A Black/Green Evolutionary Leap deck that easily flips and utilizes its powerful planeswalkers with access to a bunch of good sideboard options and values out the opponent in a large way in any grind game situation. Able to play some of the best value creatures and utilize them efficiently while blanking non-counter spell removal makes this deck strong. This is still a rough draft, but the deck is incredibly effective and has been strong against a gauntlet of standard decks.
Big decisions for the deck moving forward:The downfalls and thoughtseizes are primarily for planeswalkers, which can be a problem for this deck. They're also pretty great against rhinos, which are big, but not necessarily problematic.
8/8/15 - Okay, added to that top part is this - a Game Day report! This deck usually doesn't win a game one against mono-red (20-25% in testing). Post Side-Board, all of the removal, Nylea's Disciples, and the Fourth Lili come in and beat it much more frequently (80~% in testing). With duress in, the deck has a solid match-up.Mid-range and non-burn Aggro decks are good game one - use removal repeatedly and cycle in back with Den Protector - and only get better with more removal. Key cards to side out - Elvish Mystic (who may leave the main deck, he kinda sucks) and Lili (she's really not the greatest). Evo Leap is best in these matches because chump blocks aren't that at all. Elves got annihilated at game day.Problem cards that this deck has a surprising amount of trouble with - Starfield of Nyx and Mantis Rider. Starfield grinds about as well as Evo Leap, and while it gets better after siding in Rec. Sage, it's still not great. Mantis Rider, however, is an efficient flying threat that works well in decks with burn and Elspeth - two other problem cards that I try to mitigate with downfalls and Liliana.
Conclusions from game day (losing in the Finals to Mantis Rider Beatdown Jeskai) - this deck needs a third color to mitigate the burn and skies match-up, and I think the answer comes with rotation. Playing white for Siege Rhino, Abzan Charm, and
Cleric of the Forward Order
out of side may give me a little more life to work with and, while I'm not a fan of the "meta'd out Abzan decks," I must concede that a 4/5 for 4 with a Lightning Helix tacked on is a really freaking good card. I still like Evolutionary Leap, Hangarback Walker, and the Whisperwood/den pro/Deathmist megamorph "Package," and those will stay in. So, maybe the deck becomes an Abzan Megamorph attrition deck with 1-2 Liliana for recursion and a late-game win-con. Either way, this deck was stupid fun to play and Hey! - I got a free Languish out of it!