
This deck was my second EDH deck, mono-red after my mono-blue. I was trying to make land destruction work, with classic targeted effects such as Stone Rain and mass options like Boil. Advice - don't do that. The deck really struggled to win and stalled out games.

So, I've turned it into more of a mono-red goodstuff build trying to win through Insurrection-like theft/threaten effects. The idea is I steal your creatures, hit you with them, and then sac them all using Goblin Bombardment, etc.

Our unassuming commander, the Lady in Red herself, is Captain Lannery Storm. Less than 50 EDHREC decks exist with her at the helm, so odds are your opponents won't know what to expect here. She isn't crucial to any particular strategy of the deck - she just gives you some reliable early ramp to accelerate you to your powerful spells, keeping up with faster non-mono-red opponents.

I've packed a lot of card advantage in here, and it is really key the deck to function, keeping you supplied with gas. Stolen Strategy and Etali, Primal Storm are my faves and lean into the deck's theme of stealing stuff, pirate style. Sunbird's Invocation is quite powerful. But then we also have Chandra, Fire Artisan and Outpost Siege for impulse draw, and Light Up the Stage and Ignite the Future working well as recent adds.

Other recent additions are Underworld Breach for some hopefully explosive turns of recursion. Mana Geyser is a bomb of a card folks should watch out for.

Enjoy and let me know feedback!

September 2021 deck changes Cuts Tome of Legends - i hate cutting card advantage. but likely my most conditional in this deck. early it is great. late, after lannery has died once or twice - its pretty bad. i also have a lot of card advantage in here.

Adds Vicious Shadows - another, better copy of Stalking Vengeance. Expensive - but a potential game winner.

October 2021 deck changes

In Ardent Elementalist - Red's version of Archaeomancer. Have close to 30 instant and sorceries in the deck. Gives me another recursion option vs. Underworld Breach. Also - synergizes with Conjurer's Closet

Hate Mirage - Temporary stand in for dockside until some new cards arrive. I don't think this card is bad in the deck, but I can do better

Out Endless Atlas - I've soured on this card a bit. And this deck does not struggle to draw cards.

Dockside Extortionist - Honestly the deck is better with this card. But I have a bad feeling that the RC is going to ban it next quarter. I have two of them in my decks - one here and one in Breya. The latter is a better fit, where here it is just value, so figured I'd split the difference and sell one back now. So I don't get too mad if it is banned or not.

November 2021 deck changes


Mimic Vat - Used to be in the deck and I cut it thinking it was just generic value. But actually realized it is more synergistic than I thought with the latest version of the deck. i personally have 6 great ETB targets for it (zealous conscripts, coercive recruiter, molten primordial, combustible gearhulk, etali, ardent elementalist). PLUS - everyone else's creatures i'll be stealing and killing - so acts as a version of conjurer's closet to 'keep' their stuff. Reckless Impulse - I love this common! Red's version of Nights Whisper.
Anax, Hardened in the Forge - Actually should probably be the commander - synergizes well with what i want to be doing. But not ready to pull the trigger on that yet.


Hate Mirage - As stated above, was a temporary stand in - never played with it. Captivating Crew - think this is bad actually? spend 8 mana before getting one creature with it Starstorm - I like this card a lot - instant speed board wipe with cycling. But I don't actually want to wipe the board in this deck if I van avoid it - I want to take my opponent's creatures and use them.

December 2021 deck changes


Birgi, God of Storytelling   - just generically good in this mono red build. should let me double spell much more frequently. and late game - can play the back half. Maybe better than Lannery in some ways? Very similar functionally. likely either this or anax should helm the deck - in which case lannery probably leaves the deck entirely tbh. Though… Lannery nets me mana early without casting anything, so maybe she keeps her spot for now

Commune with Lava - has been hovering around as a possibility for a while now. red's version of Stroke of Genius.

Abrade - should hit about ~50% of commanders, any artifact on the field, and if it lines up with my liquimetal torque, so be it. efficient removal is always good


Spreading Insurrection - was thrilled when this card was first spoiled. but think the most likely play pattern to even get a single storm trigger looks like this. i have 7 mana. cast a 2 cmc rock. cast this. steal two creatures. just not a good rate vs. the other theft cards. needs a different kind of build to really shine.

Combustible Gearhulk - the vast majority of the time this is 6 mana, get a 6/6 artifact creature, mill 3, zap an opponent for let's say 5 damage. that just isn't impactful enough. if i spend that much mana with its replacement, commune with lava, i am guaranteed to see 4 cards.

Etali, Primal Storm - what a fun card. but the synergy just isn't here. no haste enablers. 6 cmc. removal target.

January 2022 deck changes


Crackle with Power - had previously cut this. but i want a safety valve. sometimes my theft situation doesnt work out for whatever reason - playing vs. non creature decks, people not able to develop their board enough, etc. so want at least one other way i can close the game.

Grab the Reins - It's the thing I want to do and the payoff on one card. Someone has a gigantic creature? 7 mana, they're dead. Or! Just use one side when I need it. Also - instant speed 'removal' if I have a sac outlet down

Out Pyroblast - the Nitpicking Nerds convinced me this card and its cousin aren't good. I don't want a dead card ever. Red Elemental Blast - see above

February 2022 deck changes

March of Reckless Joy - more great new impulse draw Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance - free value. synergy with my sac outlets. cutting a mountain Combat Celebrant - feel like i dont have a ton of ways to close the game out. previously cut but adding it back in. this on the board into a theft is powerful.


Abrade - i know this card is supposed to be good but im not convinced Ardent Elementalist - have more powerful recursion

May 2022 deck changes

In Seize the Spotlight - this is now one of the best cards in the deck, i think? with a sac outlet down it probably always is 3 cmc draw 3 make 3 treasures. or, give me your best creature, ignoring hexproof, and ill smash someone with it. perfect fit. i guess giving your opponent a choice is never great - if someone has a bomb creature or no creatures it will dictate their decision. but because in this deck i want both outcomes - i think it will be a star. and so efficient. Kher Keep - have a bit of creature synergy with sac outlets etc. cheap mana sync. blocker in a pinch. Cut a mountain for it

Out Harness by Force - most common use is sorcery speed 3 mana steal one creature - which i dont play in the deck, or 6 mana steal 2 creatures, which is a bad rate.

June 2022 deck changes


Firbolg Flutist - 6 cmc creature. etbs i gain a creature. okay - overcosted zealus conscripts? except - the creature gains myriad until end of turn. lots of potential value there Wild Magic Surge - hits anything! With a big drawback. Yes please! polymorphs a permanent type int another one. if im hitting something very problematic, i assume ill hit something less so. really struggle with removal in mono red Inspired Tinkering - more good red impulse draw. comparable to ignite the future. 5 cmc, exile 3, make 3 treasures

Out Outpost Siege - 4 cmc do nothing. worse phyrexian arena. would rather get the cards in bursts i think. at least chandra gives me the card now and hurts someone for killing her Valakut Exploration - too often i miss a land drop after playing this card and it does nothing for me Anax, Hardened in the Forge - while synergistic in the deck.. im just never happy to see him tbh

July 2022 deck changes

In Mezzio Mugger - I think this card is really underrated. 3 cmc. impulse draw 4. and then draw a real card when it dies. plus death/sac outlet synergies. mimic vat. etc. Phyrexian Altar - a dream card for this deck. thank you double masters reprint! the last real free sac outlet available.

Out Chandra, Fire Artisan - 4 cmc impulse draw 1 is not great. the other Chandra has much more utility. I think this Chandra is underrated, but this cut is progress Combat Celebrant - this card never seems to work out for me. a good sellback in the future

September 2022 deck changes

In Twist Allegiance - a colorshifted reins of power. really powerful and synergistic in this deck with my sac outlets. 7 cmc and sorcery speed, but almost another version of insurrection if someone has a crazy board. i can also sac my board first to help cast it with the right outlets down. in less than 300 decks... Koth of the Hammer - i had this back in the deck in 2019 and cut it. but actually think it is great. it adds the mana even if my mountains are tapped... so can cast this for 4, net mana, and cast something big. and then koth is just chilling. if i have absolute control of the board, the ultimate, while unlikely is a win con. his plus 1 isnt great, but gives me an extra mana if he survives. Dargo, the Shipwrecker - similar purpose to greater gargadon. temp sac outlet that is a big creature. i can use a theft spell, sac creatures into him, when i seemingly dont have a sac outlet down. also synergistic with the treasures this deck makes.

Out Kher Keep - cut for a mountain to power koth and valakut Detection Tower - "" Stolen Strategy - fun card, but i want more and more burst card draw where i get the cards immediately. this is 5 cmc 'do nothing' wait a whole turn to get the cards Sunbird's Invocation - 'do nothing' 6 cmc enchantment. draws a ton of hate and is a big removal target. fun card, not worth it Birgi, God of Storytelling   - ultimately i want to use birgi the most for ramp, but he can just get wiped away. good card, but not a perfect fit for this deck

November 2022 deck changes

In Adding another mountain - adding a land in a spell slot to increase my land counts in all my decks this month.

Out Kari Zev's Expertise - decks getting really tight, was hard to make this cut. i like the card but it isnt as impactful as my other theft spells

May 2023 Deck Changes

In Wrenn's Resolve - another copy of reckless impulse which i love

Out Grab the Reins - not untapping seems like a trap here - think ill just forget

September 2023 Deck Changes


Guff Rewrites History - low cmc instant speed removal is very uncommon in mono red The Irencrag - 2 cmc untapped rock


Chain Reaction - i really dont want to wipe the board in this deck Volcanic Offering - 5 cmc removal - guff outclasses it

December 2023 Deck Changes

About to join the party

Zoyowa's Justice - love this removal

On the way out

Underworld Breach - too combo-ish for this deck. great card though

June 2024 Deck Changes

In Lazotep Quarry - better high market - another sac outlet. turns on seize the spotlight Hideous Taskmaster - slam dunk for the deck - better molten primordial in every way? which is already one of the cards i want to see most in the deck? gives the stuff it steals trample and annihilator - and it also has that, and it has higher power. and slightly easier to cast. very good

Out Myriad Landscape - souring on this card - slow Wayfarer's Bauble - ""

July 2024 Deck Changes

In Mountain Monastery Raid - on the bubble card advantage Pinnacle Monk   - think this is worth playing? recursion on an untapped land Flare of Duplication - think this is good? can fork or be a sac outlet

Out Scavenger Grounds - souring on this land - dont want to sac one cardStrip Mine - "" Zealous Conscripts - 5 cmc steal one thing aint so good Coercive Recruiter - ""

August 2024 Deck Changes

In Embrace the Unknown - Generally my thought is - go higher on little draw spells in all my decks. And cut the on the bubble stuff. Then I get to my good stuff more AND run out of gas less and the deck runs smoother.

Firbolg Flutist - i like the card but high cmc and potential to not have great targets with legendaries etc

October 2024 Deck Changes

In Untimely Malfunction - think this is strong in mono red Arid Archway - figure with all the impulse draw i can bounce a mountain to my hand Guildless Commons - "" Painter's Studio / Defaced Gallery - enjoying these little divination impulse draws in here

Out Flare of Duplication - was not impressed with this - dont have the creatures to sac really Mezzio Mugger - realizing im only seeing one of my synergistic cards and random stuff - worse than the impulse draw 2s Mountain x 2


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94% Casual


Date added 7 years
Last updated 3 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.42
Tokens 2/2 C Artifact Creature Spawn, Copy Clone, Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Emblem Koth of the Hammer, Spirit 1/1 C, Treasure
Folders Awesome EDH
Ignored suggestions
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