Kynaios Meatspin

Commander / EDH SealableZero


MegaMatt13 says... #1

Fun concept. Telling Time Frantic Search and Dig Through Time are other dig cards I like if you need more ways to get to your divine intervention

February 17, 2017 2:59 p.m.

teh_wad says... #2

The whole point of this deck is to cause a draw? The word "love" doesn't even begin to describe my feelings for you, and your deck.

February 19, 2017 12:29 a.m.

Archwizard says... #3

I love the deck name. +1

February 19, 2017 7:33 p.m.

Ajuntoson says... #4

Have you considered Mina and Denn, Wildborn for the additional land drop?

February 22, 2017 3:46 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #5

Every time I see the word meatspin that haunting image gets conjured up in my head. On top of that, your generals are openly that was on purpose. You monster. Cool concept for a deck though, and to be honest I never even heard of Divine Intervention until your deck. So uh...+1 from me.

February 23, 2017 2:39 p.m. Edited.

dukersassin says... #6

Try Worldfire for another boardwipe! Love this deck it makes me truly happy:)

February 24, 2017 2:25 p.m.

MegaMatt13 says... #7

dukersassin....Worldfire is banned in Commander...

February 24, 2017 3:08 p.m.

SealableZero says... #8

Thanks for all your comments guys. Ill be updating the deck soon. Been doing a lot of play testing. Switching in and out stuff to try and make it faster.

February 24, 2017 4:31 p.m.

Myrph says... #9

If you want to be even more degenerate, cast a Paradox Haze on yourself to win with Divine Intervention in only one turn!

February 25, 2017 12:23 p.m.

SealableZero says... #10

Myrph but the joy is to watch them pass the turn twice around the table. And my philosphy is to never run support cards that only work with just one or two other cards

February 25, 2017 12:33 p.m.

c0rdyceps says... #11

Obliterate + Splendid Reclamation, that's even hotter than the title. I'm amazed 33's enough lands tho! Is that permitted by Green and the Crucible?

March 13, 2017 6:46 p.m. Edited.

Crayonmuffin says... #12

Man I was sitting here the other day thinking, "Man, I really want to use equality gay bros to win with Divine Intervention, I bet no one's done that yet."

And here we are. All well.

June 13, 2017 2:15 a.m.

SealableZero says... #13

Crayonmuffin : haha sorry bro i got dibbs! The deck is really fun to play in a casual setting. Though i could make it broken by adding strip mine, LD, and stacks but I just wanted something fun. Though people get salty once the storm starts

June 13, 2017 11 a.m.

Crayonmuffin says... #14

I didn't think to do storm with Divine Intervention. Originally I was going to make something akin to an Angus Mackenzie enchantment deck with DI. My meta needs it to be slightly competitive so making it into some stax might be something I look into.

I just love dropping these guys on the table and everyone expecting on thing and then blowing everyone's minds by being a total dick.

June 14, 2017 1:05 p.m.

Skinken says... #15

Really cool deck, +1 from me. Gotta ask though, what is the purpose of See Beyond ?

July 9, 2019 7:54 a.m.

SealableZero says... #16

Skinken it allows me to shuffle Divine Intervention back into the deck. Good against decks that exile graveyards a lot. And DI isn't a good card to have in hand in the early to mid game.

July 9, 2019 8:54 p.m.

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