This is the reason the deck is so effective! We use this to draw into more of him, or our winning combo piece, Battle Rage! With all the power he can get by turn 4, he gets out of control for an opponent when they have no good removal for him. This guy ends the game in our favor!
Remember that Crusher doesn't have trample, which means against something like Squadron Hawk, he doesn't get to deal damage and this deck becomes real bad, real fast. Battle Rage is the answer to this problem, as it makes crusher way bigger than he was ever intended to be, and be able to seal a game way easier! Use this card, ALWAYS!
This is the backup plan for if our crusher does initially get removed before it does its stuff. It can block tokens effectively and it is the only manland in our colors!
This is for when your opponent is playing Eldrazi variants, Zoo, Tron, etc. This allows us to keep our turn 4 tempo as we can use this to basically keep out scary manlands, mana cheating, and basically any other thing that stops you from proceeding in life! Good Stuff!