


Hello and welcome to a classic elf ball build with Ezuri, Renegade Leader as the commander. This deck originally started out as a casual budget build, but overtime I started to realize it's true potential and couldn't resist the urge to tune it.

Why Ezuri, Renegade Leader? Ezuri is currently the second most popular commander for Elf tribal and the third most popular commander for mono green. Taking a closer look at Ezuri, Renegade Leader it's easy to see why... being able to regenerate another target elf for just helps to solve some of mono green's biggest weaknesses (interaction and protecting it's creatures). On top of that we have a repeatable Overrun effect in the command zone, which can be very easily abused.

I've always been a fan of tribal decks, and especially decks with high levels of synergy. I used to play vampire tribal with Edgar Markov, but could never get it to do what I wanted, so I figured I'd try elves instead and immediately fell in love. Elves have been around in MTG for a long time and just continue to get stronger and stronger with each new set.

If you enjoy high levels of synergy, long explosive turns, swinging with big creatures, or making tons of mana, I highly recommend you to read the rest of the primer and try the deck out for yourself.

To get a better feel for why each individual card was selected for the deck, just simply select the "Custom" option from the dropdown menu at the top of the deck list. You'll notice quite a bit of overlap, which sheds some light on how synergistic the deck actually is. Almost every card fits into multiple categories, because it has multiple purposes.


The main goal of this deck is to make as much mana as possible as quickly as possible and then use Ezuri, Renegade Leader's Overrun ability to swing with some massive elves for the win. This deck is intended to be a high power optimized build, but not at a cEDH level.


With the right opening hand this deck can win as early as turn six, seven, or eight. Ideally we'll want two or three lands, a piece of ramp, and a turn one play to get things going. I wouldn't recommend taking an opening hand without these unless you have a solid piece of card draw or one of the many combo pieces. Even then we need to keep in mind this deck is designed to play hard and fast, so it's somewhat critical we can make plays on turns one, two, and three.


Ramp, Ramp, Ramp... The early game should be spent trying to get as many elves onto the battlefield as possible in order to benefit from cards like Circle of Dreams Druid / Elvish Archdruid / Elvish Guidance / Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun   / Priest of Titania / Wirewood Channeler. Ideally we don't want to play Ezuri, Renegade Leader early unless we're facing heavy removal and are concerned about losing some of our valuable combo pieces. Even then I would still recommend waiting to play Ezuri, Renegade Leader until we can produce enough mana / damage to win.


As previously mentioned this deck aims to win early game, so it doesn't exactly excel at the late game. If we can't secure a win early game or don't have any card draw in hand / on board we'll start to run out of gas pretty quickly. Once our opponents get set up and have the ability to block or board wipe things start to get difficult. Especially if our commander gets stolen or keeps getting removed. The best late game strategy is to use Ezuri, Renegade Leader's abilities in a defensive way to protect ourselves and our board long enough to draw into a win-condition. In addittion to our commander, cards like Asceticism / Heroic Intervention / Lightning Greaves and Yavimaya Hollow should hopefully help us play into the late game if necessary.


This deck can win one of two ways:

  1. Creating enough mana to abuse Ezuri, Renegade Leader's Overrun ability.

  2. Casting a Craterhoof Behemoth with enough creatures on board to achieve lethal damage.

  3. Using Finale of Devastation to tutor for Craterhoof Behemoth. Finale can also be used to tutor Nyxbloom Anicient to help our dorks tap for more mana to further abuse Ezuri, Renegade Leader's Overrun ability.

  4. Using Ezuri, Renegade Leader's Overrun ability once or twice and then casting a Triumph of the Hordes.

UPDATE 1/8/2023 - I have removed all of the infinite combos from this deck because I am starting to prefer playing without them. I will leave this section of the primer intact as a reference guide for anyone who wants to play that way. That being said I have created a cEDH version of this deck were all of the below listed combos and them some can be used to their full advantage. That deck can be found here...


Commander / EDH unstable_anomaly


There are currently 97 different infinite mana combos is this deck, with quite a few more if you take into account all the different ways to satisfy the requirements for Marwyn, the Nurturer and Selvala, Heart of the Wilds.

With infinite mana we can draw the entire deck using Staff of Domination, but that's almost never necessary.

There are some additional combos that will draw the entire deck (listed at the very end), but since they create infinite mana as well, they're also almost never necessary.

Argothian Elder + Ashaya, Soul of the Wild

Argothian Elder + Wirewood Lodge + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + 2 lands and 4 devotion

Argothian Elder + Wirewood Lodge + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Mana Reflection 1 land and 2 devotion

Argothian Elder + Wirewood Lodge + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Nyxbloom Ancient 1 land and 2 devotion

Argothian Elder + Wirewood Lodge + Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun   + 1 other creature

Argothian Elder + Wirewood Lodge + Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun   + Mana Reflection

Argothian Elder + Wirewood Lodge + Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun   + Nyxbloom Ancient

Argothian Elder + Wirewood Lodge + Forest + Mana Reflection

Argothian Elder + Wirewood Lodge + Forest + Nyxbloom Ancient

Argothian Elder + Wirewood Lodge + Elvish Guidance + 1 other elf and any land

Argothian Elder + Wirewood Lodge + Elvish Guidance + Mana Reflection + any land

Argothian Elder + Wirewood Lodge + Elvish Guidance + Nyxbloom Ancient + any land

Argothian Elder + Sword of the Paruns + Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun   + 3 other creatures

Argothian Elder + Sword of the Paruns + Elvish Guidance + 2 other elves

Argothian Elder + Staff of Domination + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Devotion to 6 or more

Argothian Elder + Staff of Domination + Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun   + 3 other creatures

Argothian Elder + Staff of Domination + Elvish Guidance + 2 other elves + any other land

Argothian Elder + Umbral Mantle + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Devotion 6 or more

Argothian Elder + Umbral Mantle + Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun   + 3 other creatures

Argothian Elder + Umbral Mantle + Elvish Guidance + 2 other elves

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Canopy Tactician

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Circle of Dreams Druid

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Concordant Crossroads

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Elvish Archdruid

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Elvish Guidance + 1 other elf

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Lightning Greaves

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Llanowar Tribe

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Marwyn, the Nurturer

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Priest of Titania

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Selvala, Heart of the Wilds

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Thousand-Year Elixir

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + Wirewood Channeler

Canopy Tactician + Mana Reflection + Staff of Domination

Canopy Tactician + Mana Reflection + Sword of the Paruns

Canopy Tactician + Mana Reflection + Umbral Mantle

Canopy Tactician + Nyxbloom Ancient + Staff of Domination

Canopy Tactician + Nyxbloom Ancient + Sword of the Paruns

Canopy Tactician + Nyxbloom Ancient + Umbral Mantle

Circle of Dreams Druid + Mana Reflection + Staff of Domination + 2 more creatures

Circle of Dreams Druid + Mana Reflection + Sword of the Paruns + 1 more creature

Circle of Dreams Druid + Mana Reflection + Umbral Mantle + 1 more creatures

Circle of Dreams Druid + Nyxbloom Ancient + Staff of Domination

Circle of Dreams Druid + Nyxbloom Ancient + Sword of the Paruns

Circle of Dreams Druid + Nyxbloom Ancient + Umbral Mantle

Devoted Druid + Ezuri, Renegade Leader + Mana Reflection + 1 land

Devoted Druid + Ezuri, Renegade Leader + Nyxbloom Ancient

Elvish Archdruid + Mana Reflection + Staff of Domination + 2 more elves

Elvish Archdruid + Mana Reflection + Sword of the Paruns + 1 more elf

Elvish Archdruid + Mana Reflection + Umbral Mantle + 1 more elf

Elvish Archdruid + Nyxbloom Ancient + Staff of Domination + 1 more elf

Elvish Archdruid + Nyxbloom Ancient + Sword of the Paruns + 1 more elf

Elvish Archdruid + Nyxbloom Ancient + Umbral Mantle + 1 more elf

Elvish Archdruid + Staff of Domination + 5 more elves

Elvish Archdruid + Sword of the Paruns + 3 more elves

Elvish Archdruid + Umbral Mantle + 3 more elves

Llanowar Tribe + Mana Reflection + Staff of Domination

Llanowar Tribe + Mana Reflection + Sword of the Paruns

Llanowar Tribe + Mana Reflection + Umbral Mantle

Llanowar Tribe + Nyxbloom Ancient + Staff of Domination

Llanowar Tribe + Nyxbloom Ancient + Sword of the Paruns

Llanowar Tribe + Nyxbloom Ancient + Umbral Mantle

Marwyn, the Nurturer with power 6 or greater + Staff of Domination

Marwyn, the Nurturer with power 4 or greater + Sword of the Paruns

Marwyn, the Nurturer with power 4 or greater + Umbral Mantle

Marwyn, the Nurturer with power 3 or greater + Mana Reflection + Staff of Domination

Marwyn, the Nurturer with power 2 or greater + Mana Reflection + Sword of the Paruns

Marwyn, the Nurturer with power 2 or greater + Mana Reflection + Umbral Mantle

Marwyn, the Nurturer with power 2 or greater + Nyxbloom Ancient + Staff of Domination

Marwyn, the Nurturer with power 2 or greater + Nyxbloom Ancient + Sword of the Paruns

Marwyn, the Nurturer with power 2 or greater + Nyxbloom Ancient + Umbral Mantle

Priest of Titania + Mana Reflection + Staff of Domination + 2 more elves

Priest of Titania + Mana Reflection + Sword of the Paruns + 1 more elf

Priest of Titania + Mana Reflection + Umbral Mantle + 1 more elf

Priest of Titania + Nyxbloom Ancient + Staff of Domination + 1 more elf

Priest of Titania + Nyxbloom Ancient + Sword of the Paruns + 1 more elf

Priest of Titania + Nyxbloom Ancient + Umbral Mantle + 1 more elf

Priest of Titania + Staff of Domination + 5 more elves

Priest of Titania + Sword of the Paruns + 3 more elves

Priest of Titania + Umbral Mantle + 3 more elves

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds + Mana Reflection + Staff of Domination + creature with power 3 or more

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds + Mana Reflection + Sword of the Paruns + creature with power 3 or more

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds + Mana Reflection + Umbral Mantle + creature with power 3 or more

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds + Nyxbloom Ancient + Staff of Domination

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds + Nyxbloom Ancient + Sword of the Paruns

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds + Nyxbloom Ancient + Umbral Mantle

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds + Staff of Domination + creature with power 6 or more

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds + Sword of the Paruns + creature with power 5 or more

Selvala, Heart of the Wilds + Umbral Mantle + creature with power 5 or more

Wirewood Channeler + Mana Reflection + Staff of Domination + 2 more elves

Wirewood Channeler + Mana Reflection + Sword of the Paruns + 1 more elf

Wirewood Channeler + Mana Reflection + Umbral Mantle + 1 more elf

Wirewood Channeler + Nyxbloom Ancient + Staff of Domination + 1 more elf

Wirewood Channeler + Nyxbloom Ancient + Sword of the Paruns + 1 more elf

Wirewood Channeler + Nyxbloom Ancient + Umbral Mantle + 1 more elf

Wirewood Channeler + Staff of Domination + 5 more elves

Wirewood Channeler + Sword of the Paruns + 3 more elves

Wirewood Channeler + Umbral Mantle + 3 more elves

Any of the Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Quirion Ranger + X combos will allow us to draw the entire deck when paired with Beast Whisperer / Glimpse of Nature / Guardian Project / Soul of the Harvest / The Great Henge or if we have Mana Reflection / Nyxbloom Ancient in play we can use Lifecrafter's Bestiary. Drawing the entire deck is cool, but not really necessary if we're already creating infinite mana and have access to our commander.

By taking advantage of the cards in the tap and untap categories we can produce quite a bit of mana or do other tricky things that will catch our opponents off guard. Additionally there are quite a few other non-infinite combos capable of producing large amounts of value.

(No longer running) Devoted Druid + Ezuri, Renegade Leader + 5/10/15 mana = For every four to five mana we can produce we can get an extra four to five mana out of Devoted Druid depending on whether or not we want to sacrifice him at the end of the loop.

Glimpse of Nature + Beast Whisperer / Guardian Project / Soul of the Harvest / The Great Henge = Multiple cards drawn for every creature cast can get pretty out of hand. Especially with a haste enabler which will allow us to tap mana producing elves the moment they hit the board. If we're lucky this little combo can sometimes be near infinite and will most likely get us to a win-condition.

Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Argothian Elder / Deserted Temple = Gives us multiple activations of Nykthos per turn. Using Copperhorn Scout / Quirion Ranger / Seeker of Skybreak / Staff of Domination / Sword of the Paruns / Thousand-Year Elixir / Umbral Mantle / Wirewood Lodge / Wirewood Symbiote to untap Argothian Elder will allow us to get even more activations, sometimes making it unnecessary to go infinite.

Elvish Champion + Song of the Dryads = Makes all of our elves unblockable to one opponent.

Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth + Elvish Champion = Makes all of our elves unblockable to every opponent.

Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth + Arbor Elf = Allows us to untap all of our utility lands.

Asceticism / Yavimaya Hollow = Are great ways to regenerate / protect Ezuri, Renegade Leader since he can't regenerate himself

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild = Turns all of our creatures into forest lands allowing us to abuse cards that untap lands / forests like Arbor Elf / Argothian Elder / Deserted Temple

Cavern of Souls = Makes all of our important combo creatures immune to counterspells.

Coat of Arms = Dropping this with even 5 elves on the battlefield can be brutal, let alone having 10 or more.

Copperhorn Scout = Will give all of our creatures pseudo vigilance and when paired with mana producing creatures will allow us to pump the team even more before damage is dealt.

Elvish Harbinger / Fauna Shaman / Skyshroud Poacher / finale of devestation = Will help grab whatever elves we need.

(no longer running) Elvish Reclaimer = Even though this card is somewhat slow it can get out of hand pretty quick and is worth protecting with Ezuri, Renegade Leader's regenerate ability. Tutoring our best lands to the battlefield will help us produce stupid amounts of mana.

Emerald Medallion = Staple in any mono green deck.

Genesis Wave = With enough available mana this card is almost always a win-condition, cable of putting multiple game winning pieces on the board with one spell.

Homeward Path = Will help get our commander back in the event it gets stolen.

Life's Legacy / Momentous Fall = Both synergize really well with our commander and will almost always draw us into a win-condition.

Mana Reflection / Nyxbloom Ancient = Obvious all stars in any deck that wants to produce as much mana as possible. Especially when paired with anything that produces more than one mana.

Natural Order = Will put Nyxbloom Ancient directly onto the battlefield.

Vitalize / Benefactor's Draught = Will allow us to untap all of our creatures at instant speed so we can tap again for even more mana.

Wellwisher = Gaining life usually isn't very relevant with this deck, but it can come in handy if we're struggling to find a win-condition and need to play into the late game. Obviously becomes more and more potent with untap effects.

Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth = Will turn all nine of our utility lands into lands that can tap for

Yeva, Nature's Herald = Allows us to hold up mana and cast creatures on end step, giving us a better chance to keep the important combo creatures around.

~~~Everything is this section is strictly my own personal opinion. If you feel strongly about playing any of these cards, please feel free to do so. I just wanted to highlight some of the notable omissions and why I chose to omit them.~~~

Beast Within = Obviously top tier removal in mono green, but opted for cheaper removal spells such as Nature's Claim / Return to Nature even though their scope is more limited.

Chord of Calling = Most of our creatures in the deck are lower CMC so this card doesn't really seem necessary.

Chrome Mox / Jeweled Lotus = Fast mana is great, but I'm not trying to push this to a full cEDH build so these felt unnecessary.

(we are running this now that the infinite combos have been removed) Craterhoof Behemoth = Still on the fence about this guy more than any other omission, but for now I'll argue that it's unnecessary because our commander basically does the same thing. For two more mana we can activate Ezuri, Renegade Leader's Overrun ability twice giving all elves +6/+6, which will be more than what Craterhoof Behemoth can do for us in most situations. That being said I will admit it is a very potent alternate win-condition. Especially if our commander gets stolen.

Cryptolith Rite = Half of the creatures in the deck already produce mana and with 31 ramp cards Mana Reflection / Nyxbloom Ancient just seemed like better choices.

Drove of Elves / Heedless One = Both of these cards can be extremely powerful in any elf deck, but I chose to omit them for much of the same reason I chose to omit Craterhoof Behemoth. They both offer a solid anthem, but our commander is already doing that, so I added more mana producing creatures instead.

Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen = CMC is too high and the lifegain / anthem isn't really necessary.

Elvish Warmaster = Not really trying to make tokens, especially if the ability only triggers once per turn and Ezuri, Renegade Leader's Overrun ability is way more potent.

Force of Vigor = Still on the fence about this one as well. The fact that more often than not it'll be cast for free and can hit two targets makes it quite a bit better than Nature's Claim / Return to Nature. I think the main thing keeping me from including this card atm is having to exile a card to cast it for free, but there's a pretty good chance I'll end up making a swap in the future.

Imperious Perfect / Lys Alana Huntmaster = Both are great cards for any elf deck, but their CMC is a bit high and I wanted to focus more on making mana rather than tokens.

Karametra's Acolyte / Ley Weaver = Powerful effects but neither are elves.

Nyx Lotus = Powerful effect but slower than some of the other options and we don't really have any ways to untap an artifact in this deck.

Regal Force = Arguably better than some of my other choices for card draw spells, but I chose to focus more on cards like Glimpse of Nature / Beast Whisperer / Guardian Project / Soul of the Harvest / The Great Henge since they help fit the tempo better. Especially when we have multiples in play. Regal Force also has a really high CMC making cards like Life's Legacy / Momentous Fall seem more effective. In my opinion Life's Legacy / Momentous Fall have way more potential to draw more cards.

Summoner's Pact / Worldly Tutor = Great cards, but I like the tutors I use more. Fauna Shaman / Skyshroud Poacher are both repeatable, Elvish Harbinger is an elf and taps for mana, and Natural Order tutors the creature straight to the battlefield.

Sylvan Library = Obviously another one I'm still on the fence about, and may just require some actual play testing. Just feels kind of slow, and would cost a lot of life. Without very many shuffle effects I just feel like I'd get caught in a loop of unwanted cards.

Temur Sabertooth = Phenomenal combo piece in a deck like this, but it's not an elf and it just felt unnecessary with all the other combos that already exist in the deck.

(we are running this now that the infinite combos have been removed) Triumph of the Hordes = Another great win-con, but just feels somewhat unnecessary when we can produce so much mana and use Ezuri, Renegade Leader's Overrun ability.


This deck can be extremely powerful and will put the pressure on right out of the gate. It can win as early as turn three with the right opening hand, but will win consistently by turn 6 or 7. With 31 ramp cards and numerous synergies it can very easily take over a game before our opponents even have a chance to get set up.


As strong as this deck is, it does unfortunately have it's weaknesses just like any other deck. Being somewhat of a glass cannon this deck can pretty easily run out of steam and starts to loose it's effectiveness towards the late game. If our opponents have a chance to get set up with some blockers or threaten a board wipe things will start to get tricky. And I hate to say it, but if our commander gets stolen we're pretty much screwed. Basically this deck has three main weaknesses...

  1. Running Out of Gas - Just like any other agro deck this deck can easily play all the cards in hand and then be stuck top decking for quite some time. In order to help remedy this issue we run a total of 12 draw spells... Beast Whisperer / Genesis Wave / Glimpse of Nature / Guardian Project / Kenrith's Transformation / Life's Legacy / Lifecrafter's Bestiary / Momentous Fall / Oakhame Adversary / Soul of the Harvest / The Great Henge / War Room.

  2. Boardwipes / Heavy Removal - We're playing a creature based strategy, so if our creatures keep getting removed we'll be stuck rebuilding before we can threaten a win. We don't have much in the way of interaction but we are running Heroic Intervention to help protect our board if necessary. Asceticism can also come in handy by giving all of our creatures hexproof. Last but not least if absolutely necessary we can play Ezuri, Renegade Leader and use his regeneration ability to protect our most important creatures.

  3. Stolen Commander - This deck is heavily centered around the commander and without him it's almost impossible to win. The best strategy here is to wait to play Ezuri, Renegade Leader until we're ready to combo off or just produce enough mana to win. If for some reason we have to play Ezuri, Renegade Leader early and he does get stolen we should be able to use Homeward Path to get him back. If necessary Crop Rotation and Elvish Reclaimer will help us tutor for Homeward Path.

This is one of four decks in my Sultai library of commander decks. All four decks are some combination of colors that belong to the Sultai wedge, with green being the primary color. My Zaxara, the Exemplary deck is the flagship deck and does not run any proxies. The rest of the decks in this library run proxies (of the expensive cards that are shared with my Zaxara deck) and are indicated with a "P" in their respective deck lists.

Everything in this library is sleeved with Ultapro lime green sleeves and dragon shield perfect fit inners. I use black, green, and blue BCW spectrum prism deck boxes, an assortment of dice in the same colors, and a dice bag that's on theme as well. All my decks and accessories are then stored in a Dewalt mid pro organizer. The two playmats I use for this library are either the double masters exploration box topper playmat or the elvish visionary playmat.

All four decks are different archetypes, but all do what green does best... ramp.

The Adult Party Store

Commander / EDH unstable_anomaly

SCORE: 30 | 1967 VIEWS | IN 12 FOLDERS

This is an X-Spell tribal deck with more of a spell slinger focus than a creature based focus. No infinite loops or game winning combos. High powered casual.

Evolutionary Experience

Commander / EDH unstable_anomaly


This is +1/+1 counters deck that focuses on creating massive creatures and winning via combat damage. No infinite loops or game winning combos. Mid power casual/ battle cruiser.

Living Off The Land

Commander / EDH unstable_anomaly


This is a lifegain/ drain/ landfall deck that tries to drain opponents life totals with landfall triggers. No infinite loops or game winning combos. Mid to slightly high power casual.

Last of the Llanowar

Commander / EDH unstable_anomaly


This is an elfball creature based deck that seeks to make as much mana as possible and win via combat damge. No infinite loops or game winning combos. High power casual.


Updates Add

I have removed all of the infinite combos from this deck because I am starting to prefer playing without them. Playing without the infinites just feels more wholesome and adds more variance to the deck. It also fits the meta better at both of my LGS locations. Moving forward I will most likely be removing the infinites from most of my decks and saving them for cEDH as I start to dip my toes in that realm of MTG. That being said I have made a cEDH version of this deck that I'll make public once I feel like it's ready.

Below are the following changes I made in taking out the infinites.

Out: Hurricane / Umbral Mantle / Sword of the Paruns / Staff of Domination / Mana Vault / Elvish Reclaimer / Devoted Druid / Ashaya, Soul of the Wild

In: Craterhoof Behemoth / Benefactor's Draught / Vitalize / Triumph of the Hordes / Finale of Devastation / Elven Ambush / Leaf-Crowned Visionary / Coat of Arms /



98% Competitive

Revision 21 See all

(2 months ago)

+1 Galadhrim Ambush maybe
Top Ranked
Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 weeks

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.83
Tokens Copy Clone, Elf Warrior 1/1 G
Folders Cool Decks that Inspire Me, Cool decks!, EDH, Favorites, decksiwant, Ideas, Espensive Decks, Decks, Reference, Other people's decks
Ignored suggestions
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