

Dragons sure love their treasures!

Dragons, Treasures, Burn, and Card Draw.

Do I need to say more to convince you to play this?

I don't think so ;)

Deck updates


Can you believe they finally did it? They banned Dockside Extortionist.

It is finally time to replace him with a somewhat similar, but more expensive in mana, and dragonic card, the awesome Cavern-Hoard Dragon.

Bontu was there to allow more draw by sacrificing treasures or as a recursion target by sacrificing it to Korvold.

Now with Bonehoard Dracosaur, I can do the same thing minus the recursion, but it gives me fodder as either Treasures or Dinosaurs.

And it's a Dragon!

I always had a hard time with Mahadi, it seems great, but usually, it doesn't generate the quantity of treasures I expected from it and most often even none.

In its place, the RMS Titanic can and will create a shit load of treasure easily and will sacrifice itself to give me an extra draw with Korvold.

Kalain was giving me a single treasure and pumping other creatures.

But A) I don't care about the buff anymore, B) one treasure is too few by today's standards.

Instead, the Plunderer can give one each turn, which is great for its cheap cost!

Fable is still one hell of a card, but the Reaver Cleaver is such a big output of treasure, I can't pass it.

It is kind of a Old Gnawbone on an equipment card, and it gives Trample, which can be a finisher on Korvold himself.

I can't believe I'm actually removing the card that made me want to put this deck together in the first place.

But I want something cheaper and the OG just have a too big target on its back, I hope the baby version doesn't have the same issue in the end. I also prefer that it can burn all my opponents, not just one at a time.

The moment I saw this card I knew it was going to go into the deck. This card is cracked with treasures, and also whenever I sacrifice an artifact with Korvold! It's like a Goldspan Dragon but on steroids.

I just want to try the Bootleggers' Stash to see what I can do with it.

I like that it can help trigger all my artifact pingers, as well as basically double my mana with cards like Crime Novelist and Goldspan Dragon, as well as being tutorable with Magda!

The Slow Fetch didn't gain this nickname for anything. They are really slow and with the speed of the format going faster and faster I've just replaced them with better fetch and land that can sacrifice themselves.


Literally the same card, but at Instant speed.

Captain Lannery Storm is probably one of the last OG Treasure cards from this list and sadly it will be replaced by Gloin, Dwarf Emissary because both do a similar role, but Gloin doesn't have to be put in danger to generate me a Treasure. On top of that, goading a threat is really good and really fun and he does so by sacrificing a Treasure which is even more synergy with Korvold.

Aetherworks Marvel is a really cool card, but There and Back Again is an even cooler card that synergizes so well with the theme of this deck that I needed to find something to cut for it. I might regret this choice, but I can't resist a dragon hoard card as good and as thematic as this.

Agent of the Iron Throne is an incredibly powerful card in this deck, but it does require the commander to stick to the board, otherwise, it is just a dead card. Meanwhile, Mirkwood Bats just does double the work by triggering on creation AND on death without needing Korvold on the battlefield. It is just a straight-up better card in my opinion.

Basically the same card, but on top of that I can get one more land if Korvold or any other of my Dragon is on the field.

Just a land that can create Treasures if the game goes longer, it seems like an easy include.

Prizefight can be pretty useful in the right condition as a removal spell, but Spiteful Banditry can be a pretty good Treasure producer on top of a probably a boardwipe or just a not too bad mass removal piece, so I'm down to do this swap as it just seems overall to be an upside even though we lose an Instant speed interaction piece.

Hoarding Ogre can, if I'm lucky, give me more Treasures per attack, but it can also die really easily. As Decadent Dragon can give me at least one Treasure each turn without too much difficulty and can even allow me to steal some of my opponents' cards. And it is a Dragon!

I am not sure about this swap, but I want to try it. Victimize is a great double reanimator piece, but you need a creature to sacrifice to bring back two others. It does synergize well with Korvold, but I most often have more Treasures on the board than creatures making this new card Lich-Knights' Conquest seem really good in comparison, allowing me to sacrifice any number of Treasures to bring back that many creatures even if it cost two more and top of that they don't come back tapped.


I do love Feldon very much in that deck. What I don't like is summoning sickness. Sometimes you desperately need to reanimate something right here, right now and I can't do it the same turn I play Feldon. On the other hand, this brand new card from ONE synergizes with my Treasure leaving the battlefield and allows me to reanimate the turn it comes onto play without having to sac the creature at the end of the turn. On one hand, it is one less card draw from Korvold, but on the other, it is really a cheap cost to reanimate a new thing each turn. I will try it in the deck and see how it goes, if I don't like it I'll put back Feldon and if I really like it and miss Feldon too much, I'll find a way to bring him back anyway.

The card was not bad, but it was not excellent either. After playing with it I think I'll prefer switching it for a Rose Room Treasurer and see how it performs. Both abilities are really powerful with my deck so I think I made a good decision here.

I play with different playgroups and when I play with some people who like more cutthroat games I'll remove Opportunistic Dragon to swap in Ugin's Nexus instead. Otherwise, I'll do the opposite if I play with my casual friends because the deck is already strong and doesn't need Extra Turns, but does love more smacking face Dragons!

I finally was able to put my hand on an Old Gnawbone, but my god was it hard to choose what to cut from this deck for this. I ultimately went with Brass's Bountyfoil even if I adore that art, it is gorgeous and one of the reasons I made this deck. What made me choose it is when you look at it the two cards really do serve a similar purpose, creating a lot of Treasure at once, but Old Gnawbone can do it each turn, I can reanimate it and even tutor it with Magda. It really does a lot more than just a single boost of Treasure. Maybe one day Brass Bounty will be back, I hope so.


You might think I'm some kind of crazy person to remove Parallel Lives from this deck, but actually, I just want to have fun with this deck again. I want it to be fairer, I want it to be riskier, I want to feel something again when I'm playing it. This is what this new card allows me to achieve. Aetherworks Marvel is awesome. After sacking 6 treasures (or losing other permanents another way, not hard in a game of Commander or when your general name is Korvold) you get a free surprise card from your six first. I like the randomness, I like the pleasure it can give me from playing it as well as from the suspense it will create at the table when it is activated. I cannot recommend it more.

Don't get me wrong, Anger is an extremely powerful card, but so often I restrain myself from attacking with Korvold because I don't want to kill my opponents with Commander Damage. I want to do it with my Treasures or the value my Treasures give me. Anger then doesn't work with this strategy as it incentivizes me to attack with my Korvold as soon as possible and I want to remove this temptation from me. Instead, I was going to put Rose Room Treasurer in its place. As a Treasure enabler and a burn spell, it is a pretty good card, but a new card caught my eye in BRO, Sarinth Steelseeker. Even if BRO doesn't have any Treasure card in it (thank god), this card synergizes god damn well with them. It gives me the ability to remove lands from the top of my library (by giving them to me, mind you, that's fantastic), or basically allow me to Surveil-ish by making me choose to put undesirable cards in my graveyard and leave a good one at the top. I also have some reanimators effect in this deck, so I am definitely not against putting some specific creatures in my graveyard if you know what I mean.


I was wondering if I should add a third similar effect or if two were enough. I think two is enough, so I'll remove this one to have two versions at Instant speed instead.

I'm sad to see Fathom Fleet Swordjack go. I've tried to make this card work so many times but it never seems to be enough. Instead, I'll replace it with a pseudo-removal spell that can also give me some benefits and on top of that a Treasure.

I never thought I would one day remove Revel in Riches from this deck. It looks like a perfect fit for my deck, but the issue is that winning with the effect is lame and playing this card just makes you an even bigger threat than the deck already is. I prefer arising fewer eyebrows from my opponents and still getting treasures and value than getting none and dying. Sometimes Revel in Riches even was a dead card in my hand because I was too afraid to play it and die right after from the threat it is. I think I made a good choice here and Cascade is one of my favorite mechanics so I can't wait to play with it.

Even if this card is from AFR I've waited a long time before including it in this deck. I think it is the right time now. I feel like this deck really needs some Life Gain to survive until the end and this card can provide it really well and even become a powerhouse with Chatterfang, Squirrel General or Stimulus Package on the board. On top of that, it is a little bit of ramp on turn 2 which is something the deck was lacking.

I love Ugin's Nexus in this deck, but my playgroup doesn't so I think I will swap it for now for something more flavorful, treasury and dragony.

Treasure Chest, this card sadly never works. The flavor is there, but it cost SO MUCH to play and activate for so little value... I'm sad, but I might bring it back one day. Instead, I'll replace it with a better card that is still very much flavorful for the deck in terms of Treasures and Dragons.

I love Loki... I mean Fain, the Broker, but it is too slow for this deck now. The number of cards that create treasures has skyrocketed and now Loki, I mean Fain, the Broker can't keep up with them. It had some synergy with Korvold, but one treasure or token a turn while doing nothing the turn it comes down really hurt this deck that already has a big target on its back. Instead, I'll be an even bigger threat with this new Dragon that creates a Treasure and give my whole team Double Strike each turn from nowhere!

I know Mayhem Devil can trigger on anything any player sacrifices and can even be a removal tool, but I find it annoying to track each time a player does something. Instead, I'll embrace even more my Artifactocrat playstyle with this new card that can ping each player instead of one target at a time each time a Treasure goes bye-bye.

Basically the same card, but the new one can create a Treasure on arrival and on departure which is a really good improvement.

Swapped one removal spell that creates Treasure for another one. The new one is more reliable and can be cast at instant speed instead of sorcery speed, unreliable, and only a Goad effect (aka not a real removal spell). On top of that, the new one synergizes really well with my commander which can become immense.

I had great faith in Keskit, the Flesh Sculptor, but alas he never delivered. Too slow or never enough targets, I think this card could shine in another deck. Instead, I'll add another burn card to help improve the Artifactocrat strategy and the win condition altogether.

With the constant acceleration of the Commander format, I found myself hating more and more the card Treasure Map  . A card that originally I couldn't wait to include in this deck has become irrelevant compared to the influx of new Treasure cards. Instead, I'll try something new that could give me a better Treasure creation rate for the mana cost and which synergy even more with the goal and playstyle of the deck.

I'm sad to see the beautiful Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge go. It was a perfect flavor fit for the deck, but sadly it never seems to work with the deck. I could barely make any Treasure with it and most often than not, he could never attack. When Mahadi, Emporium Master *f-etch* was spoiled I knew immediately that it was the end for our Dragon friend. May he find a place in a new deck.

Fixing Baby!

Same mana cost, similar effect, but a lot more is going on with Seize the Spotlight. I can create more Treasures, draw more cards or steal some creatures to use and possibly sacrifice one of them to Korvold. All in all, it is a good improvement compared to the one removed.


I had Artifact Mutation in this deck since its first version and do you know how many times I've cast it? Zero. Not that I didn't draw into it, just that it was never really reliable as a removal spell. I wanted to use it as both a removal option and a fodder generator for Korvold but it was never useful for that either. I have multiple ways to create Treasures that are instead the real fodder that I use for this deck and also because I have better removal options. In the end, that is why I removed it in favor of Atsushi, the Blazing Sky which fit this deck theme of Dragon and Treasures perfectly.

Ruthless Knave was useful a bunch of times during my many games with this deck, but Ruthless Technomancer is clearly a better option for it has it can create A LOT of Treasures on ETB (which mean that with the next card below it is really good too) when sacrificing a creature (Korvold favorite word) and use those Treasures to even reanimate a creature! Also, I have fewer and fewer disposable creatures in this deck to sac with Ruthless Knave, so with each update, he became worse to have in this deck.

But I think one of the best plays I can do with this new card in this deck is:

And all of that can be done at Instant speed against a removal spell!

Ok Tavern Scoundrel was more of an experiment than anything else in this deck and... it works... 50% of the time. It's ok, it's not that bad, but we can do better.

And by better I mean WAY better. I have slept on that card during preview season and you probably did too, but Fable of the Mirror-Breaker   / Reflection of Kiki-Jiki   is blowing my mind right now in this deck.

It can:

  • Create a token who can create Treasure à la Captain Lannery Storm

  • Draw you cards

  • Be a creature that can clone any of your non-legendary creatures, but which gets sac at the end of the turn and therefore triggers Korvold!

And if you still doubt this card let me ask you this question: Who would like to have a copy of Dockside Extortionist each turn? Me, please!


Wow this card is a BOMB. I don't know how it got past me during Commander Legends previews, but this is strictly better than Disciple of the Vault.

Yes, Disciple of the Vault can trigger for each Artifact even those of the opponents, but only targets one opponent at a time. Nadier's Nightblade can do dammage only with our Treasures (or other tokens), but to EACH opponent which is a really big difference and on top of that, it can gain me life, which is something I've recently noticed that this deck needs a little bit of to stay alive until the end.

I'm sad to see Treacherous Blessing go, I really liked that card and the play patern of playing it and then casting Korvold or attacking with Korvold to sac it, it was like a cool little synergy, but you know... now there is Prosper, Tome-Boundfoil.

Ok, I'm sorry everyone to have said that Prosper, Tome-Boundfoil was just correct and that he wouldn't fit in this deck. I was wrong, terribly wrong. After testing it a bunch in other decks I've found that he is just insane and most of the time you will exile Lands with it, which means that it is basically a Landfall - Create a Treasure ability which is more than powerful. Even without support, he is by himself a great support piece for this deck.

A land that can create Treasure is ridiculously powerful. I really needed to add it to the deck and I didn't want to remove a color land so Myriad Landscape had to go.



Treasures Set Review

At first, I was really not vibing with this set when they announced it back in 2023.

But as we got closer and as I saw that it was inspired by one of my favorite board games of all time (Betrayal at the House on the Hill), I was so damn excited for this set.

The story was also excellent and the spooky season that is at our door really makes the set shine.

This set is weirdly my happy place right now and I love it.

Piggy Bank

Interest level: 4/10

I don't hate it.

Actually, I want to eat it.

Gold bacon seems like a solid meal for Korvold.

I'm always down for cards like that, they are great early play to block, and if they survive up to Korvold arrival they will serve as a happy meal to him with a nice payoff. Otherwise the treasure they leave behind will be.

This set is so freaking cute.

I don't know whose idea it was, but it was a slam dunk good one!

It seems my, and Korvold, love for treasures is in pair with Racoons' love for trash.

The trash panda with elegant little hands of the world seems to have some affinity with the hoarding dragons of the multiverse.

I'll allow it, it fits in a weird and cute way.

Alchemist's Talent

Interest level: 9/10


Makes treasures, buff their abilities (which is already busted), and burn all of my opponents!

What's not to love in that card and this very cute art? It does everything (except dragons) that I want to do with this deck anyway!

I love it and I'm so happy to see the word "tapped" followed by treasures more and more these days.

Prosperous Bandit

Interest level: 8/10




I'm not crying, you are!

But why doesn't he have at least some kind of evasion... if only. He could have been such a good boy and treasure producer, but sadly he will get chumpblocked to death.

RIP cute little raccoon.

Season of the Bold

Interest level: 6/10

Kind of bold of them to make a new type of modal card with a cute design to choose from.

I don't hate it, but I think I can get a better rate than 5 mana for 5 (tapped) treasures elsewhere anyway.

Bloodroot Apothecary

Interest level: 4/10

Oh boy.

That is some serious treasure-hate card. I get it, I understand it, but I don't want to face it.

I don't think I ever saw a card that could shut down my deck more than this one.



Interest level: 2/10

4 mana + tapping this land, so basically 5 mana, for a single treasure is pure trash rate.

I want to do that as much as I went to bend over to steal a coin from the fountain at the mall.

And the mall next to me doesn't even have a fountain.

Blooming Blast

Interest level: 0/10

I want the treasure for me. I don't want to give my opponents treasures if I don't get some too.

I am greedy like that, a bit like my dragons.

Sue me.

Another video game in my card game?

Please stop this nonsense.

At least the freerunning mechanic is kind of cool, I'll give them that.

Petty Larceny

Interest level: 2/10

A classic thief effect in black that also gives you a treasure to help you pay the spell you've stolen.

Cool, but pretty much useless for our strategy and theme.

Modern Horizon is back with its broken cards!

Last time we had so much new support for treasure tokens it was both insane and awesome.

I'm happy that this time there is only a single card in Jund that makes or cares about treasures!


Warren Soultrader

Interest level: 7.5/10

Yeah. That's a cool and powerful card.

Not much else to say.

I can sacrifice my creatures to just make treasure.

Without any restriction other than paying life, which isn't that much of a restriction anyway when you start at 40 life and the treasure doesn't even enter tapped.

It is so good, yet so bland, I'm not even excited about it and I don't even know if I'll put it in the deck.

People have been joking about Cowboy Jace for so long, but he is finally here in all its glory. A western and cowboy-inspired set. isn't that a bit weird?

Historically you know what the conquest of the West was about right? If you don't, or if you live under a rock, you'll discover that it was the gold rush. Everybody wanted to make money from finding gold so it makes sense that WotC goes with the Gold token. It is the perfect flavor and already existed in the game since Theros. Also, it was not really used since Theros: Beyond Death to represent a Gold Medal!

Good job Wizards!


What do you mean they didn't use the Gold token? But it's perfect.




Oh my god... not a huge Treasure set again... When will they learn from their mistake?

Goldvein Hydra

Interest level: 9/10

How can I not be excited by that card!? Hydras have been one of my favorite creature types in Magic since the very beginning and what is a Hydra if not a dragon without wings, arms, and legs, eh? This specific one feels like a piñata for Korvold. Dump a bunch of mana into it, sacrifice it to Korvold, and get all of those candies (treasure tokens). I love it, but if I don't add it to the deck it will probably go into my Hydra deck instead: Hail Hydra - Tribal EDH [Gargos - Primer].

Luxurious Locomotive

Interest level: 8.5/10

Ok listen to me, this one is an underrated gem for treasure decks. You can overcrew it with all your creatures, swing with it, and get a lot of treasures out of it. The fun part is that it doesn't even need to connect! If it survives combat, you can do it again on your next turn! If you have a bunch of creature tokens lying around, this is the perfect vehicle for it! Even the crew cost is laughable and how great it can be. One of the better treasure tokens output in a long time.

Generous Plunderer

Interest level: 8/10

This one is spicy. It is a great treasure token generator that doesn't need to tap or attack, it just stays there and generates treasure turn after turn. The only downside is that you also need to give one to a target opponent, which isn't that much of a downside with all the payoff of your deck and you can even use it politically to do some deal or help a player a bit behind. If you ever need to, you can even attack with it to burn an artifact player for a lot, which is a nice cherry on top!

Magda, the Hoardmaster

Interest level: 7/10

I think I have a bit above 10 cards in the deck that could trigger the crime effect of this card to generate treasure. Some of them are repeatable each turn, but not really worth it for the payoff. What I'm more interested in with this card is the other part, the one where you can sacrifice some treasures to make some dragons! It goes really well with the theme of the deck so I might need to find a place for it, just for flavor reasons! On top of that, those dragons have haste, so it could be a fun alternative win condition from nowhere. Sadly you can't use the ability at instant speed to defend yourself, which is kind of a tragedy.

Hell to Pay

Interest level: 6/10

A fine Sorcery speed removal spell that could instead be a big treasure generator card if you wish. It's not bad, I would just have preferred it to be at Instant speed so I could keep my option open instead of dumping all my mana into this.

Sword of Wealth and Power

Interest level: 6/10

I thought we were done with the swords after the last one, but it seems they've started a new cycle of them. This card is cool, but I don't have enough Instants and Sorceries for it to shine. Instead, I'll put it into my Swords deck, because I want all of them in it regardless of their effect. Also, the protection from Instants and Sorceries is really weird, because you can never know if it is good or not, because nobody can target it haha.

Jolene, Plundering Pugilist

Interest level: 5/10

Another card that can create a treasure every turn just by attacking with Korvold. It can also use treasures to ping stuff, which is fine, but not that useful I found out. Meh.

Great Train Heist

Interest level: 5/10

Cool card that can do a lot of powerful stuff. But if I just evaluate it in terms of treasure generation for this deck, it is not as useful as a dedicated deck that goes very large rather than tall like us. I'll think about it for the other effect, but I'm not relying that much on this card to be good for Korvold Treasures and Dragons.

Orochi Soul-Reaver

Interest level: 5/10

A neat card, but the mana cost is too high for this type of effect and my only real evasive creatures are my dragons which I don't want to bounce back to my hand.

I also don't need to play my opponents' cards, I have other decks for that.

Maybe it could be a neat card in my Rogue and Dungeon deck? Who knows.

Cataclysmic Prospecting

Interest level: 5/10

A neat boardwipe that could be cool if I, check notes, played more than 0 deserts in the deck.

Will I add deserts to the deck only to synergize with this card? Hell no!

Gold Rush

Interest level: 4/10

Hey, it's the Gold Rush I was talking about earlier! So stupid it doesn't create or care about Gold... Anyway, it is a fine card and a cool buff, but Korvold doesn't need it, he becomes bigger by spending treasures by itself. He doesn't need the help from that.

Treasure Dredger

Interest level: 4/10

A bit better rate than Forsworn Paladin for the treasure generation, but missing the cool deathtouch-giving effect that can be used on any creature. Nobody expects a trampler to suddenly get deathtouch because of another opponent's effect.

Vraska, the Silencer

Interest level: 3/10

You might think me mad for putting a Mythic so low on the interest scale, but actually, it's because Vraska doesn't really create a treasure, she just transforms a creature into one. Meaning it doesn't synergize with any of our cards in the deck. Yes, it is cool to steal someone's creature when it dies to have it back as a treasure either for collecting it or using it if it is any ability, but rarely will this be really useful.

Redrock Sentinel

Interest level: 2/10

Pay, sac a land, get a card and a treasure, but with Korvold it would be two cards and a treasure. Not a bad rate, but I'm just not a fan of sacrificing my lands in a deck that can't replay them for the bin or that doesn't have ways to play more than one each turn.

Boneyard Desecrator & Mine Raider

Interest level: 2/10

I seem to have around 5 outlaws in the deck for those cards to be relevant to generate a single treasure token.

Not a good fit for us.

Reckless Lackey

Interest level: 2/10

I like the mana value of the spell, I don't like the one of the ability to get a single treasure.

I prefer those that create one by itself on death to save some mana on activation like on that one.

Gold Pan

Interest level: 1/10

Simple, yet pretty boring

Should have been a Gold token, not a Treasure.

Sorry, but I know I'm right and I'll keep saying it over and over.

Patient Naturalist

Interest level: 0/10

Trash card. The "can't" word on it really makes it the worst in terms of treasure generation as it can literally give you none.

Now a video game inside my card game? When will it stop? I know Fallout, I've never played Fallout, so this set really didn't vibe with me, but there were treasure cards so in a way I'm obliged to look and review them. Really annoying. I wish I could just ignore those cards and pretend they don't exist.

Kellogg, Dangerous Mind

Interest level: 6/10

Isn't Kellogg a cereal brand? This one looks more like a serial (killer) brand than anything else hehe. Jokes aside, the card is not bad and I do really like the last ability that makes use of my treasures for something else. Maybe it is too mean to just sacrifice five treasures, steal one of my opponents' creatures, attack with Korvold to sacrifice it, and draw 6 cards in the process. But mean or not, it is an effective removal strategy. I'll think about it. I just really hate the art on the card and I'm picky like that.

Luck Bobblehead

Interest level: 5/10

A mana rock that can create a single treasure 50% of the time if you don't need the mana. I don't plan to play other Bobblehead in the deck where this card would really shine, so I'll pass on it, the rate is just too bad without the others.

Nuka-Cola Vending Machine

Interest level: 5/10

It is a cute flavor. You've drank your food and now you are left with the currency of the game as the bottle cap which is a treasure in some way. In terms of synergy, I do play Academy Manufactor and Tireless Provisioner in the deck, and having it with any of those twos would make it shine as a pretty good treasure engine. But, why go through all those steps just to create a single treasure? I'm better off playing cards that create treasures directly.

My advice is never to play a card that interacts only with one or two cards in your deck, you'll never draw them together.

Bottle-Cap Blast

Interest level: 4/10

Treasure Convoke? I mean Improvise. Tap 5 treasures to possibly make 4 new ones? Ok. That's fine. But I'm not excited about it.

Megaton's Fate

Interest level: 3/10

6 mana removal spell that refunds part of itself with 4 treasures is still too expansive and at Sorcery speed on top of that. The boardwipe mode is neat, but I don't want to explain rad counters to people if I play it, so I think I'll pass on it just for the annoyance factor.

Vault 21: House Gambit

Interest level: 2/10

Three turns to possibly make 0 treasures is bad and not the type of output I'm looking for. If at least you could reveal 5 lands to make 5 treasures I would've taken that deal!

Is that a board game inside my card game? What the hell is happening here? Was somebody killed? But by who, when, where, and with what weapon? Oh! It was just WotC in 2024, all around the world, with their own corporate greed.

Emissary Green

Interest level: 7/10

The card can give a really good output of treasure tokens and I am here for it. But, my opponents aren't idiots (at least I hope not), and they would (should) never vote for profit and give me a ton of treasures. So realistically this creates two treasures on attack from my vote and buffs my board with three +1/+1 counters. Not bad, but I would have preferred if Mr. Green was a Dragon. Even a Green Dragon would have been fine with me.

Mastermind Plum

Interest level: 4/10

He is too small to survive a single attack and even then someone needs to have an artifact in the bin for it to generate a single treasure token. On top of that, I really don't need the draw trigger from Plum since I have Korvold to help me with that without hurting me.

We are back to the birth plane of treasure tokens!

It is kind of funny when we think about all the treasure cards we got since it started way back in 2017. It is really crazy when we think that Revel in Riches alternative win condition was seen as hard to reach, compared to today where you can reach this in a single turn without even breaking a sweat.

Anyway, let's see what we have new this time around in Jund!

Bonehoard Dracosaur

Interest level: 7.5/10

It's a dragon. Check. It has a hoard. Check. It makes treasures or care about treasures. Check.

So why am I not that excited about this one? Maybe because I don't have any strong feelings toward dinosaurs or maybe because I'm just not a fan of red exile-draw effects.

Regardless, the card is a big maybe even if it checks a lot of boxes for the theme of my deck.

Hit the Mother Lode

Interest level: 7/10

That is a nice card, but maybe too close to Brass's Bounty to my taste, which isn't in the deck anymore because everything costs cheaper nowadays.

It is also somewhat unreliable if what you want to do is make a lot of treasures, so that is why I think I'll pass on it.

Enterprising Scallywag

Interest level: 6/10

Eh. That's not bad. It's just that most of the time I sacrifice Treasures, which are not cards but tokens, so it doesn't work with that card.

But I'll keep an eye open for it, I think it can still work in the deck and produce a lot of treasures along the way.

Diamond Pick-Axe

Interest level: 6/10

Let me just say that we came a long way from Prying Blade. You don't even need to connect, just attack!

It could be useful. I do attack with Korvold basically every turn anyway since he is such a threat and possible win condition due to Commander Damage, so getting a treasure at the same which I can sacrifice to his trigger if I stack them correctly could be very good.

Did I just convince myself to play the card?

Volatile Fault

Interest level: 6/10

Nonbasic land removal is always great, especially if it comes on a land itself as it doesn't use up a slot in your deck.

They get a basic back and you only a treasure. In the case of this deck, this could be a good trade actually, so yeah maybe. I just need to be sure to not be greedy with my mana base.

Greedy Freebooter

Interest level: 5/10

I like those simple cards in Korvold. Early in the game, it can be a blocker that has a neat effect on death, and later on, or if it survives until then, it can be sacrificed to Korvold!

The Scry 1 is also a neat little bonus on top of all that.

Breeches, Eager Pillager

Interest level: 4/10

At the time of writing, this deck currently has only 3 pirates in it.

If it was back in 2020 when I made the deck this card would have been a slam dunk just for the amount of pirates I was running because they were the only ones that cared about treasures or that would create them. Sadly, today, it isn't the case anymore and I'll need to pass on Breeches.

Poetic Ingenuity

Interest level: 4/10

If this card cared about Dragons instead of Dinosaurs it would have been a 10/10 slam dunk new addition to the deck. Sadly it doesn't. And I only run like 10 artifacts in the deck, so it won't create that many Dinosaurs to help me generate treasures reliably.

Careening Mine Cart

Interest level: 3/10

I never really got the appeal for vehicles that don't have some sort of evasion or big stats to survive combat. This mine cart is no exception to this, as in EDH it will barely survive a single combat before getting killed, so better play something else like the Diamond Pick-Axe for a better output of treasure tokens.

Gemcutter Buccaneer

Interest level: 3/10

Again, a payoff for Pirates and I clearly don't have enough in the deck for this to be good.

Its second ability is kind of funny, but I don't have any use for it.

But I did try to make a deck where I transformed all my treasures, clues, and food tokens into equipment and tried to kill my opponents with it. It was really bad.

Plundering Pirate

Interest level: 2/10

Clean and neat, but average by today's standards.

Ancestor's Aid

Interest level: 2/10

Awesome in a Zada deck, really meh for Korvold.

Magmatic Galleon

Interest level: 1/10

I don't search to do excess noncombat damage to my opponents' creatures with this deck, so this will never really payoff for me. I prefer burning their face directly like a dragon defending its hoard would do; if you get what I mean.

Contested Game Ball

Interest level: 0/10

Wow. This is pure trash. So hard and long to get to have such a minimal payoff.

I've always been a fan of Doctor Who, but I'm still not a fan of UB in Magic.

With that said, I am happy to not have too many treasure cards in that precon-only set.

RMS Titanic

Interest level: 8/10

This is a really interesting card.

It is a big attack and a huge payoff of treasures, and on top of that, it sacrifices itself so it synergizes well with Korvold.

I don't see any downside to it and it will be added to the deck.

City of Death

Interest level: 4/10

This is fine. It can create a single treasure each turn for 6 turns in a row, but you need to always have a treasure available to do so.

I think it is better in decks where you can create copies of really powerful tokens rather than this one.

Back to Eldraine, home of Korvold! I am excited about this, I am not a Standard player so I am afraid of nothing and the draft looks so much fun! As much as you I was surprised that Eldraine would have Treasure since I associate more Food tokens than Treasure tokens to this plane, but alas WotC could not resist the urge to put Treasures in yet another set.

On that note let's see what goodies the Jund Treasure cards are from this set.

Decadent Dragon

Interest level: 9/10

This Dragon has an expensive taste and I like it!

It marks all the criteria to be a good card in this deck, a Dragon, Treasures, and a Hoard of Gold. On top of that, I can exile and play the cards of one of my opponent's decks at Instant speed meaning that it can be wonderful to do it just after a top deck tutor from one of my opponents if you know what I mean.

The only issue I have with this card is that I'm not able to make a decision between a Foil normal or a Foil showcase. The normal one is the art of one of my favorite artists in MtG Wylie Beckert and the other one is so freaking cute. I might just end up taking both because of my indecision.

Korvold and the Noble Thief

Interest level: 5/10

Hey, it is a Saga about our Commander! But, I don't understand what the whole story means. Who is the noble thief, what did he steal, why steal from Korvold, and what happened to him or Korvold? None of those questions are answered in the art or in the cards' mechanics. Really sad and on top of that there wasn't any side story telling us what happened in this set which is rather poor since the main story was so good.

About the playability of this card in this deck, I have to say that we do drop down pretty drastically in card quality for Treasures cards right after the first one in our list which was a near-perfect score. I do like the saga for the sacrifice, but I think this is too slow and too expensive for two manas, and some cards we are obliged to play right away.

Redcap Thief

Interest level: 4/10

This little goblin rogue understands with his flavor text what this deck wants to do. He isn't bad either, but I think compared to cards like Patron of the Arts or Prized Statue he just doesn't do enough to be granted a place in this deck list.

Collector's Vault

Interest level: 4/10

I wish this card would tap for mana and have this ability as well that way it won't feel like a dead card on the field when not using it. It could even cost 3-Mana and I would still consider it for the deck, but alas I think this is only good in a dead hand situation and that is rarely the case with this deck.

Charming Scoundrel

Interest level: 2/10

For a rare, this is pretty bad. A 1/1 body with haste that has an effect only on ETB and not even on attack. Hmm, no. Definitely not powerful enough for EDH in general and certainly not good enough for this deck.

Flick a Coin

Interest level: 2/10

This card has combo potential I guess. Card draw, Damage, and Mana on a single Instant is a really good deal and I can understand why people want to kill with it. I guess it is powerful in a Zada, Hedron Grinder shell unless all your creatures are 1/1, but for this deck, it doesn't do anything great or just not enough so I'll pass.

Grabby Giant

Interest level: 1/10

An Adventure to create a single treasure is really not good anymore in today's pile of cards that create treasures and the ability on the creature just isn't useful at all when we already have Korvold on the battlefield that does this for free when using a Treasure.


Korvold, Gleeful Glutton

Interest level: 3/10

When they announced that we were going back to Eldraine to explore the Wilds I was so happy to see if there would be new cards of my favorite character like Korvold, Fae-Cursed King, Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale and Torbran, Thane of Red Fell, Oko, Thief of Crowns, Ayara, First of Locthwain, Emry, Lurker of the Loch and even Syr Konrad, the Grim.

But sadly those we saw during March of the Machine weren't back and the others were only on some art while the last ones didn't even make any appearance at all, not even on a flavor text somewhere. But Korvold was one of the only ones who got a new card and it is... something to say the least. It is definitely not as broken as OG Korvold himself, but it isn't that bad either. I was hoping for it to be good enough at least (even if less broken) to be the new face commander of this deck, but sadly this new Korvold needs an entirely new build to work and therefore won't end up in this deck any time soon.

I am not a fan of UB or even the DnD sets in my Magic The Gathering game, but when this set was announced a few years ago I got so excited and my first immediate thought was "Please let there be a Smaug card that synergizes with Treasures and if possible even one that could replace Korvold!!". Because, as you may or may not know, this deck is inspired by Smaug to represent a Dragon and its hoard of gold.

Well, people, at least one of those wishes was granted.

There and Back Again

Interest level: Infinity and Beyond/10

Here it is. In all its glory. The Smaug card! Sadly it isn't a creature, but it is a Saga summarizing the events of the Hobbit book. That last chapter is so so so so beautiful I love it. We never saw a card that could create that many treasures without any setup from us or our opponents and I love it. It is a dragon, it is Treasures (14!!), it sacrifices itself (after chapter 3) synergizing with Korvold, and it is ramp and evasion to a degree. It is perfect and I love it.

Cavern-Hoard Dragon

Interest level: 9/10

Oh boy oh boy. I love this card. It is a dragon, it creates treasures and has a hoard of gold in the art. It can be cast for cheap and as a good body with nice keywords. All of that on a single card, I can't ask for more from a card to get a place in this deck.

Sadly, the card is currently sold out everywhere around me so I will need to wait, but when I get my hand on one you bet your ass that it will go into this deck as fast as possible.

Gloin, Dwarf Emissary

Interest level: 7/10

At first, this card didn't excite me. But then I thought a little bit more about it and counted the number of historic spells in this deck and I have a lot more than I thought I had! This made the card open my eyes to its possibilities. It can generate one Treasure each turn which is pretty good and can even sacrifice them, therefore making me draw a card with Korvold, to protect me from some big threats and send them toward my opponents instead. You might think the goad effect isn't that useful, but let me assure you that this deck can be a threat by itself and attract a lot of heat so being able to deflect at least one incoming attack is pretty awesome. All in all, I am happy to try it in the deck and see how it will perform.

Spiteful Banditry

Interest level: 7/10

I already have two boardwipes in this deck Reckless Endeavor / Crux of Fate. One is really flavorful and funny and the other just straight up lets me win games or be the bane of another Dragon player. I really don't know if I should run a third one in the deck. I do like that it is a modal boardwipe where I can kill nothing, just very small annoying things like tokens or probably everything except Korvold. I also like that it stays around after that generating value whenever a creature of one of my opponents dies which is something that can happen at any moment. It can't create more than one Treasure per turn, but I still like it regardless, it is better than none or just one during my turn. I might take out Prizefight as it was already a removal spell to kill a small creature and give me back a Treasure and this new card can do that and more, but I lose the Instant speed which is not something you want to neglect either.

Mines of Moria

Interest level: 5/10

A nice land that can generate Treasure if the game goes long enough and I have nothing better to do. I might try it, I just don't like that it enters tapped if I don't have a Legendary creature.

Galadriel, Gift-Giver

Interest level: 4/10

An Elf with a Titan effect (ETB + Attack = same trigger) that can create a Treasure. It is pretty mediocre for the mana cost, it doesn't have any evasion or protection whatsoever, and can't even target itself with the +1/+1 counter ability, meaning this card would probably just be a 5-mana creature that creates a treasure when it ETB and one when it attacks for the first time to then die and do nothing else for the game. I prefer taking my gamble with a card like Hoarding Ogre which can at least create a bunch of Treasure before dying.

Oath of the Grey Host

Interest level: 4/10

I like Sagas just by virtue that most of them sacrifice themselves when they are done and thus allow Korvold to trigger. Otherwise, this card is just okay. It does create Food and Treasure which is good with Academy Manufactor and then tokens fodder, but I just don't feel it for the deck for now.

The Balrog of Moria

Interest level: 3/10

4 Mana to cycle and get two Treasures is the only thing I like on this card and even that is really bad when you consider the cost of it versus the value you get. It is also too costly for this deck to cast normally even if the removal effect is pretty good when it dies, mostly when you consider how easy it is to kill it with Korvold, and it has a big body with relevant keywords. I just think it is better in a Demon or Reanimator deck. Sadly, it is also not a Dragon.

I think I will try it in my Demon deck to see how it performs. 666 - The Number of the Beasts

Lobelia Sackville-Baggins

Interest level: 3/10

For the mana cost, the amount of Treasures this card can generate is pretty generous. I just don't like the timing restriction of it and always having to keep mana open to see if it would be possible to pull it off. I will pass on it because of that.

Gimli of the Glittering Caves

Interest level: 2/10

This a cool card, but you really need to build around it to take advantage of it. I do have some legendary creatures that could buff this dude, but sadly not enough I think, and also I don't have evasion for it to reliably get the Treasure tokens. But as a Commander, I think this is a fun build-around!

Swarming of Moria

Interest level: 1/10

A Treasure and a 2/2 token for three mana. We can do better in this deck with less. Pass.

Gorbag of Minas Morgul

Interest level: 0/10

I have exactly two Goblins and 0 Orcs in my deck. This card is pure trash as they will never connect and I definitely don't have enough to trigger this correctly or reliably. But in a Red Black Goblin token deck, this card could really be a bomb.

Of course, an interplanar set will have Treasure tokens, what did you think? Each plane has the possibility to have cards that say "creature a Treasure token", but hopefully WotC didn't go too overboard with this idea and ultimately we don't have too many cards in Jund that create or care about Treasures in this set.

Pain Distributor

Interest level: 7/10

This is a pretty interesting card. I really don't know what to cut for this and therefore it will probably not end up in my deck, but since it is a Devil it will go in my Hellboy deck without any hesitation (Let's Raise Hell!). I think the fact that most of the cards in this deck already enter with a Treasure makes this new one not as great in my eyes. But I think this card is a blast in a deck like Vazi, Keen Negotiator where you want to give Treasure to your opponents and punish them for using them.

Deadly Derision

Interest level: 6/10

Pretty generic removal spell with a Treasure attached to it. It will go in the deck because it is literally the same as Grim Bounty, but at Instant speed which makes it 100% times better.

Furnace Reins

Interest level: 5/10

Good old Act of Treason effect, but with an added bonus of giving you a Treasure if the creature you stole connects with an opponent. I still prefer Involuntary Employment in this deck as I get the Treasure right away and since I'm most probably gonna sacrifice the creature to Korvold, the effect of needing it to connect to get it is really anti-synergistic with the Commander.

Beamtown Beatstick

Interest level: 4/10

Good old Prying Blade upgraded in the modern times. I don't run the other similar cards and I won't do it with this one now as I prefer a greater Treasure output or at least coming with a body which this card doesn't provide at all.

Rankle and Torbran

Interest level: 4/10

I don't hate this card, but I don't understand where the Treasure comes from here. Sacrifice a creature comes from Rankle, Master of Pranks and the plus 2 damage from Torbran, Thane of Red Fell, but the Treasure doesn't have any link with the two whatsoever. It might come from their side story in MOM (which was awesome by the way), referencing the ring they have to protect, but I don't buy it. Maybe it is a metaphor to explain they found each other and they consider their friendship like a Treasure, but then why give it to each opponent too? Anyway the card is not bad, but it isn't the best either and I don't like this mana cost, so I'll pass on it. Also, the original art is ugly AF (sorry if you like it), but the alternate one is Chef Kiss.

Invasion of Ergamon  

Interest level: 2/10

Where the hell is Ergamon???

Ergamon - Nature in all its vibrancy Show

Ok so basically we know nothing about it...

The card is basically trash for this deck as I don't plan on using Battle any time soon (as WotC doesn't print new ones for whatever reason), so let's just skip to the next.


Interest level: 2/10

Don't get me wrong, this is a great card. Just not for this deck. I don't play enough Instant and Sorceries to be able to easily flip this card and get the Treasures it can reward.

Axgard Artisan

Interest level: 1/10

I don't have any way to trigger this little guy sadly, so the interest level is really low.

However, imagine if this effect was on an Aura that I could slap onto Korvold. That would be stupidly good and as he can trigger the +1 counter by itself! And if it doesn't have a once-per-turn restriction we could have a combo on our hands!

Basically, if this card was a totally different one, I would love it, but sadly it isn't.

New year, new Treasure cards!

I'm happy to see that for the first set of the year, we only have ONE (badum-tss) Treasure card in Jund. Let's continue with that ration Wizard, please and thank you.

Vraska, Betrayal's Sting

Interest level: 3/10

Vraska what have they done to you? No!!

Sadly yes, Vraska fell to the Phyrexians, but I like the fact that her minus ability has a similar effect as her previous version that cared about Treasures: Vraska, Relic Seeker.

Sadly, it isn't the best Treasure card ever as it doesn't give us any and is mostly used as a removal tool. The proliferate is barely useful in that deck as Korvold gets more counters simply by using our Treasures. The ultimate is somewhat flashy, but not useful at all when we don't have other proliferate effects or cards that care about poison counters.

We will have to pass on it and pray we can one day see Vraska at the helm of a pirate ship once more.

Can I be real with you guys? This honks. Silver-Bordered sets should've stayed like before, Silver-Bordered. Doing a half-and-half type of situation just doesn't make it great, it makes it impossible to commit to the nature of the joke or just plain bad and cringe for everything black-bordered. If it wasn't for two Treasure cards, I would just not talk about this here, but here we go I guess.

Done for the Day

Interest level: -1000/10

I don't play any of those creature types. The payoff is minimal to doing so and I don't want to play or even learn how to play with stickers.

This is just useless for this deck. Next.

Goblin Airbrusher

Interest level: -1000/10

Same as above.

I don't care about stickers, I don't want to care about stickers, this was just a bad idea. Make it go away.

Even as a Rule 0 I hate stickers as a mechanic, that's how much I don't want this in the deck.

Another set another handful of Treasure cards I guess... wait, what?

Only one card in Jund? Did Wizard of the Coast really decided to pump the breaks on the number of Treasure cards they release? Thank god if so.

The Reaver Cleaver

Interest level: 8/10

Only one card in the set, but oh boy is it powerful.

This cute little equipment allows us to transform one of our creatures into a single instance of Old Gnawbone.

Really powerful and also really pricey, but this deck is already so strong I don't even need to put this card into it.

That's how Wizard of the Coast killed the loved I had for Treasures, by putting it everywhere. I don't enjoy it anymore. Bring me back to Ixalan times.

One year later and we are already back in the land of DnD for more Treasure cards.

I would have loved it if Wizards of the Coast didn't go with Treasure again as a theme for DnD, but I guess it does represent loot in a great flavorful way.

It just means that with each new set the mana system of the game seems to sink lower and lower.

Soon we probably won't even need lands to play, can you imagine that?

Anywho, it is time for another Treasure Set Review, and this time for Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gates (CLB) (wow this is really a mouthful isn't it?)

Ancient Copper Dragon

Interest level: 10/10

This is literally the embodiment of my deck. The card radiates the essence of my theme perfectly.

But why is it so damn busted!? Come on Wizards! Treasures are already too powerful, this is just ridiculously strong for nothing.

Also, the price tag is so damn high for this card I think I'll just pass by disgust over the overwhelming value this card provides.

Patron of the Arts

Interest level: 10/10

Comparing this card to the previous one I can't stress enough how this one is perfect for the deck.

I love the art, I love that it is a Dragon, I love that it doesn't create an absurd amount of Treasures and I so damn like that it creates a Treasure on ETB and again on Death.

Perfect for Korvold, this card will go directly into the deck in a heartbeat!

Swashbuckler Extraordinaire

Interest level: 10/10

Extraordinaire indeed!

This card will be such a freaking powerhouse in this deck I'm basically drooling just thinking about the value it gives me.

I can't wait to sac a bunch of Treasures to give my whole board Double Strike and kill my opponents from nowhere the turn I cast this card.

And on top of that, it is a freaking Dragon!

Extraordinaire indeed!

Mahadi, Emporium Master

Interest level: 9/10

Oh dang. Why is this card only an Uncommon, this is bonkers!

This card doesn't even care if it was a token creature or not. Wow, absolutely wow!

You can literally play a boardwipe, then this, and get a whole lot of mana for your next turn without any downside.

But mostly even if you sac some creatures or some other dies in combat, this is still a whole lot of value to get at the end of each of your turns!

I am sad to replace Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge for this, but damn the difference are too big to pass on this hell of a card.

I just wish it was a Dragon instead of a Cat Devil with weird thumbs.

Prized Statue

Interest level: 9/10

This card is such a nice design and so perfect for Korvold.

It is literally a Patron of the Arts, but as an Artifact instead of a Dragon and cheaper in mana since it does nothing by itself.

Perfect, I love it and the statue is creepy in a cute way.

Guild Artisan

Interest level: 8/10

Oh, this one is really nice in Korvold.

Whenever I attack the opponent with the most life I get to create two Treasures which means I can immediately sac one to Korvold to pay for its attack cost and in the process always have one left.

This card synergizes perfectly with the Commander, so I don't see why I shouldn't run it.

And at two mana this card really is a bargain.

Ganax, Astral Hunter

Interest level: 7/10

This card really embodies what my deck wants to be: Dragons and Treasures.

But I don't know if I have enough Dragons in my deck to get a good amount of value out of this card.

The best comparison might be with a card like Rapacious Dragon which net me two Treasures on ETB vs this one which nets me one now and another for each other Dragon that ETB on my side.

I currently have only 7 Dragons in this deck, including my Commander. It might not be enough, but if the amount of Dragons augments in this list I might consider this card a good fit.

Blood Money

Interest level: 7/10

A Boardwipe that refunds itself by rewarding you a Treasure for each non-token creature destroyed with it is, in my book, a good card. Even if its CMC/MV is high.

But generally, I don't like running too many Boardwipes in a deck.

I already have Crux of Fate and Reckless Endeavor in it and I consider them better than this one because they can most of the time spare my Commander.

In the end, I don't think I will add this card, but I'll keep it in mind.

Loot Dispute

Interest level: 7/10

I like this card, but the fact that Guild Artisan does the same effect (about Treasure creation) better for less mana, I don't see the incentive in playing this specific card.

I do like that it fits with my theme of Dragons and Treasures, but with this card being the only one that gives me the Initiative or allows me to get deeper in the dungeon, it is really slow (5 turns minimum) to have a single Dragon out of it.

I really think I need to test it before doing any rush inclusion decision about this one.

Descent into Avernus

Interest level: 6/10

I think this card can give you (and your opponents) a huge amount of Treasures in no time.

The only, but major downside is that the life totals of each player will plummet by a lot in no time too.

This deck already struggles to stay alive, so I don't think I'll put a doomsday clock in it.

But it seems like a really fun card, so I look forward to putting it in another deck.

Young Red Dragon

Interest level: 5/10

It's a Dragon. It creates a single Treasure.

Is it enough for this deck theme and needs?

I don't know anymore.

Black Market Connections

Interest level: 5/10

This is a really fun card.

But I think it will really shine in a deck for which the life loss really isn't an issue like this one.

The constant targetting makes this card too unreliable for me when I can make more Treasures, fodder or card draw with other cards without putting my life total in jeopardy.

I might think about trying it in my Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper *f-etch* and Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder *f-etch* Life Pain deck instead as it can really hurt me good every turn and I need more effect like that.


Interest level: 5/10

Mar~~ut like Shivam would say during the PPR.

I don't know what to think of this card in my deck.

On one hand, it is only a 7/7 Trample for 8, but at the same time it can be a 7/7 Trample for 0 Mana that gives you up to 8 Treasures out of it, and in the right condition it can be even more Treasures.

It could be insane value, basically, one of the biggest Treasure producing card that isn't Dockside Extortionist, but I think the card is really too much situational to be good.

I really don't want to be stuck with an 8 mana do nothing card so I think I will pass for now.

Noble's Purse

Interest level: 4/10

I think this card is neat in the right deck, but not in this one.

In a Proliferate deck, this card can be used as a mana rock or as mana storage for future turns if you don't need the mana right away, which is really nice because it will never run out of coin counters.

In this deck, it has an expiration date, but at least it can be sac to Korvold for value after that, so it isn't terrible.

I think I will pass for now, but I will definitely try it in Atraxa, Praetors' Voice for sure and maybe in Rowan Kenrith and Will Kenrith, but those kids don't really need help with mana.

Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainerfoil

Interest level: 4/10

When this card got spoiled I've look through my deck to see if I have ways to buff this card to take advantage of it since I don't have any Goad enabler other than Shiny Impetus in the deck.

Sadly, I don't. I only have Loki, I mean Fain, the Broker, that can do so and it is really not enough to dedicate a slot for this card.

But it seems like a neat card to play with or against, I don't see the problem with it like the majority of the community does. They are just a bunch of cry babies that hate when things don't go according to their plan.

Newsflash, that is the game! Personally, I really like knowing the weakness of my decks to palliate around them and come out on top in dire situations that I've prepared myself for.

Burakos, Party Leaderfoil

Interest level: 3/10

This is a cool card, but I really don't have the support it needs.

Currently, I only have two other creatures that can work for a party, Grim Hireling and Nadier's Nightblade, and no changelings at all.

Those are definitely not enough to make this card work, but I'm curious to see what it could do at the helm of a Rakdos deck with multiple combat steps.

It would allow for a lot of burns and a ramp each turn. Which is, in my book, a really fun strategy to play.

Marching Duodrone

Interest level: 3/10

Oh wow, I love that stupid face.

I just think I am too afraid for this card to die after the first attack and never give me more than one Treasure to try it in my deck.

But I think in the right political deck, this could be a fun inclusion.

Zhentarim Bandit

Interest level: 3/10

Hey, this is cute!

I like that you don't need to connect with it to get the Treasure, but sadly in EDH this card is gonna die so soon that you won't get any long-term value with it.

Maybe I'll try it in another deck or format.

Inspired Tinkering

Interest level: 3/10

I really don't like impulsive draws. This isn't the first time I say it and it won't be the last.

Five mana is a lot for three cards for which you still need even more mana to cast. Even if you get three Treasures for it in the same process.

It is definitely one of the cards that create the most Treasures as a single spell without needing anything else, but I prefer when my Treasure producers come with legs. I have more uses for them like this. Like a generous meal for daddy Korvold.

I will pass on this one for now.

You've Been Caught Stealing

Interest level: 2/10

This is ok.

I like the name, but I rarely swing towards each opponent during combat to be able to get value out of this card.

What I will say is that I think this card should have been an Instant, otherwise you are really telegraphing your attacks too much.

Safana, Calimport Cutthroat

Interest level: 1/10

The effect on this card is relatively good.

Create one to three Treasures each turn is not shabby.

The main issue is that you need to have the Initiative, which this card doesn't even give you on ETB...

It literally demands too much support to be used in this deck.

Dungeoneer's Pack

Interest level: 1/10

Oh, look! A card that gives you the Initiative to synergize with Safana, Calimport Cutthroat.

Too bad that it is literally, but I really mean literally, a 3 mana do absolutely nothing Artifact.

You need to wait for a whole turn to sac this atrocity to then get basically the value of a Food, a Clue, and a Treasure out of it, plus the Initiative which is only a basic land if this is your first or only Initiative card in your whole deck.

Hard pass.

Dire Mimic

Interest level: 0/10

A Treasure that can be animated. It is underwhelming and bad, but the art is creepy at least.

Heap Gate

Interest level: 0/10

At least the Mimic was creepy, this is just the worse thing ever if you are not in a dedicated Gate deck.

It is basically like a filter land and a storage land combined together for which you need other gates to work.

Oh boy. I didn't think we will be back so soon, but here we are.

Thanks Wizard for that shitload of Treasures. It was really unnecessary.

The archetype is already too powerful.

There are 36 cards that create, care about, or are Treasure in Jund in this set. 36!

This is more than enough to make a Commander deck around, so please Wizard just stop.

I loathe the fact that my deck was original during Eldraine, but is now just generic.

But here we go for another Treasure Set Review, this time for Streets of New Capenna (SNC) and its commander-deck-only cards (NCC).

Rain of Riches

Interest level: 11/10

Oh boy, oh boy, OH BOY! Did I ever tell you that Cascade is one of my FAVORITE mechanics in all of Magic.

I am SO happy that this card exists.

The art is amazing, the effect is awesome, and it creates treasures. I am in heaven.

This will go in the deck and will never go out.

Ziatora, the Incinerator

Interest level: 10/10

If Korvold ever bites the bullet and gets banned, Ziatora, the Incinerator will be the successor at the helm of the deck.

She is an awesome Demon Dragon that flings stuff and creates Treasures. I love it. Imagine flinging a huge ass Korvold in the face of one of my opponents, this is pure gold (pun intended).

This will, without a doubt, go into the deck. I love her so much.

Glittering Stockpile

Interest level: 9/10

I love the design space Wizard is currently exploring with the 3 CMC/MV Mana rocks. The format really doesn't need more two mana rocks, it is fast enough like it is, but the 3 mana ones really needed some love.

This one is awesome, it is literally a pile of Treasures. You can use it a bunch of times to later sac it all for a huge payoff in mana instead.

I love the design, I love the art, I love that flavor. This will certainly go into the deck.

The only thing I find weird is the fact that it is a Treasure as in its subtypes, but it doesn't have the Treasure ability to sac itself for only one mana. I don't think it was necessary either, just that it is weird to not see it on there.

Stimulus Package

Interest level: 8/10

The moment I saw this uncommon I thought I was dreaming.

Oh my, I love having a card that can transform my Treasures into another type of value, and what about an army of tokens to kill my opponents with? Yes, please!

And on top of that, it creates two Treasures on ETB!

It will certainly go into the deck.


Interest level: 7/10

Fighting is one of the only ways Green has to destroy creatures. The fact that Korvold become so big, it could be relevant to have this as a removal tool.

Maybe I'll add it to the deck, we will see.

Seize the Spotlight

Interest level: 7/10

I like this card. I really like this card.

It doesn't matter what your opponents will vote for.

If they choose Fame I will use their creature or sac them (or at least one of them) to Korvold and otherwise if they choose Fortune I get cards and Treasures.

Life is fair. Unlike this card.

Bootleggers' Stash

Interest level: 7/10

This card is weirdly overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time.

On one hand, you have a do-nothing artifact that cost 6 mana and with which you need to wait for a whole turn before you can bank some mana.

With token doubling effects you can double or even triple your mana, but otherwise, you are just banking some mana into Treasures instead of losing it.

On the other hand, it is an awesome Treasure generator that can give you a lot of Treasures each turn.

I really need to think about it. This mana cost is really too high to be a good card in my opinion and this price tag really doesn't push me into trying it into the deck.

Involuntary Employment

Interest level: 6/10

Threaten effects are not the best in Commander, but I think if you see this card as a removal card that can net you a Treasure it ain't half bad.

Cast it, attack with Korvold, sac the creature you just stole to Korvold attack trigger.

Not your conventional removal spell, but it does the job. It can even do more if the creature you stole can give you some value whatsoever.

The only downside I see is the mana cost, four mana is a lot, even if I create a shit ton of Treasures each turn since I don't always want to sac them for mana, but instead keep them for another kind of value.

I need to think about it.

Sticky Fingers

Interest level: 6/10

This card is kind of sweet. It could allow for more evasion for Korvold or other creatures as well as netting me a Treasure each turn.

Worst case I can sac it to Korvold to draw another card!

Not bad. I'll consider it.

Big Score

Interest level: 6/10

Ok, so we went from Pirate's Pillage to Unexpected Windfall and this in less than a year. Power creep is real guys.

But even if this card is blatantly a case of power creeping, I think I will put it in the deck. It is simple, useful, and beautiful. What's more to ask?

Professional Face-Breaker

Interest level: 5/10

I know that a lot of people LOVE this card and I can understand why.

But, it might be an unpopular opinion, but I hate impulsive card drawing. I like to keep cards in my hand and play them when I want.

I have enough stress as it is in my daily life, I don't need to stress about playing cards right now.

Korvold is already giving me so much card advantage that I don't see the appeal on this card and Grim Hireling does the same other effect but even better with nicer art and a removal option built-in.

I think I will pass on it for now.

Jolene, the Plunder Queen

Interest level: 5/10

This card is like a Group-Huggy Xorn that costs more and can hit face, but with no evasion.

Maybe if I power down the deck I will include this card, but it won't be for now.

Rose Room Treasurer

Interest level: 5/10

Weird name, it must be a reference to something I can't quite grasp.

ETB another creature and it can create a Treasure, but no more than twice per turn. The consecutive times this effect becomes a finisher or a removal piece.

It ain't bad per se. I just think it might be a bit too slow or un-synergistic with the deck. I already have some deck that can kill from nowhere with Fireballs type of effect and I don't think I want those in this deck as well.

I will think about it, but it will probably be a no.

Hoard Hauler

Interest level: 5/10

I've kind of missed this card during the preview season of SNC.

This is not bad. But I'm afraid that a 5/5 just doesn't cut it to get through in Commander anymore.

But I also really like this effect as it can net me a lot of treasure on a single trigger, but at the same time, it is heavily dependent on my opponents' board, but so is Dockside Extortionist

I will think about it. But if Dockside Extortionist gets banned or if I decide to power down the deck, this could be a good replacement for it.


Interest level: 5/10

Flavor-wise this card is 10/10.

Otherwise, I don't think it is good enough for this deck, it is just a Treasure with legs for 1 mana.

But I think it will do wonders in my Winota, Joiner of Forces deck instead.

Boxing Ring

Interest level: 5/10

This card ain't that bad. You are not obliged to fight another creature on ETB, but you can use it as a sort of removal tool that can in the process give you a treasure each turn. Even if your creature that fights dies, you still get a Treasure token, so I guess that doing it with creature tokens is good too if you don't care about removing what you fight against.

I just don't think I need this in the deck at the moment. But I love the flavor of it.

Maybe I'll put it in a Fight deck one day.

Exhibition Magician

Interest level: 4/10

This is a cute card. ETB to have a Treasure or sacrificial fodder for Korvold.

I don't think I will put it in this deck as this effect alone just doesn't do enough anymore, but if someone was looking for a good ETB-Treasure creature in Red, we now have a solid one.

Riveteers Requisitioner

Interest level: 4/10

I have pretty much the same feeling toward this card as Exhibition Magician.

This card is like the reverse Exhibition Magician, it creates a Treasure when it dies but you can Blitz it to get it during the same turn it comes out as well as a card.

Not bad, but not awesome either.

Indulge / Excess

Interest level: 4/10

Indulge is nice to rapidly create an even bigger board, but is more of a win-more type of card in my opinion.

Excess can give you a LOT of Treasures for a very low cost, but this deck doesn't try to swing with a lot of creatures so I think I will pass.


Interest level: 4/10

Not bad, not good. Just ok.

I just find it slow, uninteresting, and uninspiring.

That's all.

Black Market Tycoon

Interest level: 4/10

Oh, this is definitely better than Glittermonger, I just don't want to die to my own Treasure and greed you know.

But at the same time, it would really be flavorful. Uh, I might reconsider this card one day.

Mari, the Killing Quill

Interest level: 3/10

If I had more than just Grim Hireling in the deck as a Rogue, Assassins, or Mercenaries this would be a slam dunk inclusion.

It is a really good card to be used as a Graveyard Hate tool, a draw engine, and a mana producer in the right deck, so that is why I will put it in my Queen Marchesa deck instead.

Spiteful Repossession

Interest level: 3/10

This is a cool card. It can burn your opponents for a lot (mostly the greedy ones) and at the same time refund you a lot of mana with Treasures.

The only issue I see in this card is that my deck is rarely behind in land compared to my opponents because Korvold is such a massive card draw engine. So in the end, it won't help me that much and might just be a dead card in this deck.

I think this could be an awesome card in Boros or burn shells.

Most Wanted

Interest level: 3/10

Korvold becomes a threat really easily, but that doesn't mean I want to add this to the deck just because he might get removed a lot of time.

It does however reimburse a single occurrence of the Commander tax by itself and the Flash ain't that bad to have. It is just too situational for my taste.

Jewel Thief

Interest level: 3/10


Ognis, the Dragon's Lash

Interest level: 3/10

This is a cool card. I just don't think it goes in the deck even if I have Anger and one or two other creatures with haste in it.

It just won't create any value without putting itself in too much danger.

I think it is a really cool card to build around and I love seeing that it creates tapped Treasure to prevent it from going infinite.

Misfortune Teller

Interest level: 2/10

It is meh.

ETB to maybe get a Treasure and needs to connect to, again, maybe make a Treasure. The other payoff is a creature that we can sac to Korvold, but even then it is not enough.

At least it is some graveyard hate, but for 4 mana, I will pass.

Fake Your Own Death

Interest level: 2/10

This is a cute effect that we have already seen plenty of times. This time it comes with a Treasure.

Sadly, this deck doesn't need that kind of effect since I can produce so much mana anyway from all my other Treasure producers, that the Commander Tax doesn't even mean a thing anymore.

Instead, this will go in my Ukkima, Stalking Shadow   deck.

Gala Greeters

Interest level: 2/10

Wow, I think Wizard is starting to realize that too many Treasures are too many Treasures.

I love seeing the words "tapped Treasure token".

It is not good at all for this deck, but it is nice to see the Wizard of the Coast design team acknowledging the issue Treasures bring... even if this card comes in a set pack to the brink with cards that create normal Treasures...

Vazi, Keen Negotiator

Interest level: 1/10

I mean, just no.

I don't want to give Treasures to my opponents, this is just a bad thing to do if your deck isn't built around your opponents using those Treasures. Which is my case.

I'm gonna pass on this one. Big time.

Currency Converter

Interest level: 1/10

Don't get me wrong, this card is awesome in the right deck, but this deck is not made for it.

I don't need more card draw and I don't discard that often to make value with it.

Jetmir's Fixer

Interest level: 1/10

This card is so much better than Security Rhox, so why is the Rhox an Uncommon and this a Common.

I don't get it and my deck doesn't want it anyway.

Gilded Pinions

Interest level: 1/10

If Korvold didn't have flying this could maybe be good, but even then I don't see any utility for me with this card for this deck.

Hard pass.

Halo Scarab

Interest level: 0/10

Yeah no. This card is just plain bad. It just doesn't do anything unless it is in your graveyard.

You could argue that it is good value as a sac fodder for Korvold, but even then it is two mana for a do-nothing and another two to get a single Treasure out of it.

I'm better just playing Gleaming Barrier instead for that.

Capenna Express

Interest level: 0/10

This card does not create Treasure, it just uses them to be crewed instead.

It's still a bad card nonetheless.

Security Rhox

Interest level: 0/10

Why isn't this card a Common? This is really bad. I mean really really bad.

Atsushi, the Blazing Sky

Interest level: 8/10

Oh boy! I didn't expect Kamigawa to have Treasures!

For now, it is the only card that creates some, but it is also on a Dragon which makes it a perfect fit for the theme of my deck.

I will need to find something to cut to add it in for sure.

And on top of that, it can work with Prosper, Tome-Boundfoil! I still regret having said that Prosper was a bad card for this deck because more and more cards seem to be working well with his play-from-exile ability

I'm still looking for a place to make in this deck for this sweet dragon.

Ruthless Technomancer

Interest level: 8/10

I don't think anybody expected a Disciple of Bolas that can create treasures AND be a reanimator at the same time to be printed in this deck.

I'm pretty confident this will go into the deck because I could easily use both effects for a maximum of value.

Fable of the Mirror-Breaker   / Reflection of Kiki-Jiki  

Interest level: 7/10

I am intrigued by this card. It does a lot of good things that this deck could want (Treasure (duh), draw, copy and sacrifice), but I'm not 100% convinced that it should go into the deck, more like 75% convinced at this point. As I look at this card I wonder if it is better than Captain Lannery Storm. It sure does a lot more, but again I am torn between the two.

Like Atsushi, I will be testing it and see if it deserves a spot in this deck.

Undercity Scrounger

Interest level: 6/10

This card can reliably create me a Treasure during each turn, but is it better than Tavern Scoundrel? One makes Treasures 75% of the time, the other one needs to sac something (which means card draw with Korvold out) to have a 50% chance of getting two Treasures. Both have their pro and con and I am not able to make a clear decision right now. I will need to test both of them.

It seems NEO offers me a lot of dilemmas between the cards I have and the cards I could add to this deck.

Smoke Spirits' Aid

Interest level: 4/10

Ok, this card is hella weird. I really don't know how to evaluate this or even what to do with it. Do I enchant my own things for an "assurance policy"? That way when they die I get Treasures but lose life or do I enchant my opponent creatures with it and when (if) they die I will get Treasures for it?

I think it could be more of a value card in a Forced Combat or Goad deck, but not really for this specific deck.

The art is 11/10 and the tokens are hella cute too tho.

Reckoner Bankbuster

Interest level: 1/10

This card is not very good for this deck. It is mostly card draw on a body that you will lose in the end in exchange for a single Treasure and a token for which I don't have any utility since I'm not running any vehicle in this deck.

It will be a hard pass on this card for me.

Old Rutstein

Interest level: 2/10

The fact that it only triggers for its own self-mill and not self-mill in general is kind of sad.

But in general, it just has a very small impact on this deck, I'm not looking into putting cards in my graveyard, but I like the fact that all that he creates is useful has either artifact or sac-fodder for my commander.

In the end, I don't think ever putting it in the deck, but, you know, I've said that with Prosper, Tome-Boundfoil and look now it is in the deck.

Scion of Opulence

Interest level: 2/10

I think this card is awesome in Vampire decks, but I don't have any Vampire in this deck so it will basically just be a costlier Dire Fleet Hoarder.

I think I will pass on this card for now, but if Dockside Extortionist gets banned I might put it in the deck for its ability that can be useful with Prosper, Tome-Boundfoil.

Visions of Ruin

Interest level: 4/10

It is mediocre removal, which can be recured but it doesn't have that much of a great reduction with Korvold, Fae-Cursed King.

I think I will pass on this card for now.

Old Gnawbone

Interest level: 11/10 - This will go directly in the deck.

I needed ways to create more treasure and this goes so well in this deck. Flavor-wise it is a dragon and function-wise with Korvold that just gets bigger and bigger I will create a LOT of treasures. It's a Win-Win situation.

ALSO! This can be tutor directly into play with Magda, Brazen Outlaw. Damn, I like this card even more now.

Will replace Vraska, Relic Seeker

Deadly Dispute

Interest level: 10/10 - I'll be stupid to not put this in the deck!

This is a common card and it is just a better version of Costly Plunder, so there is no downside to just swap one for the other, seriously. Sac a Treasure, get one back, huh... yes, please!

Will replace Costly Plunder

Reckless Endeavor

Interest level: 10/10 - I'll be stupid to not put this in the deck!

It is a board wipe AND a Brass's Bounty in ONE CARD. Come on! This will go in the deck as soon as it is available.

And on top of that, the art is freaking sweet!

Will replace Blasphemous Act

Treasure Chest

Interest level: 9/10 - Really high chance that I put this card in the deck.

This card goes really well in the deck both flavor-wise and function-wise. It's literally a treasure and I can't sac it (which Korvold likes) to get Treasures or more cards. Surprisingly, the net 20 result is the one I'm least interested in.

Will replace Curse of Opulence

Hoarding Ogre

Interest level: 8/10 - High chance that I put this card in the deck.

I really need more ways to create treasure and an attack trigger like Captain Lannery Storm can be really useful. The plus side is that I can get up to three Treasure on a single attack, but the downsides are that it doesn't have built-in haste, is only a 3/3, which means it can die pretty easily in combat in Commander and cost more to cast than Captain Lannery Storm.

Will replace Tireless Tracker

Kalain, Reclusive Painter

Interest level: 8/10 - High chance that I put this card in the deck.

Create a treasure on ETB is nice, but it is really with the second ability that this card shine I think. Coupled with cards like Old Gnawbone this can get nuts and net me more treasure every attack that connects, but also makes cards that have a hard time to attack to get their treasure trigger to be bigger treats like Captain Lannery Storm and Hoarding Ogre. Also, it will now make Fain, the Broker even more useful as I will have more creatures than just Korvold with +1 counters on them. And on top of that, it can make Marionette Master one of my best win conditions, even bigger and scarier.

Will replace Juri, Master of the Revue


Interest level: 7/10 - Good chance that I put this card in the deck.

This card helps me make more treasures with all my cards that create treasures, but alone by itself, it really doesn't do anything which is why I wonder if it will really go in the deck.

Will replace Cranial Plating

Treasure Vault

Interest level: 7/10 - Good chance that I put this card in the deck.

A Land, that I can sac to create more treasure. I'm not a fan of the double Xs', but I think it fits the flavor and the strategy of the deck. I will need to test it.

Bucknard's Everfull Purse

Interest level: 7/10 - Good chance that I put this card in the deck.

A kind of a mana-rock that can generate some Treasures. It has both a fun side of being pass around the table and a downside that an opponent will just not use it (or sac it) and therefore never return to you. This will need some testing.

Grim Hireling

Interest level: 7/10 - Good chance that I put this card in the deck.

Except for Korvold and my other Dragons, I don't have a lot of creatures that actually connect with the opponent to create some Treasures with this card (but that can be enough), but I really like the fact that it creates two treasures and that it has a sac ability that can be used as removal.

Will replace: Reap

Shambling Ghast

Interest level: 6/10 - Small chance that I put this card in the deck.

A death Trigger to create a treasure is really not bad for 1 mana since all the others in the deck are 2 manas, it is a good target to sac with Korvold to when he attacks or enters the battlefield.

Grim Bounty

Interest level: 6/10 - Small chance that I put this card in the deck.

Removal that creates treasure is neat! Just need to find if I want to remove something for that...

Will replace Gild

Unexpected Windfall

Interest level: 6/10 - Small chance that I put this card in the deck.

This card is not bad, it is an instant speed Pirate's Pillage that cost 2RR instead of 3R. I don't think I want to remove Pirate's Pillage, I don't really care about the instant speed effect, so I need to find something else to remove if I want to use it.

Prosperous Innkeeper

Interest level: 5/10 - There might be better cards

ETB create a single treasure for 2 manas is not bad, but there is better too.

Forsworn Paladin

Interest level: 5/10 - There might be better cards

This card can create Treasures by itself and is a 1 drop. Not bad, I just don't know if I really need this ability, but the Deathtouch is quite nice since this deck often lacks a defensive strategy.

You Find a Cursed Idol

Interest level: 4/10 - The downside is too big I think

I think I prefer my removal cards to remove something AND create a treasure, that way it has two functions in my deck. With a card like that, I will just wonder if I use it to create a treasure or regret not using it as removal...

Plundering Barbarian

Interest level: 4/10 - The downside is too big I think

I think I prefer my removal cards to remove something AND create a treasure, that way it has two functions in my deck. With a card like that, I will just wonder if I use it to create a treasure or regret not using it as removal...

Hoard Robber

Interest level: 4/10 - The downside is too big I think

I love the art, but the card is really not good in commander. A small creature will never be able to touch the opponent in commander and I would need to add more evasion cards to the deck to make this single card work. I prefer the new Ogre and the Ixalan captain that create Treasures on attack instead of on connect, that way I'm sure to get some every swing.

Prosper, Tome-Boundfoil

Interest level: 3/10 - Needs too much to be built around it to actually works

I really don't have anything at all that exile stuff and let me play stuff from exile to actually get the treasure payoff from this card.

Dragon's Fire

Interest level: 0/10 - Flavor and Art are perfect, but the card will sadly not go in the deck

Love the art and will eventually become the thumbnail image of this deck.


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91% Casual


Date added 4 years
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 4 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

23 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.45
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Clue, Copy Clone, Dinosaur 3/1 R, Food, On an Adventure, Servo 1/1 C, Smaug, Squirrel 1/1 G, The Ring, The Ring Tempts You, Treasure
Folders Wanna-build
Ignored suggestions
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