
This deck is not intended for casual tables though it also is not expected to beat "top tier" decks.

Slam down rocks. Draw cards/Gain Value. Try to combo. (Pray they don't have null rod)

(No, I don't plan to run the Darksteel Forge / Mycosynth Lattice / Nevinyrral's Disk package)

Please bear with me as I update this. There will be times where this section gets messy. There will also be times where there I won't be able to update this (Life happens....)

On hiatus as of 5/19/2019 (life happened...)

This is my first time making a guide. Hope it turns out well! (Also my first time trying to make "accordion blocks")

NOTE: Making numbered/bulleted lists on this site is quite annoying.

Thank you for reading!

Your goal is to ramp up, draw cards/gain value ( Temporal Aperture and Mirrorworks are good examples), and try to win. You can either use one of the combos, listed below, or slam Kozilek, Butcher of Truth on the table and swing for the fences (if you can ramp that quickly).


There are multiple ways for this deck to create infinite mana and ways for that mana to be used. Some methods are simple 2-3 card combos, others require multiple pieces. There are other ways to gain an absurd amount of value without the typical infinite combos. However, the value gained may lead to one combo or another. The nice thing about this deck is that there are multiple pieces that interact with multiple different combos (infinite or not). I intended to make this deck so that if one particular combo is dead (pieces are exiled/destroyed) the remaining pieces can still be used.

A decent opening hand usually involves at least 2-3 lands, some amount of castable rocks/cost reducers (preferably rocks), and maybe something that can gain you value. Keep in mind that your General is a decent, though costly, source of cards. You can get away with having fewer lands in your opening hand if one or more lands produce at least and you can gain value before you start missing land drops.
  • NOTE: I don't consider Sensei's Divining Top to be a value card until mid/late game when you can tap/untap it multiple times for value (or infinitely for the win). It's okay to have it in your opening hand as long as you can back it up with rocks or cards that can dig you deeper (especially if the next few cards are lands). Sensei's Top can draw you a card, but if you have nothing to back up that draw you'll be stuck on repeat.
Stuff to be added at some point (last touched 2/2/2019)

Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth + . You need a total of to start the combo.

  • Tap the monolith for . You should have at least available.

  • Activate the untap ability for . Rings of Brighthearth trigger.

  • Resolve the trigger and pay . You now have two untap activations on the stack.

  • Tap the monolith after each untap activation resolves.

  • You now have available.

  • Repeat the second through fourth steps to net each time.

Rings of Brighthearth will also combo with Grim Monolith , but there are a couple of major differences. First, you'll need at least to start the combo. Second, you'll need a second Rings of Brighthearth via Sculpting Steel , Mirrorworks , or Mirage Mirror (which will require an additional to copy the rings).

For the following instructions we'll presume that you have the required mana available and Grim Monolith is already tapped.

  • Activate the untap ability for . Both rings will trigger.

  • Resolve one trigger and pay . The stack now has one untap activation, one rings trigger (which will require another ), and another untap activation (resolving in the written order).

  • Tap the monolith when you can and pay for the last rings trigger as the stack resolves. Grim Monolith should untap three times during this process, allowing you to tap for total.

  • Repeat the previous three steps to net each time.

Metalworker + Staff of Domination + 3 artifacts in hand (minimum). In the following instructions, we'll presume there are 3 artifacts in hand.

  • Tap Metalworker for .

  • Use the staff to untap Metalworker for .

  • Untap the staff for .

  • Repeat the previous steps to net each time.

  • Use your mana for any of the staff's abilities as many times as you wish (maybe draw your deck).

Strionic Resonator is a card I have included because I love the ability to copy any trigger that may give me any additional value, such as Kozilek's cast trigger. Combining this Paradox Engine allows us to create as much value as we need (usually). In order for this combo to work, we need a number of nonland permanents that can tap for a total of (minimum). We also need something to cast to trigger Paradox Engine.

  • Let's presume we have a Grim Monolith in play.

  • Tap it to produce and cast anything (make sure you have at least available after casting your spell). Paradox Engine triggers.

  • Use to activate Strionic Resonator (copying the engine's trigger). You now have two Paradox Engine triggers on the stack.

  • Let the first trigger resolve, untapping Grim Monolith and Strionic Resonator. You still have one engine trigger on the stack.

  • Tap Grim Monolith for and repeat the previous two steps to net each time

  • If you happen to have any other artifacts with an activated ability, such as Planar Portal , Codex Shredder or Mimic Vat , you can also activate those during the process. Just make sure to save at least for the Strionic Resonator.

Instructions for Sands of Time to be added later (Note added 2/24/19)(section revisited 5/19/19)

Most creatures that allow its controller to return artifacts from their graveyard to hand usually state that you can return another artifact. Scrap Trawler allows you to target any artifact as long as it costs less than the artifact that triggered Scrap Trawler.

If you use Sculpting Steel to copy another artifact, it copies all characteristics of that artifact (including converted mana cost). If used to copy an artifact that has a higher converted mana cost (CMC) and it goes to the graveyard, Scrap Trawler will trigger and allow you to target Sculpting Steel because it no longer has any of the copied artifact's characteristics (including CMC). Adding Krark-Clan Ironworks to the mix allows you to create a lot of value (possibly an infinite ammount).

  • Cast Sculpting Steel and copy an artifact with a CMC of at least 4 that can produce mana.

  • Tap it for the stated amount then sacrifice it to Krark-Clan Ironworks.

  • Scrap Trawler will trigger, allowing you to return Sculpting Steel to your hand. At this point you should have at least .

  • Repeat the previous three steps to net each time.

NOTE: If you control permanents that reduce the cost of Sculpting Steel to or less, then you can copy any artifact with a CMC of 4 or more and still net mana with this combo

Stuff to be added (updated 2/3/2019). This section may become redundant and removed (thoughts added 2/4/2019)
Although these are not bad options, I have decided not to run the following.
  • Arch of Orazca and Sea Gate Wreckage : As much as I like to be able to draw more cards, I can no longer see myself running these. If I'm in a situation where my best option for turn is to use either of these, the arch being a huge mana sync and the sea gate only being usable with no hand, then I'm probably in enough trouble where winning is not a likely scenario. I have run both lands and cut them both for this reason.

  • Basic Land Package ( Myriad Landscape , Burnished Hart , etc.): This can be a budget alternative for some of the pricier rocks/lands on the list. I had cut basic lands entirely at one point for more utility and extra draws but found that the lands that drew cards weren't as useful as I had hoped they would be.

  • Eye of Ugin : Yes, it reduces the cost of Kozilek by . Yes, I can pay to find any creature in the deck. But that's all it does. As much as I want to treat it as a "nonland" card, it still takes away my one land drop per turn. And similar to Arch of Orazca , I'd rather spend the mana on something else.

  • Matter Reshaper : Although this card is great for a potential value engine, it puts a damper on things when trying to use the Treasure Keeper + Krark-Clan Ironworks combo since it isn't an artifact. If you have no other artifacts to sacrifice, then you can't save Treasure Keeper or you'll lose a combo piece.

  • Mox Diamond : I may have simply forgotten to include this in the original list (not sure if there was a reason or not). I may include this in the future after some testing.

  • The Immortal Sun : I was running this mainly for the cost reduction and extra draw. Having the incidental control element and buff for my creatures was a welcome bonus. I cut this as soon as Ugin, the Ineffable was available. It does more of what I want, provides a blocker, and can act as spot removal.

  • Urza's Tower , Urza's Mine , and Urza's Power Plant : I had these on the original list and found that during most games I wouldn't see more than one of them. Even when I had all three lands in play, one would get destroyed. As nice as it would be to have that kind of mana, from lands, I'd rather have more stable utility.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

47 - 0 Rares

32 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.52
Tokens Copy Clone, Goat 0/1 W, Spirit 2/2 C
Folders Decks to try against Robert
Ignored suggestions
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