Legions of the Sun God 5-0 FNM
SCORE: 86 | 89 COMMENTS | 22971 VIEWS | IN 54 FOLDERS Top 8: 11/01
@smalley: it's possible if your meta has enough mill to need sideboarding. I don't think this kind of deck would have too much trouble against a mill strategy... all the cards are unified in their goal to make a quick aggro kill, so I don't care what I mill or draw. The kill will happen either way.
If the mill is complemented by removal then that's the threat I'd prefer to focus my sideboard decisions on - Rootborn Defenses , for instance. Pithing Needle works against Jace, Memory Adept (the primo mill card that makes mill wins possible), but it's also good against many non-milling cards - other Planeswalkers, things with Monstrosity, activated God abilities, whatever.
The Elixir is very limited in its purpose, and I prefer to try and have a sideboard of more generally useful things.
October 10, 2013 2:42 p.m.
Thanks for the tip, DjinnjerVitis, I will try that! The Dryad's ability became a lot less relevant when Innistrad rotated out.
I will check out your deck, kalish, and see what you've got going on over there. Thanks for the playtests!
October 10, 2013 2:44 p.m.
Wattleninja, it's funny, I just had a conversation about that land today. See, my deck tops out at 4 mana, and most of the things I'll be casting are half that or less.
I don't need large amounts of mana, I need to be able to have white mana fromt he get-go. I'm already wary of 4 Mutavault in the deck - an opening hand with just two of them is a mulligan to me. Adding more lands that produce colourless would be too dangerous, especially when I don't need the large amounts of mana Nykthos provides.
October 10, 2013 9:55 p.m.
Good point, I forgot about using Heliod as a mana dump. But if I have the level of devotion to make it worthwhile (four or more), it would mean that I already have a good board presence, and I usually win when I have Heliod with active devotion on the board.
I'll mark a Mutavault as Nykthos-test and play it for a bit, to see if it is worthwhile, or if it turns out to be just a win-more.
October 11, 2013 10:12 a.m.
MonkeyForest says... #6
Pretty cool deck m8. I just have one question. What do you do against Azorius and Esper control? I mean, cards like Supreme Verdict , AEtherize and Detention Sphere especially (when running so many of the same copies) etc, seems pretty fatal for you. And yeah, especially Blood Baron of Vizkopa too.
October 11, 2013 8:59 p.m.
Thanks for asking, I do have some strategies against some of those things. Against a control deck where Supreme Verdict is likely, I a) side in the Rootborn Defenses and have the mana ready when they get to four mana to cast it and save my army, and b) I do not commit everything I have to the board.
I have not actually had to deal with AEtherize yet, but it seems like it would be in a control-style deck as well, and I would be re-casting half the things the went back into my hand in the second main phase - the low casting costs of my things would make replenishing my board pretty fast.
Against Detention Sphere , the four Brave the Elements I have mainboarded usually do the trick, and I can side in Glare of Heresy for additional support against it. Also, Soldier of the Pantheon is immune, so that's a bonus.
Against the Blood Baron of Vizkopa , I simply fly over his head alongside Cavalry Pegasus ... assuming that I haven't killed my opponent before he comes out. That one I HAVE had to play against quite a bit, and the flying armada is too deadly. I once killed an opponent that had the Blood Baron and Stormbreath Dragon on the board, just due to my numbers.
Thanks for the interest and the +1!
October 11, 2013 10:51 p.m.
asmellyvagabond says... #9
Very well done. I play tested it against my control/mill and it seems that I have a chink in my amour. +1
October 13, 2013 9:49 p.m.
This is awesome.
Maybe a tech'd Sphere of Safety in the sideboard for aggro matchups? If you pump out tokens with Heliod, your opponent will keep having to pay more and more to attack. Seems a little slow, but it's a thought.
October 14, 2013 8:23 p.m.
I've been running a very similar deck to this one and was wondering what's best to deal with Fanatic of Mogis ? My friend built basically the mirror of this one in red and we're both about evenly matched except for those damn minotaurs! I was thinking maybe siding in Silence , Pay No Heed , or maybe even Ordeal of Heliod for some extra lifegain, aggro and keeping Path of Bravery online.
October 15, 2013 1:15 p.m.
Mothraa, I have run into that red mirror deck before, and Fanatic of Mogis killed me hard second game. I would side in my Fiendslayer Paladin trio and hope that they would keep me safer and gaining some life... maybe the Boros Reckoner s as well. I don't like to take down the number of creatures in the deck if I can help it.
October 15, 2013 1:47 p.m.
I'll try out Fiendslayer Paladin and see if he works out. Having a higher creature count definitely helps out a lot! I currently own 0 Boros Reckoner s and seeing they're priced $20 a piece, I don't think I'll be seeing them in my deck anytime soon. Great deck! Really is comforting knowing how good it's working for someone else and what they've found out so far.
October 15, 2013 4:02 p.m.
What do you think about Immortal Servitude in the sideboard for Supreme Verdict and removal match-ups?
October 21, 2013 2:36 p.m.
One more idea to consider is Azorius Arrester .
I built a white weenie deck too and it works out great for me, especially in aggro mirror matches.If you'd like to see my spin on it: Brave the Weenies
+1 from me
October 23, 2013 2:28 p.m.
How about Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx paired with Heliod, God of the Sun ? You can assemble the ramp and add a bunch of tokens.
October 23, 2013 4:41 p.m.
I don't believe I have room for Azorius Arrester - I can barely manage to take anything out when I want to sideboard, because it all works so well together.
As for Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
, I do see the advantage of pumping out many Cleric tokens, BUT when I have Heliod out, I rarely ever create even a single token with him. To put it bluntly, I'm too busy winning at that point to need them.
If I have enough white devotion to make the Shrine worthwhile, then that means my battlefield is full of good stuff already, and I will just attack and kill. Alternatively, if all I have out is Heliod, then Nykthos won't help me at all.
October 24, 2013 12:14 p.m.
blackmamba37 says... #21
I played the deck with Cavalry Pegasus and it didnt work too good , i believe that 4x Daring Skyjek would be better.
October 27, 2013 5:29 a.m.
Interesting, I have found the Cavalry Pegasus to be invaluable... giving all my attackers evasion has easily won the game for me many times! Otherwise, there are many common creatures like Hydras and Blood Baron and even Sylvan Caryatid that can block without fear and slow this deck down too much while they get their win condition ready.
October 27, 2013 2:36 p.m.
ninjapotato says... #23
Really do like the deck! Have you playtested it against Blue Devotion?
October 28, 2013 3:16 p.m.
Yes, in fact I put up Jérémy Dezani's Mono-Blue Devotion for people to test against... this has done well against it, it loses sometimes, when the mono-blue curves perfectly into Master of Waves and I have no Banisher Priest , but this deck wins most of the time.
October 28, 2013 3:22 p.m.
I like this deck so much that my Armor of the Gods deck has evolved to be very similar. You should add this deck to the White Weenie hub!
kalish says... #1
I agrre with DjinnjerVitis.Judge's Familiar would be great here.amazing deck by the way,I've being trying a lot of time winning this deck with my deck but with no success.Selesnya tokens - kalish
October 10, 2013 11:22 a.m.