Latest Prophecy: Your Loss

Standard* Jka4567


Magiclover318 says... #1

I think you need Sylvan Caryatid for mana ramp cause your cmc is really high. Yeah kiora ramps but that's not until t4 if your lucky

February 8, 2014 9:12 a.m.

LordOfDispair says... #2

AEtherling does not fit in this deck. You too often need to be putting your mana somewhere else, you could include better 6 drops, and 3 is too many in any deck. Maybe drop to 1 if you're desperate to keep it in.

Other than that, looks solid

February 19, 2014 5:41 p.m.

LordOfDispair says... #3

Oh also, 4 Prophet of Kruphix is a bad plan unless it's very, very essential to your deck, as since its ability is passive and non-stacking, having more than 1 ever leads to to unfortunate situations. I would drop that to 2, or 3 if it is pretty important (2 is the money number imo)

February 19, 2014 5:44 p.m.

LordOfDispair says... #4

sorry meant more than 1 on the battlefield. Also, try to get a couple more Sylvan Caryatid , they are nice. Either that or Elvish Mystic since your deck is only 2 colors.

February 19, 2014 5:46 p.m.

Darthen says... #5

I would recommend Bioshift to save your counters from removal spells.

March 6, 2014 3:39 p.m.

dtardif says... #6

I don't see how it beats any of the top decks, to be honest -- MBD, Mono-Blue, UW Control and GR/Jund Monsters. There are zero flier in the mainboard or sideboard and no removal to speak of, so you fold to Desecration Demon or Stormbreath Dragon entirely, or even a fat Cloudfin Raptor and enough Master of Waves elementals to lock you up. I'd suggest putting Plummet or Arbor Colossus in the sideboard at 4-of. I also don't see how you defeat Pack Rat on turn 2, especially if the Mono-Black player opens with Mutavault (which would be helpful for you also). With a creature heavy +1/+1 counter deck in a removal-heavy environment, also, I would not run this deck without Scavenging Ooze . I also don't see how this deck will face off against Elspeth, Sun's Champion after Supreme Verdict wipes you out entirely. Pithing Needle could help against that, but it is not super effective in general.

It seems inevitable that you'd have to splash black to make this viable -- it gives you access to Abrupt Decay and Hero's Downfall and Bile Blight . Or something like that.

March 6, 2014 3:57 p.m.

Jka4567 says... #7

@dtardif I don't see how you trashing my deck really helps either of us. So as I do appreciate the few suggestions that you do have in the sea of flame that is your comment, I think that just telling my the ways I could possibly lose is not that helpful. Also, how are the top decks going to deal with a massive Zegana on turn 4? How will they deal with 2 or 3 biomancers?

March 6, 2014 6:50 p.m.

dtardif says... #8

What I posted absolutely was not a flame, don't be defensive just because I wasn't as excited about it as you are. You can't post a deck publicly, deckcycle to the front page of this site, and claim it's competitive if you can't take any sort of respectful and well-meant criticism. I mean, you're opening yourself to this kind of thing by publicizing your deck, and if non-laudative comments are going to be automatically horrible for you personally, you probably shouldn't advertise your deck ideas on the front page.

If a top tier deck can't deal with a turn 4 Zegana, then it's not drawn into any of what makes it a top deck. You need to hit two of Elvish Mystic and Sylvan Caryatid before turn 3, a 2 power creature on turn 3 (Zegana only draws equal to the greatest power here, which at the very most can be 2 on turn 4 in this scenario), not miss a land drop, and also not be disrupted whatsoever or face pressure that must be answered by that time -- and after all of that, it's for 3 card draws. That is close to an absolute ideal draw for your deck, and not very likely. If we're going to play the "ideal draw" game, many decks seem good, but playing in a competitive environment is more about consistency, and this deck lacks that.

But I realize you said that comment in a defensive way, and me responding isn't really in the same pantheon. Telling you the most common ways the most common decks win is not unhelpful in the least; if your deck can't answer the most common threats in the metagame, it has to be changed to meet that.

Your mana curve seems very heavy; I'd put in more mana fixing, and Elusive Krasis doesn't seem to have much of a place in the deck, so that would seem like the first cut. You need some sort of removal for a clogged board state; it's very slow, but Cyclonic Rift feels like the "easy" answer. You could complement and protect your late game creatures with Dissolve or Rapid Hybridization . It feels like about 10 of these is necessary for how top heavy the deck is. My cuts would be Elusive Krasis , one of the Prophet of Kruphix , and then the Give / Take , which just feels like "win-more". I'd stock up your sideboard with the answers you need, namely countermagic and anti-flyer tech. It feels like that, with no answer to early-midgame planeswalkers, you need 4x Pithing Needle or something else to that effect. A Ratchet Bomb or two is a slow way to handle everything else that might slip through.

However, I understand that this deck is your fun idea and I don't want to just tell you exactly what you should do. I just feel like it should attempt to answer 90% of the decks you'll face, as this deck seems like real fun if you're not disrupted, but almost every deck I play against has a ton of removal, so that seems like a very unlikely scenario.

March 6, 2014 7:20 p.m.

Jka4567 says... #9

@dtardif I'm sorry about criticizing your comment and and I do understand that I am opening myself up to this. Also I do know that you meant well and I appreciate your comment and I feel better that you did comment than not getting a comment at all.

For your suggestions, removal is one of the problems that needs to be fixed in this deck. Since the deck is still being built, I have not really gotten to test it all that much against competitive deck, and I am mainly basing the deck I had during last block when Innistrad was still in standard. It was a very different meta back then and now things have changed. Devotion wasn't even a thing and therefore decks were constructed very differently. This makes me definitely wan't to run Cyclonic Rift as well as some counter spells. Again, I do see the wisdom in cutting Elusive Krasis but I also feel like without Give / Take there is no real counter manufacturing going on. The deck will not be truly finished until JOU comes out, (here's to hoping Kruphix is playable) so it is still a work in progress.

I think putting in Polukranos, World Eater from the sb would be a good idea, as that has removal, as well as Arbor Colossus and some other fliers.

Thank you so much for your suggestions, and once again I sincerely apologize for my near-sighted comment.

March 6, 2014 7:57 p.m.

Zicca21 says... #10

If you're going to splash in black why not just splash in Corpsejack Menace ? If you're looking for a couple more counters on a 4/4 body- put him in.

April 5, 2014 3:27 p.m.

-Bean- says... #11

I would say that Mana Confluence may be necessary here. With g/b, you also have access to Golgari Charm , which will really help conserve devotion against Supreme Verdict . Lastly, and this is more personal opinion, it could be good if you removed Hydra Broodmaster for Courser of Kruphix . It would help with your curve and is great for staving off any sort of aggro. +1 from me, and if you like, check out my JOU standard deck, Nyx's Twinkle - A New Style of Devotion.

April 16, 2014 5:55 p.m.

Wolfninja says... #12

I would maybe add a couple Swamps, or Shock Lands that give black, since you have 3 cards that require double Black in their mana cost (plus more in the sideboard), and you only have 7 cards that can give you a black mana.

April 16, 2014 6:14 p.m.

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