Kiora's Villainous Issues (44-25-3 @ FNM)

Modern* Loco-Motive

SCORE: 156 | 542 COMMENTS | 35402 VIEWS | IN 59 FOLDERS

BukuBukuOcha says... #1

I have a deck u can try testing against

March 2, 2015 12:54 p.m.

CapitonMurfish says... #2

Ugin is for board control on token strategy where your clearing the field for two or three. Control where u put the player on a immediate response clock so he has to respond to the other walkers or counter it so he falls short of countering your 8 or 9 wealth. Also again ugin a clock that will smash when ultimated. Dealers can come in anytime for versatility. Game two If can't handle the rhythm of the opponents deck dealers make wonderful make a wonderful mess of things. Any day a dealer will stare at three creatures for two turns before it can be dealt with as a means of dismantling your defensive and offensive. I've won In two turns with dealers. Their just as broken here as they are in abzan.

March 2, 2015 3:41 p.m.

syncronym says... #3

Ok Loco-Motive I've been play testing alot lately on untap and I've found that AEtherspouts isn't proving to be a reliable card with abzan it kinda kills me with those dumb rhinos. i would suggest dropping it for Jace's Ingenuity because its same mana cost instant and can produce more answers that are more useful to the situation. i just bumped my draw spells up to 3 digs and an ingenuity plus kiora is always nice for that extra card advantage. you should give it a try and see how it goes. Don't get me wrong i love AEtherspouts but it just isn't doing enough for me right now.

also idk if your having as big a problem with control as i am bc my whole home meta changed this last week half the room was control when weeks before it was just me n 1 other guy playing control. But since gerard fabiano won scg DC its like sultai control just became a #1 favorite at my shop lol. like looking at my deck in action all around the room but -vw. I am glad i decided to play this deck so many months ago and its just now becoming popular. feels like i found a rare gem with this deck. Ive been thinking about dropping VW lately for more control but then i think of the faces of ppl that won't get to see VW take their stuff then I'm like oh yeah can't take it out for the wow factor.

March 2, 2015 3:42 p.m.

Loco-Motive says... #4

Hey there, syncronym. I have to disagree. I think Aetherspouts is great. With what I'm running main right now, as long as you have cards in hand, that opponent is very leery of putting rhinos and such back at the top of they feel you have an Ashiok or a Wealth. That's the beauty of Aetherspouts in this deck specifically. I would reconsider.

I'm still on the fence about Ingenuity, but if I were to take something out for it, it would be the third Crux.

March 2, 2015 6:26 p.m.

syncronym says... #5

i just like how its running and if i wasn't running Satyr Wayfinder i would be running ingenuity instead of dig. Just the 3 extra cards is great card advantage.

March 2, 2015 7:01 p.m.

delusiions says... #6

Hello friends, i am newish to magic (playing for about 7 months now) and this deck really interests me! i am a little confused as to why it is called a wealth deck besides that one card that has wealth in the name lol. also do you just play this deck like a B/U control deck with the exception of the wealth card and the few creatures to help get the mana you need and through the deck quicker? also is this deck strong i got kinds confused by the first two comments even though they looked very very helpful. i feel like it is but thats just me. thanks and it gets a +1 from me!

March 2, 2015 8:07 p.m.

syncronym says... #7

@delusiions first answer is to why the name of the deck is wealth deck? yes you are correct the only reason its called a wealth deck is bc of Villainous Wealth..... the deck has more answers than b/u control does with Sultai Charm garruk and kiora alone give it extra answers also the ability to get ugin turn 5-7 thats something b/u can't get. also the sideboard can be better vs match ups than b/u can get such as burn matches.

March 2, 2015 8:52 p.m.

delusiions says... #8

@syncronym thanks for the reply! i think i understand this deck a little better now. the only other question i have is when would be the ideal time to drop the Villainous Wealth on them and also should you try to save the Dissolve's for their power cards that are tougher to get ride of.

March 2, 2015 8:58 p.m.

syncronym says... #9

@delusiions well thats the thing its really not for cards that are hard to get rid of bc this deck doesn't have anything it can't get rid of after it hits. Dissolve is for whatever you don't have an answer for at the time its cast or to stop them from using a draw spell to get ahead.

as for Villainous Wealth you can use it really at any time you can I've cast it for 3 at times because they had a courser out so i could see they had something on top i knew i didn't have an answer for at the time so i would use it to basically exile the top 3 cards of his deck and got super lucky and hit 2 rabble masters behind the card i couldn't get rid of that would win me the game. not saying that you should do that every time. ideal situation would be to use it late game for 8+ for x but sometimes it doesn't work out that way and your forced to use it for 6 or so which isn't bad i try to wait to use it. think of it as a draw spell such as Sphinx's Revelation but u draw from your opponent and get to play it the turn u cast it.

March 2, 2015 9:30 p.m.

syncronym says... #10

if you have access to the cards i would highly suggest you try this build out. it is a lot of personal build is Charming villains and its a little different so you can check it out and see what you come up with.

March 2, 2015 9:32 p.m.

Loco-Motive says... #11

Hey there, delusiions, thanks for checking out the deck and I appreciate the +1 ya slapped on it!

To answer some of your questions: yes, you'll play this deck much like a B/U control deck in that you're trying to keep their board presence to a minimum, choosing your targets carefully with your removal spells and your counter spells. What we find helpful within this deck that you don't typically find in U/B or U/W control is mana ramp to get some of your own threats out faster, life-gain through Courser of Kruphix and Garruk, Apex Predator, and some mid-game offense (I have beaten opponents with just one Courser out there hitting for 2 a turn while I keep removing threats they put out there. It's not unheard of.

Villainous Wealth is a crazy card because it plays around your greed sometimes. I used to run 3 copies of it in this deck because I ran more spells that supported it before like Dictate of Karametra. Now, as I've moved away from that combo-type deck and into this control shell that you see here with removal and planeswalker packages, I now run only 2 copies of Wealth. As for when to cast it, I've reduced it down to 2 copies for a reason - I'd rather cast it later when I have about 8-12 mana available than earlier in the game when I have it in my hand and I'm staring at only 5 mana on the board. Preference on when to cast it can really depend on the OPPONENT you're playing. If they're playing control and mid-range, I tend to go bigger, Wealthing for, say, about x=7+. This way, I know if I hit some of their win-cons, like Pearl Lake Ancient, Elspeth, Sun's Champion or Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, I can cast them. If I'm playing against aggro or burn, then I don't mind Wealthing for just x=5 or 6, as I'm sure to get some burn spells that can hit them or their own creatures, or put some cheap creatures out there to block for me. And as someone mentioned above, when you know what's on top of someone's deck (perhaps from Courser) or they scry and keep something on top, even if you can only Wealth them for 1-2 cards and you can't cast them, you still take that card away from them into exile, and that's just as powerful as Hero's Downfalling it or Dissolveing it.

Give the deck a try, play test it, see if it's what you like. It's certainly a thinker's deck and the more familiar you get with it, and the more familiar you get with your local meta, then this deck become a really, really good time whether you win or lose with it.

Hope this turns you on to it!

  • Loco
March 3, 2015 midnight

delusiions says... #12

Wow I wish I could give you an additional plus one just for that amazing explanation lol. But this deck is definitely something I want to try! One other question I have is what you VW how many cards can you cast. Is it just one? Or all that apply

March 3, 2015 12:17 a.m.

syncronym says... #13

all that apply

March 3, 2015 1:08 a.m.

Loco-Motive says... #14

All that apply, and at that moment. Anything you cannot cast or choose not to cast at that moment stay in exile.

If you cast them, they go into your opponent's graveyard of they're sorceries or instants. If they're permanents, they go there when they leave the battlefield.

You choose the order in which you cast everything and they resolve using the Stack, so last to be cast is the first to resolve.

March 3, 2015 7:51 a.m.

Hey delusions

Everything they're saying is true. But strongly suggest play testing before jumping right into tournament. It's a very high learning curve If ur not a more patient control player. I look at the deck more as adding, subtracying, pushing, and pulling objects back and forth to the field.dont be surprised if u go 0-4 ur first couple of rounds. Once u get the idea of what people deem as a threat and what colors they play with to beat this build u will understand what we all mean by a thinking game type deck. Have fun I trust it will be for u.

March 3, 2015 2:45 p.m.

syncronym says... #16

Im currently playing league and am ranked 11 with the VW control i have going. Quite a lot of fun if you wanna keep up with the board its here below in the link.

March 3, 2015 8:23 p.m.

This deck gave me faith for the Standard meta! Very good job, and you got my upvote.

March 3, 2015 8:44 p.m.

Loco-Motive says... #18

Many, many, many thanks, SandwichMan007! I appreciate that compliment, mucho! And thanks for the +1!!

March 3, 2015 9:22 p.m.

Lunchboxxz says... #19

curious how you deal with temur. I'm playing a build based on this (love the list, favorite i've found on tappedout) and I have a ton of trouble against temur midrange/monsters. They just seem to play so many powerful threats, all of which have evasion or I can't chumpblock easily, and if I miss a removal spell/counter they can usually kill my walkers in one swing.

March 3, 2015 10:46 p.m.

Loco-Motive says... #20

Hi there, Lunchboxxz, thanks for popping by.

There's a few comments above that show Temur is certainly my toughest matchup to-date. The speed and power of the deck is certainly something that we have trouble with in game one. I'll usually pull in additional removal like Drown, which can take care of their phoenixes and mana ramp. The Aetherspouts will still help in a reset as will the Cruxes. Charms handle the Temur Ascendancies, and I'll also pull in Ugin. Ashiok can still be a disruptor. Bow for picking off their phoenixes. It's a drag-out fight, so I don't want the above to appear as "oh, I have no worries in Game two."

I've beaten Temur with this deck, about as many times as I've beat Temur, but it's the match up that I have to really fight for. Their biggest disruptor to me seems to be their damn Stubborn Denial. Hard to play around.

I believe there's no deck that handles every other deck in the format. This deck does well against most of the match ups out there (take a look at some of my past updates, as I chronicle all of my individual matches) but Temur is a pain in my ass, lol.

March 3, 2015 11:46 p.m.

Loco-Motive says... #21

With the list as it is now, a notable move I'm testing out now is moving Tasigur out to the sideboard and Ugin into the main. However, I'm toying with the idea of taking out the 2 Dissolve from the main entirely and, in their place, putting in more removal in the form of a fourth Hero's Downfall and either another Bile Blight or perhaps another offensive threat / defensive butt.

My reasoning is I'm finding faster aggro out there and more decks utilizing a planeswalker plan...and running only the three Downfalls almost force me to save them for only planeswalkers...and sometimes with creature pressure, I can't "save" them for later.

Thoughts from others? How's your temperature on Dissolve when you draw it in a lot of your game one matches?

March 4, 2015 1:47 p.m.

Siq6Six says... #22

I guess I'm to attached to my dissolves. I would prefer counters over Blights. I'm running 2 dissolves & 1 stroke while only 2 Blights. I also squeezed Lili back in the mix to help with having gone down to 2 Wealths. With her in the deck I look at it like having 3 Wealths, 2 Garruk, 3 spouts... Whatever ya need. Sure it may come a turn too late. However it may not come at all without her. She did serious work for me last time she was in the deck. Was certainly missed.

March 4, 2015 3:57 p.m.

syncronym says... #23

just cooked up a new brew. Got a little greedy with what i wanted but since i have to play test all i need i should be able to find out if the deck can actually work and run right.

Please check it out and let me know what you think. Its no VW control deck but i think it might be a nice extra deck to play around with.

March 5, 2015 12:05 a.m.

hey loco

I just found out about this untap site youll have be talking about and wanna jump in. I made a account and validated my email. Made my deck and now, how do I go about getting in a game. I press new game, and then I just sit and wait?

March 5, 2015 2:21 a.m.

also can someone tell me how the game setup work. I can read but can someone type out the steps and where to press

March 5, 2015 2:35 a.m.

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