LDragon Chan Garuk Karn Brutal Acid Vat Charmbreak

Modern* mikedh1


mikedh1 says... #1

Rolling Temblor vs Slagstorm in my sideboard. 1. I have 2 acidic Slimes, 2 Galvanoth's, and 2 Exarch's, that would be destroyed nby Slagstorm, but wouldnt be destroyed by Temblor.

  1. Most Swarm,blitz,speed,agro,goblin,token decks have 1/1's 2/2 that temblor will easily deal with. If Tempered steel out, I destroy it 1st, then temblor.

3.Temblor has flashback, Slagstorm doesnt

  1. On rare occasions, when temblor wont work, can use ratchetbomb,steel hellkite
  2. Slagstorm is more expensive, harder to find, heck it was hard enough as it wsa to get 3 temblors, let alone slagstorms.
  3. Slagstorm deals 3 damage to me, which could kill me in a down to the wire close game.
I might change my sideboard from 3 temblors, 2 ratchetbombs, 1 hellkite, to 2 temblors, 2 slagstorms, 1 ratchetbomb, 1 Hellkite
December 13, 2011 5:53 a.m.

h2opolo88 says... #2

Thanks man for making it clear for me, its why i ask haha. Also the idea for your fixed sideboard might not be a bad idea.

December 13, 2011 6:08 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #3

thanks whiteknight.

I am curious how your burning vengeance deck is doing.

thanks for the help you and others have given me.

I really think this deck has the POTENTIAL to be a top 3 to 6 deck at FNM's and top 6 to 9 at city tourneys, top 9 to 12 at semi regional tourneys, top 12 to 15 at states tourneys and top 15 to 18 at nationals.

Now I am not saying it will do that, only that the deck has that POTENTIAL. Also I am saying that the deck has that potential, not me.

lol, and to think that this deck came about and was started, because I want to beat those $500 to $700 tourney decks.And because not very many people are playing LD, and because a lot say LD sucks, and because I was told that doing LD in standard was either not possible or probable, an or not effective.

December 13, 2011 6:20 a.m.

h2opolo88 says... #4

Same reason for me haha

December 13, 2011 6:31 a.m.

h2opolo88 says... #5

Hey Mike im finding myself more times then not having to mulligan my first draw, out of not getting a L Elf or Birds. Do you find yourself in the same problem at all???

December 13, 2011 12:35 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #6

thats probably extremely bad luck. Over a 50 sample hand sample size the deck, didnt get a L elf or bird in opening draw, and didnt get 1 out turn 1, about 27% of the time.

Also if a manadude is not in opening draw, and doesnt get out turn 1, its not that bad, and dont need to mulligan. Whether to mulligan depends on things.

If I have 3,4 lands, and 1 of them is either a forest, Crag, Copperline, and if I also have a beast within, and or bramblecrush, and or tectonic, an or LQ + crush, and no mana dudes I am not mulliganing.

If you dont get a mana dude in opening 7 card draw, or if do get 1, but cant play it turn 1. Then turn 2, you will probably be able to play a mana dude about 73% of the time.

and even if dont get a manadude out turns 1,2, you can use beast within, an or LQ + crush turn 3. So its rare for the deck to fail to destroy land by,on turn 2,3, and instead not destroy land until turns 4,5, thats rare.

Now if I dont have 2 to 4 lands, and all green cards, and all mountains, and no playable LD cards, that can be played soon, and no mana dudes,combined with not having 2 to 4 mix of forest,mountains, combolands, then I would mulligan

while this deck does cause you to somewhat semi agressively occasionally mulligan somewhat semi agressively, dont go overboard and mulligan to often just because you either dont have any mana dudes, or if you do,cant play them 1st turn, because you have 2 root crags, an 1,2 mountains, lands.

December 13, 2011 5:05 p.m.

yyuyyy says... #7


is this not your deck?

December 13, 2011 6:51 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #8

Both decks are my decks. That deck link you posted is the modern format version of this deck, that I made. I have a standard format, and a modern format version of this deck build.

Both decks are very similar, but different as well, because Modern format has some cards in Roiling Terrain, Wreak Havoc, Molten rain that are not legal in standard(wish they were, if they were,my modern version of this deck would own standard)

Also I just used the extremely similar name, because I figured that people would see the legacy,modern, by mikedh1 tags next to the deck, and figure that it was the modern format version of this deck build, and that both decks were made by me, and are both my decks.

I didnt think doing so would confuse anyone, sorry for the confusion, and hope this helps explain,clear up any confusion

December 13, 2011 9:07 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #9

CHANGES: Put in 2 Grand Abolishers into sideboard to combine with 2 manaleaks, 2 surgical extractions to shut down blue, counterspell, control decks.

took out 1 mountain, 1 forest, 2 L elves, added 1 clifftop, and 1 sunpetal, 2 pilgrims, to both add enough white mana to sideboard Grand Abolisher in, and cast it, and to prevent all my mana dudes from getting surgically extracted, by surgical extraction

December 13, 2011 11:23 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #10

Changes: cut 1 inkmoth, and added 1 copperline, so now only 3 colorless lands, instead of 4 like before, and 3 copperlines. This should help a little tiny bit with getting out Manadudes even more often on turns 1,2, and with destroying lands on turns 2,3 even more often.

December 14, 2011 1:49 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #11

I am thinking of converting 1 Grim Lavamancer, and 1 Galvanoth for 2 mimic vats.

It would protect my creatures from dismember, and Mimic Vat + Invader Parasite, an or Brutal Exarch, an or Acidic Slime, an or Hoard Dragon, an or Charmbreaker, an or Galvanoth, would be pretty sick good, And it would be great against counterspell control decks. Also think about Vating a foe's Sun Titan, or Prime Titan, or Frost Titan

now on the bad side, I would have no Grim Lavamancers, and 1 less burn card, have 3 burn cards, instead of 4, and only have 1 Galvanoth(altho that might not be a bad thing, because can use Brutal Exarch to fetch Galvanoth.

So what do ya all think? I am leaning towards adding the mimic vats, but I would be interested in hearing both arguments for both for and against adding mimic vat.

Also what would ya all take out to add 2 mimic vats?

Your help would,is appreciated, so thanks for any help

December 14, 2011 8:22 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #12

Deck just hit 60 views!!, and 1000 views Milestone!!, and will probably be +1 up to a rank of 10 soon!!

Thanks for all the views, comments, help, +1's!!

Mike DH

December 14, 2011 10:57 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #13

Trying to find room for 2 plunges, and 2 geosurges.

turn 1 drop land, drop mana dude, sac mana dude, get 3 red, drop LQ metal coating, tap LQ, crush destroy a land on turn 1.

an or:

Turn 1 drop land, drop mana dude, if able. Turn 2. drop mana dude, if didnt do so on turn 1, sac mana dude, drop plung, get 3 red, tap 1 red mana, to go with 3 red from plunge, to drop,get 7 red mana, to drop,use, get out Charmbreaker, or Hoard Dragon on turn 2.

Thinking of taking out 1 mana dude, 1 LQ, 1 crush + 1 Tectonic Rift, or 1 invader parasite, or 1 Galvanoth


take out the 2 mimic vats, and either 1 crush, 1 LQ, or 1 Galvanoth, and 1 Parasite, or 1 crush, an either 1 galvanoth, an 1 parasite.

Both ways have their pro's and cons.

If I take out 1 manadude, 1 crush, 1 LQ, and either 1 tectonic, or galvanoth, 1 parasite, then I might not have enough manadudes, going from 8 down to 7 manadudes. And I would go from 21 ld cards, down to 19,20, and 3 lQ's and 3 crushes, might also might not be enough

I would like to try and find a way for 2 plunges, and 2 geosurges, without messing up the deck, and without taking out mimic vat.

If can find a way to put both 2 plunges, and 2 geosurges, in without messing up the deck, and without taking out the mimic vats, then that would make this deck a top 2 to 4 deck in FNM, and a top 4 to 6 deck in city tourneys, and a top 6 to 8 deck in semi regional tourneys, and a top 8 to 10 deck in states tourneys, and a top 10 to 12 deck in nationals tourneys

So please help, comment about how to do this if possible.

Thanks for any comments,help on how to do this.

Mike DH

December 15, 2011 1:55 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #14

Another Possible way would be to take out 1 galvanoth, 1 crush, 1 LQ, and add 1 land slot, and 1 slot to add 2 plunges, 2 Geosurges, thus making the deck, 64 cards,23 lands, .359% land,mana ratio percentage, 20 LD cards. And if I didnt get out LQ metal coating, I would still have 15 non LQ combo based reg,normal LD cards, to destroy lands,

That might actually work

Or I could got with taking out 1 galvanoth, 1 LQ, 1 crush, and add 2 Plunges, and 1 Geosurge, and stay at 62 cards, 22 lands. that might work also.

So please help.

and thanks for any help on this

December 15, 2011 2:20 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #15

Ok it was hard, but I found a way to make put in the 2 memnites, + 2 infernal plunges, + 2 Geosurges, combo.

Changes: took out: 1 Galvanoth, 1 Pilgrim mana dude. 1 crush, 1 LQ Metal coating, 1 Tectonic Rift.

Added 1 lsnd slot, 1 card slot to goto 64 cards, 23 lands(.359% lands,mana), 2 memnites, 2 infernal plunges, 2 Geosurges

With the 2 plunges, and 2 Geosurges for extra mana ramping, losing 1 manadude, to go from 8, to 7,isnt that bad, and a mana dude only doesnt come out by turns 1,2,3 29 to 33% of the time.

Going from 20,21 LD cards, down to 19 was also a concern, but it still seems to be enough LD cards, even if it were, was, is only barely enough. Cant go any lower then 19 LD cards

Going down to 3 LQ Metal coatings from 4, was also a concern, but I think, and it seems that having only 3 LQ's and 14 non LQ combo nbased, reg, normal LD cards, is enough, even if it were,was,is, barely enough

Also going to 64 cards, and 23 lands was a concern, but the .359% land mana ratio percentage, is so perfect, and the extra mana ramping in plunge, georgesurge, help makes up for having 1 less mana dude. And everything else seems to still come out almost the same as with 62,22 cards.

So it seems, and I think, the tradeoff and risk of the changes I made, is worth the benefits,

After all the deck can now destroy land on turn 1, and cast out a Hoard Dragon, Charmbreaker turn 1 as well. And can still destroy land turn 2, the way it did before, plus new ways.

And can lock the game up by turn 3. by casting out Hoard dragon turn 1. casting out a manadude and a LQ metal coating turn 2. And then start destroying anything,everything, and attacking on turn 3.

Also might have to mulligan a little tiny bit,barely,slightly more often.

Please see the changes, and the DECK BREAKDOWN, in the DECK DESCRIPTION at the top.

December 15, 2011 8:16 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #16

Changed deck name Geo D in name is used because Geo means earth or land, and is the abrreviated truncated shortened name of Geosurge, 2 of which are in my deck, and combos great with the 2 infernal Plunges, which is abreviated,truncated,shortened, to plunge, and is also used in deck name in "plunge Vat" which means to jump into the vat.

So the deck name Liqi Metal Geo D ragon Plunge Vat Charmbreak, is appropiate nbecause it means that there is a H dragon(hoard dragon, and charmbreaker, Land D ing by plunging into Vat, and that it is funny, charmbreaking

December 15, 2011 9:27 a.m.

h2opolo88 says... #17

Hey Mike question in your description of how the deck works you say on turn 1 you can cast geosurge. How is this done?? Doesn't it cost 4 mana to play?

December 15, 2011 1:43 p.m.

Gravestone says... #18

Hi Mike, I've been playing this deck with some variations that I see you adding in now, and wanted your opinion on the Ghost Quarter & Tunnel Ignus combo? I've found them playing together very nicely. Also, is there a specific reason you wouldnt just remove the Inkmoth Nexus and just MB Ghost Quarter instead? Loving the deck idea though. I was craving some standard and functional LD

December 15, 2011 2:09 p.m.

Gravestone says... #19

h2o I see that too. you play a land, Memnite , then Infernal Plunge the creature on turn one to generate 3 red mana but Geosurge is 4 red so where does the final mana come from mike?

December 15, 2011 2:14 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #20

Hi Gravestone thanks for the comment, help in answering H20's question, and for your question, and for the +1, and for the compliment.

Ghost Quarter and Tunnel Ignus, and invader Parasite play very well vs Wolf Run Ramp. Nothing is more frustrating for a LD deck, then to destroy a land, then see the Wolf Run deck replace it with 20 more(exxageration)

Ghost Quarter, and Tunnel Ignus and Invader Parasite, and Surgical Extraction, all totally shut Wolf Run down, and why they are sideboarded. As to why I dont mainboard or sideboard Ghost Quarter, I just LD kessig Wolf Run,Inkmoth with my 19 LD cards, and no room in sideboard, or would put Ghost quarter in as 16th card, if could have 16 in sideboard.

And as to why I didnt take out 1 inkmoth for 1 ghost quarter, my thought at the time, was that I didnt want to ruin my 2 kessig's + 2 inkmoths alternate win cons. But since then my thought about having 4 colorless lands has changed. I took out 1 inkmoth to go with 3 colorless lands, because I and others noticed over a very large sample size, that 4 colorless lands, was interfering with getting manadudes out, and destroying lands, turns 2,3. Now that I down to 7 mana dudes, from 8, its even more important that I dont have more then 3 colorless lands. And I am keeping the kessig,inkmoth alt win con combo in.

The Memnite + Plunge + Geosurge combo: Sorry for the mistake. I forgot didnt realize that you tap the red mana you need to go with the 3 mana to do the combo turn 1. So my bad. I will change the combo to turn 2, instead of turn 1.

There is still a way to do the combo on turn 1 tho. just need 2 mox opals,l but they are very expensive, and not sure if they are even still standard legal(it was legal in standard in the zendikar block), and probably wouldnt be able to fit in 2 mox opals, and a 4 card combo like that probably wouldnt come out on turn 1 almost all the time.

But it works like this: turn 1 drop mountain or land,drop opal(which has a 0 cost) memnite, sac memnite, plunge, use the 3 red mana from plunge, and 1 red mana from mox opal, to cast geosurge, then cast Hoard Dragon.

December 15, 2011 3:17 p.m.

Gravestone says... #21

I see. I totally missed the Kessig's + Inkmoths combo. Brilliant alternate win con. But even now, turn 1 can drop mountain and mana dude with memnite, turn 2 another land drop and memnite if you didnt get it turn one, burn the creature with infernal and cast dragon via geo, from there if you keep tempo on the LD you're good to go. Love it. Thank you for the response mike

December 15, 2011 3:27 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #22

I am glad to respond to yours and others helpful, constructive comments and questions.

because of your comment, I noticed the mistake I made in the deck breakdown description, and corrected the problem.

So the deck breakdown description, should be fine now.

thanks for the comments,help,questions, +1,etc


December 15, 2011 4:07 p.m.

h2opolo88 says... #23

Hey Mike Have you ever thought about using Mental Misstep instead of manaleak?

December 15, 2011 6:39 p.m.

h2opolo88 says... #24

Btw I believe Mimic Vat will make this deck work so much better great idea on putting it in. If you can could you re put how to sideboard against what again like you did last time. Just now with the recent changes. As far as what you would take out and what not. thanks sir appreciate it.

December 15, 2011 7:17 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #25

Sideboarding in,out

Sideboard out: 1 Lanoear elf, 1 Memnite, 1 Geosurge, 1 infernal plunge, as 4 sideboard out slots.

Sideboardinbg in:

Vs Wolf Run: 1 Parasite, 2 tunnel ignus, 2 surgical extractions

VS Swarm, Horde,Token,Goblin, etc: 2 Temblors, 1 temblor, 1 slagstorm, 1 ratchet bomb, 1 Hellkite, 1 surgical extraction.

VS UB/UW counterspell control: 2 manaleaks, 2 Grand Abolishers, 2 surgical extractions.

VS RUGW Skyrim:1 mana leak, 2 abolisher,1 surgical extraction,

December 15, 2011 11:50 p.m.

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