Storm deck piloted by Kykar. Pure Draw'n'Burn. Play a cantrip, sac a spirit, play another cantrip, burn for each spell.

The goal of the deck is to play as many spells as possible and sac the spirit to play even more spell. We run many 1CMC red cantrips, such as Crimson Wisps to be able to play them freely and cycle through the library while pinging the opponents using cards like Guttersnipe . While Kykar is sufficient to storm off with Impact Tremors and the like, adding in cards like Aria of Flame allow for more flexibility. This route was prefered to adding more token spawner like Young Pyromancer to allow running boardwipes in the vein of Tragic Arrogance .

To achieve our goal, we use Kykar as an enabler. The 1CMC red cantrip help storm off as we sacrifice the spirit for mana. The Cycling section of the list represent all the spell drwaing us a card and castable by sacrificing a spirit. Combined with the generous amount of draw run by the deck running out of spell to cast will be complicated.

Playing all those spell is well and good, but how do we win? We run a fair amount of "cast spell = burn" in Aetherflux Reservoir , Aria of Flame , Electrostatic Field , Guttersnipe and Impact Tremors . We need that amount for redudancy as we play tutorless (for now). Then we have Metalurgic Summoning that both serves as an alternative wincon and doubles as a Past in Flames without the 1 turn limit (and much cheaper). To note, the aria of flame also helps against planeswalker, for which the deck as very few answers for.

Then, we have the Curiosity - Niv-Mizzet, Parun combo for insta win. Though we need to be careful about not drawing the whole library before pinging all opponents to death. Individually, both card work quite well. Niv Mizzet transforms our cantrips and draws into even more burn and it provides draws. Curiosity can enchant Guttersnipe and the like to fill our hand after each spell.

Last we run a small package or removal and counterspells. 7 true removal spells, 6 counterspells and 6 boardwipes. It may nto seem huge, but with the emphasis on draw, we are quite likely to have one or two in hand most of the time. Coupled with a few tempo cards and protection for Kykar, interracting with us will not be easy.

Future Upgrade:
Everflowing Chalice --> Thought Vessel (upgrade)
Metallurgic Summonings --> Purphoros, God of the Forge (wincon)
Nezahal, Primal Tide --> Rhystic Study (upgrade)
Battle Hymn --> Phyrexian Altar (upgrade)
Anticipate --> Day's Undoing (upgrade)
Chart a Course --> Windfall (upgrade)
Clout of the Dominus --> Lightning Greaves (upgrade)
Authority of the Consuls --> Fabricate (tutor)

Going with planeswalkers?
Curiosity --> Narset, Parter of Veils (Hatebear + Draw)
Electrostatic Field --> Saheeli, Sublime Artificer (token generator)

Infinite combo 1
Kykar + purphoros/impact tremors
Guttersnipe --> Sluggishness
Niv-Mizzet, Parun --> Ruby Medallion

Infinite combo 2
1 mana artifact + kykar + purphoros/impact tremors
Gift of Immortality --> Retraction Helix
Land --> Jeskai Ascendancy


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92% Casual


Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years
Exclude colors BG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

23 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

24 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.17
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Construct */* C, Spirit 1/1 W, Treasure
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