LDragon Chan Garuk Karn Brutal Acid Vat Charmbreak
Report and changes. Changes: I am going to go with 4 crushes, instead of 2 crushes and 2 ancient grudges. I am doing that, because the deck still doesnt go off on turn 2,3, once in a while, and when my deck doesnt go off on turn 2,3 it gets beat most of the time. So having 4 crushes, instead of 2, will help deck to go off on turn 2,3 more often.
I like the Ancient Grudges, and would like to have 2,3 in my deck, if there was room. But there is no room in my deck for the Ancient Grudges, because the crush's are more important to make sure the deck goes off on turn 2,3 more often.
I will still keep the ancient grudges in my maybeboard, maybe 2 in my sideboard.and will probably mainboard 2 of them occasionally,if the meta is right.
Report: I was just barely late to FNM, so didnt play in FNM, and also I still need 1 ratchet bomb, and 2 surgical extractions. for my sideboard. I played 2 decks from 2 FNM players, and destroyed them. Against the black red deck, my deck didnt go off until turn 4, a semi rare, semi bad draw.
December 4, 2011 6:13 p.m.
Would perhaps dropping 1 Crush and a Beast Within for 2 Ancient Grudge be a wise choice??? I just love the flashback ability of it. Or perhaps 1-2 Lands? Your thoughts. Also what do you think about the card Reverberate in sideboard against a counter spell deck???
December 8, 2011 10:31 p.m.
Or even swap out a Bramblecrush instead of the Beast Within is another possibility.
December 8, 2011 11:04 p.m.
Or even swap out a Bramblecrush instead of the Beast Within is another possibility.
December 8, 2011 11:04 p.m.
Thanks for your comments, and the +1. I really like ancient Grudge too.
The problem is that whats more important, being able to have a better chance to be able to start destroying land turn 2, or being able to flashback destroy back to back lands later with ancient Grudge?
I think destroying lands on turn 2 is more important, thus beast Within's, and crushes would probably be more important.
I could take out 2 melt Terrains for 2 ancient Grudges, but the problem with that is that I would then have 12 non LQ metal coating combo based LD cards, instead of 14, thus if I dont get out a LQ, then ouch. But with 14 instead of 12, then if dont get out LQ, then usually I am ok.
I really like Ancient Grudge, and I would definately add it if I could, had room,could afford to take something out, but there is just no room, and cant afford to take anything out.
As to reverberate, chandra, I wish there was room for reverberate,chandra, but there isnt. And mana leaks, Surgical extractions, in sideboard, to counter, surgical extract counterspells,control cards, is more important for sideboard, then reverberate,chandra. And reverberate, and chandra would just get countered anyways. But surgical extraction, manaleak, would either get rid of counterspells, or be countered by counterspells, thus making it so less counterspells to counter my LD cards.
As to dropping lands, droping 1 land, might work. but wouldnt be worth it for just 1 ancient Grudge, against the risk of getting mana shorted. my land,mana ratio is just right at .3548% land, mana, any less or more, would mean I would either get mana flooded, or mana shorted. So .3548% to .36% is the perfect mana ratio range.
Mike DH
December 9, 2011 5:15 a.m.
Hmm good points, another direction sorry if I can't get off this ancient grudge kick. I think dropping 2 Melt Terrain for an Ancient Grudge was a nice idea. What about adding 1 Tectonic Rift and dropping a Bramblecrush or Crush ?After this im done promise haha.
thanks again
December 11, 2011 8:05 p.m.
The thing that makes dropping 2 melt Terrains for 2 Ancient Grudges, a bad idea, is that 1. going from 14 non liqui Metal Coat dependent, Land D cards, to 12, hurts if dont get LQ Metal Coat out. I have tried hard to find the right balance between LD cards, and LQ artifact,lD cards.
And I have found that anything different then Splitting 20 total LD cards into a split of 14 LD cards,/6 Art D,LD cards to 15/5 to 13/7 doesnt work, because with a split of 11/9, or 12/8, or 10/10, LQ Metal coating will just not come out enough, and the 10 to 12 LD cards, will not come out enough, when LQ doesnt come out.
As to turning 1 crush, or 1 bramblecrush into 1 tectonic Rift: I get why you suggest that. Tectonic only cost 1 red, instead of 2 red, or 2 green , 2 colorless, and makes my creaures unblockable.
The problem with cutting 1 bramblecrush for 1 tectonic, is: 1. It hurts my mana because: a. I have to take out more forest and add more mountains, which means less green mana for a turn 1 mana dude drop.
2.Bramblecrush also can be used to take out planeswalkers, enchantments,artifacts,etc
3.with only 2 bramblecrushes, it wouldnt come out as often. 3 bramblecrushes, and 3 tectonics, is a better balance then 4 tectonics and 2 bramble crushes, thus ensuring both have good chance to come out.
The problem with taking out 1 crush for 1 tectonic rift is: 1. I would only have 3 crushes, and 1 less chance of destroying land on turn 2. 2. would only have 7 total artifact destruct, instead of 8, so 1 less chance to destroy other stuff besides lands. 3. with only 7 Art D LD cards, I would have to consider taking out 1 LQ metal. 4. If take out 1 LQ Metal, then less chance to make my Hoard Smelter Dragon + LQ win con combo work,come out.
I could turn 1 Melt Terrain into 1 Tectonic Rift, but that would leave me with 1 Melt terrain, and 1 less burn card, and it would leave me a 1 of, and I try to avoid 1 of's.
I could also just take out the Melt Terrains completely and run 4 Tectonics, and 4 bramblecrushes, but then I would lose 2 burn cards.
Dont worry about making comments about ancient Grudge or other questions,advice,etc. Its good when you make comments like you do, because it makes me show why,how the deck is, and I might make deck better
Thanks for your comments, please keep them coming.
December 12, 2011 12:44 a.m.
Big good change. Saw Brutalizer exarch in another deck,and thought the card was good. Then I took out 2 melt Terrains, converted 1 Bramblecrush to a tectonic rift, and added 2 6 cmc brutal exarch's.
Then I tried sample hands and play tested it. That card is great, and should be a rare, not a uncommon. I can destroy a land,everything except a creature, and I can search for a any creature.
So if Bramblecrush, and Green Sun Zenith, Acidic Slime, were combined into 1 card, Brutalize Exarch is what you would get.
So now with 2 Hoard smelter dragons, 2 Charmbreakers, 2 Galvanoths, and 2 Brutalize Exarch's as win conditions, I shouldnt have the problem that I have had in the past of my win con cards not coming out.
Now I just have to trade for, and or buy 2 Brutalize exarch's, which should be easy, seeing the card is only 20 cents.
Brutalize exarch, might be one of the best 20 cent cards ever made.
wow that card is great.
December 12, 2011 2:27 a.m.
So I see you made some changes, if you wouldn't mind what made you change out the Melt Terrain and Bramblecrush ? Also in the side board you feel that guy is better then the Ratchet Bomb ?
December 12, 2011 4:17 a.m.
Also if you wouldn't mind putting out a new deal that shows how you sideboard against what again like you did earlier that would be awesome!!
thanks Mike
December 12, 2011 4:18 a.m.
Also when I say guy i meant the Steel Hellkite if that wasn't obvious.
December 12, 2011 4:20 a.m.
I saw the Brutalize Exarch card in another deck. I have wanted to put in a tutor card like Green Sun, but Green sun only gets green creatures. Also finding room for a green sun would be hard as well.
But Brutalize exarch is like Bramblecrush,green sun, and acidic slime all rolled into 1 card, and can search for any creature.
Putting 2 Exarch's in would be like having 5 bramblecrush's,instead of 3, also since exarch is 6 cmc, then with 6 6 cmc creatures,instead of 4 6 cmc creatures like before, its even more important to get the mana dudes out.
So turning the 2 melt Terrains into 1 tectonic, and 1 bramblecrush, lets me then take out 2 bramblecrushes, for the 2 Brutalize exarch's, which then would give me a better mana balance for getting mana dudes out, and would give me 4 bramblecrush type cards,instead of 3. and 4 tectonic rifts,instead of 3.
Also I would still have 14 LD non LQ LD cards, since Brutalize Exarch doesnt require LQ Metal coat, when turn 2 melt Terrains into 2 exarch's. Brutalize Exarch makes that change possible and is worth doing, unlike with ancient grudge, which doesnt make that change possible and worth doing.
As to the sideboard. Having 1 Steel Hellkite and 2 Ratchetbombs is better then just 1 ratchetbomb. I can use mana dudes to get Hellkite out by turns 3,4,5. And then I can use Hellkite to do exactly what ratchetbomb does in destroying multiple nonland permanents, except I wouldnt have to charge it up over multiple turns like with ratchetbomb, and hellkite wouldnt get destroyed, for destroying nonland permanents. Remember Ratchet bomb is destroyed when board wiping permanents.
The only reason why ratchetbomb is considered better, is because its not 6 cmc like hellkite. so thats why its better then hellkite in most decks. But in decks, with a lot of mana ramp, steel hellkite is better then ratchetbomb.
So by having 1 hellkite, and 2 ratchetbombs, I have the best of both ways. And the Brutal Exarch would make it easy to get hellkite out, which is another reason why I put Brutal Exarch in.
will cover sideboard ins and outs in next comment
December 12, 2011 4:54 a.m.
Sideboard ins and outs: what I sideboard in, for what I sideboard out vs what decks.
Sideboard out slots: 1 L. Elf, 1 lavamancer, 1 Galavanoth, 1 crush, 1 LQ Metal coating
vs Swarm, horde,token,goblin,etc decks:
Sideboard out, 1 Lanowar Elf, 1 Grim Lavamancer, 1 Galvanoth, 1 Crush, 1 LQ metal coating
Sideboard in 3 Roiling temblors, 2 ratchetbomb, 1 steel Hellkite
VS Wolf Run:
sideboard out same cards as above. Sideboard in: 4 tunnel ignus, and 2 surgical exdtractions
vs U/B, U/W control counterspell,control decks
sideboard out same as above. Sideboard in: 3 manaleaks, and 2 surgical extractions
Vs U/W solar flare, sun titan swords, control decks:
Saideboard out same as above, sideboard in: 2 manaleaks, 2 surgical extractions,1 ratchetbomb, 1 steel Hellkite
Vs agro infect decks; Sideboard out same as above. Sideboard in:3 rolling temblors, 2 ratchet bombs, 1 stell Hellkite
vs U/B, B/G, U/B/G control,proliferate control decks
sideboard out same as above, sideboard in: 2 manaleaks, 2 surgical extractions, 1 ratchetbomb 1 Hellkite
VS tempered steel artifact decks: sideboard out same as above, sideboard in: 2 ratchetbombs, 2 surgical extractions, 1 steel Hellkite, 1 manaleak
VS Skyrim R/U/G/W decks: sideboard out same as above, sideboard in: 2 manaleaks, 2 surgical extractions, 1 ratchetbomb, 1 steelhellkite
VS Grand Abolisher,snapcaster: sideboard out same as above, sideboard in, 3 manaleaks, 2 surgical extractions, 1 racthetbomb, 1 steel hellkite
December 12, 2011 5:28 a.m.
Thanks for putting in the time on the last comments appreciate it.
December 12, 2011 5:57 a.m.
Thinking of maybe converting the 2 Grim Lavamancers into 2 Invader Parasites.
What do you all think? would appreciate any arguments for or against putting in 2 Invader Parasites for the 2 Grim Lavamancers
I am slightly,barely leaning towards putting the Invader Parasites in.
Taking out the 2 Melt Terrains cost me 2 burn cards. And Invader Parasite does burn damage and could finish win games for me. And it would still get rid of a land, and its a land destroyer, burner, on a creature stick.
Altho Grim Lavamancer removes cards from the graveyard, that I dont want charmbreaker recalling, and burns foe, creatures,board controls,finishes games, protects vs milling,etc, the Invader Parasite might be better.
Another possibility is running 1 Grim Lavamancer, and 1 Invader Parasite
So what do you all think?
Please answer help
Its greatly appreciated.
And thanks for the help, comments
December 12, 2011 4:53 p.m.
I like it. I know this is standard but if you made it modern with Roiling Terrain I could see this deck having a lot of fun. +1
December 12, 2011 5:57 p.m.
I have a modern deck with almost the same name, that is very similar. Its listed on this deck hub as well. it has roilling Terrains, wreak havocs, Molten rains,etc. Its 4 times better then this deck.
You should take a look,and comment, +1 it, if you want.
I can't believe my modern version of this deck, isnt getting as many views,comments, and +1's.
I wish that Roiling Terrain, wreak havoc, Molten Rain, was legal in standard.
Thanks for your +1, and your comment
December 12, 2011 6:52 p.m.
Hey had a question on when you were mentioning the sideboards. On what you said to take out you had put 5 cards to take out and add 6 cards in any reason for this?
December 12, 2011 7:36 p.m.
1 or 2 sideboard out slots, should be generic depends on game,match,situation slots. Sideboarding out 3 to 5 card slots is doable in most decks, but 6,7 is harder and can cause the deck to not work. Thats why if going to sideboard out 5,7 cards, instead of 3 to 5, then better have a very good reason to, and should not arbitrarily take out a extra exact certain 6th,7th card, but should rather take out a 6th,7th card depending on the situation,game,match,etc.
In 1 game,match,situation, it might be ok to take out card A, as the 6th,7th card, but then be bad, and better to take out card B as the 6th,7th card out, in the next situation,game,match.
Sideboarding out 4,5 exact certain cards, vs certain decks, every time vs thbose decks, is the most my deck can handle, for the extra 1,2 cards out vs certain decks, I am going to have to do so depending on the situation,game,match,player, I am playing.
If I take out the same 6,7 exact certain,specific cards, every time I sideboard, my deck wont work as well.
Sideboarding out 4,5 same exact specific certain cards, is the most my deck can handle,not 6,7
December 12, 2011 7:59 p.m.
I might have wrote that wrong, I was saying on that comment you had made earlier concerning all the decks you our going against and what to side board. For each deck there's a side board of 6 cards to put into the deck, but to take out you had put 1 L. Elf, 1 lavamancer, 1 Galavanoth, 1 crush, 1 LQ Metal coating adding up to 5. So wanted to know if you were saying to pick and choose what 5 to add into the deck instead of all 6?? Sorry if i'm not getting this 1st time around.
December 12, 2011 10:20 p.m.
Also commenting on your decision to put in Invader Parasite I think is smart but only having one I think is not as effective. What about dropping galvonoth completely putting 2 Invader Parasite and keeping the 2 Grim Lavamancer ? galvonoth honestly never wins me the game when i've played, but let me hear your thoughts.
December 12, 2011 10:40 p.m.
Hey Mike what was your reasoning on putting Rolling Temblor instead of Slagstorm ??
December 12, 2011 10:47 p.m.
WhiteKnights says... #24
Hey Mike
I haven't checked your list for a while now but I have to say its really looking good.
December 12, 2011 11:35 p.m.
At H20polo: Sideboard: I meant to sideboard out cards 1,2,3,4,5, and sideboard out 1,2 cards, baed on situation,game,match,etc, then to sideboard in 5 to 7 cards, depending on whether sideboard out 5 cards, or sideboard out 5 cards, plus 1,2 other cards, that were sided out based on situation.
Galvanoth,Invader Parasite: Galvanoth in the right decks, and if used right is great. You get a 3/3 for 5 cmc, that lets you look at top card, then play that card for free.
Since my sorceries, instants mostly cost 3,4 mana, except for the crush's, I can play a 3,4 cmc LD card for free, then use the mana I would have spent, getting Hoard Dragon, Charmbreaker, Exarch, Parasite, acidic slime,etc out.
Also when I combo Galvanoth with either Hoard Dragon + LQ, or Galvanoth with Charmbreaker, then I can destroy 2 or 3 lands in a row, during the same turn, if I have 8 or more mana.
I use H dragon to destroy 1 or 2 lands, and then Galvoth to destroy 1 land for free, and then cast 1 ld card from my hand.. With charmbreaker, Galvanoth pumps charmbreaker up to +4 for free, while destroying something, then I get the card back because of charmbreaker, then cast it again, then cast another LD card from my deck, thus pumping up charmbreaker to 16/4, all for 8 mana, and because of galvanoth.
I did 67 points of damage with Galvanoth, charmbreaker 2 roiling Terrains, in my modern version of this deck, on turn 6. I galvanothed 1 Roil terrain for free, doing 14 damage, then charmbreakered it back,casted it again for 16 damage, then cast another Roil Terrain in my hand for 18 damage, then attacked with 16/4 charmbreaker, and 1 galvanoth.
As good as Invader parasite is being a 3/2 5 cmc exile 1 land, imprint, do 2 damage to foe for every imprinted land played by foe, it will probably not win game, unless vs mono decks, because foe plays non imprinted lands.
This is why only 1 in deck, only having 1 grim lavamancer, is not that bad. And having 1 invader parasite that can destroy a land like Acidic Slime, and that can prevent foe from playing imprinted lands, is good, and if play mono decks, can sideboard in 1 more Parasite for siding out 1 Galvanoth.
Also Brutal Exarch can get out Invader Parasite, or any other creature, that I would only have 1 of, whether thats Grim, Parasite, or Galvanoth.
mikedh1 says... #1
Changed,updated the Deck Breakdown, in the Deck Description.
Also I will finally have the entire deck, and sideboard with no temporary substitute cards, and no proxy's. A guy I know who works at a store said he either has cards I need: 2 Galvanoth's, 1 Copperline land, 1 tunnel ignus, 1 ratchet bomb, 3 surgical extractions, 3 rolling temblors, or he will find,get them for me. He almost always delivers on what he says he will,can do. So I will have the entire deck,sideboard either this FNM, or the very next one.
When I sideboard stuff in, I have the following sideboard out slots:
I will sideboard in 3 mana leaks and 3 Surgical extractions vs U/Q, U/B counterspell control decks
I will sideboard in 3 rolling Temblors . 2 Ratchet Bombs vs swarm,horde,token, goblin,elf decks
I will sideboard in 4 tunnel ignus's and either 2 mana leaks, or 2 surgical extractions vs Wolf Run, Valakut, mana ramp decks
I will sideboard in 3 surgical extractions, 3 mana leaks vs Solar flare Sun Titan Swords decks
I will sideboard in 2 mana Leaks, 2 surgical extractions, 2 ratchet bombs vs hexproof,shroud decks.
I will report on how the deck does. As long as nobody specifically builds a deck to beat this deck, and doesnt specifically sideboard vs this deck,(since I will probably be the only player playing this kind of LD deck, then nobody will probably sideboard vs it and risk being weaker vs all the other decks), and as long dont get very bad draws, and mulligans, and remulligans, and as long I dont play bad, make mistakes,etc, then I think this deck would,will probably finish top 3 to 6 at FNM's and Top 7 to 10 at city,semi regionals, and top 11 to 14 at states tourneys, and top 15 to 19 at Multi state regionals, and top 23 to 29 at nationals.
December 2, 2011 4:48 p.m.