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League Sealed Pool (Help Me, Please!)



My sealed pool for the new Theros League! Some nice stuff but no clear cut direction sticks out... what to do?

White has some nice cards but the low drops are all moderate on toughness, low on power.

Blue has those two Vaporkins, that Chimera, Sea God's Revenge, and some stuff that could maybe trigger Heroic...

Black has great high drops but is less than mediocre on the low end of things...

Red has some nice stuff but again nothing really shining in the early game. No Lightning Strikes, no Magma Jets, etc...

Green is the strongest color I believe but will need support to fill in the gaps.

Polis Crusher seems really nice and probably leads me to splash red with that green. Putting those two together didn't quite look fleshed out though. Maybe needing a third color to fill things out, then again my fixing isn't spectacular.

I have minor minotaur action with both Rageblood and Warcaller, but only two Felhides to support that.

Double Spellheart Chimera would be great if I had more stuff to fuel them...

Suggestions as to what I should play?


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Added in my 2 packs. Blue is looking decent now?

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Unknown legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

6 - 0 Rares

27 - 0 Uncommons

75 - 0 Commons

Cards 110
Avg. CMC 3.20
Tokens Soldier 1/1 R
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