@xephslayer: I'm iffy on the Cyclops in this build. When I'm ready to attack, he's only useful if I have a spell to cast first...which I may not always have. Add in that he's just not as easy to cast, versus the Weird's ability to go 4/1 at the cost of only mana I'm very liable to have...I can see arguments for either side, though. I'll definitely have to consider it.
October 10, 2013 7:55 a.m.
thelittleone says... #3
I'm running a similar deck right now.
Here's some food for thought.
I agree with your choice to keep Nivix Cyclops but I don't agree with your choice to not add Frostburn Weird . As for as your concerns about mana conflicting with casting spells and using Niv-Mizzet's ability, Frostburn Weird 's ability will mostly be used early game. He is a stronger blocker than Omenspeaker and more versatile, I would seriously consider replacing Omenspeaker with Frostburn Weird . You have to decide if you think Scry 2 is better than Frostburn Weird 's ability.
Have you thought about Turn and Burn? I recently added this to my deck and it has saved my life more times than I can count. If I had to choose what cards to take out for Turn and Burn, I would probably look at removing 1-2x of Steam Augury and Wild Guess and possibly 1x Counterflux to make room for it.
Another creature I would suggest, just to think about, is Chandra's Phoenix . You're relying on Spellheart Chimera and Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius solely for damage right now, besides your burn spells. That's 6 cards. During playtesting, I have gone countless games without even seeing Spellheart Chimera . You could use Nivix Cyclops for damage, but Chandra's Phoenix has flying and a neat ability to get it out of the graveyard. Use it to deal 2 damage every turn to your opponent as long as they don't have flying, or use it to block some baddies and then get it back when you burn your opponent with that Magma Jet or Lightning Strike etc.
Hope those suggestions helped. Good luck!
October 15, 2013 3:26 p.m.
fidelacchius117 says... #4
I put this deck together a week or so ago. This is more polished than mine but i think it will still have the same weakness. You are going to have a hard time killing anything above 4 toughness. I got stomped by black/white and black/green mid-range.
October 15, 2013 4:07 p.m.
Seems really interesting!
Using Spellheart Chimera for an Izzet control deck is a good call.Maybe Wild Guess is Irelevant, running more removals could be a good call.
I have nothing to say about your deck. Maybe all you need is some small adjustments and it's gonna be good to go.
October 15, 2013 6:12 p.m.
Nice, very similar to my
+1 for U/R
October 15, 2013 6:13 p.m.
Julianimator says... #7
Perhaps Chandra, Pyromaster instead of Ral Zarek Shared similar mana and loyalty but with her 1st ability and second which are crucial in my opinion :) +1 from me. Go izzet!
xephslayer says... #1
wouldn't Nivix Cyclops be better than frostburn wierd?
October 10, 2013 7:37 a.m.