Korvold's Light-Speed Garbage (cEDH Primer)
Commander / EDH
Cloudstone Curio and Dockside Extortionist only works with Skirk Prospector
October 19, 2020 2:27 p.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #3
Card (and thus permanent) type is referential to the left side of the hyphenated segment in the center of a card. Artifacts, Creatures, Lands, Planeswalkers, and Enchantments are the types (supertype) Cloudstone Curio is referring to, not the subtype (such as goblin, tribal, etc).
Tl;dr Cloudstone curio bounces creatures with other creatures.
November 23, 2020 8:44 p.m.
How do you use Wheel of Misfortune correctly? And why did you took out PitA?
January 12, 2021 10:10 p.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #5
This update was mostly about strengthening Underworld Breach.
Hullbreacher didn't originally scare me off of PitA, but it puts us in a basically unrecoverable position if it happens to us in response to PitA. Ad Naus gets around it, and is less mana.
Unfortunately Jund has a hard time with stack based interaction, especially in a list as lean as this one is trying to be. Additionally, Ad Naus was being more painful than it needed to be, and I basically never tutored PitA.
So I cut PitA for Grinding Station , which may not be great honestly (needs more testing), in theory it aids Underworld Breach lines considerably.
Wheel of Misfortune may ultimately get the axe as it is 3 mana, and can get Hullbreacher'd pretty hard. As for how to use it, that is meta dependant, but Ill try to give a brief rundown:
Someone who doesn't want to wheel will pick 0, so in that case picking 1 would be best if you want to wheel and take as little damage as possible. But then the meta will adjust and if the person who doesn't want to wheel knows youll try to take as little as possible, they can "stuff" your option by taking 1 damage. Then its best to pick 2, but they could pick 2, etc etc. Basically you play it by ear, I usually take around 4 to 5 damage from it to wheel and its been fine. Gotta remember some decks dont give a single shit about their life total though, so you can probably bait them into self-nuking.
Definitely a weak slot as of now. The main contender for that slot is probably Jeska's Will , but that doesn't "combo" with Underworld Breach . The other contender for the slot is Opposition Agent which Im not currently playing as this is a little antithetical to the Go Fast mentality, being somewhat of a stax piece.
January 13, 2021 11:57 a.m.
How do you use Demonic Consultation ? What´s you opinion on Blood Pet and Bolas's Citadel ?
I love your ideas for every deck you have put in here.
February 16, 2021 noon
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #7
Usually Demonic Consultation is used to find the last piece of a combo, but its really dependant on the boardstate. I've Consulted for VoS a few times, which I never expected tbh. Definitely a last resort kinda card.
I love blood pet and if it had an ability like Skirk Prospector, it'd be in over viscera seer. As it is, its a free cantrip with Korvold out, and thus in some ways a better Jeweled Amulet. If you cant afford the expensive stuff like Imp Seal, its a great replacement.
Bolas's Citadel is able to facilitate some cool combos, but we don't even run its primary enabler (SDT), so it would be kinda outta place in this Farm list. It could certainly be tuned towards and a Citadel Farm list could be viable, though.
Thank you! I appreciate that a lot, thank you for the kind words!
February 17, 2021 4:16 p.m.
Hello do you have an update record?, I see a few changes but I can´t quite point what changes did you made.
Love the deck, I took a lot of inspiration from this one and is destroying my LCS.
Thanks! Great Job.
February 21, 2021 2:33 p.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #10
Summoners Pact is used to grab Elvish Spirit Guide, Tinder Wall, Korsan Wayfarer, Eternal Witness (in my iteration of the list that runs E wit), Deathrite Shaman, it functions as ramp and as a way to find game enders for free.
I don't keep track of updates on this list very well, unfortunately.
Most of the changes are tiny adjustments in the land base (I swap between having Lake of the Dead, Prismatic Vista, and a few basics; It depends on how much low color blue or red decks I expect to see). There are also a few experimental card slots that move around, right now my irl list has Eternal Witness over Goblin Recruiter and Orcish Lumberjack over Impulsive Pilferer. The two Baubles are also new, Im seeing if they increase Opal's consistency enough. Mox amber is also pretty new and I am not liking it very much, it does add consistency for Opal and Grinding Station loops, but pre-korvold it sucks.
Eternal Witness is potentially a more solid change as it strengthens ending the game (Corpse Dance loops with it to let us actually win if Finale is exiled, Grinding Station is inaccessible, etc), but it may be a redundant unnecessary effect.
Overall this list is close to as fast as it could be, hence the 6ish flex slots. Its manabase is currently on the consistency plan, but with Lake of the Dead it would be faster occasionally (at the expense of being a blank card in some boardstates).
February 21, 2021 3:33 p.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #11
-Impulsive Pilferer
Good fodder, just not great
-Goblin Recruiter
Found it to be too slow. Sylvan tutor is bordering on too slow, like Imp seal, but this is leagues slower than it needs to be. We also cant capitolize on it like Snoop decks can
-Urza's Bauble
Same as Pilferer, except aided in turning on Opal after a naus
-Mishra's Bauble
-Mox Opal
Not live often enough pre-naus when needed. Post naus I have a ton of options anyways
-Winds of Fortune
Sad to see it go, but it was honestly a win-more effect.
-Faithless Looting
This was letting me feel more confident in keeping not quite optimal hands. Just mulligan more.
+Peer into the Abyss
Im gonna live on the edge and take Hullbreacher and Deflecting Swats like a man. Also, I was a tad slower without a second naus/needing more tutors to compensate
+Wheel of Misfortune
A better wheel in bad scenarios than Winds
+Claim // Fame
Another 1 mana reanimate effect, unfortunately its a 3 health dink off Naus, but its worth it for the mana efficiency.
+Praetor's Grasp
Been sold on this recently. Grabbing an opponent's Naus turn 1 and casting it turn 2 made me even more sold on it.
+Orcish Lumberjack
It was out for a bit to test other fodder options. This is a fundamentally broken card in the deck, though.
I wasn't running it because I didnt have Razaketh. But I feel I have a high enough reanimation density now to support this for dockside/E. wit
+Eternal Witness
This allows instant speed wins on EOT similarly to the way we do it with Deathrite Shaman. We need infinite mana, a way to sacrifice, it and use Corpse Dance to infinitely recast spells from our GY
February 24, 2021 5:57 p.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #12
Current list thoughts/considerations:
I may be modifying an iteration of this list to see how much I can increase its speed (which would be marginal at best). Changes I am considering include:
-Karplusan Forest
-Deflecting Swat
+Eldritch Evolution
+Jeska's Will
I don't believe these changes will be worthwhile, as I have tested both of these cards previously, but they are worth considering if your meta is slower to blast through their setup turns. Swat is the most likely to be cut, and its likely replacement would be EE (for dockside accessibility).
March 16, 2021 11:29 a.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #13
Often if I have my commander on the stack, I am winning the game and cant use this to protect casting Korvold.
Less red prevalence.
Third Naus, I didn't include it because I couldnt find my promo lol and EOT is rough. Its functioning as a CA engine as often as a wincon tbh. Probably not worth the changes.
Higher black prevalence.
Emergence Zone . With Krosan Wayfarer and Crop Rotation , it may be worthwhile to include EZ. Im not looking forward to less colored mana in my starting hands though.
March 19, 2021 11:41 a.m.
Hi Nerdytimesorwhatever, first of all I wanted to thank you, I used to have a mid range Korvold with very slow combos it was nice but then I found this list.
I have been slowly changing my deck and started having the same mentality as you. I´m from Costa Rica and I think our meta is slow, my deck is destroying a lot of tables and I´m having a blast with CEDH.
I´m still building it. And right now I use Eldritch Evolution and is ok, and I use Emergence Zone just in case but have never needed it. I also use Manamorphose to help the slow tutors.
You Rock and Thank you for sharing this list, you saved me from making a Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain to be able to compete in CEDH.
March 22, 2021 1:16 a.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #15
Thank you, ElCoon! I really appreciate your feedback!
Jhoira is also a viable commander for cEDH, but she is slower than (and preyed upon incidentally by) Korvold.
Alrighty time for the log!
Small eventual changes include:
+Storm Kiln Artist
Makes all our instants / sorceries cantrip and generate mana like a better birgi.
+Elimination Ritual
Destroys all opponent ramp, many hatepieces, and ramps insanely. Automatically the best ritual in the deck.
-Claim / Fame
Only reanimated Dockside and wasn't overall worth the lifeloss off Naus
Cost was too steep and EOT was rough without Emergence Zone
April 2, 2021 7:46 p.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #16
Also, Plumb the Forbidden was spoiled and will also go in here. Infinite Spoiler season is wild and exhausting.
April 2, 2021 8:05 p.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #17
We are at a point where I am considering cutting a land or Krosan Wayfarer... So Wayfarer gets the axe. It allows for Summoners Pact to be a cantrip+sacrifice something else if we have Phyrexian Tower in hand, but we dont run its other prime put into play target, EZ. It gets the cut over a land because lands are more consistent mana :P
Culling Ritual takes its place because it can accelerate us and take opponents out at the knees simultaneously.
-Krosan Wayfarer (sadness)
+Culling Ritual
April 6, 2021 9:53 a.m.
Hi, why dont you use Walking Ballista ?
I still see Krosan Wayfarer in the list and could you justify the new aditions from Strixhaven I honestly dont understand why you added cards with high CMC.
April 6, 2021 9:53 p.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #19
Currently Krosan Wayfarer is in the slot Guttural Response is usually in. Im going faster so its not as useful tbh.
As for including Storm Kiln and Culling Ritual, the former is a dockside that doesn't care as much about rock light tables and the latter is a way to dumpster stax pieces, accelerants, and it pays for itself. I find these pay for the dinks off of Naus, as both can be played to great affect before & afterwards.
As for Walking Ballista , what would I be using it for? I haven't got any loops with it..? Most cards in the list have quite a few functions and are vying for slots with around 15 other cards.
I like swapping stuff around, sometimes I forget to log it still lol
April 6, 2021 10:20 p.m.
BiggRedd54 says... #20
+1 on Deflecting Swat :/
I hear what you say when Korvold is on the stack, but Swat is extremely useful in this format. To get around counterspells...
+1 on Cavern of Souls
+1 on Allosaurus Shepherd
Maybe drop a dork for Allo...but also, just proxy it..no one is watching.
-1 Rite of Flame or -1 some sort of cheat mana, preferably a spell.
-1 Culling Ritual ... I don’t see that resolving when you need it to most.
April 18, 2021 11:05 a.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #21
•Deflecting Swat
You'll notice I've cut Guttural Response, which is a live interaction piece far more frequently than Deflecting Swat. Typically I would agree that cutting something as absurdly powerful as DS is wrong, but as Korvold is 5 mana and is often cast as a component of winning, all Swat would do is be a dead card in hand (and it often was, I tested it for a few months)
•Cavern of Souls
No. I don't wanna be mean, but look at the creatures in the deck. All it would do is make Korvold or Dockside uncounterable which doesn't matter much. Its a dead land. Lake of the Dead is vying for a land slot with Emergence Zone , neither has made it in over Karplusan/Llanowar painland, and CoS is much worse than either of the two lands I can't include due to slot limitations.
•Allosaurus Shepherd
Why would I include this card? It only works for making green spells uncounterable, which are less than half the wincons. Most of the green in the deck is ramp. Like CoS, its a dead slot that would be trying to vy for space over several much more live slots.
•Culling Ritual
I agree with part of your evaluation, and Im not too hot on the card myself. I will need to test more to be certain, but it will likely get the Axe like Opposition Agent did (too midrangey of a tool, even if its super powerful, it doesnt full on aid the go fast mentality). Jeska's Will might replace this slot, but I am not 100% on what will replace it. Final Fortune is always useful during testing, though, so thats a second option (to give a bit of a window into my card considerations).
•Rite of Flame
I have been trying to cut this card for the longest time. Honestly it does the job so much better than the next best option (Jeska's) that it isn't funny. Going from one red pip to two allows dockside, FF, breach, plunge... Unfortunately, it will stay in for the time being. It has yet to be outclassed.
Thank you for your card suggestions, sorry if it seems like Im putting you down at all. This list has been tested rigorously (until recently-- I have yet to test Culling Ritual adequately, as of yet it isn't falling short, Id just rather have card advantage effects in that slot, hence considering the often mediocre Jeskas Will) and each slot has been thought about. This iteration of the primer is incomplete, but thats due to not updating it with my notes (I have a notebook that I track a ton of shit about this deck in) so the verbiage and cards listed in the primer is likely somewhat off. Sorry about that!
As for Proxying, I am a vocal advocate of doing so. This deck has no monetary constraints (My Rashmi list is over $15k, as it includes a Tabernacle). "Proxy away, fuck what WotC has to say." - This Whale
April 18, 2021 12:51 p.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #22
-Plumb the Forbidden
+Life's Legacy
I haven't been particularly impressed with Plumb the Forbidden, and with the list potentially leaning towards Smog+Bloom, it wont have the time to come online. Life's Legacy is a good one card refuel that very frequently draws more than Plumb much earlier.
May 1, 2021 1:21 p.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #23
Yep, snap decision, slotting in Smogbloom. Deciding on cuts.
-Eternal Witness (probably not permanent)
-Praetor's Grasp (hopefully permanent)
+Chain of Smog
+Witherbloom Apprentice
This combo is layered, interestingly, in that Storm Kiln Artisan also combos with Chain of Smog to win the game, meaning two alt win lines can (hopefully permanently) be cut in lieu of this plan.
May 1, 2021 1:31 p.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #24
Dredge being considered, possibly for memes, but its actually a good card in here, especially if we're on a Lifes Legacy korvold power climb.
May 2, 2021 10:07 a.m.
Nerdytimesorwhatever says... #25
Uhhhh what this card is stupid
+Ignoble Hierarch
Much better dork? Yas!
-Fyndhorn Elves
-Elvish Mystic
Normal dorks are too normal now
casual_competitive says... #1
August 27, 2020 11:26 p.m.