
Modern Andramalech


Craeter says... #1

Hey this is pretty cool! Balancing on a knifes edge with as little life as possible to Reap maximum rewards. Really unique and I love the Naruto theme!

October 17, 2024 10:01 p.m.

Andramalech says... #2

Craeter I appreciate the commentary because this isn't exactly a well-known build: Death's Shadow has been out of meta for a long time now and very few players (that I've met) within the last few years are even interested in the Archetype. Stronger decks and less risky strategies exist now, but the deck touches a nostalgic part of my heart that learned the game in Modern. You and I are the only upvotes right now, but I hope one day a rennaissance of sorts is able to take place for Shadow decks. This is also another one of my decks that I tested in Cockatrice. It was a lot of fun!

October 18, 2024 5:35 a.m.

Craeter says... #3

Yeah I personally have never seen this style of deck before so I find it really interesting and novel. Everyone's always trying to not lose any life at all costs and this deck is just like screw that. I see why it wouldn't be very good in the meta since it relies on that big swing to go through or it's dead from the slightest ping. But it goes to show that you really can build any kind of deck you can imagine. That's one of the things that I really enjoy about MtG, the diversity of decks.

October 18, 2024 8:57 a.m. Edited.

Andramalech says... #4

Craeter the diversity of decks and the sheer imagination it takes to craft them is what I love dearest about this game. A big influence on my deck building are Old archetypes and things like that, so most of the time my deck will feature some kind of commentary on the inspiration, popular play styles and defined metal, etc.

October 18, 2024 10:06 a.m.

Bookrook says... #5

Probably too slow, but Rowan, Scion of War comes to mind.

January 19, 2025 9:56 p.m.

Andramalech says... #6

Bookrook I disagree- Shadow Shell has room for three color splash, even duo-colored splash mechanics and often wasn't too hurt by the prospect. Grixis (blue,black,red) or Jund (black,red,green] were popular shards in the meta.

For Rowan, Scion of War I see recursion and removal package for a midrange build. Is it slower? Yeah. But is it a bad recommendation? Not at all! It just depends on what splash or shade you want for this build. It's for that reason your suggestion is kept. Because while I won't use it, it doesn't mean that it won't contribute to the shell/idea and potentially help someone else build this, too. Thanks for your commentary.

January 20, 2025 8:17 a.m.

Cloudy2024 says... #7

really nice deck. I have a similar one to it and I use Mishra's Bauble which really helps the Nethergoyf to get bigger faster.

January 21, 2025 11:04 p.m.

Andramalech says... #8

Thanks Cloudy; you make a point about the bauble. I also had considered something like Dark Confidant.

January 22, 2025 6:13 a.m.

Cloudy2024 says... #9

have you got the deck in the flesh?

January 22, 2025 8:47 p.m.

Cloudy2024 says... #10

you should try Night's Whisper as is good to re-load your hand and lose life.

January 22, 2025 10:19 p.m.

Andramalech says... #11

Cloudy2024 yes, this started as a deck I drafted into cockatrice for play testing. I ordered the deck because it was a lot of fun to play, and is now used against my younger brother from time to time.

January 23, 2025 5:10 a.m.

Cloudy2024 says... #12

I like to run a Persist if I am up against frogtide or belcher because you can get back countered or destroyed creatures

January 23, 2025 6:58 p.m.

Cloudy2024 says... #13

I don't think Spoils of the Vault is that good because you may lose the game if you have really bad luck. I also want to try white in my own version because I think Phyrexian Unlife would really help

January 23, 2025 7:08 p.m.

Andramalech says... #14

Cloudy I love the suggestions! Let's take that in stages:

  1. Persist is a great recommendation and there's tons of options for that: Return to Action which is comically off-target, Supernatural Stamina, Undying Malice, Not Dead After All, Postmortem Lunge, the list literally goes on.

  2. Spoils of the Vault is literally meant to lose me the game. What's winning without risking it all for a hail Mary card? ..and why not? We've played the balancing act up until the last moments of the game.. so why not live (and die) a little?

  3. If you want to splash white, there's plenty of options to do so! I think most notably you buy back things like Swords to Plowshares so that you can forego dying up against using Spoils of the Vault , and between better life balancing, and (imo) better protection- you could easily play a much more restrained, conqueroring game with Orzhov () colors.

Best of luck in the build, and make sure you tag me so I can upvote and see what you've decided on!

January 23, 2025 10:09 p.m.

Bookrook says... #15

Just saw the new the last ride coming out in aetherdrift.

January 23, 2025 11:20 p.m.

Andramalech says... #16

Bookrook I've been waiting to add it as a one of for the list at the barem8nimum, because it could be so useful! Especially since I think Urza's Saga would fetch it, so if I run Mishra's Bauble then it might have some kind of utility. Will see what's up!

January 24, 2025 8:06 a.m.

Cloudy2024 says... #17

I just upgraded my shadow deck to rakdos. The Dragon's Rage Channeler really help the Nethergoyf.

February 7, 2025 6:36 p.m.

Cloudy2024 says... #18

Bone Shards are always helpful to kill any size creatures and discard cards.

February 7, 2025 6:40 p.m.

Cloudy2024 says... #19

check out my rackdos shadow deck

February 7, 2025 6:41 p.m.

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