Kru fix ramping

Commander / EDH* sharkudi


ksilver2 says... #1

I'm currently playing a deck just like yours but with more control. I have Duress and Dreadbore for extra control. I put Master of Cruelties in my main, its good against most decks (especially mazes end :p). I noticed Rakdos, Lord of Riots works really well with Chandra, Pyromaster . Does Bile Blight work well mainboard? I might throw a few into my deck and see how it does. I guess because I'm playing more control Anger of the Gods works better (with Desecration Demon and Necropolis Regent ).

February 19, 2014 7:52 p.m.

Sethes5 says... #2

I've been wanting to try something like this that really takes advantage of Mogis, God of Slaughter . How much success has this had at FNMs so far? It seems a bit pricey, so I want to see how it goes before I invest $500

February 20, 2014 3:20 p.m.

sharkudi says... #3

I don't have Mogis, God of Slaughter yet, but have all the rest of the cards for the deck. looking to make trades tonight to get him as i have quite a few high value cards i'm not using currently, and i know i want to use a deck with Mogis sometime soon.

I've only been playtesting it online against other ppl, and it's been performing remarkably well. opponents seem to not deal with the early Rakdos Cackler and Spike Jester waiting for something bigger to come out, but by then, it's usually too late because they've taken too much early damage to survive this deck's midrange attack.

Really interested in trying an Anger of the Gods and Master of Cruelties style too. might give that a try later on. Thanks for the suggestions!

February 20, 2014 3:34 p.m.

Sethes5 says... #4

What about Whip of Erebos ? It might just be a personal preferance, but I really like it. Whip is incredibly hard to race in a midrange/aggro matchup, and against control it allows us to reuse the early creatures that get killed. Plus, it has a funny synergy with Mogis, God of Slaughter because since Mogis deals the damage on upkeep, it becomes a life-swing for 4 unless they sac.

Not sure what to take out though. I personally would +2 Whip. How well does Chandra, Pyromaster pull her weight? Or maybe only 3 Underworld Connections ?

February 20, 2014 6:06 p.m.

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