Finally gathered the pieces and had a chance to play it. Generally, not a lot good to say. Seven matches, I won two, and one of those was due to my opponent dropping. (He would have destroyed me if he hadn't.) I think I'll need to either retire or seriously rework this deck and possibly my own skills before I try using it in any more competitive environments.
My notes from said tournament:
Round One: stomped into the ground by Gruul aggro. With proper mana acceleration, he was able to put out too many big creatures too early. My only one-card answer for creatures with 4 or more toughness is Turn/Burn, and even if I'd had the mana to use it, he still had plenty of smaller creatures to fall back on.
Round Two: stomped into the ground by RDW. Seeing a pattern? I just could not produce answers to all those creatures. Boros Reckoner in particular was a pain to deal with. (DON'T FORGET THIS: His damage reflection ability can target CREATURES as well as PLAYERS. This cost me a Frostburn Weird or two.)
Round Three: stomped into the ground by Orzhov control. Not aggro this time, but the pattern persists. Once more, I was unable to deal with a creature with more than 3 toughness, and once again, I lost as a result. Desecration Demon this time.
Round Four: 2-0 against Dimir control/mill. Getting around Balustrade Spy was the most daunting task all match. I have a feeling my opponent was in a similar boat as me: thought their deck was hot stuff, good enough to go positive at least, but learned otherwise the hard way.
Round Five: won against mono-blue devotion. However, this was due to the opponent disconnecting. I lost the first game due to being purely overwhelmed. The second game was not looking particularly more promising. I seem unable to deal with a sudden influx of little creatures.
Round Six: stomped into the ground by Selesnya aggro. I wonder what could have beaten me. Was it the large number of creatures? Was it the multiple large creatures? Gee, I wonder.
Round Seven: stomped into the ground by mono-black. Suffered the same sort of problems I typically do against mono-black in any format, that is, discarding and/or sacrificing every turn whether I like it or not. Actually not as bad as it is in pauper, but I was still trumped by the inability to deal with a lack of options.