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Kruphix and the Value Town Toolbox (Pantry Raid)

Commander / EDH* Control GU (Simic) Multiplayer Primer Ramp Tempo



Kruphix and the Value Town Toolbox

This deck is built to be a creature based toolbox that feels like a pass/go style EDH control deck. This build not only gives you 20+ cards in hand, it also gives you the capability to always capitalize on a turn by being able to play most of the deck on their turn or saving the mana to play bigger threats on your turn. Along with the mana untap effects, flickering effects, co[y effects and a litany of synergistic utility dorks makes this deck an utter bear to play against and a delight to play.

Why Kruphix, God of Horizons?

  1. The main benefit to having Kruphix, God of Horizons in the command zone is the ability to accumulate massive pools of mana. This allows me to leave mana up for a response and if no response is needed save it to play a ton of spells at once or play a big spell early in the game (such as Emrakul, the Promised End).
  2. The other benefit to having Kruphix, God of Horizons in the zone is the unlimited hand size that is tacked onto him. This enables me to hold onto cards instead of discarding them to capitalize on each card.
  3. Alongside these abilities, Kruphix, God of Horizons is extremely difficult to remove since he is hardly ever a creature and when he is, he is still indestructible. This requires opponents to waste an exile removal spell on something that I can easily replay instead of one of the scarier threats that Kruphix, God of Horizons brings down later.

The Breakdown:

Archaeomancer Another Eternal Witness style effect, more narrow in scope but an instant or sorcery is usually my preferred target anyways. Mimic Vat abuse, flicker abuse, Cackling Counterpart abuse. Can be returned with Riptide Laboratory in a pinch or used for an expensive but convenient instant/sorcery recursion loop.

Azusa, Lost but Seeking early game ramp, makes those lands in the 20+ cards hand actually reach the field and keep you going. Have this cutie out before a Sunder to hand me the game by accelerating past everyone and keeping my card advantage over them.

Consecrated Sphinx A really pushed Blue card that 9/10 eats a Path to Exile the second it hits the board. If it sticks it gives me cards, which will win me the game if no one stops it. It always feels dirty to have this card in deck, but it is too strong not to. Rite of Replication means I swing on with an army of flyers and draw too much.

Deadeye Navigator Bounce abuse/evasion/protection for whatever I decide to SB him to. Eternal Witness, Vendilion Clique, Snapcaster Mage, etc. Combos/synergy for days and he comes with a decent body as well. Protects my entire field from spot removal and with my usually ridiculous mana pool, the shenanigans never cease.

Drift of Phantasms Transmute is a wonderful ability in this brew, and a 0/5 flyer for 3 early game plugs up a particular weakness I usually run into, stopping big beefy flying commanders. The transmute can hit 15+ things in deck that are pretty darn variable at any point in the game, but most importantly grabs Eternal Witness, Mimic Vat, or Cackling Counterpart which give me so much abusable synergy at any point in the game.

Duplicant Exile based removal, possibly large bodied, copy abuse/flicker abuse out the wazoo, and I pulled a masterpiece of this guy so its fate.

Eternal Witness Always remember to treat yourself. Panharmonicon, Cloudstone Curio, and to a lesser extent Mimic Vat allow me to create a recursion engine which can be used strictly to accrue card advantage or softlock the board with counterspells and removal. Evacuation + Eternal Witness causes a soft lockdown for the low low sum of 8 mana for as long as you want to essentially. It is always a boon to flash this lady in with Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir, Winding Canyons, or Alchemist's Refuge so you can get around responses or that Path to Exile someone has been saving.

Faerie Artisans Gives me free etb effects to abuse or efficient bodies to round up my defenses. Cackling Counterpart lets me keep a token that I wanna keep around or provide another FA to double down on the effect. My meta tends to avoid playing creatures until this guy is removed, which is reasonable and stalled games tend to play in my favor. Mimic Vat, Panharmonicon, Cloudstone Curio and Mirage Mirror allow for a litany of ways to abuse this cute little bugger and keep the tokens I wanna keep.

Glen Elendra Archmage combos with Mimic Vat and Cackling Counterpart splendidly, stalls early game out hard, always feels good to topdeck. Alongside Spellskite protects your key pieces extremely well, soliciting them to double down if not triple down on removal which they can rarely scrape together.

Greenwarden of Murasa see Eternal Witness. Has a pretty darn nice body, if you are into plant bois. My favorite thing to do with this guy is recur Cackling Counterpart or Rite of Replication repeatedly over the course of a few turns (or one big turn depending on how much mana I have saved) and just create and army of em to brute force my way to victory.

Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur Forces opponents to dump their hands, gives me repeatable card advantage, can almost guarantee at least one instance of either because it has built in flash. Nothing is saltier than an opponent that has to dump their hand when you have 20+ cards in yours. By and large my most reliable multiplayer win con.

Nissa, Vastwood Seer   Free land on etb, have often retrieved her from the graveyard multiple times a game to get the land I need. When flipped she is free draw/land acceleration and has the option of giving me a 4/4 body that I often use to turn Rhonas the Indomitable on , which isn’t bad for a 3 drop. The ult acts as a “single card army” which can win me the game if the opponents aren’t careful, non removal walkers tend to get ignored a lot. The draw off of her is extremely handy and early game she is a free land.

Oracle of Mul Daya ramp, peek, just a solid card to see on your board. When it works, it works. When it doesn’t, your opponents get to see all the horrible things going into your hand, which affects how they play in your favor. They hold on to big plays if they see you reveal two counters in a row

Prime Speaker Zegana usually nets 6+ cards which leads to either copy effects, protection, more littles to bolster her, or a wincon for that or the following turn. All the cards, all the beats, and quite abusable with my engines and is even recurable/protected by Riptide Laboratory

Progenitor Mimic Makes every game a new experience and is always followed by table wide laughter. Acidic Slime, Giant Adephage, and Duplicant pair well with this Ravnican beauty.

Reclamation Sage kills super rampy rocks early game, removes problem pillows mid-late game.

Rhonas the Indomitable I love daddy snek. A 5/5 indestructible deathtoucher who serves as a mana dump for my reserves all at the low low sum of 3 cmc. Deal. I frequently copy him with Sakashima the Impostor and just beat face with the death snakes. I have pumped a Snapcaster Mage to 44 damage with his ability before. All around a very versatile card with just enough evasion to necessitate them using their “real” removal on him, which paves the way for fatter fatties to be played.

Sakashima the Impostor A wonderful clone variant and acts as a mana sink when I have abundant mana and few options. Playing him with flash allows me to recur an etb on an opponent’s turn for 8 mana, which can arguably change everything. He can be anything you want him to be and more because he gets around legend rule. 2 Prime Speaker Zegana? Sure. 2 Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur? Done. Let alone anything I steal from my opponents. Golden card, surprised I don’t see in more edh builds. Usually he ends up doubling as an Eternal Witness effect, but the combat tricks I can pull off are unreal.

Sakura-Tribe Elder Steve is a good guy. He gets you the colors you need, when you need them, as much as you need them. My absolute favorite card to tuck under Mimic Vat because you don’t mourn the exile late game and just keep accelerating.

Scavenging Ooze because when im staring down the barrel of a reanimator deck, I wanna make sure that Sheoldred, Whispering One, Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed, and Yosei, the Morning Star stay gone. Nets me some free life, can get surprisingly beefy, pretty good in slot because it remains relevant late game because it can pump itself. My GF mains an Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim edh deck that essentially ive permaslotted this in for.

Seedborn Muse more mana is ok I guess, if you are into that. Untap my dorks for more abuse or chump blocking? Well I guess so. Can be copied for multiple untap steps on opponents’ turns….yeah I guess it deserves the slot. Seriously busted. Usually use this the turn before playing Kruphix because I can bait out the removal and catching them with a Desertion or Ghostly Flicker usually offsets the rest of midgame in your favor. With my new Sunder funder synergies this card can be as backbreaking as Azusa, Lost but Seeking on the wiped board because I can stockpile my mana.

Shaman of Forgotten Ways Alternative win con that ramps me 2 mana early game, in a neat little package. It is important to note that I can use his mana to cast my commander. Activating his secondary ability and playing Cyclonic Rift is a pretty satisfying way to win the game. Even with just the 2 mana ramp on a 2/3 body has been far more useful than say Somberwald Sage

Snapcaster Mage Surprisingly, not many people expect to see snappy in commander. He gives me a lot of options, flickerable/copyable, I prefer to see Eternal Witness or Torrential Gearhulk, but it is handy to have em all because responses keep the tempo in my favor.

Spellskite because I want to break games sometimes. Spot removal becomes pretty obsolete, especially if I have copies of him to abuse as well. Fizzling spells with Deadeye Navigator attached to him feels so right. Comes down and feels like Asceticism most of the time, mainly used to protect Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur for a final victory push.

Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir Makes my spells uncounterable, grants my creatures flash, and stops spot removal on my turn. All on a cute little body that can turn Thassa, God of the Sea and papa on at flash. Can be protected with Riptide Laboratory and Cloudstone Curio (due to the flash critters)

Thassa, God of the Sea fixes my draws early game, forces big damage through late game. One of my favorite cards to see in an opening hand.

Thragtusk helps mitigate some of the punches that land on me early game, nets big life with Deadeye Navigator or Panharmonicon and even leaves a body when it gets removed. Always a happy topdeck midgame. Not a bad Rite of Replication target.

Torrential Gearhulk an extremely handy card. Big body with flash and all the utility in the world. Playing this guy, targeting Cackling Counterpart, granting me another gearhulk, into any other instant gains me a ton of ground. 10/12 on 2 bodies and a free instant spell afterwards for 6 mana is golden. Got that combo off way too many times for my playgroup’s liking, doing all of this in response and getting a Sunder off of the last copy makes an opponent saltier than rock candy.

Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger exiles anything I need to late game, can mill out an opponent as an alt win con. The only useful eldrazi titan to me because it doesn’t shuffle my graveyard away, allowing me to recur it to hand for further abuse. I once copied it with Sakashima the Impostor and returned him to my hand with Cloudstone Curio, which caused the table to scoop because I was gonna keep doing that until they did.

Venser, Shaper Savant repeatable Unsubstantiate on a body. Pair with Deadeye Navigator to lose friends. Fits the partial wizard tribe, therefore can be utterly abused with Riptide Laboratory. 7 mana counter/bounce slows down the game really hard, people just stop playing until they can bait it properly half the time.

Aethersnatch a 6 cmc tempo destroying instant speed MINE. A wider scope Desertion for one additional mana is amazing, it technically not being a counterspell makes it even better. I love this thing in my graveyard, surprise Snapcaster Mage and Torrential Gearhulk effects gain me pieces I didn’t’ even know I wanted

Arachnogenesis Its a fog/token creation/combat trick/anti flyer for 3 mana. Usually use it to stop an alpha strike and multiblock their biggest baddy with the spiders I get. Protects me early game and late game alike. Polymorphist's Jest and this can be used to devastate an opponent’s board state if they swing in on you.

Arcane Denial Counters everything for 2 mana and gives me a card, can be used late game to counter a low cmc dead drop in my hand to draw 3 cards handily. It being 1U makes it easy to abuse early game Eternal Witness and Snapcaster Mage

Beast Within a catch all removal at instant speed, what’s not to love? Them getting a 3/3 is negligible in a multiplayer game, just watch out when using against Trostani, Selesnya's Voice decks.

Cackling Counterpart Extremely underrated god card in this type of deck. It’s a combat trick, its an etb abuser, it creates and army with Greenwarden of Murasa, it is so versatile. Heck even just using it to replace a key piece in response to removal is game changing. Absolutely love returning it with Eternal Witness / Greenwarden of Murasa / Archaeomancer and chaining into an army of dorks

Counterspell Essential counterspell, efficient and boring.

Curse of the Swine targeted removal that hoses gods, indestructible, etc. Pretty much a targeted/one sided wipe. One of two sorceries that made the cut.

Cryptic Command all 4 of those modes in any combination are extremely useful to me in this brew, most importantly tapping down all opponents’ creatures and returning Eternal Witness to my hand to keep this expensive but efficient lock going.

Cyclonic Rift Blue deck, blue win con. Gets a lot of leg work with recursion effects and very easy to play in a deck with deep pools of mana. Combos with Shaman of the Forgotten Way in most situations to steal a win for me.

Desertion Nabbing a big baddy, a commander (to get it out of reach of the opponent), or nabbing say an Alhammarret's Archive or something while making your opponent waste a turn is an absolute delight. Robs all the tempo from your opponent, its one of my favorite early/midgame plays and always spices up games.

Evacuation I have a bad habit of being able to replay my entire boardstate because of my mana pool. If I replay kruphix before the end of that phase (or if he wasn’t a creature), I retain my remaining mana. I use this one because instant and Eternal Witness in tandem for an abusable combo even if I don’t have tons of mana.

Fact or Fiction digs 5 cards and I get access to all of them, be it from hand or from the yard through recursion effects. Pretty much the best dig for the cmc in this deck and is extremely fun to play 2+ times during midgame.

Ghostly Flicker One of the most versatile cards in the deck. Can be a combat trick, etb/mana abuser, locks down the board with 2 Eternal Witness effects (or 1 with Panharmonicon out) and abundant mana. It is only limited by your imagination and board state.

Mana Drain an amazing 2 cmc counterspell that allows for a t3 kruphix early game. Repeatably recurring this card with papa out lets me lockdown the board and ramp at the same time, which can push bolster my mana pool for ridiculous plays.

Muddle the Mixture Stops wipes and lethal fireball effects. More importantly, can be used to tutor Thought Vessel, Sylvan Library, Pull from Tomorrow, Reality Shift, Counterspell,Thaumatic Compass  , Arcane Denial, Cyclonic Rift, Spellskite, and Snapcaster Mage. A tool for every season

Pact of Negation The counter we need, but the counter we don’t deserve. 9/10 I grab this with Tolaria West after playing the card/cards that will win me the game. I have played this card 4 times in the same turn and survived that 20 mana cost the following turn. It gets the job done better than Force of Will in this build.

Polymorphist's Jest One of the best ways to deal with gods, Thrun, the Last Troll, and Sigarda, Host of Herons in these colors. It also can act as fog/combo trick to regain your field advantage. Pair this with Arachnogenesis to decimate an opponent’s field presence.

Pull from Tomorrow a grave recurable Blue Sun's Zenith with a negligible downside. Can be used to grab 30 cards in a turn or multiple small grabs alongside Eternal Witness effects.

Rapid Hybridization spot removal, extremely good recursion target early game. Pumping up the commander tax on particularly “swingy” opponents.

Reality Shift Exile tech in blue. The manifest rarely hits a creature, fun recursion target to remove all problem children handily.

Sunder my access to infinite hand size makes this a very one sided play since I get won’t have to discard lands or pieces away in the aftermath. Playing this allows me to come back in games I had no business surviving in. Extremely useful against most strategies. Mainly used to reestablish tempo against hyper ramp decks and other control decks.

Voidslime / Disallow Same card, running VS for now because I prefer the art and have no issue playing it reliably by turn 3.

Chromatic Lantern back in because it lets my tricklands tap for color and can be grabbed by Drift of Phantasms if needed.

Cloudstone Curio allows me to abuse ETB effects, protect my key pieces when I play creatures at instant speed, nets me free cards when paired with Eternal Witness effects. Makes every good etb creature in deck into a backbreaking engine as long as I have one body to spare.

Defense of the Heart . Slows down opponents’ tempo early game. If they don’t slow down/remove it I will grab a Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur and Spellskite and usually win off of that. I try to mix it up, but it rarely ever does more than slow the game down or make people scoop late game when its down to 1v1.

Nissa, Steward of Elements Can be played at any point in the game effectively. Early game +2 Scry 2 fixes quite a few of your problems. Her 0 can be abused with Sylvan Library, Thassa, God of the Sea, and Oracle of Mul Daya to throw out free creatures.

Mimic Vat robs the opponent of their fatty that died, their engine piece, or just allows me to spam Torrential Gearhulk, Sakura-Tribe Elder, and especially Greenwarden of Murasa. Versatile as you want it to be. Can be combo’d with Mirage Mirror to permaexile things under the “copy”.

Mirage Mirror extremely fun and abusable response at almost any point in the game: allows you to instant speed become anything in play in response to removal (to invalidate artifact removal), gives you the ability to combat trick copy any big booty or commander and “trade” to remove them from play, but my favorite is copying Progenitor Mimic and Faerie Artisans and getting free token copies of things I can then abuse with Cackling Counterpart and the like.

Panharmonicon double etbs seem pretty ok. If im not winning with this I use it to soak exile removal before a more relevant play. Pair with Mimic Vat and Faerie Artisans to give your opponents a headache.

Sylvan Library Allows me to fix the top of my deck, get card advantage, great t2 play. I pay life more often than I’d like to, but I’m a black mage at heart.

Thaumatic Compass   gives me a use for my early game mana when im bluffing a counterspell. Lets me hit my 5 needed mana extremely reliably. Getting a free Maze of Ith mid/late game is extremely welcome in stalling out against punchy commanders.

Thought Vessel Added to give me another avenue of “no maximum hand size” and can be tutored with Muddle the Mixture

E wit effects: Can be utilized with Eternal Witness, Archaeomancer, or Greenwarden of Murasa in all cases, I will list the preferred combo piece if there is one.

Eternal Witness + Evacuation = recurring a fieldwide bounce until you can mount a victory

Eternal Witness + Cryptic Command = Counter and recur eternal witness to keep the board state locked, can also tap down an army and recur

Greenwarden of Murasa + Cackling Counterpart / Rite of Replication = big booty army, even stronger with Panharmonicon

Wizard nonsense: cards that can be abused by Riptide Laboratory that are efficacious enough to solicit merit.

Venser, Shaper Savant + Riptide Laboratory = repeatable counter or bounce for the low low sum of 7 mana per instance.

Prime Speaker Zegana + Riptide Laboratory = repeatable draw out the wazoo

Glen Elendra Archmage + Riptide Laboratory = repeatable noncreature counterspells, to a backbreaking degree

Snapcaster Mage + Riptide Laboratory = repeatable responses in a pinch, if the exile is worth it at the time.

Archaeomancer + Riptide Laboratory = repeatable response recursion, the only time this would be favorable over Eternal Witness

Sunder Funder: Fun interactions or plays with Sunder that push the game in my favor.

Sunder + Azusa, Lost but Seeking / Oracle of Mul Daya = lets you accelerate past your opponents manawise after the reset. With the added ability to stockpile mana this should hand you the game.

Sunder + Cyclonic Rift = if you have a decent boardstate, this should be a win.

Engines: pieces that enable fun interactions that can be abused in many ways

Panharmonicon + Faerie Artisans = double the tokens and double etbs off those tokens, can lead to extremely nonsensical stack abuse and BIIIIIG plays.

Cloudstone Curio + Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger = repeatable exile while protecting your big guy by flashing in a creature in response to removal.

Mirage Mirror + Panharmonicon = 3 etbs per trigger, not too bad

Mimic Vat + e wit effect = 3 mana for a free recursion per untap.

Panharmonicon + e wit effect= 2 recurred spells per cast and turns a soft lock into a prison.

Mirage Mirror + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx = big mana

Cloudstone Curio + Faerie Artisans = when the token copy enters, return FA to your hand to permanently keep the token associated. Recasting FA makes it a new permanent the token isn’t attached to.

Faerie Artisans + Mimic Vat = pay 3 to permanently get a token of w.e is on the stack.

Other notables

Cyclonic Rift + Shaman of the Forgotten Way= you win if you have a body upon resolution

Duplicant + Deadeye Navigator= remove everybody!

Nissa, Steward of Elements ult + Rite of Replication= a whole lot of haste flyers and likely lethal because it is out of nowhere and easy to stockpile enough mana to do this on the same turn.


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This deck has officially been converted to Chulane, Teller of Tales with a similar shell :Story Time in the Bouncalot Fungeon (PRIMER)

I will happily answer any questions about this brew or weigh the pros/cons of anyone who still desires to tweak this shell for their own devices, but my version of this deck is retired.

Thanks to all who helped viewed and kept up with my constant updates.

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(4 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #10 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

23 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.11
Tokens Ashaya, the Awoken World, Beast 3/3 G, Boar 2/2 G, Copy Clone, Elk 3/3 G, Food, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Manifest 2/2 C, Spider 1/2 G
Folders Commander Deck, edh, Commander Folder, Kruphix, Commander Wishlist, the dreams, EDH, EDH, Interesting Commander Decks, Commander
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