Leader of the Rats

Commander / EDH Skyl0rd


Amaterasu3531 says... #1

Diabolic Intent is a good tutor in weenie deck.If you want your rats to be even more stronger and stuff: Necropolis Regent and even better is Door of Destinies . Eldrazi Monument would work in this deck too.No Mercy is nice deterant until your rats go insane. It also fits the theme.You could use some more general creature type synergy I think. card:Patriarch's Bidding, card:Urza's Incubator, Adaptive Automaton , and my favorite for this deck: Riptide Replicator . Coat of Arms is always kinda iffy for me, but it may work.Deathrender is a beautiful card. You have enough high cost creatures to make it work I think. Need more mana? Nirkana Revenant Fang Skulkin to make your rats scarier blockers.I'd put in drana just because...Plague Wind is expensive, but you can pay for it and it fits the flavor of the deck.

I think you need to untap things. Like your general. Puppet Strings , card:Jandor's Saddlebags, card:Magewright's Stone. card:Illusionist's Bracers would probably be good too.

I hate to say it but you could probably use sheoldred to bring back some decent rats you sacrifice.

And finally some x cost black cards you could spend your mana on: Consume Spirit , Bond of Agony , Death Cloud , Shattered Crypt , Soul Strings , Suffer the Past , Swallowing Plague .

If only xenograft was colorless xD.Now as I mentioned most of these suggestions depend on what you actually want to do with this deck. By no means would I want you to put all these cards in this deck. I think the untap stuff is probably the most useful.I'll probably make another post of what I would consider taking out and where I would try to go...

February 11, 2013 2:11 p.m.

Skyl0rd says... #2

thanks friend! :D though I already had Nirkana Revenant , I think I'm likely to incorporate a lot of them

February 11, 2013 7:53 p.m.

Skyl0rd says... #3

Because most of the tokens are made by Marrow-Gnawer and aren't cast, I think Coat of Arms fits better than Door of Destinies

February 12, 2013 2:04 p.m.

Amaterasu3531 says... #4

WHY DO YOU KEEP ADDING MANA!?! xD or did i just miss some of them first time like Black Market and Magus of the Coffers . I seriously don't think you have enough to spend it on. And are you sure that you have enough creatures?

Especially if you keep cutting them down, continuous recursion like sheoldred would be helpful. Even card:Hell's Caretaker could help keep your real rats on the field. Otherwise i'm still going to suggest No Mercy to deter attacks, especially since when you do have blockers they probably won't be able to take out like an Gisela.

I would throw in Go for the Throat as another instant destroy, so at least you could solve for more things quickly.

And don't think i didn't notice that Shauku, Endbringer ! xD

February 12, 2013 8:37 p.m.

Skyl0rd says... #5

Black Market is new, Magus of the Coffers was already there, so was Shauku, Endbringer I think the plan for solving things is mostly to make people sacrifice... actually there's a decent amount of creature solutions, but not much else (typical of black) I kinda like Consume Spirit , but I have trouble with some of the others...

February 14, 2013 12:28 a.m.

Amaterasu3531 says... #6

It just doesn't make sense to me why you have so much mana and very little things to spend it on. To bad there just aren't that many good x cost black. Traumatize and Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief are the only other black cards I can think of that make use of a lot of mana. Personally I don't think you need that Dreamstone Hedron ... You have more than enough mana cheaper than 6 and you should be able to draw enough... (Drawing with black tends to come at a price though, but if you jut want to draw more there's alway Graveborn Muse .)

And I hate to say it, but the best black anything removal is Lux Cannon xP

February 14, 2013 10:01 a.m.

Amaterasu3531 says... #7

I didn't mean traumatize in my last post xDI meant um... Shared Trauma . There we go. Sorry about that.

February 14, 2013 10:06 a.m.

Skyl0rd says... #8

how about Dregs of Sorrow , and Exsanguinate they look fun...

I kind of like Death Defied as an x cost... Dawn of the Dead could be good too, free sac fodder

February 15, 2013 10:27 p.m.

Skyl0rd says... #9

whoops, Death Denied

not whatever reanimator deck I referenced

February 15, 2013 10:31 p.m.

Amaterasu3531 says... #10

WHAT!? i definitely missed those somehow when i search for what i thought was every single black card with x in it's mana cost xD

Both those first two are amazing, Death Denied is pretty good, especially since a lot of your rats are cheap. I think dawn of the dead would be nice if you are willing to lose more life.

February 16, 2013 1:33 p.m.

Zhugo12 says... #11

this clearly should have been named The Rat Pack

December 19, 2013 4:42 p.m.

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