LDragon Chan Garuk Karn Brutal Acid Vat Charmbreak

Modern* mikedh1


mikedh1 says... #1

Mental Mistep is cheaper, but only good against 1 mana cost cards, like dismember, surgical extraction, etc, Mana Leak is more versatile, and can be used to counter almost everything,anything, and only cost 1 blue, 1 colorless.

Mental Mistep uses 1 blue, or 2 life, which would seem to be better, but again it only counters 1 mana cost cards, so less versatile then mana lkeak is.

I have 4 birds, so getting 1 blue, and 1 colorless is easy. There might a rare game when I will not have the blue mana to cast mana leak, but the benefits of mana leak, far outweigh the risk. Running mental mistep is less risk, but less benefit.

It all comes down do: would you rather have more benefit at extremely low risk in mana leak, or do you want less benefit at no risk, in mental mistep? I would much rather have the higher benefit at extremely low risk in mana leak, which is why I sideboard mana leak over mental mistep.Another reason, is that Mistep doesnt deal with blue counters, manaleak does.

I play a LD card, and have 2 mana left over, 1 blue, 1 something else, other player mana leak's, or dissipates my LD card. In response I mana leak their mana leak,or dissipate and my LD card still goes off.

I cant do that with Mental Mistep.

December 16, 2011 3:33 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #2

Changes: I Converted 1 invader Parasite into 1 Melt Terrain. I chose Melt Terrain over Tectonic, because I want to stay at 3 burn cards, instead of just 2.

I took out Invader Parasite, and moved it over to the sideboard, because altho its still real good, I just wasnt using Brutal Exarch to search for Invader Parasite. And Parasite at 3 colorless, 2 red, was making it so that I sometimes got stuck with 1 Exarch, 1 Acid Slime, and 1 Invader Parasite, either all in my opening hand, or draw them, in 1st 2,3 turns, when I had no LQ+ crush's, no geosurges, plunges, an no 3,4 cmc LD cards.

This made it so that I couldnt destroy land, until turn 4, when this did happen.

so by changing the invader parasite to a Melt Terrain, I retain 1 burn card, I reduce the number of 5,6 cmc LD creatures down to 4, from 5, thus helping the draw, and now have 10 3,4 cmc LD cards, instead of just 9, like before, thus helping my 3 ,4 cmc LD card draw better to be better able to destroy land on turns 2,3.

The Invader Parasite will be a better,great fit in my sideboard, where I can sideboard them in, vs mono decks, and along with tunnel ignus, vs Wolf Run, and high mana ramp decks

December 16, 2011 5:14 a.m.

Black_Ice says... #3

Why not Perilous Myr ? +2 for the deck,-1 for the name of the deck... :P

December 16, 2011 8:10 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #4

The reason why not a myr, is that:

  1. I dont see how that fits in the deck over the other stuff in deck. 2. The 2 memnites are in the deck, to:

a.Destroy a land on turn 1 if: 1 memnite, 1 LQ Metal Coating, 1 crush, 1 infernal plunge, 1 red mana land, are in opening hand, and then drop 1 red mana land, drop memnite, sac memnite, drop infernal plunge, drop LQ metal coating, drop crush, destroy foe's land on turn 1.

b. to help destroy land, and or drop a hoard dragon,or charmbreaker, on turn 2 without having to sac a mana dude, and slow down my mana ramp.

c. Help to either destroy a land, or drop a Hoard Dragon, or a charmbreaker, on turn 3.

The problem with point A. above, is that scenario isnt going to happen that often, maybe 13 to 15% of the time, at best.

But points B. and C. will happen somewhat a lot more often.

Maybe you could explain why this would go in my deck, and what would I take out and why to take out, to stick the myr in.

whats wrong with the name? I chose the name LiqiMtalGeo D ragon Plunge Acid Vat charmbreak, because:

Geo means earth,land, and reps the Geosurge that helps Hoard Dragon get out. So Geo dragon means land dragon, which reps Hoard dragon being a land dragon that destroys land.

Plunge reps Infernal plunge, And Acid reps Acid Slime, and means that Hoard Dragon, and charmbreaker, and Acid Slime are going to take a plunge into Acid Vat, which reps mimic vat and what used for.

And charmbreak reps charmbreaker, and it means that Geosurge land hoard dragon, and charmbreaker and acid slime, taking a infernal plunge into Acid Vat to destroy stuff, is both semi funny, and charmbreaking.

So now that I have explained the name, does that make sense? and if you dont like the name, what would you name the deck to btter follow the deck name idea I had?

Anyways thanks for your comment, and the +1

December 16, 2011 8:51 a.m.

Black_Ice says... #5

Thank you for your leson.

December 16, 2011 12:17 p.m.

h2opolo88 says... #6

Hey Mike now that you took out Galvanoth would putting 3 slag storms in the side be a better choice, now that you don't have to worry about him dying. I like it because it a burn card if you want it to be or 3 dmg which would kill any beast within tokens you have on the opponents side also tempered steel artifacts if you can destroy it for what ever reason. Idk think about it, charm breaker the dragon would still live thought it. It doesn't have flashback but I don't think youd ever use it, 6 mana is a lot and I'd rather spend it on playing a creature or wolf run etc. but let me know what you think :)


December 16, 2011 2:17 p.m.

h2opolo88 says... #7

Oh adding on to last comment, beig able to do damage to flyers is a nice benefit as well.

December 16, 2011 2:19 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #8

Good points H2o. I changed sideboard to 2 slagstorms, and 1 Temblor and 1 Invader Parasite, and 3 Tunnel Ignus's.

I am still keeping 1 temblor in, for those rare times when I wouldnt want to have my Brutal Exarch die, like when I dont have a mimic vat out.

So thanks for pointing out your point to me.

December 16, 2011 4:54 p.m.

h2opolo88 says... #9

Hey not a problem just putting in my 2 cents glad I could help.

December 16, 2011 5:07 p.m.

h2opolo88 says... #10

What do you think about putting nihil spellbomb in the sideboard just for better protection against solar flare.

December 17, 2011 7:42 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #11

I have been busy,sick,so I havent been able to respond to comments until now.

H2o I could take 1 Invader Parasite out and put in 1 nihil spellbomb, I can only put in 1 because I need everything else thats in the sideboard.

Also 1 spellbomb isnt going to be good. Also any good solar flare deck player is going to either have enough counterspells, or save a counterpell to counter spellbomb.

Also with manaleaks, and Grand abolisher, and surgical extraction, I can just destroy land with less of a chance of being countered,stopped, and without land, solar flare cant do its Graveyard thing.

December 18, 2011 8:32 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #12

Changes: I have noticed that I almost never ever destroy a land on turn 1, because I almosy never ever get LQ metal coat + crush + infernal plunge + memnite in my opening hand.

So I am going to turn the 2 memnites into 1 crush and 1 LQ metal coat. And with 4 crushes, and 4 LQ metal coats,instead of 3 each like before, and with 4 beast withins, 2 infernal plunges, 7 mana dudes, I will have about 10 to 12+ chances to destroy land on turn 2.

Also I am turning the 1 melt Terrain into 1 acidic slime. Infernal Plunge can make it so that acid slime can still get out destroy a land turn 2, and having 3, instead of 2 will work better with the 4 LQ metal coats, and 2 mimic vats.

Also these changes will give me 20 LD cards, instead of 19. 19 LD cards, isnt enough. with 19, instead of 20, they dont get drawn enough.

December 18, 2011 9:37 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #13

Changes: I am going to turn 1 geosurge into 1 Melt Terrain, and take out the other 1 geosurge, and take out 1 land, to take the deck back down to 62 cards, 22 lands.

The infernal plunge, geosurge combo to cast out a Hoard Dragon, Charmbreaker turn 2, just wasnt happening enough. This is because need to have a manadude in play, and with 2 infernal plunges and geosurges in deck, and 1 of each in hand, all on,by turn 2, which just wasnt happening enough.

By making these changes, with 62 cards, instead of 64, the 7 manadudes will come out faster, more often, better. And altho wont be able to cast out the hoard dragon, and charmbreaker on turn 2 anymore, they can still be cast out on turn 3, by using manadudes, and infernal plunge.

Also infernal Plunge can still be used to destroy land on turn 2. So now can use LQ + crush, beast within, an infernal plunge + Melt, tectonic, bramblecrush, acidic slime, to destroy land on turn 2.

And by adding 1 Melt Terrain, I will have 1 more burn card, 15 non LQ combo based, reg,normal LD card, instead of 14,like before, and 21 LD cards, instead of 20 like before, and a split of 10 3,4 cmc LD cards, and 3 5 cmc 5 ld cards, and 2 6 cmc ld cards, instead of the 9 3,4 cmc ld cards, like before. And I will have 1 extra instant,sorcery for charmbreaker.

December 19, 2011 12:17 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #14

Change: just added 1 more Nihil Spell bomb to sideboard. I can do that because I added 1 Invader Parasite. Parasite like tunnel ignus,will shut down wolf run. I need 3 cards to shut down wolf run, either 3 tunnel ignus's, or 1 invader parasite, and 2 tunnel ignus's. by main decking parasite, I was then able to take out 1 of 3 tunnel ignus's and add 1 more nihil spellbomb to sideboard. So now I have 2 tunnel ignus's and 2 nhil spellbombs in sideboard, and 2 tunnel ignus's and 1 parasite, between main deck and sideboard to deal with Wolf Run

I turned 1 melt terrain, into 1 invader parasite, because the reason why 9 non LQ combo based,reg, normal, 3,4 cmc LD cards, was not enough, was because had only 3 LQ's and 3 crush's. Now with 4 LQ's and 4 crush's 9 3,4 cmc LD cards, should be enough

December 19, 2011 2:01 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #15

Changes: Changed Deck name and turned 1 Acidic Slime into 1 tectonic Rift

December 19, 2011 3:36 a.m.

mikedh1 says... #16

Changes: turned 1 Tectonic Rift into 1 mimic vat. Added 1 slot, from 62 cards,22 lands, to 64 cards,23 lands. Added 1 infernal plunge.

So now have 3 mimic vats, and 3 infernal plunges, and 3 tectonics, and 20 LD cards, 9 instant, sorcery, non LQ combo based 3,4 cmc LD cards, and 5 creature, 5,6,cmc, non LQ combo based,LD cards, and 14 total, non LQ combo based, reg,LD cards, and 4 crush's, 2 Hoard dragons, LD cards, 2 acid slimes,1 invader parasite.

Sideboard Out Slots Order,Ranking,Priority: 1 = least important to deck, most important to sideboard out, when sideboard stuff in: 7 = Most important to deck, least important to sideboard out, when sideboard stuff in:

1.Infernal Plunge. 2. lanowar elf. 3. Mimic vat. 4. LQ metal Coat. 5.Crush. 6.Optional:tectonic rift. 7.Optional:invader parasite


December 19, 2011 10:43 a.m.

h2opolo88 says... #17

Hey Mike thanks for getting back man sorry about the sickness. But anyways have some ideas and also comments for you. First off great idea on taking out the memnites I noticed I wasn't drawing that combo either. And love the extra mimic vat, something someone commented on to possibly put in the deck to try out was Viridian Emissary just with mimic vat and also now infernal plunge could possibly be a nice combo to get mana quickly also a short term blocker in the early game and you could add a plain to the deck to search for and put in if need be. . But let me know your thoughts on that. Also what do you think of dropping 1 liquid metal? Sometimes I feel like I get over flooded with them if I have 4 idk maybe replace it with a burn card or something like that. Look forward to the reply.

December 19, 2011 2:52 p.m.

h2opolo88 says... #18

Oh forgot one more thing, I know we talked about it earlier but now with the newly added infernal plunge I think it can be a contender again because you could still destroy a land turn 2. And that is with replacing crush with ancient grudge. Not only to guarantee you a land destroy back to back and be able to play it turn 2. But just give you the option if you really need to destroy sone thing other then a land because it's a threat you could us it to kill a creature with liquid metal. Tell me your thoughts.

December 19, 2011 3:17 p.m.

h2opolo88 says... #19

Also being able to destroy a creature with ancient grudge could set off mimic vat if you'd like to imprint something epic.

December 19, 2011 3:30 p.m.

Black_Ice says... #20

h2opolo88 and gravestone are courious players... They joined in tappedout just to coment your deck

December 19, 2011 4:18 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #21

@Black Ice: Maybe they either just newly joined, or have been lurkers, not commenting much, until they saw my Land destruction deck, and thought it was one of the best of the land destruction decks, that dont get posted as often as non land destruction decks, and that it was something they wanted to play,try out, comment on.

Also as I have shown. I welcome good comments. I read,listen to,think about,digest players comments,and either then use it, or explain my thought process,on why I either use or dont use the advice comment, That then gives the commenter the chance to rebuttal my thought process, thru logic,convincing,persuading, to change my mind on using the advice. And if I still dont use the advice, then the commenter should know by this process that their input is valued.

This might also be why they comment a lot on my deck. Maybe they have not had their comments valued, at other similar sites, and at this site. Or maybe they get locked into the mindset,focus, on 1 persons deck for a while,long time, until someone says what you said.

That said, @H2o your more then welcome to keep on commenting here. Just when you comment can you please try to instead of posting 3 to 5 short paragraph comments to make 2,3 points, instead please try to combine your 3 to 5 post, into 2 post,etc, so that you dont inflate the comment count.

I think black ice made his comment, because he thinks that you are someone that I know, on this site, that is artificially inflating my comments,views,+1's etc. Of course thats not true.

But you are accidentally inflating the comment count, and part of the way, that players decide if a deck is worth looking at, viewing, is the how mnany comments it has gotten.

That said I dont want you to stop commenting, just please combine comments.

December 19, 2011 8:26 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #22

I dont wont use Viridian Emmisaries in this deck. Emmissary cost 2 mana, and have to be blocked, killed, and can take little bit of time,turns, to get mana from them, time,turns I cant afford to wait.

Also Manadudes, like Birds, lanowar elf, Pilgrim, cost 1 green, and are available the next turn. That means I can drop 1 turn 1, and can use it turn 2,3,4,5,6, etc, as long as it stays out there.

Emmissary wont come out turn 1, wont be able to be used turn 2, until turn 3, likely wont be killed until turn 3, at earliest, will interefere with my turn 2,3 land destroy, turn 3,4 hoard dragon, charmbreaker drops, because I would have to take out 2,3 of my 7 manadudes, for 2,3 Emmissaries, and 4 birds, or 4 birds 1 pilgrim, 4,5 manadudes, which would be most definately not enough to make my turn 2 land destruct, turn 3,4 hoard dragon, charmbreaker drops, work.

Ancient Grudge: Good call H2o, your right that with the 3 infernal plunges, I can now afford to swap out 2 of my 4 crushes, for 2 ancient Grudges, and 2 crushes.

December 19, 2011 9:07 p.m.

h2opolo88 says... #23

Hey Mike sorry about the exceeded responses I will condense to 1 at most two comments at most. Or at least try to make sure I say all I need to before I post a comment so I have no need to post another. Anyways had another idea to pass at you. I've been play testing out with 61 cards instead of 64 seeing how well it plays so far it's seems fitting but thought I'd ask what your thoughts were. I dropped a beast within, 1 forest, and 1 mountain. I know technically it's 21 but I count the birds and Lan elf as a 1/2 a mana which would put me at 24 and then with infernal plunge it just helps me out that much more. Let me know your thoughts looking forward to them.


December 21, 2011 5:23 p.m.

mikedh1 says... #24

If it was possible to go with 61/62 cards, and 22 lands, withyout messing up the deck, then it would be ok to do so.

The problem with going from 64 cards, 23 lands to 61/62, 22lands, and even more especially with what your doing, is the deck breakdown make up:

The deck breakdown make up components, are 1. LD cards:(20): a. non LQ based: 14 LQ based: 6.

  1. Creature destroyers: 12 3. Mana rampers/manadudes: 10
  2. artifact,enchantment,planewalker destruction: 16 5. Win Con, combo, misc cards
Anything less then 20 LD cards, like 17,18,19LD cards, will probably not work.

taking out 1 creature destroyer is borderline on whether work or not.

taking out 1 of 16 noncreature permanent destroyers, might work, IF the card is not or cant be used as a LD card.

Taking out 1 mana ramp card like a Infernal plunge borderline owrk,not work. Same with misc card like 1 mimic vat.

This doesnt leave much,if any room for taking anything out.

If I absolutely had to take anything out, it would be 1 mimic vat, and 1 infernal plunge and 1 land to run a 61 card, 22 land deck.

The problem with that though, is that the mimic vat + LQ + Acidic Slime win con woulnt come out as often, with only 2 vats, instead of 3. And with 2 infernal plunges, instead of 3, hoard dragon, charmbreaker, isnt going to come out turn 3,4 as often, and acidic slime, and other 4,5 cmc ld cards, wont come out turn 2,3 as often.

The problem with what you took out is that Beast Within is a LD card, that can destroy land on TURN 2, and can destroy ANYTHING(like creatures, planewalkers,etc) for 3 cmc, and is used to vat stuff.

Also 21 lands in a 61 card deck is not enough(the exception being my mono red kuldotha rebirth, kilne fiend, chandra Spitfire, goblin, burn deck, whose cards average 1.55 cmc)

So either go with the deck as is, or if you want or have to take it down to 61 cards, take out 1 vat, 1 infernal plunge, 1 land.

Sometimes decks work just fine with 62/64 cards, and 22/23 lands, instead of 60/61 cards, 20,21,22 lkands.

This deck is 1 of those decks.

December 27, 2011 1:14 a.m.

Gravestone says... #25

Hey @Black_Ice I actually like to browse around and look for new and interesting ideas for decks, and since I don't care to register on several dozen websites when I can see the content for free, I don't. When I came across this deck by searching around for LD themed builds, I had questions, and since I had to register to ask them, I did. What I don't see is how your comment about our registration dates assisted with anyone's understanding of this deck or contributed to it. If you're worried about the deck's rating being shilled I'd think a private message would be the best way to initiate contact.

The fact that mikedh1 takes the time to explain his suggestions and decisions, even with a little tiny bit of engrish, intelligently and understandably contributed to my desire to ask as well. I've enjoyed coming back to see the changes being made and what other people are suggesting as well. So in reality, mikedh1 caused this site to get a couple of new registered members just by creating a cool deck idea and Google as well for indexing it and putting it in search results.

mikedh1, I've been playing more and more with this deck and look forward to trying out the changes that you've made. I'm glad to see Ancient Grudge making it in as I felt it was terrible we had to leave it out before. I've found my opponents less likely to worry about mana leaking my LD on our second matches once they see the creatures that come out. Quite fun to watch them try and decide which is the bigger threat at the moment :) Also, I played this deck in a 2HG game with my partner playing a black creature kill build and it synergized fantastically. I'll keep checking in here and there! Keep it up.

December 27, 2011 2:40 p.m.

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