Kozilek, the Great Distorted Juicepresser
Commander / EDH
runninonwater says... #6
Hm, if i add the new Emrakul, the Promised End i will think about it!Since i get another Tribal + an Instant for the deck for Emrakuls costreducing ability.And i do need some protection but its so difficult to cut cards now days and i don't have much time for testing.
August 25, 2016 7:21 p.m.
you've switched commanders since I was last here how is that going for you??
August 25, 2016 9:45 p.m.
ZoakoTHEnotSogreat says... #8
Don't forgot with "Not of this World," 7 is a common cost for big bomb creatures like avenger of zendikar that aren't eldrazi so its another discard to your general when not necessary to protect anything.
I would kick Kyren Toy for it. The toy's effect you would rather have on a land (Mage-Ring Network) if at all.
August 25, 2016 10 p.m.
runninonwater says... #9
Yes :) I think new Kozilek is way more fun, he still hits like a truck and people won't just scoop to you if you get in one annihilator. And i've noticed that he's indeed a threat, he's really strong.I really like how the deck is working at the moment, i've done some busted stuff and i love the lockpieces.
Maybe, im gonna think about it. Kyren Toy hasn't been the best but it can be quite the ramp under certain conditions.At the moment the Kyren Toy is a proxy which has taken Batterskulls spot, but i think i need another lifegain effect... maybe i should cut Kyren and play Batterskull.
But i'll think about it! :)
Emrakul, i need a foiled one and i don't want to pay for one right now and what would i cut for it? i don't know x)
August 26, 2016 11:30 a.m.
ZoakoTHEnotSogreat says... #10
Lion's Eye Diamond is one possibility, while it can provide that extra broken push for an early general or skip over 1.5 deaths worth of commander tax into Draw 7, its a terrible top deck most of the time from mid to late when it would be better for you to not dump your hand.
Ensnaring Bridge I would replace Tangle Wire with it. Tangle Wire is best in a colored artifact deck that can recur it, multiply the counters more easily, etc.
Doubling Cube is questionable outside of green ramp decks, it is generally a win more card. True you only invest two mana to start, but when it gets blown up, that two mana you could have invested in a threat/mana rock/kill button(Disk, O-Stone) or simply left open to activate a land ability.
Krak-Clan Iron Works. When I am your opponent, I want you to sac all your stuff to this.
Scorched Ruins is a land you could consider depending on how much land destruction is in you meta. The pay off is huge if your meta can allow you the risk. And you can mitigate some of the sacrifice via Crucible.
Vedalken Orrery With Unwinding Clock you can be more reactive. Flash in Emrakul right before the person you want to control's turn, Use Ulamog like a doped up swords to plowshares, flash in Forcefield in response to an alpha strike, so on so forth.
August 27, 2016 12:45 p.m.
TronIsloveTronislife says... #11
Hey Man sweet deck :) Valentine69a here Just replied to your comment on mtg Salvation Kozilek primer :)
December 19, 2016 4:49 a.m.
DancingPigeon says... #12
Could you explain why you're running Myr Turbine?
December 20, 2016 10:32 a.m.
ZoakoTHEnotSogreat says... #13
I can't believe I actually suggested Ensnaring bridge in an Eldrazi deck, I had to be thinking of a different card but I'm not sure what.
I now recommend: Key to the City and Portcullis
December 20, 2016 3:33 p.m.
runninonwater says... #14
DancingPigeonIm acutally making a change to the list right now. Myr Turbine is a petcard of mine and its been in most of my artifact decks. But it has great synergy with Myr Battlesphere, Krark-Clan Ironworks, Blinkmoth Urn, Kuldotha Forgemaster, Unwinding Clock just to name a few.And if i gain infinite mana and tap/untaps i can create infinite dudes which is quite nice.And if i would be more hardcore i would play The Butcher instead of The Distortion :=)
Im now trying to make it more staxheavy but im still missing some cards :/
ZoakoTHEnotSogreat Haha, yeah, im actually gonna update the list to be more staxheavy and i WAAAAS thinking about it.
Key to the City? Im gonna think about it.I actually do have a Portcullis im planning to play.
December 20, 2016 7:52 p.m.
runninonwater says... #15
These are the changes so far.
Took out:1x Alhammarret's Archive 1x Batterskull 1x Sandstone Oracle1x Thought-Knot Seer 1x Mage-Ring Network
Put in:1x Loreseekers Stone1x Smokestack F1x Skullclamp F1x Myr Retriver 1x Springjack Pasture F
Potential cards:1x Junk Diver F1x Portcullis1x Ugin's Nexus
December 20, 2016 8:07 p.m.
runninonwater says... #16
- 1 Conduit of Ruin
1 Loreseeker's Stone
- Mishra's Helix
December 20, 2016 8:30 p.m.
TronIsloveTronislife says... #17
I approve of smokestack when you have Myr turbine :) I have both in the mail now, It can be brutal with clock of omens shenanigans :) I tried key to the city, On the surface it seems perfect but its not really that great, it does make it easier to win with commander damage though. and its still an O.K card, i feel we have better things to fill our slots with though. and we already have plenty of card draw.
When it comes to Stax i recommend
Storage Matrix
Static Orb
Relic Barrier
Icy manipulator
Ring of Gix
Damping Engine
Possessed Portal (is crazy awesome with trading post cuz you can sac it and recur it to control the field And draw cards)
Mishra's Helix( with unwinding clock and mana rocks we can really start punishing our enemies)
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale ( pretty expensive but one of the best stax lands out there)
Defense Grid (It's good to punish our opponents making all of their counterspells way worse and punishing white players for there cheap removal spells.)
Grafdigger's Cage (good for those graveyard players you were telling me about)
Orb of Dreams (could be good especially if we already have Static orb out (but it will effect our speed with mana rocks? keep it in hand until ready to abuse it?)
December 20, 2016 8:47 p.m.
runninonwater says... #18
Hmm, maybe Skullclamp is bad and has too few targets...
December 20, 2016 8:48 p.m.
runninonwater says... #19
Yeah, gonna look into it. I got a Static Orb, Icy Manipulator, and Trinisphere and more laying around somewhere.
But yeah im gonna look into it.
December 20, 2016 8:55 p.m.
DancingPigeon says... #20
The purpose of stax is to limit your opponents more than yourself- I can't help but feel Static Orb is the complete wrong stax choice for this deck. You don't want Stax effects that impact you as much (or more) as your opponents- and this shuts down your artifact mana base too much, IMO.
Key to the City makes more sense in the beatdown version of the deck. I think when making Kozi you have to decide the priority order for your game plans. IMO, the main choice is deciding whether you value Stax, Beatdown or Combo. The deck is always going to be able to do all three (if built correctly), but I think your card choices dictate which you're prioritising. Given we're colourless I think Stax will generally only ever be 2nd or 3rd in the list- we aren't really suited to going pure Stax, IMO. That really just leaves choosing from:
- Primarily Beatdown, Stax secondary, minor Combo (closest to Judwah's list)
- Primarily Beatdown, Combo secondary, minor Stax
- Primarily Combo, Beatdown secondary, minor Stax
- Primarily Combo, Stax secondary, minor Beatdown
Minor beatdown cuts the support cards like Greaves and Boots, minor Stax are the lists just running Tanglewire, Winter Orb and 1 or 2 other pieces. Minor combo are the ones that are just running Basalt + Rings and not many other combos.
December 20, 2016 9:17 p.m.
TronIsloveTronislife says... #21
DancingPigeonBro thats why we play things like clock of omens, ring of gix, relic barrier, icy manipulator, blinkmoth well, (or staff of domination when you have Karn silver golem out)
you tap static orb down in you opponents endstep and then untap everything.
December 20, 2016 9:37 p.m.
DancingPigeon says... #22
I get that, but its a stax piece that requires other components to really function. I understand its also incredibly limiting to others, but I'd rather play pieces that don't sit dead unless you have other pieces. I guess if you're going to fully go down Stax then you're also running Icy/Gix, but for me those cards aren't really impactful enough to warrant going with.
If you're running Butcher I'd suggest Cursed Totem. It shuts down Metalworker, but it kills a lot of stuff that is popular.
December 20, 2016 10 p.m.
runninonwater says... #23
I understand what you're saying DancingPigeon, i've already tried out the pure beatdown and ppl didn't want to play with me. And yes, i haven't really played Static Orb because of that reason, it shuts down me just as much as my opponent and as you said, you need that other piece.
Im just trying to mess around with the deck at this point.
But i'll gladly read what you have to type out.
And i agree with you, Juwdah's list is solid, it sticks to our strongest gameplan which is play the thing that keeps our engine running, kozilek, as much as you can.
Im just trying other stuff at the moment.
December 20, 2016 10:44 p.m.
TronIsloveTronislife says... #25
Static Orb Is one of the strongest stax cards to ever be printed, there a 4 or 5 cards in the deck that can switch it off for us only all ready, there is no point in not running it. just be smart about when you play it.
Ive been running it in my Kozilek deck for years, Its nearly always insanely good :)
hark says... #1
and i just thought if you get all of the legendary eldrazi leaders on the field at the same time doesn't that make you the eldrazi king
August 5, 2015 4:17 p.m.