Awesome Wort is awesome
Make Wort the biggest broodmother alive, copying all your token spells for massive token madness.
Tarmogoyf is just in the deck, because I have one, that I've gotten as a present from an really good friend of mine. Same goes for all the expensive lands.
Boseiju, Who Shelters All makes your spells uncounterable for all your copy actions of doom
Generating huge waves of mana, the deck has potential to win turn 6, what is massive.
Xenagos is the mana makeing MVP planeswalker, the deck has.
all other cards are pretty self explanatory: Mana machines, Big spells to be copied, tokens and things to profit of your tokens.

In the Maybeeboard there will be cards to get the deck cheaper, if you want the deck for less money, cut Sarkhan and Chandra, T-Goyf and all the stupid-expensive lands. If you want to get it even more expensive, get Doubling Season and fetchlands, if you want I could give you an list of all the important cards in the list, you shouldn't cut. (as example Xenagos, the Reveler, he is just too good)

I am sorry for the bad pun in the headline.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

20 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 3.57
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Beast 5/5 G, Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C, Elephant 3/3 G, Elf Warrior 1/1 G, Emblem Garruk, Caller of Beasts, Enchantment Centaurt 3/3 G, Goblin 1/1 R, Goblin Warrior 1/1 RG, Human 2/2 G, Insect 1/1 G, Kobolds of Kher Keep 0/1 R, Ooze */* G, Plant 0/1 G, Saproling 1/1 G, Satyr 2/2 GR, Snake 1/1 G, Wolf 2/2 G
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