
Deck is heavily oriented between the interaction between Squee the immortal and food chain Most cards in the deck offer many paths of gaining access to those cards while maintaining a deck with little to no dead cards.

Some of the key interactions are

demonic consultation , plunge into darkness,tainted pact, necropotence and ad nauseum in many cases these cards allow you to surf your deck ideally exileing squee on your way to food chain allowing you to setup the combo

How to win? While looping squee with food chain you are able to generate infinite mana of any color to be used on creatures this allows you to take advantage of korvolds etb , after you have generated infinite mana you then replay squee from your graveyard or exile and exile korvold to food chain then cast korvold from your command zone sacrificng squee giving you a draw trigger and a death trigger you then stuff the deck to ideally hit walking balista or if you have enough cards left in deck , blood artist, zulaport cut throat, purphorous and walking balista , if these are all exiled you can use your riftsweeper to get one back in your deck and if you lose control of your commander and are unable to draw you can use the genesis hydra to find a win condition without decking your self and win with squee and food chain alone ,

On top of the combo aspect the deck offers a very diverse Jund mid range package allowing you to remove most threats, tutor efficiently and reuse cards easily , if you are at a last resort korvold can be used as a beat stick and can usually close a game out in 3 turns if not dealt with

Thanks for reading


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 1 Mythic Rares

48 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 99
Avg. CMC 1.76
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