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Legen...wait for it...DARY.

Commander / EDH*



Legen...wait for it...DARY.

Behold, my EDH Samurai deck.

Well, more of a "legend" deck, but whatever. I saw Captain Sisay for the first time and thought "Samurai...aren't there a lot of legendary ones?" And yes. Yes there are.

However, I'm pretty new to EDH/Commander, so I'm not sure what I'm doing yet (for the most part), so any help is appreciated! From here, I'll try explaining some card choices.


I don't really feel like listing all of them, so I'll highlight some cool ones...

Adaptive Automaton: Name "Samurai" or "Human", and the field gets a nifty little buff that'll make my creatures a little scarier.

Various 1-drop Green Mana Dorks: These give some ramp early on and help me get my field presence. Pretty obvious since there's green.

Eight-and-a-Half-Tails: Forgot about how awesome this guy is in general; doesn't he just look like he fits in a samurai deck? The amazing abilities are just icing on the cake.

Frontline Medic: This guy can set up some killer combos; a favorite of mine being: Attack with many creatures -> things die -> Wrath of God-> ???? -> Profit!

[Grand abolisher]]: Screw you blue.

Reki, the History of Kamigawa: Considering how many legends are in this deck, he's a fine addition. Plus, he legendary himself, so I can just tutor him with Sisay whenever I want.

Sigarda, Host of Herons: Truly a great card. A 5/5 flyer for 5? Plus hexproof and an awesome effect? Ill take fou-I mean one. I'll take one.

Stonehewer Giant: This guy gets my equipment out quickly and efficiently. I'm aware of his counterpart, Stoneforge Mystic. However, she's a tad expensive and, well...I'm cheap.

Tolsimir Wolfblood : Provides a nice buff to my creatures and lets me get a 4/4 wolf token with a name. How often do we get named tokens? Not enough, I dare say.

Various Samurai: The rest of the creatures of the different samurai I decided I liked and/or seemed good. Bushido can be one of the most annoying abilities to play against if you're forgetful, or even if you aren't. It essentially changes cards like Devoted Retainer from a one drop 1/1 to a one drop 2/2. Sure, bushido doesnt help against a Lightning Bolt,but thats what Mark of Asylum is there for, right?


These guys are a core part of the deck. Mana providers and enough equipment to satisfy just about any situation.

Akroma's Memorial: Shit gets real once this comes out. As long as they don't destroy it, you'll have a huge advantage.

Belbe's Portal : The deck's most expensive non-samurai humans cost 3 mana at the most, so you'll want to pick Samurai here to help get out some of the more expensive ones. Or simply use it to flash in a weaker one if need be.

Chromatic Lantern: Mana.

Selesnya Signet : More Mana.

Darksteel Ingot: More indestructible Mana.

Sol Ring: Do you really want a reason?

Door of Destinies: The samurai are the bulk of your attack force, so naming them is probably the best idea to get the bang for your buck here.

Grafdigger's Cage: Breaking up combos is always fun, right?

Helm of Kaldra, Sword of Kaldra and Shield of Kaldra: These are all legendary, so you can tutor them. And, once they all hit the field, pay 1 and you'll have a 9/9 indestructible avatar with a bunch of other cool abilities.

Konda's Banner: Either give to to a strong samuria, or Sisay herself. Either way, your field just got stronger.

Oathkeeper, Takeno's Daisho : A samurai themed equipment? Yes, very nice. Very nice indeed.

Tenza, Godo's Maul : "But Dueler, you don't have any red crea-" Shush. It's still good considering the number of legends on the field. Besides, who needs trample when you have an army of samurai?

That Which Was Taken : Besides having a strangely cool name, this card is pretty nice. Throw a counter on Sisay for some extra protection and then shield your own guys.

Whispersilk Cloak: Combining this with That Which Was Taken can make Sisay nearly invincible, and therefore, awesome.

Urza's Incubator: Human or Samuria, it depends on the situation. Regardless, cheaper is better, right?


Cultivate: Moar ramp.

Wrath of God: "Note: Please don't press the red button." beep Shit.


Call to Glory : It's samurai based, and can lead to a deadly trap if your opponent thinks he can swing with all his weak stuff while your army is tapped.

Condemn: Pretty common in a lot of EDH decks, so it can fit here too.

Disenchant: Read above.

Nturalize: Also read above.

Swords to Plowshares: You reading above yet?

Eladamri's Call/Worldly Tutor: For those creatures that failed to be named Legendary in their day.

Enlightened Tutor: This guy is great for finding what you need and making my wallet cry a little more.

Righteousness : Sometimes, it's not okay how awesome this card is. "He has one mana open, and a 1/1 defender...alright...my 6/6 beast can totally get his ass kicked by that defender that's suddenly an 8/8."


Bow of Nylea : Makes your samurais deadly and will most likely draw out your opponent's removal.

Day of Destiny : All my legends get +2/+2? I like.

Honor of the Pure: A cheaper and less prejudice version of the above card.

Mark of Asylum: Lightning bolt? Shock? Chandra? Good luck with that.

Quest for Renewal: Basically another version of vigilance, only slightly more helpful, since it lets you tap creatures twice. End of turn, tap Sisay for a card. End of opponent's turn, repeat.

Quest for the Holy Relic : What...is your favorite color? It gets your equipment out, and, if an opponent is feeling rude, might draw out some removal.

Shared Triumph : Samurai or humans, although the prior is probably better than the latter.

Spear of Heliod: I really love this card. The +1/+1 is really nice, plus, by leaving three mana open, your opponent suddenly doesn't want to attack with their favorite creatures.


I really don't feel like listing all these lands. For the most part, there's a lot of legendary lands so I can tutor them with Sisay if need be. However, I'd really appreciate some feedback here, as I'm not quite sure what to do about lands in an EDH deck.

So, there's that. Now my hands a bit cramped and sore, so I'll stop talking.

Comments, criticism, opinions etc., are all welcome, so please feel free to leave any of those and I'll probably respond. Probably.



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Date added 11 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

44 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 2.73
Tokens Spirit 1/1 C, Voja
Folders Commander
Ignored suggestions
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