Krunchy Kobolds

Commander / EDH MindAblaze


Razulghul says... #1

Hey, list looks good to me. Personally I'd add something like Defense Grid or Dosan the Falling Leaf since you only have 3 instants but I also run in a counter heavy meta. Also something like All Is Dust works really well with It That Betrays and it's nice when you run into a pillow fort deck. Good stuff +1.

September 25, 2016 11:42 p.m.

Winterblast says... #2

From the first look at the list and playtest on this page I would say the deck primarily lacks speed. Obelisk of Jund is really really bad, because you could play Coalition Relic for the same casting cost and to speed up your deck you could add Gruul Signet, Rakdos Signet, Golgari Signet and Talisman of Impulse as well as Talisman of Indulgence, which you can all play one turn earlier.

We have a Prossh player here who pulls off kills with Purphoros once in a while but the deck is easily disabled with stuff like Armageddon because it relies too much on land ramp. By using more artifact based ramp you make your deck faster and you can recover better from attacks on your mana base - people will rather save their artifact removals for important stuff, such as Birthing Pod and won't waste them on your mana stones...

September 26, 2016 5:44 a.m.

MindAblaze says... #3

Obelisk of Jund is low power level for me for sure. I just haven't prioritized replacing it. It has fit as a placeholder so far, because I do want a ramp rock in that slot. A signet is probably what I'll put in, good call, there's no reason it should have lasted this long...

September 26, 2016 11:37 a.m.

Winterblast says... #4

You could surely replace 2 or 3 lands with signets and talismans as well. Everything that makes the turns 2, 3 and 4 faster is always to be preferred over something that sticks in your hand until the late game...because some (or even more, if you sit back for too long) games won't go that far.

September 26, 2016 5:41 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #5

My playgroup regularly goes to turn 8-12, so I'm aiming to win, but not ramp out in front of everyone and draw all the removal. They're not afraid of hitting me with all their removal until I'm left with like...a Phyrexian Tower and a Goblin Bombardment.

September 26, 2016 7:20 p.m.

Quicksilver says... #6

+1 for the mighty burninator, and with the Homestar revival we'll see him again soon.

October 2, 2016 1:39 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #7

Considering adding Shaman of Forgotten Ways for a Grave Pact combo win. Any thoughts?

Looking at playing him over Emrakul's Evangel.

January 8, 2017 1:24 p.m.

Thorbogl says... #8

Hey there!

You could add a Rohgahh of Kher Keep as another super flavorful wincon.

July 22, 2017 3:03 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #9

Juicy for sure. Powerful and cost effective? I'm not sure. What would you take out for it, and how would I pay the triple red?

July 22, 2017 6:53 p.m.

Thorbogl says... #10

your mana base seems to be stable enough for the three .

Not sure what to remove due to no expirience with Prosh, but Rohgahh of Kher Keep is mainly for flavor, there's no need to include him.

Maybe Citanul Hierophants is interesting for you too, since it's a Cryptolith Rite tutorable with Birthing Pod.

July 22, 2017 7:38 p.m.

Hey Mindablaze, it’s me from the Graveyard shift deck. Since you have been helping me out, I figured I should do the same.

If ur looking to run a deck that takes advantage of creatures dying, I have a couple of suggestions.

First, Darigaaz Reincarnated is a great tool for sacrifice outlets and schemes. It allows you to use him, than get him back, and kill him again to fill a value train.

For you planeswalkers, I think you should sub out your current Vraska with Vraska, Golgari Queen and you current Garruk with Garruk, Cursed Huntsman These two cards work well together, giving you some great sacrifice outlets and fodder to take advantage off.

Lastly, Emrakul's Evangel is a personal favorite of mine. It allows you to trigger mass sacrifice, and combos with things like Blood Artist very nicely

Just some suggestions

March 31, 2020 8:57 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #12

I’m not a big fan of Daarigaz. Too low impact for what this deck does. Yeah he’s a big body, but with all the sacrificing and tokens etb, I can often kill the board in one turn without Food Chain, and then if anyone is left Prossh finishes them off.

I like Garruk, Cursed Huntsman, but not for Garruk Wildspeaker. Wildspeaker ramps me every turn, jumping me from four to six, which is my sweet spot for casting Prossh the first time. If/when I can get Garruk out turn 2 (off a turn one Sol Ring) that means I cast Prossh turn three. Usually I want Purphoros and/or Impact Tremors our first, but the point is Wildspeaker is really strong. His minus provides fodder and blockers, and his ultimate (which is super easy to get to) ensures Prossh gets through.

Honestly, as much as her plus is useful and her ultimate is ridiculous, I evaluate planeswalkers for edh based on their first minus, and Vraska, Golgari Queen’s isn’t that good. It’s not terrible don’t get me wrong, but Vraska the Unseen’s ability to hit any permanent is really valuable. That being said her plus and her ultimate are basically useless to I’ll think about a swap. Assassin's Trophy might be better...something to think about.

I tried Emrakul's Evangel out before, and the biggest thing for me is it specifies non-token. I have a high density of non-token creatures that I don’t really want to sacrifice, and while he doesn’t have to act until I’m ready for him, I just struggled to get the most out of him. I had more luck with Fresh Meat and even Caller of the Claw (which has the same non-token problem.) I’ll think about him again though.

I appreciate the feedback. I like seeing how people think about what I’ve put together. It makes me really think about why any individual card is here, and what the deck actually needs, so thank you. That being said this deck at the moment is actually taken apart. All my multicolor commander decks except The Mad King of Tristram live in my cube box for me to put together on the fly. That way I don’t have to have ten Misty Rainforests or Craterhoof Behemoths or whatever. I have them all sleeved the same and I can just build whatever deck I want in the moment. Also, the dragon is too strong and unfun for my playgroup, so he sits in the box more often than not so I can mess around with Yarok, Atla Palani and whatever else peaks my fancy that week. That and with COVID I haven’t played in a few weeks...but I definitely appreciate the feedback.

I’m going to get away from the landfall build the next time I put this together. I’m thinking goblins with Krenko, Mob Boss...we’ll see how it goes. There’s two goblintop deck tutors for him now so that should be fun.

April 1, 2020 12:56 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #13


April 2, 2020 12:15 a.m.

qwormuli says... #14

Emrakul's Evangel doesn't specify non-token, it specifies non-eldrazi?

April 2, 2020 9:17 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #15

This is true. I looked at it wrong. That does make a difference. I could consider it over Caller of the Claw as a set it and forget it kind of card until it’s time.

I’ll test it. Thanks.

April 2, 2020 9:43 p.m.

Yeah, it works well for me

April 3, 2020 8:31 a.m.

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