Kiora's Villainous Issues (44-25-3 @ FNM)
SCORE: 156 | 542 COMMENTS | 35402 VIEWS | IN 59 FOLDERS
CapitonMurfish says... #2
Hey locomotive did the recent change suit you better for your matchups
January 11, 2015 4:47 p.m.
SuperSparagus says... #3
I've been playing this build to the "T" for the past couple of weeks and the issues I've been seeing are the tie issues. I also haven't had any luck using Kruphix, God of Horizons that much BUT I did have hella good time with Worst Fears, what I sided him for. Best thing that happened was that I worst Fear'ed for 4, due to Dictate of Karametra, against an Esper control deck. He had a Prognostic Sphinx out and a couple of Dig Through Time in his hand. Dug out all of his good cards out of his deck, swung with the Prog to scry 3, put a Dissolve on bottom and 2 lands on top, then pitched his whole hand to Prog for the hexproof ability. It was like the best play of the night! I also, after that, had a Garruk and Kiora out and he scooped. Went to game 3 and hardcasted the Worst Fear and did something similar except there was only one Dig Through Time, but Prognostic Sphinx was out so it was all good. They only trouble games I had were against Abzan and Control due to time limits. Btw +1 for days.
January 11, 2015 5:08 p.m.
Have you tested with Silumgar, the Drifting Death and Torrent Elemental yet? Both have been running really well in my new sultai
January 14, 2015 11:23 p.m.
Loco-Motive says... #5
I have not, yet, as I just concentrate on current Standard. I have put the Dragon in my maybe board, however, as I think I may find a place for him in the deck or in the side. Not sure yet (but I've already pre ordered two of him... lol)
January 14, 2015 11:57 p.m.
CapitonMurfish says... #6
2-3 JANUARY,16 "bad night for the wealth!!!
OK there were some game plays I liked and some overly under minded draws from my deck.
Game 1 VW control Vs VW control 1-1-1To start the night I faced the mirror which was very unexpected. The first game although redundant was very fun. We built our mana up and started flinging spells all over the place. I vwed him for 16 and and played most the the card I knew would help. Then he vwed me for 25 which wasn't bad except for the worst fears I put in which stopped me from swinging with 5 lethal kraken from kiora earlier. So game 2 with 10 minutes left in the game I quickly sided in negates and literally played and kiora countering and killing anything of preference that targeted kiora and ended the game on my last turn of the game. It was a basic draw that we were satisfied with but someone suggested a roll for tie breaker. So he got it 2-1 for the match.
Game 2 was a buy.
Game 3 VW control vs Budget red slightly 2-0 was a sad day for budget red sligh against VW control. It started with the swiftsspears and the titan strengths and the lightning strikes then he ran out of gas then kioras emblem preceeded put foot to butt to end the game game 2 the player was badly mana clumped. So in doing so I ramped ING dictate and pulled vw for the by taking 15 of his mountains and leaving him with 1 in play and 1 in what was left of his library.
Game 4 VW control vs Abzan aggro. 0-2
This was a very frustrating game. Couldn't control the board as well and siege rhinos along with fleecemaines kept lighting me up. I tried hard to work with the draws I got like the downfalls bile blights a lot of digging and even had to pop vw at 2 to just get a creature in play to stay alive. but could get a answer to stick except multiple kioras until he downfalled them while my counters would sit just two cards down in the library. Then he began running out the rest of the typical abzan routine and over loaded mana base. Game 2 was more of a overly desperate attempt to go all or none with dictate on 5 minutes left in the match. I basically villianess(7) all his uneeded land clumps and got a courser and cyranid. Then he starts topping rhinos thoughtseize and monsterous fleecemaines thanks to my dictate. It was pretty bad timing against his draws to my counters and planeswalkers for the remainder of the game. What was the most frustrating was having have to wait for the next mana to untap and be able to kill something after the damage had been done. also brought in thoughtseize and ashiok but they decided not to show up that game.
To be continued have to read back over what I did.
January 17, 2015 7:16 p.m.
Loco-Motive says... #7
Good to read your account of things, though it looks like your FNM didn't run as well as mine did on Friday. That stinks. Looking forward to hearing any additional thoughts you have on an analysis beyond the match accounts, if ya wanna spare some of those thoughts.
You've kinda become my mutual VW-buddy now, lol. :)
January 18, 2015 4:19 p.m.
CapitonMurfish says... #8
Yeah man. I'm gonna give it another try. I in Houston this week so we will see what's up if I can get off early enough. I just had bad situations stacked against me. I see ur update and to my experience with board wipes I think you my have too many fates. Think it would be preferable to run 3 we'd the hex proof dragon as a finisher or get garukk back in there. In my matches he didn't last long but he created immediate problems
January 19, 2015 1:10 p.m.
Loco-Motive says... #9
Like that you said to get Garruk back in there, CapitonMurfish...I felt sad when I took him out. I'll slot him back in in place of a 4th Crux.
SO...would love to hear your opinion on this...with a sweeper in here now, what's your thought on keeping Coursers and Caryatids in here? On the one hand, I recognize that those 2 ramp me, and this deck wants that. Now on the other hand, I have a sweeper, knowing that the Coursers and Caryatids will likely be victims to it. Do I keep them in for ramp or do I remove them and get 7 other cards in here like removal, card draw, and a very special hexproof dragon?
This, I think, is my next big question for this deck and will shape how it continues for the weeks ahead...
January 19, 2015 4:14 p.m.
Loco-Motive says... #10
Scratch that "big question..."
Just went through some tests, Courser of Kruphix is just too helpful to me in building up mana and giving me some life ticks. Caryatids, too. I went through an aggro match where I sided in the dragon and he was PRECIOUS! However, I don't think I would like him in my main. Good sideboard against tokens along with Drown in Sorrow.
Crux of Fate wrecks days. :)
January 19, 2015 5:07 p.m.
CapitonMurfish says... #11
I believe ur right about the coursers and cyranids their just too useful to the deck. Myself as a suita player back when death clouds were legal never had a problem sacrificing my ramp to ensure I jump ahead of the board. It becomes all about allowing the player to build up his forces and blow the field with controlled chaos. Jace is always an option to get your graveyard back
Now on the other hand I haven't fully checked out the new set to see what's out there to help this deck.
January 19, 2015 9:15 p.m.
CapitonMurfish says... #12
Let me know how ugin goes. There's not as many permanents as the deck started out to pop the last ability.
January 19, 2015 9:20 p.m.
Not sure why you need Kruphix and Dictate, but otherwise a very solid list. Great Job!
January 19, 2015 10:26 p.m.
Just played my Charming villains deck on prerelease Friday and it performed really well I lost to 2 ppl out of 5 but they were very close games but because I made mistakes that cost me the game not bc the deck did bad actually I've found my perfect setup that works for my meta and can win against any matchup.... The easy fights are against abzan aggro or midrange. Haven't lost to mardu midrange yet. Jeskai seems to be my hardest matchup with tokens and burn I have a good setup for any matchup game 1.
Personally I didn't like kruphix I tried him at first but he just feels slow to me and dictate allows for fast garruks, in garruks wakes, and ugin
I like villainous wealth a lot but having more planeswalkers in my deck help a lot bc all of my planeswalkers are win cons yes even the crappy jace wins games.
January 19, 2015 11:47 p.m.
Loco-Motive says... #15
Aezuriel, thanks for chiming in. Been thinking of taking out the god for a second Dictate after some playtests. To answer your question about their need, Dictate of Karametra is the difference between a Wealth for 5 and a Wealth for 13...or casting a Garruk, Apex Predator or Ugin, the Spirit Dragon on turn 5 or 6 instead of turn 7 or 8. It may sound like win-more, perhaps, but sometimes those Wealths for 5 can be whiffs. I think if the main objective of this deck centers around finding/playing Villainous Wealth, an enchantment to help augment it isn't a bad thing.
syncronym - I like taking the planeswalker approach and would like to do adding in a Jace (that I JUST took out, actually) or even mainboard Ashiok and even a Lilliana in here, but I think that would mean I would have to cut back on the Coursers/Caryatids or removal, and I just think they're too valuable to me right now.
January 20, 2015 12:19 a.m.
I think a singleton dictate is ok. I did notice the value in testing, and I think that flash (EOT) and extra mana NOW set it apart from a good way. I also don't feel as bad about Spiriting it away with Ugin. If you had more permanents, I could See Kruphix as a living wall, but as the deck stands, he is kinda dead weight.
In particular, I think its good to point out that this deck gets REALLY swingy with Ugin You have plenty of control to help you dig for land drops, and if you can EOT-Dictate, float mana, wipe the board with Ugin and play something else (like another walker) you have a fantastic win, even without Weath (think Upheaval + Psycatog)
Pretty Sick.
January 20, 2015 4:45 a.m.
Loco-Motive says... #17
Excellent strategy! Looks like the God will take a vacation soon. ;)
January 20, 2015 9:38 a.m.
I am curious how necessary thoughtseize has been for you. I am thinking of building a new standard deck and this is mighty promising for my playstyle... but I am shirking a bit at the thought of 60-80usd sitting in my sideboard.
January 21, 2015 12:02 a.m.
Loco-Motive says... #19
Hi, Aezuriel, I bring it in just for control match-ups. If you look at my latest Update up there, you'll see what Thoughtseize did for me against my only control match-up, lol. It was horrific for him. I feel like the slot in the sideboard can accommodate the three of them because this deck is well-positioned against most match-ups that I come across...that I can dedicate some cards to the control match-up.
If you don't want to sink the money into Thoughtseize, though, I could understand, and maybe those are just more Negates and Dissolves for the control match-up for you.
January 21, 2015 1:09 p.m.
CapitonMurfish says... #20
Despise is probably the best alternative just to get information in the players hand. That's my main reason for thoughtseize. Making the player discard a card helps me as play advantage
January 21, 2015 1:59 p.m.
CapitonMurfish says... #22
Hey locomotive won't be able to play this friday. The stores all do different events other than standard. So when lm done working in houston This week. I'll try out cru fates without ugin
January 21, 2015 9:25 p.m.
love what you have done here. wish I could spend the money
January 23, 2015 3:32 p.m.
Loco-Motive says... #24
CapitonMurfish - same with me. My LGS will be running RFR draft tonight, and all next week. I think Standard resumes the following week. So we'll see if I can go win my singleton Ugin in packs before going out and buying one. ;)
And yknottry, thank you very much for the +1 and compliment! I've been enjoying it as well.
January 23, 2015 3:56 p.m.
i will have to start posting more in depth and give some details to fnm's........ Aezuriel sideboards for this deck will vary from what your local meta is like and there are plenty of options no matter what your meta is. but if you decide to make your version of this deck and need some help with suggestions versus specific decks i will definitely give you some with details and why. if you want to check out my version here is the link Charming villains
Hyren123 says... #1
Just going through some cards of mine, and found the Bident of Thassa. Do you think with your AEtherspouts that would be able to compromise their board position quickly enough, or again looking at it being to slow?
January 11, 2015 3:23 p.m.