Lasciate Ogni Speranza

Commander / EDH Podma101


Podma101 says... #1

m4ver1k The main purpose for getting Venser's Journal would be for the life gain, which would help make up for the poor early game defense my deck has. Unless I get out Propaganda early, I am very open to creatures. However Library of Leng could be very potent in my deck. More often than not I am the one discarding my hand because of over draw or effects that make everyone discard. Making room for both is something I may do in the end. Trinket Mage would be very useful, especially with Library of Leng. If it really came down to it I could fish out the few other artifacts in the deck that are cheap enough. And will absolutely do that exchange, Expedition Map is INFINITELY better. Thank you very much for these suggestions! In the next few days I think I'll put up a list with the cards are am going to replace and with what to see what others make think.

November 11, 2014 5:05 p.m.

m4ver1k says... #2

Oh, Elixir of Immortality could help since you can cycle your graveyard back into your library and gain 5 life then. You can tutor it also off the back of Trinket Mage. You also might do well with Sorin's Vengeance to help even out your poor early game.

November 11, 2014 5:41 p.m.

Podma101 says... #3

m4ver1k I like the idea of Elixir of Immortality for the graveyard cycle, not sure how to fit it in though. So far I have yet to get into a situation where I absolutely need to get my graveyard back into my deck from cycling through it too much. Not too keen on Sorin's Vengeance. It's a good card, but the few life gain cards I have made room for are more consistent and come out earlier. I think with the changes I plan on making as I listed will hopefully help the slower early game I have, if not by speeding it up then by at least cushioning some of the damage.

November 13, 2014 10:34 p.m.

metalevolence says... #4

Lands are great. They make mana for free. Seriously though, missing land drops is giving up a lot of power. I think you should run at least 37 (that's on top of the nonland cards you have that make mana or fetch basics.)

November 19, 2014 11:45 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #5

I like Melek, Izzet Paragon and Mirari over something like Sanguine Bond and even Rakdos's Return. Both of those cards are great but I don't see a whole bunch of lifegain here to make Sanguine Bond as good as it can be, and I have a bias against one shot effects in EDH, even when they're as splashy as RR.

I play a more combo-y version of Nekusar if you want to have a look. Whl Of FU_

February 3, 2015 3:23 p.m.

Jeggard says... #6

Mindcrank is so powerful with Bloodchief Ascension aka infinite combo. Wound Reflection is just fun when people take damage. Sanguine Bond is a combo with Exquisite Blood. Rain of Gore and Phyrexian Tyranny is super good it hurts you as well BUT worth it if you can get a win with Teferi's Puzzle Box which is very easy. I have a resiliant Nekusar deck that some day i will put on this site but these cards pretty much win you the game if you get 3-4 in play. Hope these help.

April 26, 2015 4:48 p.m.

Podma101 says... #7

Jeggard I do love what Mindcrank can do with Bloodchief Ascension, but I choose to leave it in my side board because I don't like relying on infinite combos. On its own, Mindcrank isn't bad, but within my playgroup there is a deck or two that benefits from that mill effect, so I feel that it should stay our unless I'm against someone that can't recover from it. Wound Reflection is just a wonderful card, there is no denying that. I found it to be a bit of overkill though, as odd as that may sound. This deck generally explodes with damage and will win shortly after I get Nekusar out. Putting the mana into Wound Reflection is not only slowing me down, but if I am able to finish off my opponents with the base damage, I'd prefer to have more utility in the deck, which is why it used to be in it. Sanguine Bond was in here, but my only life gain was Exquisite Blood, which made it way too niche for it to work properly in the deck. While I do have some infinite combos in the deck, I don't like having the cards that make them if they can't function well on their own. For example, Mind Over Matter is a very powerful card in its own right, and it can be turned into an infinite combo with two or three cards already in the deck that also thrive by themselves. Rain of Gore is not something that I have considered before, and it would work well in the deck. Rampant life gain decks due tend to cause me issues, and since Exquisite Blood is my only life gain mechanic I wouldn't hurt myself in the slightest. Phyrexian Tyranny is in the side board for the very reason you listed. If anything I would decide to put it in for a match for the chance to just destroy everyone, and would not want it to be in there on a regular basis, because more likely than not it'll be suicide haha. I thank you very much for all of the suggestions!!

April 26, 2015 6:25 p.m.

Jeggard says... #8

Truthfully i missed your entire side board lol.

Winds of Change


Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs

Both wheels and work with Nekusar and Kazuul is just brutal and prevents people from wanting to swing at you. If i think of anything else i will post them. Hope this is a little helpful.

April 26, 2015 6:40 p.m.

Podma101 says... #9

Jeggard Windfall is in there already. Winds of Change isn't simply because I haven't decided if I want to spend the money to get it quite honestly lol. Hmmm, now for Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs. I like him, I do. He fits pillow fort well. However, he is a creature that I have very few ways to protect or get back if he dies. I currently have a number of cards devoted to limit the creatures on the battlefield, on top of plenty of board wipes. I feel that he is somewhat redundant, and doesn't improve on any of the cards I already have in here.

April 27, 2015 2:39 p.m.

kiloken says... #10

Why no Chandra Ablaze?

April 30, 2015 9:26 a.m.

Podma101 says... #11

kiloken The only reason I don't have Chandra Ablaze or other planeswalkers is because they are damn expensive and normally only one of their abilities is useful to me. Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker was a gift which is why he is in here, and the other expensive cards here are very, very powerful. Chandra Ablaze isn't bad, but I don't have a whole lot of red cards in the deck to spare, so using her plus one wouldn't do anything besides get her loyalty, her minus two would certainly work, but I have plenty of other cards than can do that safer and cheaper, and her ultimate would be used on only four cards in the entire deck, five if I want to wipe the board. If anything I would love a Liliana Vess, but even then the cards that I still need to acquire for the deck that are expensive will do much more for it.

April 30, 2015 noon

I really dig this deck, it looks great. And I love the name of it, but I'm pretty sure it's supposed to read "Lasciate Ogni Speranza." Aside from that, +1 from me.

May 3, 2015 3:57 p.m.

Podma101 says... #13

Timelord-Planeswalker Thank you very much!!! And yes, you are absolutely right, woops!

May 4, 2015 3:57 p.m.

amazingdan says... #14

Freakin Nekusar man, my friend has a Nekusar commander and honestly it's the most annoying thing ever. +1 though

May 10, 2015 10:17 p.m.

Podma101 says... #15

amazingdan Nekusar just wants everyone to have cards, what's so wrong about that haha? Thank you!

May 13, 2015 11:48 a.m.

Jeggard says... #16

Wheel of Fortune, Leyline of Anticipation, Kederekt Parasite, Time Reversal, Whispering Madness are all really good to have in this deck. I understand playing casually but some of the cards i did recommend are fairly cheap and easy to get. Is there a reason you have Mindcrank side board??

June 21, 2015 4:48 p.m.

Podma101 says... #17

Jeggard I already have Whispering Madness and Time Reversal in the deck. As for Kederekt Parasite, I didn't care for it because I only have a handful of red permanents that can be removed with ease, and once on its own its useless and very vulnerable, so I opted that one out. Leyline of Anticipation is something I do like, but I couldn't decide if it was worth putting in, because not a lot of my sorceries are necessary to be cast like that, at least in my opinion. I may be wrong on that point. Wheel of Fortune is just too much money for what it is to me. I have thirteen (I think) other wheel effects in the deck, along with a few ways to reuse them, so to spend $20 on a single one doesn't feel right to me. If I were a richer man I'd get it but as it stands it won't happen. As for your question regarding Mindcrank, it's in the sideboard because the card in itself isn't that useful to me compared to other cards, and it only shines when combine with Leyline of the Void and Bloodchief Ascension. Also, my play group has a few reanimation decks, so it sometime hurts more than helps lol. Thank you for the suggestions, I greatly appreciate it!!!

June 22, 2015 1:52 a.m.

Weirdhat says... #18

if you like Curiosity there are several cards like it. Helm of the Ghastlord, Tandem Lookout, and Ophidian Eye. Geth's Grimoire is a pretty kool card as well.

June 24, 2015 11:14 a.m.

Podma101 says... #19

Weirdhat I do love what Curiosity can do for me. That being said, it is still an enchantment that is very vulnerable to removal, and being attached to a creature is an even greater liability. Very often my board wipes require me to sacrifice my current board state to keep the game going in my favor, so auras only get so much usage. Curiosity is here because it's one mana. Of what you suggested, Ophidian Eye would be great because of the flash, but that two extra mana is iffy to me, and Geth's Grimoire would be powerful as well. At the very least it won't be removed with my creatures like the auras would, and a single wheel could get me several hand's worth of cards. Thank you for the suggestions! I need to sit down and see what can be moved around lol

June 24, 2015 12:43 p.m.

Weirdhat says... #20

but that doesn't matter if you just win . plus the card advantage is pretty darn awesome. Then again what you have stated is a concern

June 25, 2015 11:38 a.m.

Jeggard says... #21

Sorry for the late response. But Leyline of the Void actually doesnt combo with Bloodchief Ascension in anyway. The leyline has a replacecment effect for cards going to the graveyard and Bloodchief Ascension is when they go to the grave. Same with Mindcrank. I could be wrong but i have run it by some friends that are judges and thats what i was told so i could still be wrong. But its anyones guess.

June 27, 2015 12:11 p.m.

Podma101 says... #22

Jeggard Oh no, I wasn't trying to say Leyline of the Void combos with Bloodchief Ascension, I had meant Mindcrank comboing with either of them. It is news to me though that Leyline of the Void does not combo with Mindcrank. If that is true then Mindcrank has even more of a reason to be in the sideboard. In all honesty if I could find something to take out for it I would, because being able to have people discard with a single wheel, take damage and mill, then redraw, take damage and mill could easily place 25 cards in the graveyard. That being said though, they are pretty much dead once I hit that point.

June 28, 2015 10:58 a.m.

While it is high cmc, Elder Mastery I essentially telling your opponents "You can never have a hand again".

July 22, 2015 9:43 p.m.

Podma101 says... #24

Hm. Alright, what I think I'll do since I'm going back to school and I'll be with my play group again, I'm going to proxy Elder Mastery, Ophidian Eye, Geth's Grimoire, and Helm of the Ghastlord to see how they function. If anything they will replace the highly expensive Consecrated Sphinx since they help with card draw as well, and they don't make my wallet cry. This will probably take a few months to really determine their worth in the deck, though I believe it will be Ophidian Eye and Elder Mastery that shine.

July 29, 2015 11:25 a.m.

Add Sire Of Insanity, combos well with Waste Not. >:) You'll be the most hated one in your group. Here's my own brew Knowledge Hurts, Mind Seize was the deck I turned to when I wanted to play edh as well.

November 24, 2015 8:47 p.m.

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