Kruphix's Revelation (Competitive!)

Standard Theplusone


Yananas says... #1

Theplusone: AEtherling + Selesnya Charm would make him 6/7, so he'd be 9/4. Or 12/1, more likely.

February 5, 2014 7:34 p.m.

YouEnjoyMyself says... #2

Fun Deck! Built a variation of this for a free Monday NIght Standard we have at our local place. Sadly i had to sub in a few Divination in place of the fact i don't have 4 Sphinx's Revelation , but it worked out in the end. Added 2 Kiora, the Crashing Wave -1 Voice of Resurgence , did a little mana fixing by taking out some island and plains, and adding the Temple of Plenty . Also only able to currently afford 1 Elspeth and 2 Jace's. However, having 2 Kiora's Made life a little happier. Especially when i was able to Ultimate her.

Eventually i'll have to get at least another Elspeth somehow. She's awesome and when you get her out, people begin to worry. Same with Kiora.

Other than a few other changes, including some to the sideboard and more counterspells, i'm beginning to think that one bit of issue is that this almost lacks some win conditions. If you can ultimate Kiora, you're golden. It won me a few games tonight after board wiping with exiled AEtherling . and Kiora Emblem. Not easy for some to come back from at that point. And of course my having more Elspeth, Sun's Champion would help the Win Condition field.

Will say that Elspeth plus Voice Token is a really fun combo to scare people with.

Have you considered trying Banisher Priest in the Sideboard at all? Not a bad choice at times. Like a little extra D-Sphere when you want to shut someone down a bit more. Came in handy tonight. Also added Pithing Needle since i've found a lot of uses for it.

I digress. Definitely +1 on this deck. Hopefully i can get some of the missing pieces and get a little more out of it. In case your wondering my Record in the 3 rounds of Swiss for the Free Monday Night Standard was 1-1-1. I stabilized late in the 3rd game of the 3nd match and it went to time (Would have probably won the game too).

My second round opponent on the other hand had a bif a S*** Fit with krakens coming out, and elspeth about to ultimate.

Definitely gonna continue to mess with this one. Thanks!

P.S. Prophet of Kruphix FTW! It has become one of my fav cards in standard.

::TLDR:: Played variation of this deck with some changes (Since $ For some cards an issue), had fun and am gonna continue to mess with it a little. Thanks!

February 11, 2014 4:12 a.m.

808shadow says... #3

This thing must be such a pain to play, I would love to see it played at FNM in my neck of the woods. +1 from me. Check out my deck B/W/G Life gain Infinite Combo Onslaught

February 18, 2014 4:28 p.m.

YouEnjoyMyself says... #4

A few weeks later and I"ve seen some mixed results with this deck. Have tried sideboarding in some smart things, but sometimes i just get out drawn or something else. Still a fun deck when i can get it going.

Looks like a few things have changed since the first post. Noticed the Kiora's and 2 Elspeth's being added in to MB. Also noticed a change of land base too. Might have to try that as well. LIke where this is going so far :)

February 19, 2014 5:54 p.m.

juicytoot says... #5

Supreme Verdict Seems counter-Productive if you are this creature based. Move it to sideboard.

March 31, 2014 5:04 p.m.

zandl says... #6

Keep Supreme Verdict - this guy has no clue what he's talking about.

April 4, 2014 1:23 a.m.

wolfsokol says... #7

I would up Kiora to 2 and prophet to 2 as well you need more chances of drawing (i realize you have sphinx rev but) also Elixir of Immortality may be a good card

April 5, 2014 12:24 p.m.

Not much green so you can add in some blue white basics

April 7, 2014 8:54 p.m.

Two words...Burning Earth.

April 9, 2014 8:26 p.m.

You need a better mana base.

April 10, 2014 9:04 p.m.

zephrosDelite says... #12


Prophet of Kruphix + Kruphix = you have infinite floating mana 24/7. Cyclonic Rift 's overload shouldn't be hard to hit whatsoever, maybe consider running more of it? Would be especially awesome in the mirror or to simply bounce other Kruphixes off the board and clear their floating mana pool. Have you thought about Fleecemane ? You can pay off his monstrosity effect pretty quick since you have infinite colorless. Maybe even tech in a playset of Quicken just to drop Supreme Verdict on your opponent's turn for free basically.

April 10, 2014 10:08 p.m.

What I mean is that you have WAY to many dual lands. If some lands a Burning Earth against you it's pretty much gg because if you can't deal with it right then you've got a huge problem. Your deck will be shut down until you can find removal for it or you'll just cast spells and make it easier for your opponent to kill you,

April 11, 2014 3:22 p.m.

juicytoot says... #14

Divination seems too weak. Urban Evolution is much nicer.

April 12, 2014 3:06 a.m.

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