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Legacy Monoblue Delver Tempo Control

Legacy Budget Control Counterspell Delver Flying Island Mono-Blue




Okay so let's be real here for a minute a $900 deck in legacy is a budget deck for legacy, but with that being said this is a shockingly good deck. It plays a lot more like the old school delver decks. The game plan is get a creature and don't let them do anything.

This deck is very competitive.

A couple options I am still play testing: I think you could put in Rapid Hybridization, Pongify, Vapor Snag, Spell Pierce or any of the creatures in the maybe board depending on your meta instead of some of either Mishra's Bauble or Ponder. This is the most streamlined and consistent version.

I think because of the protection and filtering 12 creatures is enough eventhough I usually like to run 13 to 14 creatures in my decks.

Sailors' Bane is scare good and so hard to remove. You only want to of them because you only want 2 copies because you only want to see him after turn 3 or 4. What is also great is he makes your forces reduce his cost by 2 if the pitch source is an instant or sorcery. I have play tested Ledger Shredder and he is always underwhelming. In Legacy verses modern it is too easy to only play one spell a turn. I think Pteramander wants to be good in this deck, but Murktide Regent is just better and they fight with each other too much. That is what makes Sailors' Bane so good. Murktide Regent and him are best buds. Also Sailors' Bane is immune to most graveyard hate except Endurance.

For mid to late game a value engine to keep us in the game is card:Mystic Sancturary targeting Archmage's Charm, ideally. But any cantrip with work. The draw 2 twice feels really good. Then the dream is bouncing card:Mystic Sancturary back to our hand with Daze to rinse and repeat. The goal is not even to counter anything is just to bounce the land.

Sideboard Tech: I need to say that I love this sideboard.

It all starts with Back to Basics. This card is an auto win in most matchups.

Torpor Orb is also so good and does nothing bad to our deck. You want to play it against initiative decks or any with strong etb decks. Endurance is also devastating to us and the bane of our existence and Torpor Orb just turns him off. He still blocks Delver, but we will take it.

Counterbalance is for any control or heavy removal matchup because we have so many 1 cmc cards and we can do filthy things with brainstorm as well.

Court of Cunning is for the grindy combo matchups where we can get a threat early and then reap the card advantage while we slow down or stop their thing. It helps replace the lost value of the forces.

The rest of the sideboard is super obvious and needs no explanation.

Let me know if you have any other thoughts or suggestions.


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100% Competitive

Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year
Exclude colors B

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 11 Rares

2 - 2 Uncommons

14 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.44
Tokens Frog Lizard 3/3 G, On an Adventure
Folders Legacy, Budget
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