Kiora's Villainous Issues (44-25-3 @ FNM)
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My newest play toy (test) is Kin-Tree Invocation
2 drop for at least a 3/3 if all i have is a caryatid --courser or silumgar is better --or for 4 mana I can +2 a deathdealer then drop a 4/4
April 8, 2015 10:21 p.m.
Loco-Motive says... #4
FAMOUSWATERMELON, to clarify, do you mean as a casual or modern deck?
April 13, 2015 12:30 p.m.
I mean as Standard, because I don't think it could compete anywhere else. Except casually, of course.
April 13, 2015 12:33 p.m.
Loco-Motive says... #6
So will I continue this deck when the card Villainous Wealth rotates out of Standard? Likely not. I'm not a big Modern player, and not too casual, either. I really like competitive Standard. So once Wealth rotates out, I won't be continuing the focus of this deck.
However, that's not to say the deck may not live in another iteration, if new sets arrive that still support the Sultai control aspect. If so, then yeah, I could see continuing with this. Right now, I think the colors are working well together and offer a lot of great tools to play with.
April 13, 2015 5:36 p.m.
But how about once Theros rotates? You'll still have the main pieces, but some solid ramp and control will go.
April 13, 2015 7:20 p.m.
Loco-Motive says... #8
Guess I'll just have to make that decision when rotation happens and see what cards we got to play with. :)
April 13, 2015 10:52 p.m.
I think the bigger losses when Theros Rotates out, would be Kiora and Ashiok.
You can still ramp with the 3 mana artifacts.
April 14, 2015 11:59 a.m.
Loco-Motive says... #10
Well, not to mention Hero's Downfall, acarmelo1, lol!
This deck will change its face a lot when rotation comes around, losing all of the Theros cards. Thankfully, that's also not for some time (rotation occurs on Oct. 2nd).
But yeah, losing Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver, Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Hero's Downfall, Bile Blight, Courser of Kruphix, Sylvan Caryatid, Drown in Sorrow, and to some extent, Thoughtseize.
It's going to be vastly different...but I'm also not too terribly frightened. Cards will go, and new cards will come, and we'll see what they give us!
April 14, 2015 12:54 p.m.
Im so sad that this wont be modern viable once VA rotates out.
April 21, 2015 10:33 p.m.
Loco-Motive says... #15
Yeah, I'm not too familiar with modern, really, but that's the sentiment I get. I guess games don't go on long enough in modern to fire off a good VA?
April 21, 2015 11:23 p.m.
Decks are too fast, you have to deal with Affinity, Mono Red, and Infect which will kill this deck like in turn 3 or 4
April 24, 2015 10:43 a.m.
Love a good Villainous Wealth deck.
Do you really need the 4 Opulent Palace? I've come to hate the trilands because the comes into play tapped part has been so punishing to me, and there doesn't seem to be that much drop off to going with a good mix of two-color lands that either give you scry, life or immediate mana.
April 27, 2015 12:45 a.m.
Loco-Motive says... #19
I guess I haven't been too bothered by it, jawz. I've never thought them to be a problem and, with a 3-color deck, I do appreciate the versatility of them. I especially like throwing one down on turn 1, especially.
It's been a big months-long challenge to come up with the right amount of tri-lands, fetchlands, scrylands, and untapped lands. I do feel where the lands are right now, are right for me. The tri-lands are a big part of the versatility I can achieve in this Sultai build.
I've opted to forgo any life-lands as I get good life from Coursers, Foul-Tongue Invocation and Garruk, if needed.
Thanks for chiming in!! :)
April 27, 2015 10:26 a.m.
Kaiser_Soze says... #20
How competitive do you want this deck to be?If your answer is: casual FNM, then this current list is okay.If your answer is: I want to win at big tournaments, then I have some suggestions.
Pro-build shell for Sultai control (which is what I am assuming you want to focus):
-3 Bile Blight
+3 Anticipate or +2 Ultimate Price and +1 Dissolve
-1 Virulent Plague (from sideboard) to +1 Drown in Sorrow
-1 Garruk, Apex PredatorMove Ugin from Sideboard to replace Garruk
I would consider more Foul-Tongue Invocation in the sideboard
Rationale for suggestions:
Bile blight: What's its relevance? It is relevant against Deathmist Raptor but otherwise... The current meta has little care for Bile Blight. The "scary" cards right now are:
etc, the problem is: Bile Blight no longer has the answer. Sylvan Caryatid doesn't care (and you can't kill anything else relevant in Green) and Gruul Monsters / Esper Control don't care either.Also, BB is way to color constrictive for your deck.
Anticipate: Some people enjoy the utility dig provided by this card. I agree it has some relevancy in the current meta (abzan, esper, UB dragons, and Green Devotion). I think it fills the place of Bile Bligh by allowing you to draw a more useful answer or Win Con. It doesn't hurt your curve either.
Dissolve: I think you could benefit from more counter spells, Dissolve is pretty useful but I wouldn't say this is a 100% yes.
Drown in Sorrow: Strictly better than Virulent Plague in almost any match-up. It gives you a general sweeper and most top-placing standard decks (mainly at Big Tournaments) don't run counter heavy (at least not the kind of counter that Virulent Plague deals with.)
Garruk, Apex Predator: Pull him because he is NOT a win Con. He can't Sweep (like Ugin) and that alone makes him useless against some of the meta specific decks. He is a great FNM choice, but at a big tournament the day 2 people will be glad that you wasted your time with him.
Foul-Tongue Invocation: I suggest more of this because it absolutely murders esper decks and most control decks.
A final note: Love the deck mechanics, I see why you put what you did in and I appreciate the time you have spent on this deck. Most of my suggestions are based on current meta trends and may change as IQ's come along. I would take all my suggestions with a grain of salt and thoroughly play-test them before use. Thanks for reading!
April 30, 2015 3:55 a.m.
Kaiser_Soze says... #21
I also like more AEtherspouts, more control in general could help you out.
April 30, 2015 3:59 a.m.
Loco-Motive says... #22
Thanks for the detailed response, Kaiser_Soze! I always appreciate in-depth thought and responses that can illicit some good change in my deck.
I like a lot of your input and will test some of that out on tonight. The one thing that you said that stuck out to me, though, was the removal of the 3 Bile Blight. You isolated it to really just a Deathmist Raptor and included its futility against a hexproof Caryatid...but what about Fleecemane Lion and Rakshasa Deathdealer for Abzan Aggro? Or a quick turn-2 answer to a Goblin Rabblemaster when I'm on the draw? Or the double Monastery Swiftspear I faced in Game 2 against a Jeskai aggro burn deck that I faced at my FNM last week against the #1 running deck at our FNM (it's detailed in my updates). I think Bile Blight is a useful card, until it isn't, and it isn't against the control match-ups. But then again, in control match-ups, a LOT of my cards need to come out Game 2. That suggestion really made me lift an eyebrow.
I find that this list so far is very competitive, at least in my area and my local FNM. I've pulled in 1st place, 2nd...3rd...and yes, some stinker nights as well. But it's not relegated to just a casual deck by any means, I would say.
I carry 3x Drown in Sorrow in the side, which I think is enough. I also consider Drown better than Virulent Plague as Drown can take care of everything, not just tokens. However, I also like Plague's ability to stick around for a few turns to take care of the Hordeling Outburst, Dragon Fodder and Monastery Mentors that I encounter, as well as rendering Goblin Rabblemaster effectively useless. I only pack one in the sideboard for those specific match-ups, so I don't feel like I'm over-committing to it.
I ran Foul-Tongue Invocation for the first time last week at FNM and I do like it. It'll stay in the main.
Your thoughts on Garruk are valid. The thing is, I'm not entirely looking for sweeper effects from Ugin all the time. Most times, I have a decent board state...a state that I depend on with Caryatids and Coursers helping my mana flow for an upcoming Villainous Wealth. There's a couple of Ugins that run at my local FNM and I like that Garruk takes care of Ugin entirely, either on the offensive or on the defensive from my opponent. The destroy/lifegain ability of Garruk is relevant in my deck as well, either taking out a threat of theirs or just gaining 9-life from one of my Kraken tokens that I'll just get back at the end of the turn. To be fair, yes, I can see a number of cards that may be "better" in Garruk's slot...but it may just come down to a personal preference...I like him.
I don't typically head out and play big tourneys or PTQs or anything, so perhaps that's where your worries on getting this to a "top-tier readiness" are coming from. I play my local weekly FNM only, and there, this deck holds its own, even against some of those top-tier net decks that I know some of the guys rely on.
I like Anticipate, and played with one in the main last week. However, I also feel justified in extra draw as well as "digging" for answers with what I have in the deck now - Courser of Kruphix that brings answers up faster, Kiora, the Crashing Wave that I can just decide to draw a card off the top that's revealed by Courser or a Scry from a tapped land, Dig Through Time of course, and my 3x Sultai Charms which can net me a card if I feel I need it (and also has Ultimate Price already packed into it as an option, hence, the exclusion of Price in my deck). Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver also gives me some "advantage" in the way of putting a quality body on the field for me. With all of those options and a bit of synergy, I felt comfortable in not including the Anticipate for now.
That you brought up the idea of Dissolve has been something I've struggled with for some time now. Counterspells have floated in and out of my deck on a monthly basis. I would like to have them in my deck, but always struggle in finding legitimate ways to get them in. I think the issue I have is having a Caryatid/Courser package in this deck, taking up 7 card slots, that could otherwise be used for counters and more draw spells, like your Anticipates. I really do think that's it...those two creatures taking up the space of a TRULY control build. Thing this deck, they're needed and most times invaluable. The Caryatid for the ramp and fixing, and the Courser for mana flow as well as some ongoing aggro/burn protection. Those two cards might just be why there isn't an "even more control" aspect to this deck, y'know?
April 30, 2015 11:55 a.m.
Kaiser_Soze you are wrong about Garruk, Apex Predator he is definitely a win con easy win con 3 turns after he he hits the board give emblem to opponent swing 24dmg at face if he was putting tokens out. if not he kills a PW or a creature with a big but and u gain life and not to mention a 3/3 with DT a rhino won't even dare swing into you like that. Was just pointing that out and seeing that 3 of the last few big tournaments won by sultai control or placed in top 8 have garruk MB.
I do agree with you on Ugin, the Spirit Dragon he should be main boarded he is just too good not to run at least a 1x in the MB.
I wouldn't drop Garruk for him though myself but i just have had a good experience with him. this last FNM he won the game for me getting 4 3/3's out got emblem and swung seeing that my opponent was at 50+ life due to life gain and that i only had about 13-18 cards left in my deck with a few draw spells in hand ugin or any other walker would not have won that for me.
April 30, 2015 12:03 p.m.
Loco-Motive says... #24
-IF- both Garruk and Uggy were to make it to the mainboard...what comes out for Ugin and placed in the sideboard? A Foul-tongue? The 4th Hero's Downfall?
April 30, 2015 4:32 p.m.
I would trade the Aetherspouts for Ugin, because you are already running crux, which runs as a board wipe and Aetherspouts just does the same thing, just returning the cards to the deck.
Loco-Motive says... #1
Hey, acarmelo1, thanks for chiming in!
Glad to hear you dug the deck enough to make it and play at your FNM and glad to hear you did well outside of the mana screw. It's a very fun deck, for sure. I'll keep updating it as I play it and I certainly like hearing the results from others on a weekly basis, as it helps me in tweaking as well.
April 8, 2015 4:04 p.m.