Leeching Cotton: Oloro's Couch
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 265 | 196 COMMENTS | 38560 VIEWS | IN 135 FOLDERS
MrHighscore says... #3
@Supplice you are right - I should have found a more thematic name, but 'Oloro's pillow fort' was taken by 30 other people ;)
@Aura Thief can be exiled or cuntered, but otherwise I'm pretty much f****. I should probably add a Homeward Path as well.
December 8, 2015 1:16 p.m.
Nah, it's a solid name. It accurately describes what you are doing while still being clever. It's just so rare that I can mention Leeches that I had to do it. Oh, and if you didn't, you should read Aura Thief's ruling on gatherer; it's absurd.
Speaking of cards that screw commander-central decks -> Vanishing. It's exceptionally difficult to remove if allowed to resolve.
December 8, 2015 4:52 p.m.
MrHighscore says... #5
@Supplice I think Vanishing is a bit too situational for me.
A few changes changes
- Martyr's Bond --> Land Equilibrium - The option of stalling the game is much better than destroying their stuff as punishment.
- Cryptic Command --> Elspeth, Knight-Errant (a shot at indestructible enchantments)
December 9, 2015 3:32 p.m.
Those look like solid like solid changes. I guess is it is sort of situational, but it's hard to attack if their commander is always phased out. I'm curious about how this deck fares against turbo-lifegain decks. Also, I imagine that Bane of Progress hurts a fair bit. as does Paraselene
+1 for dedication to a theme, though
December 9, 2015 4:17 p.m.
MrHighscore says... #7
@Supplice Thank you.
- Karmic Justice is the nuclear retaliation threat vs. Bane of Progress and the like. Would you clear the board if you were left with no lands?
- Tainted Remedy is a counter to any kind of lifegain deck. Depending on how they are constructed, this card can paralyze them.
December 10, 2015 12:06 a.m.
Well, personally, I would. Especially if I thought doing so would hurt you just as much, or if something was protecting my stuff. That said, it's highly situational so I don't think it's sensible for me to get so hypothetical; I mean, if we're able to always have the right cards, we should never lose. As is the beauty of magic, assuming equal deck quality, it comes down to who feels luckier.
December 10, 2015 12:56 a.m.
daniel.goldberg.98 says... #9
here are some suggestions: take out Dromar's Charm and put in Muddle the Mixture
Black Market won't be very good because you don't run any creatures yourself
instead ofDark Tutelage you should run Underworld Connections, Dark Tutelage will hurt you a lot even with oloro as your commander
I also like to run Abolish against decks that run Aura Shards
there are many good stax artifacts without activated ability such as Torper Orb and Damping Engine
as for lands you got Maze of Ith, Kor Haven,Rishadan Port and if you got the moeny The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale
for evil combos you didn't notice Forbidden Orchard+Overburden bounce there land and they get a 1/1
there is also Humility+Reverence to completely lock the creatures on board
manlands could also be a win condition
December 10, 2015 7:06 a.m.
Ender666666 says... #10
I definitely think that Humility needs to be in here.
December 10, 2015 11:45 a.m.
zyphermage says... #11
Not sure I like not having Replenish. I get it is a non-bo with Rest in Peace but what do you do once that is gone?
December 10, 2015 1:37 p.m.
MrHighscore says... #12
Thank you for the feedback! This is really useful!
- You are right about Muddle the Mixture. It is brilliant because it can tutor more than 20% of my library.
- I agree with you on Dark Tutelage as well.
- Abolish could be really good. Not sure what to drop for it.
- Regarding the stax artifacts, I agree they are good - maybe even good enough to drop some enchantments for - but on the other hand they don't fit the theme, and they are do not synergize with Auramancer or Sphere of Safety
- For me The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale is a bit too expensive for one card. I'd rather build an entire EDH deck when spending that kind of money. As for the other lands, they are really good, but I very much need to get my colors fixed with the cards I'm running. What would you take out to add them?
- Thank you for pointing out Forbidden Orchard + Overburden - I'll add it to the description.
- Humility + Reverence is a great combo! I'll work it in.
- I agree. I'll add it :)
- Dromar's Charm --> Muddle the Mixture (counter and tutor in one)
- Dark Tutelage --> Underworld Connections (just a better idea)
- Black Market --> Reverence (better value for the slot)
- Merciless Eviction --> Humility (serves the same purpose, namely get rid of annoying creatures)
Notes: Dropping Black Market basically opens op the Exsanguinate and the Debt to the Deathless slots, as I will try to stall on 6 mana.
December 10, 2015 1:57 p.m.
MrHighscore says... #13
@zyphermage Thank you for the feedback, and sorry I missed your comment while I was typing up my previous post.
You have a point, but I think I'd rather try and protect my stuff than recur it. I could replace Exsanguinate with a slow win condition and Debt to the Deathless with another counter. Or maybe I should include Replenish. I'll have to think about it.
December 10, 2015 2 p.m.
MrHighscore says... #14
Oh. And playing Humility versus Kaalia of the Vast will make me twist with a childlike glee!
December 10, 2015 2:04 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #15
Why not swap out Rest in Peace, Exsanguinate and Debt to the Deathless and add in Leyline of the Void, Replenish and even something like Bojuka Bog?
December 10, 2015 2:06 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #16
Also, I love running Necropotence + Venser's Journal
December 10, 2015 2:09 p.m.
MrHighscore says... #17
@Ender666666 I like your idea! I'm not too happy with the casting cost of Leyline of the Void, but It solves the puzzle!
I am thinking
- Rest in Peace --> Leyline of the Void
- Debt to the Deathless --> Replenish
- Swamp --> Bojuka Bog
- Exsanguinate --> Some win condition, but what should it be?
Also I need to clean up my mana base. I just copied it from Orio Oloro Overweight - aka Fatboy Slim and did not adjust it to this deck's needs.
December 10, 2015 3:03 p.m.
zyphermage says... #18
Yeah I like those changes a lot more. It weakens certain combos like Energy Field + rip but you can still fend them off quite well and not feed the graveyard yourself. Then when the time is right replenish brings the whole lock out again or recurs the win.
December 10, 2015 4:18 p.m.
MrHighscore says... #19
- Rest in Peace --> Leyline of the Void (enables use of Replenish)
- Debt to the Deathless --> Replenish (a very good lifeline)
- Swamp --> Bojuka Bog (mitigates los of Rest in Peace)
- Exsanguinate --> Underworld Dreams (best enchantment based clock I could find - I'm open for suggestions)
- Drowned Catacomb --> Creeping Tar Pit (slow win-con)
- Caves of Koilos --> Shambling Vent (slow-win-con)
- Adarkar Wastes --> Celestial Colonnade
December 10, 2015 11:32 p.m.
daniel.goldberg.98 says... #20
I got 1 more suggestions for you:
Night of Souls' Betrayal with Humility insta kill all creatures
you could replace the Reverence for it or something else so you got both as back up
December 11, 2015 3:19 a.m.
Ender666666 says... #21
If you want to accelerate your win cons, especially now that you are running Leyline of the Void instead of Rest in Peace, I would say that you should reconsider your stance on Academy Rector. She can now Tutor out your Test of Endurance easily, so long as Humility isn't in play.
December 11, 2015 3:39 a.m.
Ender666666 says... #22
Oh, and Ivory Mask or even Leyline of Sanctity might be a better defence against Red or Black than Story Circle. Righteous Aura is another favourite, especially because it gets around Shroud/Hexproof and Commander Damage (in case things are going horribly wrong)
December 11, 2015 3:48 a.m.
Ender666666 says... #23
Oh! Don't forget Kor Haven either. It's literally won me games!
December 11, 2015 3:50 a.m.
MrHighscore says... #24
Thank you! This is pure gold.
- Awesome! I'll work Night of Souls' Betrayal in.
- I'll keep Academy Rector on the maybeboard, but for now I'll stay creatureless.
- My reasoning for Story Circle is that it can protect me versus spells like Exsanguinate that would otherwise get around Leyline of Sanctity. Righteous Aura is much better, so I'll include that one instead :)
- I'm unsure about Kor Haven (and Maze of Ith), as I'm stressed on the color fixing, I'm running a lot of 2 and 3 chrono spells, and the ideal situation is to freeze at 5 or 6 lands with Land Equilibrium. Having one or two colorless mana producers will really hurt the consistency.
- Story Circle --> Righteous Aura (any color is worth the 2 life)
- Future Sight --> Night of Souls' Betrayal (Good enough to loose an expensive card advantage enchantment)
December 11, 2015 7:49 a.m.
Ender666666 says... #25
Glad to help.
I can understand your omission of the Rector for thematic reasons... I make similar decisions myself.
I can completely understand your statement about running too many colourless sources.. It's something I have struggled with from time to time. I do still think that Kor Haven is worth running, but with you not running colour fixing artifacts, the challenge is greater for you. I wonder, would Chromatic Lantern be worth running for the fixing alone when Stony Silence is in play? It would certainly solve a lot of your problems.
Supplice says... #1
I recognize and respect the lack of creatures. That said, I feel like you should be required to play Leeches if thats the name and slogan you're going with. Or, at least have it at hand; regardless of how useless it usually is.
December 8, 2015 1:26 a.m.