LDragon Chan Garuk Karn Brutal Acid Vat Charmbreak

Modern* mikedh1


mikedh1 says... #1

This is my land destruction deck, that was gone,deleted,for what reason I dont know,either site deleted it, or bug, glitch, or hacker.

White Knight, Numa, can back me up that Deck is mine. Also have 2 offline people that can go online, to back me up.

Deck had about 4,5 comments, and 125 views, and about a score of 3,so far.

Please read the deck description, breakdown, and please comment,help, score,rate, +1, if you like the deck name, concept,theme, potential,effectiveness,etc.

Credit goes to Numa, for the suggestion to put Chandra in.

Credit goes to White Knight for the suggestion to put Ghost Quarter, either in MB,SB.

Credit goes to a offline friend, who helped a little tiny bit with my Sideboard. He also asked to use,borrow the deck list, to use.

I made the following changes:

I took out 1 Acidic Slime, and put in 1 more Lanowar Elves. Having 4 5 mana cost Acidic Slimes was slowing me down a little tiny bit, by getting to many in my opening hand, and in early to mid game.

Also I need the extra lanowar elf, to make sure I have enough mana to land Destroy turn 3 at the latest

See Report below that I will give.

I also went from 3 Arc Trails, to 2 Arc Trails, and 3 incinerates, to give me that 1 extra burn card.

Sorry for how long the post is.

Thanks in advance for reading the deck description Breakdown,this post, and any comments,help, +1's made.

Mike DH

November 2, 2011 4:26 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #2


Even though I had about 1/2 the cards I needed for the deck, I still had to goto a local card shop, and get the cards I needed and actually make the deck.

Nobody at the stores, players had any Chandra Firebrands, Birds of paradise, beast withins, Devils plays, So I am having to use 4 to 6 proxys in my deck, until I can either trade, buy at store, or order online what I need.

In playtesting the deck, I played against 4 of the better players, and semi top tier 1.5 standard decks, that they will be using at FNM, and at city,semi regional tourneys in Spokane, Tri Cities, WA

I Dont have my sideboard purchased,built yet, only have about half my sideboard. So I didnt play with a sideboard. Altho the others played with, and used sideboards. I also didnt mulligan, as I wanted to see what the draws were like.

Here are the results:

I went 1 and 2 vs a swarm deck, that only needed 2 mana. Also I couldnt get my birds and elves out, and only 2 out of 20 land killers out, each of the 3 games. So bad draws too.

1 went 1 and 1 vs a black deck, that had cheap black 1/1, 2/2 critters, that got bigger each time they attacked, because of a curse, also did Direct damage with black. Also bad draw, only 2 land killers, and no mana dudes, for 1 of the 2 games.

1 went 2 an 2 vs a Myr Superion Pod deck, Again the games I lost opponent either got lucky, and I had a bad draw. That Myr Superion(2 colorless for a 5/6 Art critter)is a sick broken turn 2 drop.

I went 3 and 0, won all 3 games, vs a black red $100 stormkirk noble deck. After getting all his lands,creatures, artifacts, enchantments, everything nuked, he scooped each time, after I got my burn, charmbreaker chandra out.

What I learned;

I need answers against Swarm decks, and I put answers in my sideboard. And I NEED to get a mana dude out at start or 2nd turn, and start land killing no later then turn 3. If I start land killing by turn 5, it might be game over for me, unless I get a little tiny bit lucky, and foe unlucky. That why I took out 1 Acidic Slime, and put in 1 more mana Elf.

Also MULLIGANNING will be NECESSARY. If I had Mulliganned, I would have probably won each play test match, except vs the swarm deck.

The deck without sideboard and mulligans won, and will probably win about 53 to 63% of the time.

With great Sideboard, and Mulliganning Deck will probably win about 65 to 75% of the time

3 players said that the deck is a good renegade, rogue, tier 1.75 deck that maybe,might probably finish top 4 at FNM's and Top 9 or 10 at Spokane,Tri Cities, city,regional,state tourneys.

Sorry for the long Post,

thanks for reading Report.

Mike DH

November 2, 2011 5:09 a.m.

WhiteKnights says... #3

Hi Mike

Good to see you got your deck back up. Have you thought about Viridian Emissary as a mana dude and a beater?

Also against swarm if they have enough creatures you could always Blasphemous Act them.

November 2, 2011 7:34 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #4

Thanks White knight, and thanks for the suggestions.

I think the Blasphemous Act card, will be better fit for my sideboard then black sun zenith, so I dont have to sideboard dragonskull summit.

As for Viridian Emissary, Altho I agree with you that I need an extra mana dude, I think the Pilgrim that a offline friend suggested, is a better fit then the emissary.

I would like to have that extra burn card, but, its absolutely, totally critical, that I get a 1 green mana cost mana dude like a bird, or L elf, or pilgrim out 1st,or 2nd turn, so that I can start land destroying no later then 3rd turn at the latest.

So with 9 mana dudes, in the deck now, almost every time, I get at least 1 mana dude out in the first 2 turns, and start destroying lands by turn 3 almost all the time.

And I put a possible 10th mana dude, pilgrim, in the sideboard, as well.

So thanks for the comment, help, + 1 Whiteknight.

Mike DH

November 2, 2011 8:55 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #5

I went to a local game card shop, and tried to play test deck, but nobody wanted to help play test the deck

So I did 30 hand,game sample test, and the deck turned on,started destroying land by turn 2,3,all but 5 times. Only 5 times out of 30 the deck either needed a mulligan, or didnt start land destroying until turns 4 or 5. So it looks like 8 mana dudes will probably be enough

Also I have gone to 4 different card shops, and none have birds paradise, an or devils plays for sell. And no players will sell or trade their Birds, and devils plays

Also I am going to test the deck out in FNM, probably without a sideboard,unless I can get it purchased beforehand. I will have to replace the proxy's of Devils play with 2 fireballs, and replace the proxy's of Chandra,with reverberate, or some other card and substitute the proxy's of the birds with pilgrim mana dudes, and get 1 more beast within

Also while I am at FNM, I will try probably futilely again to get birds, and devils play

Also if any of you online here, have any birds, devils plays,beast within's that you would be willing to trade, or sell to me, please let me know.

And after FNM I will report the results here on how the deck did. Altho the results might be a little tiny bit tainted, if I dont have a sideboard.

November 4, 2011 5:16 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #6

I have had computer problems so I havent been able to update til now.


FNM results:

First I went up against store owner Mark, who is ranked the 200th best 2 headed giant player in the US.

Mark had a Hexproof deck, and he had made a sideboard to deal with my land destruction deck(dont know why he did that as I am the only player in Spokane,WA, with a standard land destruction deck.

Game 1: Mark scooped, won easily.

Game 2: Mark then put in 1 or 2 beast within's and 1 or 2 acidic slimes in, and then mulliganed and got lucky to destory my lanowar elf first turn, and then nuke 1 of my lands 2nd turn.

And my draw was bad enough that I couldnt recover from mark's good luck 2nd game.

game 3: I WAS winning easily UNTIL I had mark down to 6 life, and then for the next 5 turns drew,topdecked, nothing but lands, land destroyers, and so couldnt finish mark off because of that extremey bad draw luck, and then mark miraculously came back to win.

Match 2: Played a good player, with a Blue/white control, Sun Titan, protection from everything Swords deck.

Game 1: easy win

Game 2 Player sideboard even more counterspells. Was a struggle to nuke his lands. Thye he got his Sun Titan out, Then he got his Swords out and attached. I kept on destorying his sun titan's and swords,lands etc. But in the end he just barely won game 2.

Game 3. Pretty much a repeat of game 2.

After the match he said that I had a very scary deck, and that he was glad that he didnt have to play me again.

Match 3 I played another TOP PLAYER in the spokane area named LEO.(the same leo who helped me with my sideboard) He also did the same as mark and put things in his sideboard to deal with my land destruction deck(again very silly since I am the only one with such a deck)

Leo had a Blue invisible Hex proof, unblockable stalker pump equipment deck, that had a lot of control, and only needed 2 lands.

So leo beat me 2-0 easily.

So after FNM was over, 3 of the players thought my deck did ok, and that I just got unlucky in getting the toughest opponents, toughest decks, and bad draws, bad luck in games, matches.

They also said I made 1 to 3 minor misplays, that could have won me 2 out of the 3 matches.

They said that altho the deck was ok, and did ok, they recommend, that I put in liquid Metal Coating, into the deck, to help it play better.

November 14, 2011 2:57 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #7

Ok I have made a lot of changes. I have put in 4 liquimetal coatings, along with 4 crushes, 2 Viridian Corrupteds 2 Hoard Smelter Dragons.

The Viridian Corrupteds when used with Metal coatings, is like a acidic slime but cheaper 3 mana cost instead of 5 mana cost of slime. And the infect will weaken and kill creatures kind of like Acid Slime,and can use to destroy anything and can use as a semi win condition .

Hoard smelter Dragon when combo with metal coating, destroys anything,everything.

So with the 12 non metal coating,non combo land destruction cards(4 Beast Within's, 4 Bramblecrushes, 4 Tectonic Rifts), and the 8 Artifact destruction,use for land destruction when combo with metal coating cards(4 crushes, 2 Viridian Corrupteds, 2 hoard Dragons), there is 20 total land destruction cards.

And when I dont get metal coatings,and 1 of the 8 artifact destroy cards out, I get 2 to 4 of the 12 land destruction cards, and vice versa.

So now instead of averaging starting to destroy lands, by, on turn 3, I now have 8 card chances(4 beast withins, and 4 crushes), to start destroying lands by between turn 2 to 3, about turn 2.25 to 2.5(about turn 2.37 on average)

So now instead of 3 win condition creatures(3 charmbreakers), I now have 4,(1 more) win condition creatures(2 hoard dragons, 2 charmbreakers) and 2 semi win condition creatures(2 Viridian Corrupteds)

So the deck should now play, destroy land a little bit faster, as long as mulligan when need to, and should get to a win condition card, situation faster, better.

I took out the chandra's, and or reverberates, because there is enough burn, land destruction cards, and the cards are cheap enough, mana cost wise,that dont need chandra, an or reverberate. Also no room for them, because the only things I could take out, would be 1 mana elf,(have 8, need 8, not 7), 1 devils play, (need 8 burn cards, not 7) 1 metal coating(need 4, not 3), and taking out a land desrtuction card would be bad.

So now as long as mulligan when need to,and have good sideboard, should play faster better.

November 15, 2011 6:11 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #8

Hey got a question for anybody, and everybody.

Should I add 1 Inkmoth and 1 Kelsig Wolf Run to my deck? Why or why not?

I already have 1 Ghost quarter land in my deck, so If I add both 1 Inkmoth Nexus, and ! Kellsig Wolf Run, I would have 3 specialty lands that dont produce red,green,both red,green.

I dont want to get 1 of the those 3 colorless lands on turn 1. Turn 2 is ok if I played a rootbound crag 1st turn, otherwise I dont want a colorless land on turn 2. And turn 3 is ok as long as I got 1 green mana, and 1 red mana land out by turn 3 when a colorless land comes into play on turn 3, otherwise, I dont want to see a colorless land by turn 4.

This is important because I must start destroying lands by turn 2,3, and if I get a colorless land on in the early turns, in the wrong situation, or amount, then I could maybe,might get hurt.

That said I do want to get a inkmoth, or a Kellsig by turns 4 or later, as a potential semi win condition to help me win against counterspell,control decks, and in other situations.

So with that in mind, should I put inkmoth nexus, Kelsig lands, in my deck? and if so how many? 1,2,3,4? and if no, should I put them in my sideboard? And if so, how many? 1,2,3,4?

So please answer,help. I really dont know if I should put inkmoth nexus, and or Kellsig Wolf run colorless lands, into my deck or not.

Help answers, would be appreciated

Thanks in advance for the help

Mike DH

November 15, 2011 11:55 p.m.

WhiteKnights says... #9

Hi Mike

I noticed Viridian Corrupter which is basicly the same as Manic Vandal with infect but with a less restrictive cost. If you do indeed go with the infect win condition then you might want to consider getting a set of Copperline Gorge s to smooth out your colours. I've also died to Batterskull on a moth before so thats another card that will always have value if you can resolve it.

November 16, 2011 1:09 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #10

Hi WhiteKnights thanks

Good call on the Copperline Gorge's, altho I think 4 of them is to much, because if I have 4 of them, then I might get 2 many of them coming into play tapped which could slow me down betwen turns 3 to 7 to much. I think 2 or 3 would be good tho, so thanks for suggesting them.

I do want the 2 Viridian Corrupteds, and 1 or 2 inkmoth's and 1 or 2 kelsig Wulf Run, as a back up pump,infect,semi win condition, to go along with my burn semi win condition, and the charmbreaker win condition, and Hoard Smelter Dragon,Coatings combo win condition

I need 3,4 win conditions,instead of 1 or 2, because FNM showed me, that my deck will get unlucky,bad drawy, run out of gas otherwise, in the late mid game to late game phases.

Also what about the question I asked?

How many Inkmoths and Kelsig Wolf Runs, should I put in the deck?

I am leaning towards 4 colorless lands, 1 or 2 inkmoth Nexus's, and 1 or 2 Kelsig wolf runs, and 1 Ghost quarter,for a total of 4 colorless lands.

I dont want to get 2 many colorless lands turns 1 thru 3, or I wont be able to destroy lands consistently turns 2,3.

But at the same time I want to get colorless lands turns 4 thru 8, to help with,get my win conditions.

I would put batterskull in my deck, if it was a cheaper mana cost,an or if there was,is room in my deck. If I was gona use artifact equipment, I would use either the 2 mana cost flail, or 1 of the swords, IF I could find a spot,room in my deck for 1 or 2 of them.

Anyways thanks for your suggestions. I will put the Copperline Georges into the deck list now.


November 16, 2011 2:02 a.m.

sarpnasty says... #11

If you're using Liquimetal Coating You'll definitely want to use Ancient Grudge You get to destroy two permanents with one card and 3 mana. Also, as previously suggested, replace Viridian Corrupter with Manic Vandal .

You also have too many one-ofs in the sideboard. Sideboard is for situational cards that you NEED, and having only one of them in the deck really won't cut it.

November 16, 2011 3:11 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #12

I understand why you suggest the ancient Grudges. Heck I even play tested them. The problem is that there really is no room for ancient grudges.

Crush is necessary to start destroying lands on turn 2. So need 4 of them.

need 7 burn cards, so none of the burn cards are coming out for Ancient grudge.

Need all my mana dudes, so none of my mana dudes are coming out for Ancient Grudges.

Charmbreaker, and Hoard Smelter Dragon are win conditions, so they cant come out for Ancient Gridges

I need the 12 non liqui Metal Coating, land destruction cards like 4 beast withins, 4 Tectonic Rifts, and 4 Bramble Crushes.

If I only have 11, instead of 12 of them, Then when I dont get liqui Metal coatings out, I dont get enough land destruction cards, to destroy lands.

So the only thing I could take ou for ancient grudges would be Viridian Corrupters.

And you misunderstood WhiteKnights. He suggested that I go with Manic Vandals, IF I wasnt interested in Infect, because of the 1 red 2 colorless mana cost as opposed to the 2 green 1 colorless mana cost of Viridian Corrupters.

Thats why he suggested copperline Gorges to help cast out Viridian Coorupters. Viridian Corrupters are great. I can use them with coatings to destroy lands,everything.

And they cost 2 less then Slime, and they can wear down, other creatures, kind of like Acidic Slime. And when combo with Wolf run and inkmoths, can get to 10 poison counters easily.

So the Viridian Corrupters are not comming out for Ancient grudges, or Manic Vandal

If I had room for them, I would use them, but since I dont, I wont,cant use them.

Thanks for your suggestions though


November 16, 2011 4 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #13

I converted,replaced 1 Crush into,for 1 Ancient Grudge.

I put 2 Mana Leaks, and 1 mental misstep into sideboard to deal with counterspell control decks better(I have 4 bird of Paradise, so should have enough blue mana for 2 mana leaks, and 1 mental misstep)

I put in 1 Ancient Grudge into my sideboard. And 1 or 2 more Ancient Grudges into maybeboard.

November 17, 2011 4:48 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #14

I converted 1 arc trail, and 1 Bramblecrush into 2 Melt Terrains, And converted 1 devils play into a fireball. And took out 1 incinerate to bring deck to 23 lands, and 64 cards, and .359% mana ratio.

This gives the deck 21 LD cards, instead of 20 LD cards. Would like to have 6, or 7 creature burn cards, but 5 creature burn cards seems to be ok. And deck now has 13 NON artifact destruct, Liquid Metal Coating combo LD cards, and 8 Artifact destruc, Liquid Metal Coating combo LD cards. It used to be 12 LD, and 8 Artifact destruct combo LD. The 1 extra NON Artifact destruct,Non combo, normal LD card, in Melt Terrain, helps to make sure I get LD cards when Liquid Metal Coatings doesnt come out, or if it gets destroyed,countered,surgical extractioned.

Also since the deck is now at 23 lands, 64 cards, .359 % ratio mana, and 1 more copperline, The mana will come out in better ratio, and mana dudes, and LD cards, and Liquid Metal Coatings, and win condition cards, and burn cards, will come out better,faster, then it did at 23 lands, 65 cards.

I think these changes will help deck play better faster.

At FNM I played 4 matches. Won 2-0 Vs blue deck. Went 1-2 against another deck. 0-2 vs Wolf Run, and 0-2 vs U/W tempered Steel Mox Opal,Memnite,signal pest,blitz,speed,agro deck.

Because of how the deck did at FNM, thats why I added 1 more fireball, 1 more LD card, made the changes to my deck to make it play faster, and changed my sideboard.

Also I still dont have a chandra Firebrand, So I used a Reverberate instead.

The sideboard is a good sideboard, I just havent been able to trade,buy, the cards for it because either nobody has the cards, and or nobody wants to sell, trade the cards away.

I need the 2 slagstorms, 1 more ratchet bomb, 1 more tunnel ignus, and 3 surgical extractions to complete my sideboard.

Also to see changes,please check compare decklist, with the DECK BREAKDOWN in the DECK DESCRIPTION.

Also please keep on up with the help, advice, suggestions, comments, +1's,etc. Its greatly appreciated. I do listen, consider it all, and even use some of it.

Also please use, try out, play test, tweak deck, if want.

Also please +1 the deck, if you like the deck, concept, theme, potential effectiveness of the deck.

I think the deck is worthy of more then the 2 +1's then its gotten, and think it should be about a 6 to 11, not just a 2.

Thanks for taking the time to view, read the deck, info, deck list, charts, graphs, decklist, deck breakdown, in deck description, comments.

Thanks for the comments, views, +1's,help


November 19, 2011 4:49 p.m.

Strangelove says... #15

Cool! I think I accidentally missed the Liquimetal Coating theme in this deck (<3 that card, have been thinking of a ways to abuse it too).

Hoard-Smelter Dragon is a crazy win con. I love it.

Replace Viridian Corrupter with Manic Vandal , or drop it, you already have a lot of artifact removal.

Add 3-4 Galvanic Blast .

Metallic Mastery would be a nice sideboard card.

MAYBE Victorious Destruction for diversity (land OR artifact). Would help with the curve.

Careful with Liquimetal Coating . You can't let all your destruction cards depend on it. I'd say only 1/4 or 1/3 of them should need the Coating to actually kill what you want. With that in mind, drop Crush . You'll never use it turn one and it can only target noncreatures. 2x Ancient Grudge I'd say.

Since Charmbreaker Devils is random, Flashback cards are really good because they let you control which spells you put back in your hand. So maybe card:Devil's Play and card:Red Sun's Zenith instead of Fireball .

You have a lot of 4 drops. Acidic Slime can replace some of your land destruction cards would really help all-round.

Kuldotha Phoenix would also be a good 5-drop reusable attacker/blocker.

Finally I would add Grim Lavamancer OR Rolling Temblor for board control. I'm favor of the Lavamancer b/c he can help you control which cards you pick with the Devils.

Also keep in mind: I've suggested too many cards. Try to focus your theme and keep the deck tight with mostly 4 ofs.

And on second thought, you should choose between Charmbreaker Devils and Hoard-Smelter Dragon as your win con. That'll help you choose between certain cards.

I really like the idea +1, I'll probably have to make my own version!

November 19, 2011 6:03 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #16

Wow awe comment. Lot here.

1.V corrupter vs M vandal. Whiteknight said that If I use infect keep Corrupter,if not use Vandal.Both are 3 cmc. And I only have 8 artifact removal cards(I dont count bramblecrushs.

2.I dont have enough artifacts to use G blast. I use EDH strategy, have 5 creature burn, and 8 total burn cards. I use Arc trail,incinerate,rid 1/1 to 3/3's, and fireballs for horde, 1/1 token clearing, ramp finish off. Devils play, altho flashback great,not flexible like fireball. 2 Melt, 1 Chandra burns foe.

3.I agree metallic mastery is a good SB card.my SB cards are good. I need more SB room.

4.I have struggle to make my deck play faster as it is, Victor is good, but high 5 cmc might make deck play to slow. Perhaps can find room,use 2 of them.

5.I get what u say by to be careful with LQ metal coat, and no have to much LQ Metal Coat destruct cards. Thats why I have 13 NON LQ Metal Coat combo, norm,reg LD cards, and 8 LQ Coat combo destruct cards, so that I can still destroy land,kill creatures with Beast Within, if no get out LQ coat.Victorius Destruct help with that,if can find room.

  1. a. Ancient Grudge vs Crush, Crush helps destroy land turn 2. Turn 1: drop land. drop Mana Dude. Turn 2. drop land. Cast LQ Coat, Tap LQ, change land to Art. Crush land. I might go 2 crush's and 2 Ancient Grudges. Also its a room problem.

6.Devils play is not like fireball, if it was a flexible flashback fireball, then would put at least 1 in. Red Sun's zenith gets shuffled into library, wont draw it again.

7.I use Viridian Corrupters in place of Slime's because they are 2 cheaper, and are a alternate win con with Kessig. But with 2 inkmoths, maybe I can afford to replace the Viridian Corrupters with the Acidic Slimes. I just dont want A. Slime's 5 cmc to slow me down.

8.Kuldotha Phoenix doesnt fit the deck, its to expensive, and dont have enough artifacts for metal craft.

9.Grim would remove cards I want to use charmbreak to get back. Rolling Temblor would be a great SB card.

10.Charmbreaker,Hoard Dragon, are both awe win con cards.Also Hoard Dragon uses LQ Coat,if take out then LQ coat no used as well. If take out charm, then LD no used as well. I dont care which I get out,as long as I get out 1 of either charm, Hoard.

Thanks for your awe coomment,help, +1

Off I go to make try to use as much of this as possible.

Got my work cut out for me.



November 19, 2011 7:24 p.m.

Strangelove says... #17

I think card:Devil's Play was a good call. It really lets you have a backup "punch" card if you get unlucky with draw or Devils.

Maybe a bit of ramp would make it play faster?

Looks pretty sweet.

November 19, 2011 11:48 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #18

After tinkering,tweaking the deck a lot,playtesting it,trying sample hands,etc,your right the deck does look pretty sweet. The Galvanoth is such a great turns 3,4,5 drop.

Also I came to the same conclusion about devils play. It was a tough close call tho. Because Fireball is just so flexible. But with only having 5 burn foe cards, your right if I get unlucky, I am going to want that devils Play for a double punch to foe's face. I will just rely on my sideboard for what a main deck extra fireball could provide.

As for ramp to make it play faster, I have 4 birds, and 4 lanowar Elves. I like mana dudes over rampant growth, but I have noticed that once in a great while, somebody gets lucky and Icecages,or gets rid of my birds,elf, turn 1.

So maybe I should run 2 Lanowar Elves, and 2 rampant growths to help prevent that from happening. I guess it wouldnt hurt to try it out. What do you think?

I have tried to use as much of your advice and help as possible. Somethings I just couldnt fit in. 1, maybe 2 things I slightly disagreed on, and thus didnt use. 2, maybe 3 things I compromised,met ya half way on. 1, maybe 2 things I slightly disagreed with at first, but then changed my mind,agreed after thinking about it. But some to most of the things I agreed with, and changed my deck accordingly.

It seems like you like the changes. Thats good, because it really seems like you know what your doing,talking about,have good ideas, and what u have said, makes sense.

I am going to turn 2 Lanowar elves,into 2 rampant growths, and then update the DECK BREAKDOWN in the DECK DESCRIPTION.

Thanks for your help.


November 20, 2011 12:50 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #19

Is there Anything like a Rampant growth, that does similar to what Rampant growth does for 1 mana, instead of 2 mana in standard? 2 mana for rampant growth is to much, and cant use it, like I can with a 1 mana cost mana dude like Birds, Lanowar Elves, to be able to destroy lands on turn 2. So thats why I aqm only going to turn 1 lanowar Elf into a rampant growth.

November 20, 2011 1:01 a.m.

Strangelove says... #20

Caravan Vigil is the only thing.

November 20, 2011 2:31 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #21

Hey thanks again Strangelove

Also since you like this deck, you should see my Modern Format Deck, of the same exact name as this deck,and on the same hubs but a bit different and also better then this deck.

it has things like wreak havocs, and Roiling Terrain, Molten Rains, etc

November 20, 2011 6 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #22

I made changes. turned Victor Destruct, V Corrupter to 1 A. Slime, for 2 A. Slimes. This betters draw odds. my odds of get 1 A. Slime, or 1 V corrupter, is less < getting 1 of 2 A. Slimes. I chose A. Slime over V corrupter, because of its deathtouch, land, Art destruct, combo with LQ Mtl Coat, an LD when no get LQ.

I turned the fireballs into 3 devils plays. I still like fireballs to deal with swarms,hordes, and hit foes with enough damge to win, but if I get a bad draw, Devils play flashback is more useful, and I can use Rolling Temblor, Ratchet Bomb, from my SB to deal with 1/1 2/2 swarms, hordes, goblins, tokens,etc.

I took out Chandra. I like chandra in the deck, but there is just not enough room for chandra. I need at least 20 LD cards, cant go less then 5 burn cards, and 2 LD burn Melt terrains, and 8 mana dudes, and cant take out any of the 2 charmbreakers, and the 2 Hoard Dragons, and the 1 Galvanoth, cant take out the LQ metal Coats, and cant take out the 2 crush's and 2 ancient grudges.

I could go to 64,65 cards, to try and put 2 chandra's in, but then I would have to put in 1 more LD card in somehow, if I went to 64,65 cards.

Also I like 22 lands, and 62 cards, because that gives me .3548% mana ratio, which is almost about perfect for the deck, not to much, or to little mana. And having it at 62 cards, instead of 64,65 cards with either to little or to much mana, and worse draw odds for LD, Mana Dudes, and LQ Metal Coats, is better because of better mana ratio, and better draw odds.

Also I find that with only 1 or 2 chandra's, and less creatures, that I cant get chandra when I need it, and when I do get chandra, I either dont have the creatures to protect it, an or need the charmbreaker, Hoard Smelter Dragons, Acidic Slimes, Mana dudes, Galvanoth more, to either win, or block, stave off defeat, when I have a bad LD, and other bad draws.

Also with turning the fireballs, into 3 Devils Play's,and with having 2 Ancient Grudges I have enough flashback, to get by without chandra, an or reverberate. Reverberation would be great to combo with charmbreaker, and flashback, and would do so,if I could find room.

But just in case, I am going to put a reverberate,chandra, into my SB, maybeboard, just in case I need it.

As the deck stands now I really love the deck, sideboard.

I am still open though to comments,help,advice, suggestions, and will probably keep on making bare,minor,slight tweaks, according to what I and others think.

Also I need to buy,trade, for 1 more copperline, 1 more turnnel Ignus, 1 more ratchet bomb, and 3 Temblors, and 3 surgical extractions for my sideboard.

So please keep on viewing the deck, the deck list, graphs, charts, deck breakdown, in the deck description. making comments, giving help,advice, answers, info, + 1's,etc,etc, if want to.

Please use,playtest,use a derivative of, tweak the deck,if want to.

Thanks for help,using, play testing, tweaking, + 1 the deck.


November 21, 2011 12:57 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #23

Hey Strangelove, after thinking about it, I changed my mind about the Grim Lavamancers. even though I dont like, want to remove cards from graveyard to do the 2 damage, later on in the game, when,if charmbreaker comes out,your right that Grim helps me choose which cards charmbreaker will then have better chance to get, and it being a creature stick that deals 2 damage to player, or creature, an can use for board control.

And if nothing else can use for a chump blocker, for 1 red. So I think Grim lavamancer is better then arc trail.

I really like the deck.

So thanks Strangelove for the help


November 21, 2011 8:34 p.m.

kyrille says... #24

Was gonna make one myself, which is why I was wondering why you didn't consider Semblance Anvil. Works great with decks with lots of Sorceries. :D Considering it? :D

November 24, 2011 1:29 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #25

To be honest, even tho I know about about the card, I didnt think or realize how the card could help, until you suggested it.

The problem with it is that I would have to get it out turn 1,or 2 to make good use of it. The only reason I would have to reduce the cost of 1 of my LD cards, is to be better able to start destroying lands turns 2,3. But by the time I would be able to play 3 cmc semblance Anvil, I would already be able to play a LD card anyways on turn 2,3.

If Galvanoth didnt exist, and or if had 2 more open slots, then I would put in 2,3 of them.

But since Galvanoth does what Semblance does, but better, and since I dont have 2 open slots, and since I cant afford to take out any of the LD cards, since I have 20 of them(14 non LQ coat combo Art destruct LD cards, and 8 LQ Coat combop Art destruct LD cards), and cant take out the mana dudes, nor the Grims, nor the devils plays, nor the charmbreakers, Hoard Dragons, Galvanoths, there just is nowhere to put the Anvils.

Its a good,great awesome card. There just isnt always room. Sometimes great cards get cut, because no room, or better cards, or not great fit for deck.

Thanks for the suggestion.

November 24, 2011 3:05 p.m.

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