LDragon Chan Garuk Karn Brutal Acid Vat Charmbreak
1-2, 2-1, 1-2, 2-0, 2-0 at a 15 to 30 man FNM
Match 1: 1-2
Game 1: got birds vapor snagged first 3 turns in a row, othwerwise I would have probably won.
game 2: Won easily
game 3. just barely lost to opponent top deck flipping his 4 delvor of secrets after I recovered from a semi bad draw.
Match 2: 2-1: had a bad draw game 2, or I would have won 2-0 instead. Opening hand was good, but got semi mana flooded, and cards, unneeded, unwanted at the time.
Match 3:1-2.
game 1: won neasily.
game 2: very bad draw. Had great opening hand with 2 birds, 2 mountains, 2 LD cards, 1 charmbreaker,Hoard dragon. Just needed 1 green mana land, but none came out until turn 5, which was to late by then.
game 3: just barely lost. had control with charmbreaker, hoard dragon, LQ metal coating, acidic Slime, mimic vat. Opponent top decked the same card back to back, that made his creatures only blockable by Humans, otherwise I would have won.
Match 4: won 2-0
Match 5: won 2-0
finished 5th to 7th place, with 9 points, 3 points per match won.
What I learned: I might need 1,2 cards that would allow me to draw. Getting tired of bad draws costing me. I did mulligan 2 times during the tourney. And most of the time I had good opening hands.
It was probably bad luck on the bad draws. So a 1,2 draw card(s) cards might or might not be wanted, or needed, and I dont see how I would fit 1,2 draw card, cards, into my deck.
So any ideas on a draw card(s) card, and on how I could fit such a card into my deck?
Thanks for taking the time to view my deck, read this report, +1's, help,etc.
December 31, 2011 1:08 p.m.
Could you see replacing both Brutalizer Exarch with an extra Charmbreaker Devils and Hoard-Smelter Dragon ? Just a thought. I know he works well with Mimic Vat its just unfortunate the card is put on top of your library instead of in your hand costing you another turn. Or possibly just putting another Charmbreaker Devils and the other extra you could throw somewhere that you think would be wise. Your thoughts, also congrats on FNM!!
December 31, 2011 1:44 p.m.
Even tho Brutal Exarch puts the searched up creature, on top of library, costing you a draw,having that happen is not that bad.
Now if you dont have great 4 cmc to 7 cmc creatures to search up, then it wouldnt be as useful.
But in this deck Brutal exarch is wonderful. I can ramp it out turns 3,4,5, and either remove a land, planeswalker, artifact, enchantment, or I can search up a acidic slime, invader parasite, hoard dragon, Charmbreaker.
I can also vat Brutal exarch. and a vatted Brutal exarch can save you.by making it so that you remove land, permanents for 3 mana, or search up a creature for 3 mana.
I dont care about the creature going on top of my library, and losing my draw, when I am going to draw the creature that is either likely to save me, or win me the game.
Example in 1 of the matches I won 2-0, I was up against a mono black infect deck. I had the game locked down, until he top decked back to back dismembers, and dismembered my hoard dragon, and charmbreaker. I then drew and put out a mimic vat next turn, and then next 2,3 turns got lands, bad cards. Then opponent play 2 Phyrexian crusaders, and 2 plague stingers, and 1 great equipment. I was in danger of losing, until I drew a brutal exarch. So I played Brutal exarch. then flashback devils play to vat Brutal exarch, then searched up a charmbreaker, then used charmbreaker to get beast within back then paid 3 to beast his crusader, then paid 3 to vat a exarch search up,play a hoard dragon.Then I drew and played a LQ metal coating. then I paid 3 to vat exarch search up,play a acidic slime. Then I got beast within back from charmbreaker, then I beasted his other crusader, then I used hoard dragon, and LQ to destroy his 2 of his 3 plague stingers. Then he finally had no creatures left, and I swung for 13 and won with having taken 9 infect.
Without the brutal Exarch, I would have lost game 2, and I may have lost a game 3, and lost a match, if I had lost game 2. Also if take out the 2 Brutal exarch's I would only have 19,20 LD cards, and 13 non LQ metal coat based, reg,normal LD cards, instead of 15 of them with the brutal exarchs. Also if I take out the Brutal exarchs, I might as well take out the vats, because hoard dragon, and charmbreaker arent really worth vatting, and so I would only have 2,3 creatures worth vatting if I took out the Exarch's.
Thanks for the congratz, but I finished 5th to 7th, where the top 4 win a prize, so I won nothing.
December 31, 2011 2:43 p.m.
Thinking of converting 1 mimic vat into 1 garruk primal hunter for draw ability, 3/3 chump blockers/beat stickers, and alternate -6 win con.
The lack of drawing ability, and bad draws is costing me, so this card might fix the problem.
Not sure if this change should be made, and the card is expensive, so dont know if I will be able to buy it outright, or if I will have to try to trade a Prime, sylvan tutor, survival of the fittest for it.
In either case, I am sure it will probably hard to get a Primal Hunter. So until I am sure this card should go in, and until I get Primal hunter, I am putting Primal Hunter into the maybe board for now.
Please tell me what you think of this, if I should convert 1 vat into a Primal Hunter.
Mike DH
January 2, 2012 2:01 p.m.
I am going to make a temporary change of turning 1 mimic vat into 1 Garruk Primal Hunter, to use the play tester, and sample hand thing over a 9 to 17 hand, game sample size to see if mimic vat still comes out often enough with 2, instead of 3
January 2, 2012 2:19 p.m.
I did 19 play test games, and 19 sample hands. And the Primal Hunter is great, will probably come out about 1 out of every 2 to 5 games, instead of almost every game, like it almost did during play testing.
Mimic Vat Still came out semi often, but that might have been the luck of the draw.
Whether to put Primal Hunter in, is still just barely borderline, close to 50/50, and I am just barely leaning towards putting Primal Hunter in.
I would really appreciate to hear what any of ya all think about whether to put Primal Hunter in
So please comment,help with this.
For now, I think I am going to leave Primal Hunter in, for now, and also have Primal Hunter in the maybe board.
I will still use 3 mimic vats, until if, and when I might,maybe get a Primal Hunter, and then might, maybe, probably decide to stick Primal hunter in, if I decide to do that.
Thanks for any help with this.
January 2, 2012 4:15 p.m.
Changes: I traded 1 well used survival of the fittest, and 1 well used Prime Titan, an 1 well used slyvan tutor to a card store for 1 Garruk Primal Hunter, and 2 Autumn's Veil's.
And while there at the store, I talked to a friend who is going to be a magic judge soon, and who said that turning 1 mimic vat in the deck, to 1 Primal hunter, was ok.
So I am leaving the Primal Hunter in, and am turning the 2 Grand Abolisher's in my sideboard into 2 Autumn's Veil's, in my sideboard and turning the Pilgrim into a Lanowar Elf, and the Clifftop retreat, into 1 more copperline gorge.
January 3, 2012 4:20 a.m.
Love the new changes especially with taking white out of the picture. Now is only having 1 garruk in the picture working for you, like could you find a way to make it 2 or is that not necessary?
January 3, 2012 1:15 p.m.
I playtested, an sample handed Garruk 19 times. Garruk is out every 2 to 5 games. Mimic Vat still comes out semi almost as often as before, albeit on later turns in the game then before.
that may seem borderline on whether its worth put Garruk in, but the following considerations puts it in:
Will taking out 1 mimic vat, and putting in 1 Garruk hurt? no. Why? mimic vat still functionally comes out, and works. Will it help? yes. Why:
Garruk is a win con all by itself. Garruk puts 3/3 chump blockers, an or beat stickers out. lets you draw cards. puts a 6/6 for each land you have in play.
There is also the meta/pyschological/strategy part of the game. Garruk will draw so much HATE. Because of that Garruk is a Great Bait/switch card. players will waste answer, removal resources on it(if they even have the land to do that)
Also if a player sees it enter play 1 time during a 3 game match. They will remember it. They will save removal, counterspells for it. Also they dont know that I only have 1 Garruk, for all they know I could have 4 of them, so they might try to surgical extraction it. Also during game, even if I dont have a garruk in hand, they will worry about what if I draw one and play one.
Even if Garuuk only comes out every 2 to 5 games, that is still useful because if I have a bad draw post opening hand, mid game, garruk's draw ability will bail me out occasionally.
Garruk is like the icing bonus on the cake, where altho its just bonus, it will occasionally save you, and will alternate win con, win you games by itself, when your other win con's dont come out.
Would be nice to have 2 Garruks, but there just is no room, nothing I can take out for 1 more garruk. If I take out anything else for 1 more garruk, that would hurt the deck.
Also its not necessary. Only 1 Garruk to help with card draw, to help with bad draws, is just barely, sorta,kind of necessary. 1ts a helpful,useful bonus to the deck, but no room for 2 of them.
January 3, 2012 3:39 p.m.
Also I've had a couple people tell me having nihil spellbomb and cranial in the sideboard is over kill and I should choose one or the other. I thought I'd see what your thoughts were on the subject.
Thanks for the replies H2opolo88
January 3, 2012 5:32 p.m.
2 Nihil Spellbombs an 2 surgical extractions(if thats what you mean by cranial), is not overkill. Not even 3 of 1 and 2 of the other. Only 3 or 4 of each would be overkill.
Yes they are both somewhat similar in ways, and both are used for removal. But the manner, way, and purpose in which they remove is different.
Nihil is for removing graveyards, and dealing with snapcaster, charmbreaker, Sun Titan, and black graveyard reanimation.
But Nihil can't go into a graveyard, hand, deck, etc and forever remove from play up to 4 copies of any 1 card.
Surgical Extraction is used for any deck, that either has either a lot or only 4 of's, or is totally dependent on 4 copies of 1 specific card.
Surgical extraction will remove up to 4 copies of 1 card in a hand,deck, graveyard, from the game forever. Altho that means you could remove 4 copies of the same card from the graveyard,or a 4 of same card entire graveyard, you cant remove a 5 to 15 cards graveyard, or a graveyard with 4 different cards.
Thus Surgical extraction is not suited for graveyard removal.
If you run only surgical extractions, you wont be able to deal with graveyard decks very well.
If you run only Nihil spellbomb, you wont be able to deal with a deck with 4 copies of a card, very well.
You really need 2,3 of both nihil, and surgical extraction to be effective, and doing so is not overkill
January 4, 2012 12:52 p.m.
Ok Going to try an experiment. I am going to turn 1 Lanowar Elf into 1 Chandra Firebrand TEMPORARILY, and playtest 40 sample hand games to see if 6 mana dudes will come out often enough on turn 1,2 to make this change ok.
January 4, 2012 2:17 p.m.
Ok first half of testing is done. in a 100 sample hand/game sample, broken down into 10 sample hand/game segments:
The mana dudes were coming out about 6.35 times on turns 1, an 2, out of every 10 games. The most was 8 times they came out in 10 games, and there were 1,2 times they came out 7 times, and there were 1,2 times they came out 5 times, and there was 1 time they came out only 4 times.
So they came out about 6.25 times out of every 10 games, and didnt come out about 3.65 times out of every 10 games.
now to do 20 to 40 more sample hand playtest games, to see how often Garruk and chandra come out, and how the deck plays overall
January 4, 2012 3:05 p.m.
Ok I play tested 20 games, and did 20 sample hands, and the deck works wonderfully. Have to mulligan a little tiny bit more then before.
I didn't think there was room for 1 more planes walker in Chandra, and I didn't think that if I took out 1 mana dude for Chandra, that the remaining 6 mana dudes would come out often enough.
I also didn't think that going down from 16 to 15 creatures, would leave me enough creatures.
But since I really wanted to put Chandra into the deck, I decided to experiment, and play test to see if I was wrong. And I found out that I was wrong, and that there was enough room after all, and that 15 creatures, is still enough, and 6 mana dudes, is enough, and still comes out enough.
So I am leaving the changes in.
January 4, 2012 5:21 p.m.
Changed deck name, and DECK BREAKDOWN in the deck description
January 4, 2012 6:12 p.m.
Learn about stadistics and don't waste all your time doing hundreds of sample hands. I promise it will be my last comment :)
January 4, 2012 6:22 p.m.
masterpeez says... #18
Holy shit this is the best deck I've seen in a long time. At the very least, the most thought out deck I've seen in a long time. I'm building this. Exactly the same. I'm just jealous that I wasn't able to come up with it myself.
January 5, 2012 1:12 a.m.
So what made you decide to put a Chandra in instead of another garruk??
January 5, 2012 1:18 a.m.
Chandra Reverberates(copies) Chandra + Devils Plays + 7 mana = 14 damage to foe's face, I win. Chandra causes LD cards to destroy 2 lands,2 permanents, instead of 1.
Chandra kills other foe's manadudes, grim lavamancers,etc. Chandra does 6 damage to foe and up to 6 of foe's creatures, thus likely clearing foes board.
As long as 1 of the 2 planeswalkers at least functionally comes out, then thats what I am after. And with 2 planeswalkers 1 of them should functionally come out as often as any of the other cards that I have 2 of in the deck.
Also Chandra is another semi bs semi omg card, that foe has to deal with.
Also if I go with 2 Garruks, then I wont have chandras needed,wanted abilities. And if I have 2 chandras, then I wont have Garruk's wanted,needed abilities.
I want, need both drawing, and reverberate abilities. And the only way to do that is have 1 Garruk, and 1 Chandra.
Also if I run 2 of 1 or the other, then I might get both planewalkers surgical extractioned. But if I have 1 of each of the 2 planewalkers, then I can't get both of the 2 planewalkers, surgical extractioned by the same 1 surgical extraction.
Also 1 of each also helps maintain good,better color,mana curve balance, then running 2 Garruks
Plus Garruk is a $38 card, And I have a chandra Firebrand, but dont have another Garruk. But even if I did have another Garruk, I will still run 1 garruk, and 1 Chandra, instead of 2 Garruks
January 5, 2012 5:23 a.m.
@masterpeez. Thanks for the compliment, comment and +1. I can only claim about 87% of the credit for the deck, as I had some comments, help from offline local friends, and help,comments online.
Whiteknight, Strangelove,H20,numa, in particular have helped with suggestions such as adding Chandra, deciding between 2 acidic Slimes, or 2 Viridian Corrupters, devils plays vs fireballs, 2 ancient grudges, vs 4 crush's,etc.
So a little tiny bit of the credit goes to them and others.
Also you should go see my modern format version of this deck, that is 2,3 times better then this deck is.
I hope you enjoy building this deck, and playing it. The cards can be hard to find, altho they are not that expensive except the inkmoth, Garruk, Chandra.
Please keep in touch, and check in once in a while, and let us all know how the deck does for you.
January 5, 2012 3:01 p.m.
Hey Mike could you throw me a new sideboard out list now with the recent changes you added into the deck, also how did you do it this past FNM??
January 11, 2012 1:56 a.m.
I didn't do FNM last week, but will do this week
Sideboard Out Slots
1.Lanowar Elf 2. LQ metal Coat 3. Invader Parasite 4. Infernal Plunge. 5. Chandra 6. Infernal plunge 7. Garuk
What to sideboard in vs what using sideboard out slots.
Swarm,token,Horde,goblin,etc: Sideboard out: 1 lanowar Elf, 1 LQ metal coat, 1 Invader Parasite, 1 infernal plunge, 1 chandra.
Sideboard in: 2 Slagstorms, 1 Roilling Temblor, 1 ratchet bomb, 1 Steel Hellkite.
Wolf Run, mana ramp: Sideboard out: 1 lanowar, 1 LQ metal Coat, 2 infernal plunges
Sideboard in: 2 Tunnel Ignus's, 2 surgical extractions
Aggro, infect: Sideboard out: 1 lanowar, 1 invader Parasite, 1 LQ metal Coat, 1 infernal plunge.
Sideboard in: 2 Slagstorm's, 1 ratchetbomb, 1 surgical extraction, 1 Steel Hellkite
Black, Red creature destruction, burn: Sideboard out: 1 lanowar, 1 invader parasite, 1 LQ, 1 infernal plunge
Sideboard in: 2 mana leaks, 1 Autumn Veil, 1 surgical extraction.
Blue, White Control:
Counterspell, control: Sideboard out: 1 lanowar, 1 invader parasite, 1 LQ, 2 infernal plunges
Sideboard in: 2 manaleaks, 2 Autumn Veils, 2 surgical extractions
Solar flare, swords, control: Sideboard out: 1 lanowar, 1 invader, 1 LQ, 2 infernal plunges
Sideboard in: 1 mana leak, 1 Autumn Veil, 2 Nihil Spell bombs, 1 surgical extraction
January 11, 2012 5:08 a.m.
Deck just hit the 2000 view milestone! and has 124 comments! and a rank of 16, and will probably go up to a rank of 20 soon!
Updated the deck description.
Also I am going to do another FNM, and will report how the deck does at FNM.
Also since I think this deck is a tier 1.13 to 1.37 deck, and is 1 of the best land destruction decks, and maybe even the best land destruction deck on this site, and maybe even other main sites, and since my local store sells low cost RDW standard decks, then I am going to try to get my local store to sell my land destruction deck, and give me credit for the deck list, so that I have some credibility, from that, and from this online deck list, and from FNM's, to start selling decks I would build for people to people.
To help work towards that, I am also going to post this deck at other sites, in addition to this site.
January 11, 2012 3:40 p.m.
Thinking of trying to put in Karn the liberated, but i don't see where, what I could take out for 1 Karn.
If I take out a manadude, I dont think my deck will work good enough with only 5 manadudes, and only 14 creatures.
And I want,need chandra, garruk. And I cant take out a invader parasite, or a bramblecrush, any LD cards, infernal plunge, mimic vat, LQ metal coat.
If I take out the invader parasite, then I would have 1 less land remover, and 1 less card to deal with Wolf run.
If I take out 1 LQ metal coating, an have 3,instead of 4, then I might,maybe,probably wouldnt be able to destroy lands on turn 2 as often, and might not be able to destroy lands, creatures often enough, with only having 4 beast withins, and 2 devils plays and 1 chandra, for creature destruction, and only having 15 non LQ metal coat combo, reg, normal LD cards, for land destruction without LQ metal coat.
I will temporarily experiment, try out putting Karn in for LQ metal coat, or a lanowar, to see if 1 of those would work.
But I dont think it will work, and dont see room for a Karn.
Hope I am wrong though.
mikedh1 says... #1
Changes: converted 1 infernal plunge into 1 tectonic rift. So now have 21 LD cards, instead of 20, and 10 instant/sorcery non LQ combo based, reg LD cards, and 15 no LQ combo based, reg LD cards, and 6 LQ combo LD cards. And have 2 infernal plunges, instead of 3.
I made the changes, because in playtesting the deck at a store, I was getting bad draws, where only got 1 or 2 playable LD cards, during turns 2 to 8. And sometimes when I would get charmbreaker, Hoard dragon out turn 3,4 thru either manadudes, or infernal plunge, that because of the manadudes, infernal plunges in hand, that if I got the dragon, charmbreaker, removed, I would,had lost tempo, and wouldnt be able to play LD cards, to regain tempo.
I also found that if I sac a manadude, to infernal plunge out hoard dragon, charmbreaker turn 3, that I would either not have enough mana to play a LD card, or not have a LD card to play, With the 1 extra LD card, in doing playtesting, and sample hands, the LD comes out better.
Also I have all the cards, for the deck, sideboard now, so no more searching,trying to get the cards. Getting some of the cards for the deck,sideboard, was a major pain(took 45 days just to find,get,buy,etc 2 surgical extractions)
I will start taking the deck to FNM's. And I am trying to get 1 of top 3 ranked players in the Spokane, WA, area to play the deck at FNM's, city, semi regional tourneys in spokane,seattle,etc.
I will give a report on the how the deck does.
December 28, 2011 3:22 p.m.