Kruphix Burn

Standard* vesalon


apoo600 says... #1

i like the deck but i dont think Scouring Sands is needed

August 6, 2014 12:55 a.m.

Blackblade says... #2

I think an easy trim will be some of the gods. Since you are playing 3 colors you'll have a tough time meeting devotion for any of them. yes they add nice abilities, but you always need something solid on the ground to help defend you. Assuming that you want to keep it 3 colors I'll base my opinions to that.

So Red for damage, and the Blue and Green for everything else. Cut out Xenagos, God of Revels and swap in Xenagos, The Reveler . The reason for this is because the reveler is going to produce X mana for you every round, that will carry over as colorless every phase and into each new round thanks to Kruphix, God of Horizons . This sets up some mega damage or anything crazy with X within its casting costs. Cards like:

This is your end game. So, with your end game in mind we can work on setting up the early and mid game.

The Prophet of Kruphix is another key player that will allow you to tap yourself out at the end of each player's turn, tap and use creature abilities, and then have it all untap when the next player goes. In a multi-player game this is some serious mana. You may also want to consider an underlined inspired theme to take advantage of this. Cards like:

Most of this is within the 4 drop range, which is fine because the Prophet of Kruphix is your 5 drop.

Your early game could be basic ramping and mana balance via the Elvish Mystic or Sylvan Caryatid . Omenspeaker and Quickling can help the early game more in the right direction from the scry2 and a little stalling by blocking with omenspeaker, and then bouncing it back to your hand before combat damage is dealt. This will allow you to scry again and block one last time before it is toast. Satyr Hedonist can also be considered for a little ramp when needed along with Generator Servant .

I could dive into it further, but I would like to hear some feedback about the suggestions and the direction you want to go.

August 6, 2014 3:26 p.m.

vesalon says... #3

Going for a mana overflow type thing. Testing out different spells/creatures see if they are worthwhile or are just never helpful when I have them ect.

August 7, 2014 9:42 a.m.

Blackblade says... #4

I would consider swapping out the Nylea's Emissary and replacing it with the Pheres-Band Tromper . If even you can swing with a 3/3 why not let it become a 4/4 automatically when you uptap next round? If you can work the Kiora's Follower back into the mix you can pull off a little surprise by attacking, and then uptapping it whenever you want for a little extra damage and you'll still have it for defense. If you play with a few Springleaf Drum you can tap it down again and collect another +1/+1 when you untap during your turn. If you can't attack for some reason you'll have a way to tap it and untap it so it can grow. Just a thought.

August 7, 2014 4:14 p.m.

vesalon says... #5

yea I was play testing with the emissary to give trample mostly. Pondered the springleaf drum for sure when it was 3 colors but not sure I'll have mana issues. Hear ya on the tapping thing though for that other guy. The emissary has two uses, creature and an enchantment. Tromper is just a creature but works with the untap mechanic if I go heavy in that direction

August 7, 2014 6:33 p.m.

Blackblade says... #6

I'm liking the newest additions and clean up. The deck is starting to have some real synergy that looks fun to play. I also noticed that you took advantage of a board sweeper like Perilous Vault , excellent. I also like the addition of Thassa's Ire which will become more and more of a problem for your opponents as your mana pool begins to grow.

I would debate dropping AEtherspouts down to just 2x, and put in a few Voyage's End to keep your ability to affect the battlefield cheap when 5 mana just isn't available. Don't worry so much about bouncing everything to their hands because you have plenty of ways to untap and defend yourself thanks to your Kiora's Follower and Thassa's Ire . Also consider this, how often does someone really full boat you and swing with everything they have? That's really where AEtherspouts is the most effective right? Now think about how many times the damage is really coming from just 1, or maybe 2 creatures. Often it's a creature with something making it unblockable, or it's a large creature swinging without fear of being blocked and killed. Why pay 5 mana to bounce it when you can just use 2. In my opinion you're better off having a cheap way to bounce a single target that doesn't have to be attacking in order to cast it and get a scry1 out of deal which sets up your next draw.

I really like the Arbiter of the Ideal , which can really work well in this deck, and would strongly consider player at least 2x or ideally 3x since its a flyer to boot. An easy way to fit that in would be to remove the Mistcutter Hydra and that's because of how the deck has evolved. Originally when the suggestion was based upon a 3 color ramp and harnessing the X power, but now it is a ramp with tap and untap, which you won't be able to do because it has protection from blue. Protection from Blue will prevent you from being able to untap your Mistcutter Hydra va the Kiora's Follower and Thassa's Ire , which would suck. You can't even make it unblockable with your Thassa, God of the Sea , which sucks because you can't take advantage of its haste to swing in for some quick and potentially game ending damage. Mistcutter Hydra no longer fits in the theme and has got to go.

The deck is really shaping up man, I can't wait till we get this thing polished up and see what it can really do.

August 8, 2014 9:17 a.m.

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