What if Purphoros, God of the Forge, Athreos, God of Passage, and Iroas, God of Victory were all roommates and decided to invite a few friends over and throw a good old fashioned rager?

So, who all is coming?Boros Reckoner: He's fun loving and always shows up early. Guys like Purphoros, God of the Forge, Athreos, God of Passage, and Mogis, God of Slaughter love him because he keeps them up and at 'em at all times. He can get a bit aggressive when he gets a couple drinks in him though, and he's well known for picking fights.
Blood Baron of Vizkopa: More often than not people want him to leave, but he's very, very hard to get rid of and that's not a problem by any means. As the night goes on all he really does is avoid everyone else and do his own thing.
Fiendslayer Paladin
: Shows up nice and early to help keep the place clean before it gets too out of hand. He's a bit of a lightweight though, so he tends to pass out before the party can get into full swing. But by that time he's already done his job.
Stormbreath Dragon: When this guy shows up, things really get crazy. The second this he hits the party, he puts down drinks left and right. Even as the party continues to go on, he just keeps on getting bigger and hitting harder. Don't let him near anything nice though, because he can get a little monstrous when he has one too many.
Sire Of Insanity: It's always interesting when he shows up, mainly because most people don't really expect him to even be there in the first place. Not very well liked because all he really does is come in and break things, and by the time someone has managed to stop him things have gotten completely out of hand.
Obzedat, Ghost Council: Obzedat is really fun guy to have around,and he's well known as a friend of Purphoros, God of the Forge. The one thing people don't like about him is that he's a really heavy smoker, so he has a tendency to step outside at regular intervals. But, when he comes back he's always ready to keep on raging.
Athreos, God of Passage: Even though he shows up early, he doesn't really become a big deal until the party is in full swing. Athreos is well liked by everyone because he likes to make sure that all the guests sticks around until the very end, and he takes care of the ones that have had a bit too much to drink and sends 'em right back in. He and Purphoros, God of the Forge have a few mutual friends.
Iroas, God of Victory: Also known as Iroas, God of Beer Pong. He shows up and whoever is on his team in a game of pong is always going to hit their mark. Generally, Iroas likes to hang by the table and make sure none of his buddies get into too much trouble. But if Boros Reckoner is there to feed him drinks: it's on.
Purphoros, God of the Forge: Purphoros is a great guy to have around. Most everybody likes him, and he keeps the party going. Even when his buddy Boros Reckoner isn't there, he still provides everybody in the house with plenty of energy, and loves it when more people show up.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion: Elspeth is the girl who shows up to the party and decides to invite 50 of her closest friends without asking. But, that's all the reason more for Purphoros, God of the Forge to love her. One thing people like about her is her way of dealing with all the big guys when they start to get out of hand, it keeps everything nice and mellow.
So, how do we deal with unwanted guests?Dreadbore: Anybody that Boros Reckoner can't handle, or that hasn't been dealt with by some of the other heavy hitters get to meet this guy. Even though it's a bit slower than most, it's really cost effective and gets the job done.
Hero's Downfall: Much faster and cleaner at getting the job done than Dreadbore, but it does cost a bit more. We don't mind though, because it can deal with all the fast and sneaky uninvited guests. Sometimes we bring in an extra one if things really get out of hand.
What happens when we run out of stuff to do?Underworld Connections: Everybody has them, and they're great for getting ahold of hard to find party supplies. Like all under the table services, there is a small fee attached.
What about the neighbors?Anger of the Gods: He's a bit touchy, and will come to the door when he notices that there are far too many people showing up and they're causing a hell of a fuss.
Thoughtseize: The opposite of the above, constantly suspicious of things that are "almost too quiet" he decides to barge in and take care of any unsavory shenanigans right at the source.
Mogis, God of Slaughter: Mogis moved out because he didn't like the decadent and fast-paced lifestyle of his fellow Godbros. So, he just moved a few houses down. He likes to drop by when he notices that there aren't too many other guests around, that way he can unwind and do his thing,
Banishing Light: Sometime there's those guys that show up that you just can't figure out how to deal with them. So what do we do? Shed some light on their hungover selves and make them wish they'd never showed up in the first place.
Rakdos's Return: This guy likes to take advantage of any chance he has to let loose. If he notices that a party is kind of quiet, he shows up unannounced and just starts breaking stuff left and right. He's in and out though and by the time he's gone nobody has any idea what just happened.
That's it! Thanks for giving the deck a look, +1's and suggestions are always appreciated!