike, I think, for Crackling Doom. Lightning does no good against creatures with indestructible (Ex. Stormbreath Dragon). Crackling doom forces opponent to sacrifice these creatures though. I would have to play this deck out to get a feel for it. Have you played it against an array of decks?

February 18, 2015 7:48 p.m.

rpmrn100 says... #7

I'm looking for a Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker to replace. And sadly Bloodstained Mire is way too expensive: $45 each in my region.

Now that you explained this way, I'll change the Lightning Strike.

I'm still getting all the cards to play this deck, so I still didn't get the chance to test it in real life.

February 18, 2015 10:03 p.m.

I've been fooling around with a Dash deck as well. I really don't know anything about playing in Standard, so my deck is Modern-legal, and probably not competitive in the format, but it may give you an idea. My deck:

Is Dash Useless? Playtest

Modern* formayor


March 18, 2015 1:13 p.m.

peetagore says... #9

Nice deck I am trying to run a similar one with only 2 colors what do you think about it?

dash deck warrior black/red

March 31, 2015 2:54 p.m.

Carson12rocks says... #10

Deck looks really good, I would suggest that you use more playsets.Can you check out my deck, I'm having a hard time getting reviews

RG Aggresive (post rotation) Playtest

Standard Carson12rocks


April 1, 2015 7:31 p.m.

Devilyouknow says... #11

I have a similar deck to this.. Mine is more so towards just the massive burst of damage between Impact Tremors and Purphoros with Hordeling Outburst and Dragon Fodder and Secure the Waste.


Enjoy. I've play tested against my warrior deck and It's a 50/50 so far.. Depending on opening draw. Dash Explode is fun. Secure the Wastes for 5 and then blowing up your opponent for 20 damage directly :)

April 20, 2015 6:47 p.m.

rpmrn100 says... #12

I like the idea of using token creators in this deck, but that would mean to remove my burn spells.

I don't know what would be a better option. The only token source I have is Mardu Ascendancy, that have a lot of sinergy with Ambuscade Shaman and creates blockers.

April 22, 2015 11:42 a.m.

miesbryan141 says... #13

Personally, I think your deck would be more effective if you were to remove white from your deck. your white mana base seems too inconsistent. Having red, black and white mana is necessary to play Butcher of the Horde, Crackling Doom, and Mardu Ascendancy. to replace them, I would add 2 Mardu Shadowspears and 4 Roast.

April 26, 2015 1:06 a.m.

rpmrn100 says... #14

While I agree that the white does make the deck inconsistent sometimes, I can't see how your suggestions would make it more efficient.

Could you explain a little more why you chose those cards?

Mardu Ascendancy generates goblins with haste, Crackling Doom kills even indestructible creatures and Butcher of the Horde is a flying threat and a powerhouse.

I too am thinking about removing white, but I'm considering to put 2 Thunderbreak Regent, 2 Foul-Tongue Invocation and probably 2 more Lightning Strike. This way I still have a response in the air and to indestructible creatures.

I just didn't do those changes because a Thunderbreak Regent here is costing $50,00 each.

April 27, 2015 9:07 a.m.

miesbryan141 says... #15

Mardu Shadowspear is a turn 2 threat which deals 2 dammage, and on turn 3, even if it is blocked, it will deal 1 damage. its 1-drop nature allows it to be an alternate opener, when you only have black mana in your hand. It is also a warrior, so Blood-Chin Rager will make it an unblockable creature which deals 2 damage each turn early game.

Roast may not be the card for you. It works well as a mid game removal spell as it can take out most threats, and is a 2-drop. Lightning Strike may be better suited to your play group or play style.

April 28, 2015 1:23 p.m.

rpmrn100 says... #16

I think Roast is a great card but, by not being able to target flying creatures or players, in a standard full of dragons, it is better suited for the sideboard. I'll put 2 there.

I really like your reasoning about Mardu Shadowspear. But to be a effective alternate opener I would need to put 4 of. I'm thinking how I would be able to do that without having too many creatures in the deck.

April 28, 2015 5:07 p.m.

Josnavarretec says... #17

Nice Deck any suggestion for mana problem?, its viable to put 2 more mardu ascendacy for 2 lighting berserker

pd:sorry my inglish its not good ;)

May 18, 2015 4:59 p.m.

rushblitz says... #18

A warrior party and zurgo wasn't invited. Zurgo Helmsmasher could be a budget consideration for the sarkhan slot. He's a warrior with haste, but dies to Bile Blight which is common removal. Still 7 power and gets some evasion from Blood-Chin Rager.

I don't think Zurgo Bellstriker is better than Lightning Berserker. Fire breathing and cheaper dash is better than a 2/2.

May 19, 2015 9:56 a.m.

rpmrn100 says... #19

Zurgo Helmsmasher isn't a very good combination because he needs to be blocked to get bigger and survive things like Bile Blight.

For 5 mana, that's just too risky.

June 23, 2015 10:12 a.m.

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