LashInfect Agents

Modern edrazpgh


edrazpgh says... #1

The one thing I debate back and forth a lot are replacing the PonderMTG Card: Ponders and or Tezzeret's GambitMTG Card: Tezzeret's Gambits with more Artful DodgeMTG Card: Artful Dodges.

or going with 4 Tezzeret's GambitMTG Card: Tezzeret's Gambit and getting rid of PonderMTG Card: Ponder.

or 4 PonderMTG Card: Ponders and no Tezzeret's GambitMTG Card: Tezzeret's Gambits.

PonderMTG Card: Ponder seems like a great 1st turn card. Tezzeret's GambitMTG Card: Tezzeret's Gambit is more of a later game thing + proliferate. Neither target any of my creatures and thus don't use Livewire LashMTG Card: Livewire Lash.

February 4, 2012 5:37 p.m.

xo2 says... #2

I think a 3/2 split favoring PonderMTG Card: Ponder should work fine.

Blight MambaMTG Card: Blight Mamba is amazing, it can be regenerated to save itself from a board wipe without using another card(Withstand DeathMTG Card: Withstand Death).

I think that Ranger's GuileMTG Card: Ranger's Guile, Artful DodgeMTG Card: Artful Dodge, and Apostle's BlessingMTG Card: Apostle's Blessing all serve a similar role. If I may suggest it, I think dropping Apostle's BlessingMTG Card: Apostle's Blessing and adding 2 Ranger's GuileMTG Card: Ranger's Guile, 2 Artful DodgeMTG Card: Artful Dodges, and a PonderMTG Card: Ponder would be very good. Possibly move the blessings to SB instead of Wing PunctureMTG Card: Wing Puncture.

February 5, 2012 1:20 p.m.

Deco_y says... #3

If you're going to use card draw, which this deck shouldn't necessarily need, use Think TwiceMTG Card: Think Twice. Trust me it'll work wonders for you.

Too many land. You can probably go down to 21 or even 20. Playtest to see how that works.

This kind of deck works with you have 23ish creatures, 12 pumps, 4 lashes, and 21 land. Anything else will just slow you down.

Hope this helps.

February 5, 2012 1:32 p.m.

edrazpgh says... #4

Thanks for the comments.

I really like Apostle's BlessingMTG Card: Apostle's Blessing for the following reasons

  1. Can serve as a counter spell.
  2. Can make a creature unblockable if facing mono color or if they only have one color out.
  3. Can serve as a surprise in blocking or attacking. My creature gets blocked or i block something that will kill my creature and surprise; I don't die and your creature gets infect counters.

To me Apostle's BlessingMTG Card: Apostle's Blessing is a counter spell, an Artful DodgeMTG Card: Artful Dodge, and a Withstand DeathMTG Card: Withstand Death (in combat) all in one. Its the diversity of the card that really makes it work. None of those other cards do all of that. Ranger's GuileMTG Card: Ranger's Guile is close but not the unblockable ability.

Blight MambaMTG Card: Blight Mamba is probably a good option. Its cheap, and like you said, hard to kill. I find the deck a little creature light. I usually like to have at least 20 creatures.

I agree about taking Wing PunctureMTG Card: Wing Puncture out of my SB. Probably Pistus StrikeMTG Card: Pistus Strike also. This deck works fast. In all the games ive played so far, I have never put those 3 cards in. If the game lasts long enough to get a nasty flyer out its usually over for me anyway. The only thing that's nice about Wing PunctureMTG Card: Wing Puncture is that it technically targets one of my creatures which is good with Livewire LashMTG Card: Livewire Lash.

I find that the deck does need card draw. To kill quick I need those instants in my hand quickly and all the time. Also this deck can kill very quickly if I stack two or 3 instants on a creature (especially if it has the Livewire LashMTG Card: Livewire Lash). But I've got to have the cards in my hand to stack. Because the creatures are cheap, I find that if I take card drawing out, my hand can empty quickly.

I'm really not a fan of Think TwiceMTG Card: Think Twice, especially over Tezzeret's GambitMTG Card: Tezzeret's Gambit in this deck. Its a total of 5 mana to draw 2 cards. Tezzeret's GambitMTG Card: Tezzeret's Gambit, 3 colorless mana (if you pay the life) for 2 cards and the bonus proliferate. I don't see the benefit of Think TwiceMTG Card: Think Twice unless I'm missing something.

And I love PonderMTG Card: Ponder. The ability to draw a card and set your next two draws is really good. Or reshuffle if the next 3 cards are something you don't need. Plus you can do it first turn.

The 22 land is not so much for casting individual things; more for dropping multiple instants on a turn. I frequently can do 11 poison in 1 strike by turn 5. Sometimes I even drop Livewire LashMTG Card: Livewire Lash, equip it, and drop a couple instants all on one turn. PonderMTG Card: Ponder and Tezzeret's GambitMTG Card: Tezzeret's Gambit help me deal with any land flooding that might occur. Also, its very important that this deck gets off to a very quick start. I must always have an island and a forest in my opening hand. or one of those and the Hinterland HarborMTG Card: Hinterland Harbor. The deck really stalls if I can't get a creature drop on turn 1 or 2 (hopefully both). And because 4 of the lands are colorless, i'm really only running with 18 colored land.

February 5, 2012 4:42 p.m.

dcarpntr says... #5

Do you have any Birds of ParadiseMTG Card: Birds of Paradise to switch with Llanowar ElvesMTG Card: Llanowar Elves so you can produce either green or blue (or white) mana? Or am I missing the reason for why you're using Llanowar instead of BoP?

Are you getting Livewire LashMTG Card: Livewire Lash out consistently with only using 3 instead of 4? I had a buddy who ran a BG version with 4 lashes and would get one equipped every game. It's a beast of a deck when you have all the target spells to play. Too bad GroundswellMTG Card: Groundswell and Giant GrowthMTG Card: Giant Growth rotated out of standard.

Oh! Just thought of this, if you're looking for draw, consider CuriosityMTG Card: Curiosity instead of ponder/gambit. You only have 4 draw spells currently, but with CuriosityMTG Card: Curiosity, you would turn your 14 targeting instants into draw spells when you have one livewire lash equipped. That might be something to consider.

And +1!

February 5, 2012 4:59 p.m.

edrazpgh says... #6

Good call on Birds of ParadiseMTG Card: Birds of Paradise. I don't own any but will pick some up.

I seem to get at least 1 Livewire LashMTG Card: Livewire Lash out every game. And I really only need to get one out usually. Getting two out is a little slow. And honestly i've won games without the lash getting out as well. That's why I went down to 3. The lashes become ineffective if i don't have spells to use with them.

CuriosityMTG Card: Curiosity seems like a really good card for this deck. Don't own any yet. It will allow me to take out the Rot WolfMTG Card: Rot Wolfs and replace them with something better like Blight MambaMTG Card: Blight Mamba or maybe something a little bigger.

thanks a lot.

February 5, 2012 5:15 p.m.

Surllio says... #7

Titanic GrowthMTG Card: Titanic Growth is nice but feels out of place. You need something more in line with the rest of the deck. Perhaps a Rampant GrowthMTG Card: Rampant Growth for speed or even Gitaxian ProbeMTG Card: Gitaxian Probe for more drawing power and awareness. Llanowar ElvesMTG Card: Llanowar Elves also seems odd in this mix outside of giving another 1 drop. Not really sure what to suggest, but fliers to accompany your Inkmoth NexusMTG Card: Inkmoth Nexuses would be preferred.

February 5, 2012 6:31 p.m.

Deco_y says... #8

Think twice allows you to draw 2 cards. That is classic card advantage. Ponder is better for when you need to draw a specific card. This deck just needs to draw creatures and instants reguardless of what they are. That is why it's better in this deck. I played this kind of deck before and I got damn good at it, I'm just telling you from experience.

February 5, 2012 7:57 p.m.

edrazpgh says... #9

Thanks for the comments.

Going to have to disagree on Titanic GrowthMTG Card: Titanic Growth Its the bread and butter. I'd never take it out. 4 infect for 2 mana. It's the equivelent of doing 8 life for 2 mana in a non infect deck. And with Livewire LashMTG Card: Livewire Lash? A Titanic GrowthMTG Card: Titanic Growth on a Rot WolfMTG Card: Rot Wolf with Livewire LashMTG Card: Livewire Lash is a total of 10 poison.

I'm probably going to put a Birds of ParadiseMTG Card: Birds of Paradise in place of Llanowar ElvesMTG Card: Llanowar Elves. Its strictly to have another 1 drop and allow me to cast instants faster or equip the Livewire LashMTG Card: Livewire Lash quicker. I thought a lot about Plague MyrMTG Card: Plague Myr; just wish it was a 1 drop.

Gitaxian ProbeMTG Card: Gitaxian Probe is interesting. Thought about it. But in the end it takes up a space in my deck and only lets me draw 1 card. Not sure if I care about seeing the other player's hand. Think I'm probably going to go with CuriosityMTG Card: Curiosity like dcarpntr suggested.

I still have to disagree with Think TwiceMTG Card: Think Twice as well. PonderMTG Card: Ponder isn't just about getting a specific card. Its about getting a card then setting up the next two rounds. Or clearing 3 cards that you don't need. Plus its a possible first turn play. Besides the debate for me is do I take PonderMTG Card: Ponder out for Tezzeret's GambitMTG Card: Tezzeret's Gambit. Tezzeret's GambitMTG Card: Tezzeret's Gambit is 2 cards for 3 colorless mana + prolliferate. Think TwiceMTG Card: Think Twice is 2 cards for 5 mana. Think TwiceMTG Card: Think Twice is better when you need to have cards in your graveyard or have something triggered when you cast cards out of the graveyard. I don't. I'm not going to pay more for the same number of cards.

February 5, 2012 9:01 p.m.

Nice deck! Turn 5 win with no lashes! Rot wolf, titanic growth, mutagenic growth, rangers guile, and artful dodge. 9 infect on turn 4... Lol!

February 5, 2012 9:54 p.m.

Deco_y says... #11

I never argued against Tezzy's gambit, it can work in this deck, but I am telling you Think TwiceMTG Card: Think Twice>PonderMTG Card: Ponder in this deck.

February 5, 2012 10:52 p.m.

edrazpgh says... #12

I guess what I'm saying is that if I take PonderMTG Card: Ponder out, I'm going to replace it with more Tezzeret's GambitMTG Card: Tezzeret's Gambit, not Think TwiceMTG Card: Think Twice.

February 5, 2012 11:06 p.m.

Syinide says... #13

I absolutely love this deck, it's pretty unique compared to all of the mono black/B/G infect i've seen lately. I built in IRL and gonna playtest with all my friends and the local shop. It seems so fun!

Only thing i'd consider, maybe, is swap an Apostle's BlessingMTG Card: Apostle's Blessing for another Artful DodgeMTG Card: Artful Dodge. Because if you can't pay the white you're slightly hurting yourself, and you don't always want that.

Other than that, GREAT DECK! +1

February 6, 2012 2:41 a.m.

Coldinfected says... #14

I tend to agree that PonderMTG Card: Ponder and Tezzeret's GambitMTG Card: Tezzeret's Gambit might be out of place on this one. Actually, I have a UB Infect Undying Ebola with Tezzeret's GambitMTG Card: Tezzeret's Gambit and Gitaxian ProbeMTG Card: Gitaxian Probe which I think I'm going to change. Not sure yet, looking for more live playtests. +1 for G/B tho! :)

February 6, 2012 5:04 a.m.

Syinide says... #15

So I took the original version of this deck to fnm today, except I had the 4 curiosity instead of gambit and ponder.

I went 3-1. Deck ran amazingly, I pulled a long clutch draws. Managed to counter an inferno Titan for an easy win again wolf run.

Only problem I noticed is, it has a lot of trouble against rdw. Since rdw has so much burn, this deck can't keep up with it. Other than that it shuts down werewolves. Zombies. White weenie. Pretty much any agro deck out there. Definitely destroys wolf run. Way faster than any other infect out there.

Gonna make some changes, I'll share my copied creation with you!

February 11, 2012 5:55 a.m.

edrazpgh says... #16

Thanks for the feedback Syinide. Ironically in the last standard tournament I played in I went 3-1 and lost to wolf run. But I made a huge mistake in one of the games in which I forgot to save one of my creatures with a Mutagenic GrowthMTG Card: Mutagenic Growth.

I'm also taking out the PonderMTG Card: Ponder and Tezzeret's GambitMTG Card: Tezzeret's Gambit for 4x CuriosityMTG Card: Curiosity. That also let me take out the Rot WolfMTG Card: Rot Wolfs for other creatures.

February 11, 2012 11:55 a.m.

Syinide says... #17

Yea I'm planning on taking out rot wolf for something else, but then again I don't want the 2cmc slot to get too cramped. There's a lot of 2cmc creatures which is why I left rot wolf in. And his card draw actually saved my creatures twice and won me a game by getting me a mutagenic growth to pump a lash for a win. So it's debatable, I'll mess around with I ichorclaw myr and blight mamba, maybe Ben necropede.

February 11, 2012 2:09 p.m.

Syinide says... #18

Sorry for all the spelling errors and what not, iPhones suck.

February 11, 2012 2:10 p.m.

edrazpgh says... #19

The reason I like Blight MambaMTG Card: Blight Mamba is that its hard to kill. And the deck should have enough mana to be able to regen it often. Ichorclaw MyrMTG Card: Ichorclaw Myr kind of has an unblockable ability built in]] (sort of) in that people may be less likely to want to block it. I haven't played with the current version of the deck yet though. NecropedeMTG Card: Necropede would be better with the Tezzeret's GambitMTG Card: Tezzeret's Gambit in the deck.

February 11, 2012 2:29 p.m.

Syinide says... #20

In my version of this deck, I took out the 4 curiosity and put artful dodge up to 3 and rangers guile to 4. IMO hex proof and unblock able to better than card draw.

February 13, 2012 11:21 p.m.

edrazpgh says... #21

The way I look at it, the Apostle's BlessingMTG Card: Apostle's Blessings kind of serve to make things unblockable if you want them to. They also make you hex proof at the same time. Only problem is that its only unblockable and hexproof on one color at a time.

Also, the deck already has 4 unblockable creatures built in. Artful DodgeMTG Card: Artful Dodge is wasted on them.

With that said I've been thinking about going up to 2 Artful DodgeMTG Card: Artful Dodges and going down to 3 CuriosityMTG Card: Curiosity.

February 14, 2012 10 a.m.

Syinide says... #22

I just took out curiousity because when I play, unless I have a creature out its a waste. I'd rather make my 1 creature hexproof so I have a better chance of swinging and getting through.

February 14, 2012 12:20 p.m.

hunter9000 says... #23

Throne of Geth is amazing in an infect deck, even with as few artifacts as you have. At worst it's 2 mana for a poison counter, at best you get one each turn for 2, 3 or 4 turns. And no one ever sees the last 2 poison coming from sacrificing Core Prowler to it.

September 14, 2012 3:11 p.m.

piman34 says... #24

how would you play this versus a burn focused deck? I run a mono green infect deck, but I either play my creatures and get burned, and since I have more pump spells than creatures I just lose faster than I can win, or if I wait to have mana to protect my creatures, it either involves phyrexian mana so I'm helping them win either way, or they have just dumped their mana into 6 damage a turn. I like the other color besides green, and this is fairly more expensive probably due to the noble heirarch haha, but I really want to make the infect work as my modern deck. Any feedback?

August 5, 2013 5:49 p.m.

gsnh says... #25

This is a pretty sweet list. Ever think about running Rancor ? It might help if you find creatures dying since you get it back.

August 5, 2013 11:43 p.m.

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