
Creature (1)

Instant (1)

Hit em' with the fat stack.

This deck has been slowly modified over the years to become more of a toolbox centered around Kresh the Bloodbraided, utilizing various sac outlets to generate valuable effects while stacking counters on Kresh. If Kresh becomes the primary target at the table, there are plenty of other useful pieces to impact the table and win games. The deck requires a reasonable amount of mana to take off, but once you put a few pieces together it really only takes about a turn to force an answer out of your opponents. I've never run this deck at a competitive table, and I don't think it would stand up too well against anything seriously powerful. It works well in my playgroup of experienced players with reasonably tuned decks. What I really like about it is the amount of options it provides in any given game, which is why it has stood the test of time as the only commander deck I have not deconstructed in many years of playing the game.

Your primary goal with this deck is to ramp out Kresh, then start up the engines to stack Kresh and thin out the board state until you're ready for an explosive finisher. In the event that you can't win with Kresh, you can stack up one of your other creatures or go wide. There is no shortage of options with this deck. Aside from the land base, there are nine subsections of the deck that serve specific purposes: Ramp, Card Draw, Value Generators, Token Generators, Sac-Outlets, Main Engine, Protection, Removal and Finishers. You'll find there's quite a bit of overlap among the subsections, and I'll do my best to mention that as I go into some specifics below. I won't list out every card, but some of the stand out pieces. I trust that you'll quickly put the rest together.


  • Shaman of Forgotten Ways Provides any color for creatures, which is useful in a three color deck, can also biorythm your opponents in less creature heavy matchups
  • Gyre Sage Easy to stack with many larger creatures and +1/+1 counter synergies, when it draws removal it will stack Kresh significantly
  • Xenagos, the Reveler In a deck that generates many tokens, he ramps quite a bit, also provides sac targets for other cards



  • Shriekmaw Removal on entry, can be sacced for additional value or just evoked for counters on Kresh
  • Brawn Decent body to stack on Kresh, grants teamwide trample as long as it's in the graveyard
  • Solemn Simulacrum Straightforward, provides value in both directions
  • Fleshbag Marauder Great pump for Kresh, thins out the board, usually takes an important creature away from control decks
  • Managorger Hydra For a small investment of three mana, this things will get huge, will draw valuable removal away from Kresh, will significantly feed Kresh
  • Malignus Typically with this deck you take out your opponents one by one so this will stay big, can be paired with a few other cards to one tap opponents


  • Mycoloth Requires a few creatures to get started but will generate significantly more, also a sac outlet on entry
  • Dragon Broodmother Another sac outlet on entry that generates tokens that are also sac outlets, combos nicely with Mycoloth and Dragonlair Spider
  • Whisperwood Elemental Generates tokens as long as you have cards in your deck, also useful in the event of a board wipe



  • Dictate of Erebos As you sac for value, your opponents lose their board state
  • Death's Presence Basically provides Kresh's effect as an enchantment, allowing you to double dip on the counters
  • Deathrender Put on a creature before it gets sacrificed to cheat out larger, more valuable creatures
  • Kalonian Hydra Doubles Kresh, doubles cards like Mycoloth and Gyre Sage
  • Meren of Clan Nel Toth Extremely powerful card that allows you to bring back high value sac targets
  • Doubling Season Another very powerful piece that effectively doubles the power of anything you do while it is in play
  • Archfiend of Depravity Keeps the board state lean, provides a significant amount of counters for Kresh, decent body for hitting or blocking flyers


  • Asceticism Keeps Kresh and other important pieces safe from targeted removal, sometimes allows you to save creatures in a board wipe
  • Lightning Greaves Allows you to start hitting with Kresh quickly and safely


  • Krosan Grip Essential green card to defend against combos
  • Plague Wind It's usually in your best interest not to wipe your part of the board, allows for game winning swings in board state and +1/+1 counters


  • Mage Slayer Kresh's sword, flavor win also applies commander damage through board stalls
  • Triumph of the Hordes Allows you to win regardless of Kresh's size, works well in the case of the go wide strategy, infect is kind of cringe though
  • Chandra's Ignition Allows Kresh to annihilate the rest of the board and all opponents simultaneously, also applies commander damage
  • Mob Rule Take everything, sac everything, clear board state, get a lot of counters, swing for a lot of damage
  • Solidarity of Heroes Double Kresh's power and anything else you want with counters on it at instant speed for two mana
  • Temur Battle Rage One of my favorites in the deck, almost always provides trample, combos with Malignus to one tap opponents, if you leave two mana up your opponents will always be fearful of this card


  • Not much to say here. This is as far as I've gotten over the years. Of course it can be improved significantly

That's basically it. Thanks for checking out my write-up. If you've gotten this far let me know what you think, and be sure to leave any suggestions. I come and go from the game every few years, so I'm sure there are plenty of cards I don't even know about that would perform really well here. Of course if you try it out come back and share your thoughts.


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91% Casual


Date added 10 years
Last updated 2 years
Exclude colors WU

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

29 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.82
Tokens Dragon 1/1 RG, Experience Token, Insect 1/1 G, Manifest 2/2 C, Saproling 1/1 G, Satyr 2/2 GR, Monarch Emblem, Thrull 1/1 B, Worm 1/1 BG
Folders Current Decks
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