Kruphix's Playground

Standard* Antare


BFG says... #1

Needs Worldspine Wurm and Prime Speaker Zegana here is a beefier price one I made A Ramp to the Horizon

May 14, 2014 3:38 p.m.

MCDoppelHaus says... #2

Have you considered a Kiora's Follower and Karametra's Acolyte combo for extreme devotion based mana ramp, that would work especially well with Heroes' Bane on the battlefield.

June 15, 2014 1:54 p.m.

Demigoron says... #3

You have a good deck strategy, but it relies on Kruphix too much. If he is disabled, the overall ability of this deck to compete goes down, as you have too much mana and not enough creatures.

July 2, 2014 9:40 p.m.

Antare says... #4

More than 27 creatures, Demigoron?

July 2, 2014 9:58 p.m.

Antare says... #5

I'm considering Courser of Kruphix but I don't know if the vulnerability of having my opponent see what card I'm gonna draw is worth it.

July 2, 2014 9:59 p.m.

Antare says... #6

And if Kruphix fails, it only really slows my deck. Thassa's activated ability is also quite a finisher with a buffed Heroes' Bane.

July 2, 2014 10:04 p.m.

Demigoron says... #7

Usually, the minor disadvantage is mitigated by the life and plowing through lands. I should have clarified as well, 10 of those creatures are useless as attackers and exist solely to mana-ramp, which is fine if you have a hydra, but bad against control decks

July 2, 2014 10:05 p.m.

Antare says... #8

What would you suggest, then, Demigoron?

July 2, 2014 10:06 p.m.

Demigoron says... #9

Take out a few Elvish Mystic and Sylvan Caryatid and put in a few more 4-6 manna creatures like Nessian Wilds Ravager or Ravenous Leucrocota .

July 2, 2014 10:12 p.m.

SuperMerg says... #10

How about Hour of Need as a, "Thanks for the acceleration guys!" upgrade.

July 28, 2014 6:17 p.m.

Antare says... #11

Actually, that's an excellent idea, SuperMerg.

July 28, 2014 6:19 p.m.

Pterozacktyl says... #12

I've played a similar deck. Super fun to play. I would run one less prophet since having a second one on the field doesn't get you anywhere. I think the ramp is vital and I would run more devotion-based stuff so you can use your Kiora's follower to untap a Nykthos. I love the addition of Thassa. Perfect for this. I would take out the Genesis hydra and arbor colossus in favor of Prime Speaker Zegana and another couple Kiora's followers, hydra broodmaster and polukranos. I think in this deck Cyclonic Rift is a must-have. That overload wins games and can deal with planeswalkers or heavy creatures in a pinch since this deck is more mid-rangey. +1!

August 6, 2014 1:04 p.m.

Antare says... #13

I'd love to add Cyclonic Rift to my deck, as basically a win-condition, but I'm very wary of the rotation in the next month. So the closest I can get to that is Aetherspouts, Thassa, Aqueous Form. And I feel sort of hesitant about adding another Polukranos, since he's legendary. You're right about the Prophet, though. I'll add another Follower. But I really like Genesis Hydra and Arbor Colossus, although I don't know if it's because of my bias, or their own merit. I'll have to playtest it further, to see how it works out. Thank you, Pterozacktyl!

August 7, 2014 12:34 a.m.

Pterozacktyl says... #14

You're welcome! It looks great, and this game is all about making it your own! I'm still trying to figure out what I should replace cyclonic rift with....

August 7, 2014 2:47 p.m.

Antare says... #15

Pterozacktyl I wish there were a good, offensive alternative for cyclonic rift. I can't think of any, but if you find one, let me know.

August 7, 2014 11:03 p.m.

Kasuya says... #16

Windstorm instead of Skyreaping

August 13, 2014 10:12 p.m.

Antare says... #17

It won't be Standard legal in a month. It's post-rotation.

August 13, 2014 10:17 p.m.

breaper says... #18

Apologies if this was in past comments, this is the first time I'm checking your deck out.

-1 Hour of Need +1 Chord of Calling ?

I see that you want to repurpose your board state into an alternate win con late game, but Chord of Calling can be used to fetch your Thassa or Polukranos (or any more expensive fattty post-Kruphix) and I think might operate more consistently. It's still instant speed and as such works nicely with the Prophet, perhaps even more so since it has convoke. If I saw a way to make it happen easily I'd even suggest two chords.

August 20, 2014 12:12 p.m.

Antare says... #19

No, it hasn't been commented! And I considered adding it once, but decided against it. And I find that Hour of Need is far more versatile, I think. For upgrading mine and downgrading the opponents'. Thank you though!

August 20, 2014 9:49 p.m.

elpokitolama says... #20

Well, we're both playing that awful kind of RAMPaging decks! I came up some 2 weeks ago with a more agressive version, wich is using devotion to green: it allows you to catch up with monstruous amounts of mana, in order to launch a Genesis Hydra or unleash the monstrosity of an Hydra Broodmaster . I know, I know, I'm pretty good when it comes to advertize myself. But it's bad, so I won't. But then, what's the point of commenting here? Well, I'm also quite stupid, so you can take a look to a cheaper version of your deck, I'm leaving, afraid of my flooding capacities. x')

Ramp Kruphix, ramp!

August 21, 2014 10:56 a.m.

irishwrath says... #21

You should consider putting a couple Voyaging Satyr 's in there. You can ramp up even more by using it's untap ability on Nykthos.

September 2, 2014 7:04 p.m.

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