
Standard awesumjon


bryce__baker says... #1

i think you should find one core idea to focus on and build around that

February 5, 2013 11:55 p.m.

awesumjon says... #2

I think you're right bryce_baker. I realized I just wanted tokens because I thought they were cool but weren't actually what I wanted. Took out those "make your tokens stronger" cards.

February 26, 2013 2:43 a.m.

NeoHazard says... #3

Few cards to consider, Moonsilver Spear creates strong tokens and fits your theme, if you have the Captain of the Watch then put them in. Flicker it with Cloudshift for tons of tokens. Champion of the Parish would do well with this idea too, each time the Captain ETB he gets +3/+3 just for the tokens and then also another for the Captain, plus he is a one drop which you are missing. Doomed Traveler is another good one drop. Generally with a white deck and with this one for sure, you are trying to stall to get the big guys out. Both of these one drops will help with that. Gather the Townsfolk good two drop for a couple more chump blockers, Lingering Souls is good though you will not be able to flash it back. Silverblade Paladin is not cheap but again can be used to stall out a game. If you do decide to go down the flicker route look at getting a card:Cathars' Crusade suddenly those little guys are getting a whole lot bigger. Btw think what the Redeemer could do for you with a pile of tokens on the battlefield.

Now of course to add these cards you are going to have to cut some. So starting with what I feel are the weaker cards, Archangel, Angelic Wall, Fiend Hunter (same cost as Oblivion Ring but can only target creatures), maybe reduce the number of Attended Knights.

Well I hope some of this helps

February 26, 2013 4:23 a.m.

deathsuar says... #4

enchantments: if you take out the two Arrest and two Divine Favor one more Oblivion Ring ,and 2x Bonds of Faith . this leaves one card open.

artifacts: take em all out, trust me, it's a nice idea, and i love them, buuuuuuut, they are slow, and mono white angel beaters, they wanna be a bit faster than having to deal with artifact equips and management. that's 4 cards open.

creatures: Archangel Serra Angel and Thraben Sentry  Flip should go, either too big of cost, or just are not that sparkly anymore. that's 7

adds: 3x Angelic Wall good defender here, simple just stop their creatures for a while.if you can find 3 more 1 costers, that would be great, it fills the curve just a bit more, and it gives you a better chance of having a first turn play.

and ps, if you haven't seen this card yet Seraph Sanctuary it's a great addition to a deck like this, adds a bit more life to it. if i do say so myself, lol.pps, would like to learn a bit more on the chakra distribution though, as myself being a spiritualist, i'm always open to new things.

February 26, 2013 4:27 a.m.

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