
So either you thought this would be a neat blink deck or you're doing something dumb.

This is the latter.

What sets this deck apart from other blink decks is is has the option to abuse blinking opponents creatures, otherwise is a bit meh as lagrella only half blinks and needs another card to be an enabler. Also game actions. Lots of game actions.


"Oh god, we have to kill those wood elves"

"Elvish piper says 'may', so I don't have to do that"

Uniqueish things:

Remember, you can not blink your commander to permanently tuck theirs if they don't CZ them. There are other ways for you to do the thing.

Lagrella can machine gun opponents creature tokens

Soulherder & Lagrella, the Magpie for 4 counters min per blink (also Faerie Artisans for 1 per new creature, abdel/yorion, etc)

multiple risen reefs, radient solars, avenger of zendikars, cultivator of blades, etc

2 counters are pretty useless, but the ozilith exists

persuade your friends of the non-combo value Peregrine Drake! until you actually combo with it at some point I guess

season of weaving has 'clone text' on 2 paw ability, you don't name targets. Removal must be done before choices are made, making it more safe.

spellseeker can notably tutor Disorder in the Court, Doppelgang, and Mystic Reflection. Also the more boring things to get the deck to that point

Lagrella, the Magpie + Phantom Steed :

1) swing with steed 2) make copy, target things + steed 3) steed is exiled and old lagrella returns 4) immediate legend rule, choose commander to keep 5) commander lagrella (trigger X) chooses targets from creatures currently on the field 6) token lagrella (trigger Y) returns creatures exiled 7) after creatures return those triggers go on the stack the relevant one being phantom steed (trigger Z) 8) legend rule not using the stack, you order triggers as Y (up to 4 reenter), X (exile up to 4) so that X resolves first. 9) after Y resolves choose lagrella for Z, creatures from X reenter and commander lagrella is tucked under steed again

TLDR: If steed atks, up to 2 creatures from each player (one being steed from you) can be blinked. Sequence ends as it was before combat, untapped steed with lagrella under so the atk trigger is free. Try with later cards for more dumb, also try before turn at flash speed for pseudo haste.

Ok so now it's later

Cards to hook up to lagrella for winningness:

Suture Priest

Theoretical Duplication

Gather Specimens

Cathars' Crusade

Soulherder tbh, but blockers

Aboleth Spawn & Faerie Artisans (conditional)

Disorder in the Court as a sub for lagrella for self/forced opponent blink

Mystic Reflection targets & enablers (requiring another target):

Avenger of Zendikar

Cultivator of Blades build your own craterhoof


Yorion, Sky Nomad

Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward


Eternal Witness + Ghostly Flicker + Peregrine Drake for infinite mana, then infinite instances of blink for creatures, artifacts, and lands

Eternal Witness + Peregrine Drake + See Double one of the creatures on the stack, grab see double off the e wit, rinse and repeat 1 mana positive (infinite) one creature per. can then make one of any creature on the field if e wit is the one on the stack

Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward + Glasspool Mimic + Phantom Steed for etbs, 1/1s

dopplegang + eternal witness breakpoint for mana positive is X = 5. Wooooooo 17 mana combo

enough copies of Radiant Solar and creatures/blink that can clear dungeon of the mad mage, free casting blink spells/creatures off the final room. Indeterminate, but probably enough since mad mage can scry a collective 6 and make a treasure. Tomb of Annihilation, also allows for a non-draw kill option to non-infinite life.

also any infinites your opponents have collectively on board, esp creature based etb ones

patch notes

1.1 The turtle package

Motive: see risen reefs in action + anthem ~4 creatures swapped out for pretty much identical effects to enable fecund greenshell.

Lonis didn't quite do enough b/c other creatures enters specifically, early game you don't have other targets to blink


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92% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 week
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

64 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.20
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Bird 1/1 W, Clue, Copy Clone, Dungeon: Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Dungeon: Lost Mine of Phandelver, Dungeon: Tomb of Annihilation, Foretell, Goblin 1/1 R, Illusion */* U, Plant 0/1 G, Servo 1/1 C, Skeleton 1/1 B, Soldier 1/1 W, The Atropal, Treasure
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