
well i wanted to try something really fun, and at a budget. so i made a legendary legend commander deck. i figure with a searcher for a commander you should be able to get all your need fast, so i made it mana ramp for good reason. i avoided running super high cost legends though, i do still have the 7 slot filled, i found 2-4 was a good area though, with how the deck works combo's arent hard to setup.

the engine the deck uses largely is a combo of Captain Sisay and Reki, the History of Kamigawa and Wild Pair can also add in some choas. by the point you get Wild Pair, you can play any 4/4 and instantly get the highest cost creature in the deck out. if played well this deck will swarm anything that stands in your way.

in the off chance you go for power not swarm, with the green buffs, Day of Destiny, (may add Glorious Anthem later) aswell as Sword of the Chosen, you should be able to make any card in this deck a threat. feel free to leave suggestions bellowany suggestion of a 3 dollar or more card will typically be ignored as this is budget, a great example being Garruk Wildspeaker. he is perfect, but not at this price.

a few of my favorite combos

"the rebel alliance"

Lin Sivvi, Defiant Hero + Knight of the Holy Nimbus + Outrider en-Kor

"the storm of the century"

Captain Sisay + Reki, the History of Kamigawa + Wild Pair

"the highlander"

Heroes' Podium + Day of Destiny

"some kind of mana acceleration"

Captain Sisay + Gods' Eye, Gate to the Reikai

lastly, Nature's Blessing is just an all star through and through.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

35 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

22 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.00
Tokens Elemental 8/8 GW, Saproling 1/1 G, Spirit 1/1 C
Folders EDH test decks
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