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Lands Lives Matter (BLOODLUST Edition)

Commander / EDH Burn Primer RG (Gruul) Tokens



Protectors of Zendikar (2)

Lands Lives Matter (BLOODLUST Edition)


If you chuckled to yourself thinking that this is a typical ''ramp all day'' kinda deck, OH BOY WOULD YOU BE IN FOR A DEVASTATING RUDE AWAKENING!

Every upvote will go towards the Land Lives Matter Foundation

Do you like playing explosive combo decks? Do you like playing archenemy? Do you like burning people to the face? Do you like traumatizing your opponents? If so, this is the primer for you! This monster of a build has proven itself to be resilient to hate, fast, explosive, and absolutely annihilate pods not prepared for him. It is my goal to bring out the best in angry Omnath to make him as brutally disgusting as possible.

This is my multiplayer pet deck that is highly synergistic and is build around the Landfall Storm Combo (aka Hyperexploration Combo). This build focuses on abusing the landfall triggers as much as I can using the landfall engine and win by sheer amount of landfall triggers. The namesake "landfall storm" was inspired by the card Storm Cauldron and the "storm" mechanic originated in the Scourge block. The beauty of the landfall recursion engine is that it gets more oppressive as I assemble more pieces on my board. Unlike other popular strategies (ramp or elemental tribal), this is NOT a typical ramp-matters deck and gets ahead in mana advantage via land cheating/exploration effects which I find gives him at least some fighting chance against other more competitive commanders. Other land matters commanders are:

Get your D20s ready, cos you're gonna need it to keep track of the amount of landfalls you can generate per turn!


This build's primary focus is on landfall induced damage rather than aggro token beats. It is nice to have the option to aggro out but that is hardly ever needed in a combo-oriented build. This is the reason why I do not include haste/trample enablers like Fires of Yavimaya/Craterhoof Behemoth. Every card in this deck is important and highly synergistic. Every thing you put in play needs to be relevant and either set up for a high impact play or impact the board immediately. The main strategy of this build is to play Omnath only when you can impact the board in a huge way usually with a landfall and draw engine in place to chain multiple series of landfall triggers to victory. The main strategy of this deck is:

  • Early Game aka The Calm Before the Storm (turn 1 to 6): Setup landfall engines and supporting permanents before getting Omnath online. Powering out Omnath out as early as possible is not recommended as an early disruption like Swords to Plowshares can really put you behind. The rule of thumb is to only play Omnath when you can get immediate value out of him as he is a removal magnet. Setting up the proper landfall engine before getting Omnath online is key to success.

  • Mid Game aka That Escalated Quickly (turn 7 to 10): If everything goes as planned and not disrupted, this is the point of the game where I usually start taking over the game and win. Make life even more difficult for our opponents by taxing their lands with Mana Web /Price of Glory/ Storm Cauldron and make it even more one sided with Cryptolith Rite. Abuse landfall engines and churn out advantage to annihilate opponents through burn triggers or combo-ing out. At this point, if we get our landfall engine going with a draw engine, we can essentially win the game in a turn or two.

  • Late Game aka I Will Prevail (turn 11 and beyond): There will be a lot of hate directed towards your board state forcing you to play archenemy which will force you to go into late game. Stabilizing and finding the right window is key to finish the game with an explosive turn to win. This is the point of the game where Seasons Past will help immensely.


My build does ramp a lot but not in a conventional Kodama's Reach kinda way. My type of build ramps via Exploration effects and landfall engines instead of a typical ramp package strategy as landfall engines are more reliable to get me to the promise land. I can usually get a ton more lands out than a typical ramp-matters build. This is the reason why I don't run as many ramp spells as the other builds and dedicate those slots to including more landfall engine enablers. As long as I can setup my landfall engine early game and protect Omnath, I should have a good chance of stealing the game. The advantages of this build are:

  • More consistent and reliable landfall triggers

  • More difficult to disrupt, very resilient to hate, and bypass counter magic in most interaction

  • Dependent on more reliable landfall engines rather than ramp spells to get me to the promise land

  • Able to switch to a commanderless game plan if things don't go our way

  • Have several outs to stax effects

  • Able to take over the game and win once a formidable landfall engine is set up to abuse the landfall storm count

There would be times when you would encounter problematic situations that affect your boardstate and gameplay. Since Omnath is pretty resilient to most common hate strategies, this section will be detailing how to deal with them when they arise:

  • Doom Blade and friends are very common and we should always expect them. We have cards like Lightning Greaves and Sylvan Safekeeper to protect Omnath against targeted removals. Command Beacon is there to help us with the commander tax and can be constantly abused with Crucible of Worlds.

  • Krosan Grip/Bane of Progress and friends are rampant in my meta. We simply cannot overextend and just play what is necessary to advance our plans so that we can rebuilt again after our stuff are being destroyed. We run enough redundancies to mitigate artifact/enchantment removals and we do have Seasons Past which can help us recover our losses.

  • Leovold, Emissary of Trest /Notion Thief really stifles our deck by not allowing us to draw multiple cards. We need to remove them asap and I'm sure our opponents want them dead as much as I do too.

  • Armageddon and friends really sucks but fortunately we can recover fast after that due to the amount of lands we run. Crucible of Worlds and Exploration effects mitigates MLD strategies big time.

  • A kicked Rite of Replication on Omnath = instant death as when they all see each other die due to legend rule, they can do 60 damage to the face. No matter what the blue player says, always try your best to respond to the casting by sacrificing Omnath in response. Just make sure to keep track of their mana (9 cmc) and prepare for it.

  • Bounce spells like a kicked Cyclonic Rift/Devastation Tide can essentially destroy all of our tokens without the sweet bolt trigger from Omnath. Sac outlet is the best respond to this and keeping track of their open mana (7 or 5 cmc) is key to saving your tokens.

  • Torpor Orb/ Hushwing Gryff essentially shuts down all our creature dependent triggers like Warstorm Surge and Garruk's Packleader. This however cannot shut down our landfall triggers and we can still operate with Tunneling Geopede and sac outlets to circumvent that problem. Hushwing Gryff can also be killed by Omnath's bolt. Since both of those cards affects most of the commonly played cards in EDH, most of my opponents will be happy to remove it sooner or later to enable their own ETB triggers. We also have Hull Breach to deal with Torpor Orb but I prefer to save it for something that prevent us from winning.

  • Angel of Jubilation shuts down our sacrifice outlets and the best way to remove her is through cards like Warstorm Surge. This card also affects a lot of common EDH strategies and our opponents will probably want to remove her as well.

  • Null Rod is not played since it's such a niche card in this format. This card shuts down our equipments but does not impact in our strategy in any huge way. Hate cards like this that affects everyone will almost always get removed somehow. We also have Hull Breach to deal with it if need be.

  • Containment Priest is also a frequent card in my meta but does not affect me as much as she did to my reanimator opponents since I only care about token creatures. She does affect Nim Deathmantle and prevents me from going infinite or save any of my creatures. We should have no problem removing her if we need to.

  • Wrath of God and friends are frequently played and we should expect them in every game. Fortunately, Omnath is a natural wrath deterrent (the lower your opponents' health, the more effective it is) as he can threaten to do massive amount of damage when his tokens die.

  • Counterspell and friends sets our tempo back but we do have several proactive way to mitigate that. Storm Cauldron /Price of Glory/ Mana Web essentially screws with the blue player that wants mess with us. Cavern of Souls straight up prevent blue players from interacting with us during our turn.

  • Nevinyrral's Disk and friends will essentially destroy all of our landfall engines. We run Seasons Past which can essentially return all of our stuff and can even be reused later on. With the amount of fetches and draws, we are bound to redraw it again later in the game which provide this deck with enough resiliency in fighting mass destruction spells.

  • Smokestack/ Kismet and their stax friends affects us in some way but does not stop our strategies from working since all we do is play and bounce lands. Sacrifice strategies actually help us more than hurt us as we can sac our tokens and bolt to boot! We do have Hull Breach to take care of them if necessary. If stax strategies are rampant in your meta, include mass artifact removals like Vandalblast.

  • Ankh of Mishra really sucks and stifles our landfall abuse without killing us eventually. Having an equipped Basilisk Collar helps mitigate the damage but Hull Breach is the best answer for this.

  • Solitary Confinement (or cards that prevent damage) is our kryptonite and is hard for us to deal with. This is the very reason why I have Hull Breach in my deck to deal with it and as it is the only permanent I care about to remove immediately. With the amount of card draw we have, we will almost always draw it in a game of attrition.


''There's always another storm. It's the way the world works. Snowstorms, rainstorms, windstorms, sandstorms, and firestorms. Some are fierce and others are small. You have to deal with each one separately, but you need to keep an eye on whats brewing for tomorrow.'' by Maria V. Snyder, Fire Study


As this deck is based around landfall storm combo, landfall engines are paramount for me to increase my land drops (or landfall storm count in this context). There are two parts that made the landfall engine, the land recursion and the additional landfall enabler. Storm Cauldron is the very definition and embodiment of a landfall engine as it incorporates both the additional landfall and land recursion aspect of the engine. The more landfall engines are online, the more powerful the engine will become (having a landfall storm count of 7 or greater per turn is pretty common every game).

Landfall Recursion Enablers:

Additional Landfall Enablers:

There are countless synergies in the deck and the following are general combos that will get the storm count rolling to victory:


In most games I usually win by assembling a solid landfall engine and deal lethal damage with an absurb amount of landfall storm count per turn with cards like Warstorm Surge in play. However, there will be times when you happen to draw the following combos like the one below, which is a common combo that most Omnath decks use to close up the game:

The following combos can close out the game fast out of no where when my opponents are unprepared:

Omnath in my mind is a solid tier 2 commander that wrecks casual pods but can't edge out effectively in competitive pods due to its lack of consistency and tutors. This however, could be mitigated with a draw engine where I can draw into my pieces as I play more lands to eventually win in that turn. I initially started out with a typical ramp and cast Omnath into a huge Boundless Realms direction but realized that it is very linear, slow, unreliable, and clunky. What I often find myself asking while piloting the deck was "if only I have more ramp for more landfall triggers". This prompted me to reevalute the entirety of this build and ultimately decided to scrap it for a more fast combo direction. Two cards that inspired me are Storm Cauldron and Cloudstone Curio which forms a consistent landfall engine every turn not dependent on the unreliable ramp spells that I often hoped to draw. I started cutting down a bunch of cards that does not add to the combo and eventually came down to this list right here.

Blue decks are unfortunately the bane of our existence and will have more card draw advantage and board control over us. I try to mitigate this problem by including proactive cards like Conqueror's Flail and Cavern of Souls to work around countermagic as well as Storm Cauldron /Price of Glory/ Mana Web /Strip Mine to further tax their manabase and discourage interaction as we assemble our combo pieces. If budget permits, The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale is another great land to include to act as another sac outlet for Omnath and also to control the number of creatures on the field. Wheel of Fortune can also be another potential card for me to refill my hand if I ran out of gas. Another route which I am currently testing in my build is infect. By equipping Omnath or Tunneling Geopede with Grafted Exoskeleton or playing Triumph of the Hordes, I can just win out of nowhere with just a few landfall triggers. Infect also helps me deal with indestructible creatures.

I hope that you find my primer informative and I wish the passionate Omnath players Godspeed and keep raging and smashing faces! Don't forget to give me an upvote if you like it or find it helpful to support my work! :)

''It gathers against the coming storm.'' Omnath, Locus of Mana before he raged the world




Revision 60 See all

(7 years ago)

+1 Orcish Lumberjack maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #29 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 0 Mythic Rares

44 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.92
Tokens Ashaya, the Awoken World, Beast 3/3 G, Beast 4/4 G, Clue, Elemental 2/2 G, Elemental 5/3 G, Elemental 5/5 RG, Elemental X/X G, Emblem Nissa, Vital Force, Marit Lage, Plant 0/1 G
Folders Commander Decks, My EDH Brews, edh, lol i wish, EDH, Other People's Decks, nath, EDH Memes, Ideas, If you want to blow a budget
Ignored suggestions
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