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Lands go brrr (Lord Windgrace EDH)

Commander / EDH BRG (Jund) Combo Dredge Lands Ramp




Creature (1)

Gaze upon my Lands, mortals, and despair

Welcome, fellow planeswalker. Come with me, as we explore this decklist in depth, and I show you the power of ramping to ramp even harder. Let's start from the beggining, shall we?

There are a lot of land-themed commanders out there. The reason why I decided to go with Mr. Windgrace has to do with the color combination and the options Jund brings to the table. Let's analyze his loyalty abilities:

"+2 - Discard a card, draw a card. If you discarded a land card, draw an additional card." This one is just a loot on a stick, with an added bonus for discarding lands. Filling your graveyard with lands is important, and this just helps a bit and allows you to dig deeper into your deck to hopefully draw what you need.

"-3 - Return up to two target lands from your graveyard to the battlefield." Ramp on a commander? That's a YES from me. This is usually the best option if you have two lands in your graveyard, and returns enough mana to recast him if he gets killed.

"-11 - Destroy up to six nonland permanents. Create six 2/2 cat warrior tokens with forest walk." You'll rarely ever get to use this, but it's a huge removal effect and it's jsut nice to have.

With all that out of the way, it may seem that Lord Windgrace is just a bit underpowered in comparison with other commanders in the colors, but that's what makes him so great. He will rarely ever be seen as a threat, and that is what will allow you to use him without many issues until the game ends without having to recast him.

You may have noticed the absurd amount of lands in the deck. Currently as I'm writing this, there are 44, and I plan on adding a few more toys (namely Dark Depths ) to raise that number up to 50 lands. This is a land based deck, after all, and lands are your most important resource.

With that many lands, effects that allow you to play additional lands usually have a huge impact since you'll rarely ever not have a land to drop. That's why Summer Bloom , Exploration , Azusa, Lost but Seeking , The Gitrog Monster , Wayward Swordtooth , Oracle of Mul Daya and Dryad of the Ilysian Grove are here for. To help them along the way, Ramunap Excavator and Ancient Greenwarden in combination with both Lord Windgrace and lands with fetch effects (such as Evolving Wilds , Terramorphic Expanse , Fabled Passage or Blighted Woodland ), helping with the land count AND thinning the deck so that you are left with the most action possible.

Other helpful ramp utilities like Arboreal Grazer , Farseek , Radha, Heart of Keld , Courser of Kruphix , Sakura-Tribe Elder , Springbloom Druid , Harrow and Burgeoning are all here to help you get to a critical mass of lands as fast as possible.

We've gone over how to get a lot of lands very fast onto the battlefield. What are you supposed to do with them? let me show you. First, we have the lovely Lotus Cobra , netting you mana for ramping so you can keep ramping. We also have Amulet of Vigor , an effect that on first sight doesn't seem as powerful as it really is (we'll get back to it in a bit). And let's not forget Field of the Dead , which is one of the centerpieces of the deck and is one of the most powerful lands for any land-themed deck. As the latest additions, we have Ancient Greenwarden which is just too good to pass on and Valakut Exploration , which gives you an additional way to reach for lands, and can close out games on its own. Then, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild makes your creatures trigger landfall, and is usually a very large threat that must be answered inmediately.

In addition to this, landfall can also spell doom with card:Omnath, Locust of Rage raining 5/5 elementals, and Tunneling Geopede and Spitfire Lagac draining your opponent's life total at an alarming rate.

Now that we've gone over the cards that care about lands entering the battlefield, let's talk about the ones that care about lands in your graveyard. We've gone over Ancient Greenwarden and Ramunap Excavator, and they explain themselves. The single most powerful card for the self-mill process is The Gitrog Monster , that will net you the card advantage you need to storm off and win the game on the back of his static ability, and also has some really easy to pull of combos.

Him, along with Underrealm Lich make one of the best card synergies in the deck, since with 44 lands is really easy to mill one in three and thus repeating the process to mill the whole deck. There is also Dakmor Salvage since you can dredge on clean-up with the gitrog trigger to return it to your hand and mill the whole deck. There's also Life from the Loam , a beautiful dredge trigger that also allows you to keep making land drops with very little drawback. Overlaid Terrain is a risky card, but it's also a great payoff if you drop it at the right time. Strands of Night is an awesome tool for resurrecting your dead creatures and filling the grave (dryad of the Ilysian grove works wonders with it). card:Titania, Priest of Argoth makes 5/3 elementals that work wonders with Omnath AND can pull a win out of the blue alongside Need for Speed . Last but not least Squandered Resources double up your mana capabilities AND fill your graveyard (and is excellent with both The Gitrog Monster and Korvold, Fae-Cursed King to draw your library while adding mana).

Having lands in your graveyard is great and all, but bringing them all back at once is your main goal. For this, we have World Shaper , that is basically a Splendid Reclamation on a body. A 3/3 that mills on attack and no one will ever block and kill, and is God-Eternal Bontu 's best friend. The way they work together is super neat, since you can float all your land mana, sacrifice worldshaper + all your lands + all your field of the dead tokens and every single card you no longer need on board to draw you that many cards, and then, as a death trigger, all your lands in your graveyard will come back tapped. That's the place where Amulet of Vigor shines the most, and with all that mana and all those cards, you can go ahead and try to end the game (hopefully). The other two options for mass land recursion are The Mending of Dominaria and Splendid Reclamation . The mending is probably the weakest option, but the mill and the creature recursion are good enough on their own, so it's a great tool to set up.

After all that rambling, we are still not winning the game, just ramping to oblivion. The main wincon of the deck is Finale of Revelation . Haste and +X/+X with all that mana should be enough to kill your oponents with the zombie tokens. Mayhem Devil is also a great way to kill your opponents with both the mass land sacrifices. It's also a great control piece against aristocrats based decks since it deals damage to any targets, and will make your opponents consider what they do and remove him before any of your other threats. Another way to kind-of close out the game is wih the landfall damage caused by Spitfire Lagac , Tunneling Geopede and Valakut Exploration , although the last one is a bit harder to get it to drop 40+cards in a single go, since by that point you'll probably be milled out already, but it can help close out the game in some instances.

There are a few options to go infinite with the deck. They mainly revolve around either The Gitrog Monster or Eternal Witness . Let's break some of them down:

  • Dakmor Salvage + The Gitrog Monster mills your whole deck on end-step with a 8+ card grip. Winning on clean-up with this current iteration is usually not an easy thing to pull off with the current decklist, so i usually just use this to set up a win. To prevent dying from milling, you need to develop Underrealm Lich so you do not overdraw.
  • World Shaper + Lotus Cobra + Strands of Night + Ashnod's Altar + Squandered Resources nets you infinite mana and infinite landfall triggers. It's a lengthy combo but you can pull it off in a few different ways, such as World Shaper + Amulet of Vigor + Need for Speed + Strands of Night + Ashaya, Soul of the Wild and a few others. All you need is something to kill World Shaper, something to kill your lands, something and something to kill the shaper and something to bring him back. It's the main loop of the deck and usually the game ending move.

  • Eternal Witness + Victimize + Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Squandered Resources + Lotus Cobra is an infinite mana loop that gives you an infinite amount of graveyard recursion. With Ashaya on board you can kill your creatures with squandered resources. With two nontoken creatures, the squandered sacrifice nets you two mana (killing the Witness and something else) victimize costs one mana on the first iteration, and then returning the witness and anything else nets you two mana from the lanfall trigger. The loop will net you one mana each time you pull it off, and you can abuse any etb or ltb effect to trigger it to infinity.

There are a bunch of other loops, but most of them require a sacrifice outlet to pop off, so never drop the outlets out of time, since they are kill on sight 100% of the time.

I run a few removal pieces, most of them are not the best card in the slot, but they create a big enough tempo swing to sneak a win.

  • Abrupt Decay is just a great early removal piece, and it's flexible enough.
  • Casualties of War is one of the best commander removal choices since you will usually have 4 out of 5 targets to kill (and is a great spite card to get someone completely behind for daring to counterspell you).
  • Krosan Grip is one of my favorite removal cards, since it can deal with those pesky Aetherflux Reservoir s and it cannot be answered.
  • I've already talked about mayhem devil, so i won't go into it again.
  • Reclamation Sage is a great creature in any green deck.
  • Gaze of Granite is one of my favorites, a bit worse than a Pernicious Deed but I like my gorgons way too much. Since your most relevant drops are on 5 cmc, blasting all permanents with cmc 4 or lower will usually leave you way ahead. Plus, your main gameplan is having lands, so those do not get affected.
  • In Garruk's Wake is a dumb 9 cmc asymetrical boardwipe. What's not to love.
  • Vraska, Golgari Queen has an abrupt decay built in. She can also sacrifice lands and her ult is a game winner, so there's that. There's also a twisted way of removal, which is land removal. Ghost Quarter and Strip Mine alongside multiple land drops and a ramunap or greenwarden are a great way to ensure that someone gets stuck with no lands for the rest of the game. They are mainly there to deal with powerful lands your opponents may pull out, but hey, use them at will.

The following cards are cards that would fit into the deck. If they are not here is because I either dont have the buck, i have them in another deck, or I do not find them as interesting or useful, but they could be with a few tweaks. A few options that come to mind are:

Those are just some ideas. Obviously, there are way too many cards that fit the archetype. I'm happy with the state of the deck, and it is incredibly powerful (my playgroup fears it above any other deck besides my friend's Grenzo, Gambling Warden brew). It is consistent, it is fun and it's hard to stop.

Overall, the deck is the closest thing to a cEDH build without the 2 card combos and the fast mana. It feels incredibly powerful both as the player and as it's opponent. If you are looking to build around Mr Windgrace, you'll get a shit ton of ideas from this list. I find it to be the best way to build around windgrace, with the added benefit that you can make it MUCH easier by playing Korvold, Fae-Cursed King as your commander, but I had enough of my playgroup crying about the big chad dragon hitting them for commander lethal (see Korvold, Land Devourer) so I decided to go for a lower power commander while boosting the overall power of the deck so they have a real reason to cry when they have to reshuffle at turn 5 because they lost the game. I'm a douchebag.

Have fun brewing, people!


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91% Casual


Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years
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This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 11 Rares

20 - 8 Uncommons

12 - 3 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.41
Tokens Cat Warrior 2/2 G, City's Blessing, Elemental 5/3 G, Elemental 5/5 RG, Emblem Vraska, Golgari Queen, Plant 0/1 G, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
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