Legend of Captain Sisay

Commander / EDH rudedog


rudedog says... #1

Wow, this is an old version of the deck! Alright, buckle yourself in for a wave of changes and improvements. First of all...

Strategic focus: UNCHANGED, prioritized ramp and artifact hate over land hate, upgraded bombsLegend of Captain Sisay aims to ramp, hard, until about turn 5 while putting up just enough disruption and removal to stay in the game. Then when it hits critical mass of about 7-10 mana, it explodes with a series of game ending creature bombs and oppressive control creatures that its opponent either deals with immediately or nearly immediately loses.

Creatures Cut Groundskeeper - Lands didn't end up in the graveyard enough to matter. Strip Mine Combo didn't come up enough to justify it on its own.Hushwing Griff - Nothing wrong with it, simply cut in favor of additional artifact removal due to heavy rock mana and relatively infrequent troublesome ETB in local meta.Nylea, God of the Hunt - Creature pump was too expensive to matter and trample didn't matter because of most of my main threats fly.
Pentarch Paladin - Good flexible removal, but too slow due to lack of haste. Also unsearchable due to not being a legend.Polukranos, World Eater - Included hoping for a searchable sweeper. Never lived up to its promise due to astronomical mana costs of its monstrous activation.Seedcradle Witch - Simply too expensive to activate when needed and became obviously "win more."Skyshroud Ranger - Only good if your initial hand is too full of land. He was simply too situational.

Creatures AddedAzusa, Lost but Seeking - She's like Skyshroud Ranger but 3x as good. Also legendary.Gaddock Teeg - Originally I didn't include him because I was afraid he'd be as disruptive to me as he was to my opponents. That's frequently true early, but if my opponent is playing combo/control or it's midgame, he's much worse for my opponents than me.Containment Priest - Lost to Tooth and Nail too many times. Also Brago.Dragonlord Dromoka - He's basically a death knell to counterspell decks that I can tutor with Sisay. Considered running Grand Abolisher, but his lower CMC was outweighed by not being legendary.Nissa, Vastwood Seer - One of the best early targets for Sisay. The combination of an extra land and an extra draw/ramp each turn proved huge.Oracle of Mul Daya - While the reveal has occasionally been painful vs blue players, her massive ramp potential was simply too good to pass up.Reclamation Sage - My meta is full of fast mana rocks and a 2/1 is better than populate when I don't have any tokens running around.Steel Hellkite - An answer to token decks and hexproof/shroud commanders.Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger - This guy was the answer Sisay needed for panic removal. Uncounterable double exile that I can tutor, even at 10 mana, is worth the slot nearly every game. Oh, and it's a game-ending bomb too.

Enchantments CutAurafication - It was cute but it didn't get the job done. Even one hit is too much.Defense of the Heart - It was simply too easy to play around.Mobilization - 1/1 tokens were just not a big enough threat, especially at 3cmc each.True Conviction - I simply didn't care if my creatures had lifelink or double strike because I didn't have that many relevant attacking creatures.

Enchantments addedAura Shards - Repeatable artifact hate for all the fast mana roaming around my meta. I don't have tokens to mass activate it, but most of my late bombs are creatures.Banishing Light - Decent general purpose removal that can deal with planeswalkers.Frontier Siege - 4 mana for 2 packets of 2 mana per turn is pretty nice. Enchantment hate is less common than artifact hate.Mirari's Wake - A third general purpose mana doubler to make casting eldrazi a snap.Song of the Dryads - Now that tuck is gone it's, hands down, the best answer to commanders currently available.

Planeswalkers CutElspeth, Suns Champion - A legion of 1/1s didn't matter that much. Her sweep was nice, but additional ramp helped way more.

Planeswalkers addedGarruk Wildspeaker - Planeswalker ramp that frequently gets ignored in my meta.Ugin, the Spirit Dragon - His mass removal is too convenient to ignore.

Artifacts CutCaged Sun - 6 cmc proved a lot for a +50% mana bump, especially when I had so much difficulty getting going. In the end it was good, but I needed lower cost rocks.Citanul Flute - An excellent backup card to Sisay, but it proved unnecessary and I needed the slot for more mana ramp.Elixir of Immortality - It was there to prevent decking but with the additional of Eldrazi Titans, it was unnecessary as they did it better.

Artifacts AddedBasalt Monolith - Goes infinite with Mana Reflections. Decent fast mana normally.Marble Diamond - A cheap mana rock to bridge the early ramp to the midgame.Pearl Medallion - I already had to green one. Why not both? While I need fast mana in green earlier than white, both are helpful.Tormods Crypt - Recycling has proved too attractive in my local meta. I needed an answer and I couldnt find a legendary one in color.Vedalken Orrery - Sisay is much stronger if she can be more reactive and force the control players to play more conservatively.

Sorceries CutGenesis Wave - Win More. If I have enough mana to bomb with it, I have enough mana to get a legend bomb. Also too many misses.Green Sun Zenith - I actually didn't have that many good targets in my deck. My best creature bombs were mostly white.Harmonize - Sisay already gives me enough (laser guided) mana outlets. I rarely need to worry about drawing more cards when I can get EXACTLY what I need.Planar Cleansing - With my increasing reliance on rocks, it took out too much of my own boardstate.Reap and Sow - Cut in favor of cheaper ramp as I divested in land kill.

Sorceries AddedEnd Hostilities - It doesnt affect my boardstate as bad as Planar Cleansing did and obliterates Voltron decks. Path to Exile - Its another exiling spot removal instant. Not as good as Swords, but sometimes you need something gone permanently.Unravel the Aether - Originally for tucking gods, its proved useful enough at flushing rocks to keep its slot.

Lands Cut Tectonic Edge - I wasn't finding enough land targets worth killing at the cost of a de-ramp. Strip mine was enough. Replaced with a Myriad Landscape.Thespian's Stage - Similarly, I wasn't finding enough non-legendary land targets worth copying. Replaced with a Windswept Heath.Plains - Cut for a copy of Eiganjo Castle, a legendary untapped white source.Forest - Cut for Command Tower.

Lands AddedCommand Tower - Almost a Savana. Almost.Eiganjo Castle - Basically a legendary plains with a pointless secondary ability. Sisay likes to land-tutor.Myriad Landscape - an uncounterable ramp spell. Painful early but worth it.Windswept Heath - Fetchlands are excellent, even if I only have one non-basic forest currently.

Instants CutSundering Growth - Replaced with repeatable artifact hate.White Sun Zenith - Even an army of 2/2 Cats wasn't enough to phase my opponents.

May 6, 2016 11:02 p.m.

rudedog says... #2

Upgraded Tormod's Crypt to a Crook of Condemnation since the former was hard to recur and generally I only need to rip one card at a time.

Replaced Gaddock Teeg for a Myth Unbound. Gaddock hurts me almost as much as it does my opponents and Myth Unbound should help me get more tries at sticking my toolbox commander.

August 23, 2018 5:11 p.m.

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